
Mr. Liberty 2011
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  1. As I recall Junior, that's been asked about before (in a sense), the problem is, and always will be, that each additional slot in the costume creator is an exponential increase in load on the servers for CoH and for our PCs at home.

    It'd be great and all, and it'd solve a lot of issues and requests - weapon auras for example would be easier to implement - but it just can't be done without making the game unplayable for people like me with old computers, and server lag would increase for everyone regardless of their computers / bandwidth.

    The devs really have to ask how badly they need to add costume option slots before they add them for precisely the reasons above. Because it is an exponential increase, or close to being one, even one additional slot can cause issues. Sorry, but asking them to add over a dozen just isn't possible in this day and age.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tunnel Rat View Post
    I wouldn't call it new tech, though maybe a new technique. I believe the solution would be similar to what we did for Path Auras, which activate with an indicated animation state. If each weapon has its own animation state, the need to add an unwieldy number of options in the menu may be eliminated.

    I agree with BaBs that having to implement all those menu options would be a deal-breaker. I'll spend some time on this and see what's possible.
    Any chance that working it into the Costume Editor could happen AFTER Weapon Auras were added to the game? By which I mean, I think that it would be a good enough compromise to add Weapon Auras to the game that are initiated with slash-commands for many of us who want them, and have done so for years.

    Just an idea for you, in case it becomes problematic to add Weapon Auras to the Costume Editor. I say this because I'd be willing to use slash-commands in-game for Power Customization, say, using something like the Nuke ccemote for Super Strength Foot Stomp by way of macros or keybinds.

    (Or Air Guitar for Sonic Emission powers, or the Come Get Some / Bring It emotes for taunting, etc. The list is endless what we could do if there were an ability to use emotes for power animations by way of slash-commands.)

    Rough examples? I know my syntax will be wrong but bear with me...
    /weaponaura_Fire $$ /send local "Kill it with FIRE!"
    /anireplace "Nuke ccemote $$ Foot Stomp"
    /anireplace "airguitar $$ Sonic Cage"

    I know that the slash-command system isn't the most user-friendly, but if - IF - it's easier for you to do them that way than adding these same options to the Costume Editor, perhaps they'd be a superior choice until they WERE added to the Editor? Food for thought...

    @Raven Lord

    EDIT: On further thought, I guess what I'm proposing as a compromise is Weapon Auras as an emote, like the Fly Poses are. Sure, you'd have to activate it via keybind or macro frequently during one's gaming session, but that would seem better to me than not having them at all, right?
  3. I might make a few alts on Exalted with names I can't get on Lib. But, I'm pretty sure I'll end up getting chased off the server by the types you mentioned, Noy.

    Otherwise, Exalted's not going to be anything more to me than a Retirement Home for alts I'm not interested in anymore that are too high to willingly delete.
  4. Hey, if another attempt at Mo Keyes gets made I'd appreciate it if you guys'd let me know if I'm around, or schedule it here ahead of time. I still need a couple more for Mo Keyes, I don't usually care much for badging but this is one I really rather want. Too many Keyes Island haters, so I'd love to be able to display Master Of Keyes 24/7.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
    Would you believe 33? Still being confused for 18 though. (rassum frassum...)
    Happy Birthday David! Seems you came screaming into this world a little over a month after I did. <grin> As far as being confused for 18, I don't get that due to having a couple grey whiskers.
  6. My usual suspects...

    Resistance gloves, shoulders and pants.
    Round and Daddy-O glasses, dark or otherwise
    Classic Steampunk Pants, Boots and Gloves (M / H)
    Samurai Boots, Gloves, and Shoulders
    Wedding Tux or Trenchcoat
    Neck Cover face decal, or Reaper Face Detail 2

    And above all, I've always had the tribal markings on 80% or more of my toons. Flames tend to be another decal that gets used a LOT...

    (Future peices I'll be sure to have in the line up are Celestial and IDF costume peices, and Vanguard from lvl 1 now too.)

    PS I have yet to find a toon I like having the Ascension sets on. They look too big for most of my alts... Although, I'm sure at some point I'll find a toon that looks better off with them.
  7. Good to know Ukase. I showed up before the coffee kicked in, wasn't until a few minutes of 'where is everyone?' had passed that I realized I'd forgotten what time we were running. Coffee still hasn't kicked in either.

    I'll be ready when you are Ukase, see you guys ingame!
  8. RavenSoul

    Rocket Boards?

    Originally Posted by _Synchrotron_ View Post
    3 is highly unlikely (very highly unlikely) - allowing attacks would require a new animation for every power in the game, much as flight did when they made the game. It's just not practical to re-animate every power in the game. Even an "only effects self" style change would still mean new animations, as you can still activate powers.

    So while it would be very cool to swoop in on a rocket board attacking, it's not happening anytime soon - and probably just plain isn't happening. Because of that, it's also unlikely that Rocketboard (or other vehicular powers) will become another travel pool, or an option to customize existing travel pools.
    Well, that seems to me to be a great deal of wasted potential. A Rocket Board powerset perhaps?

    And yes, I do feel strongly about this. I wanted Dual Pistols since day one, give or take, that I've been playing and the set does NOT dissapoint me in any way. Rocket Boards are something I never thought I'd see but thought would be pretty cool if treated seriously enough.

    So now they're on the way, and it sounds to me like all it will be is yet another throw-away, one-off power with a great deal of potential that will forever remain untapped because everyone has an excuse for not tapping it. There is a great deal of awesome to be had from this, and it doesn't sound to me that it will be. I'll have it on one or two characters but I won't like it as much as if it had been treated, to my eye, properly.

    Am I the final arbiter on this? No. Will I pick it up? Hell yes. Will it forever be as disappointing as it is cool? Yes. Is that preventable, or could that be changed in the future? Yes.

    Will it? No. Because we have people making excuses for it before it's even released... Sorry for my strong feelings on this but if something won't be done to it's fullest potential, why do it at all?
  9. RavenSoul

    Rocket Boards?

    Ok, real quick, for DN's sake and ours, is it ok if I add a poll to this thread?

    Simple question, really, with two parts.

    1- How many here would like to see Rocket Board as a Power Pool with 5 powers, befitting a Travel Power Pool?

    2- How many here would prefer the board to be customizable, ie, coloration and form?

    (Ok, three parts, I lied.)
    3- How many here would prefer that Rocket Board didn't disallow attacks and detoggle you, or would you be happy enough to keep the toggles?

    Sorry Noble Savage, if I'm hijacking the thread I apologize, but it seems we need to have these questions answered, and answered clearly. They seem to keep coming up over and over.

    Have at. For my part:

    Q1 - YES. I've already mentioned that a board-blade melee attack and rocket / energy beam ranged attack would be cool as hell, but it bears repeating one last time.

    Q2 - YES. Coloration big YES, form also, I love some or all of the ideas mentioned upthread so far. If just coloration, that's fine, as long as it's two colors for both board and propulsion.

    Q3 - Prefer ability to attack but will settle for keeping toggles. REALLY PREFER to be able to attack from the board though.

    @Raven Lord
  10. RavenSoul

    Rocket Boards?

    Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
    I want a motorcycle, and have since release.

    But I won't buy it if it's going to shut off all my defensive powers and result in me being slaughtered by the mobs I drive by. I don't mind not being able to activate new powers, but shutting off toggles and passives is a deal breaker. I know the tech for allowing this probably doesn't currently exist, but I think it would be a good idea to create it.

    I know that's not your area, but I want the others to know that this is important if they want to make money off of selling vehicle powers.
    Seconded. Do this and I'll be in CoH until they pry my mouse and keyboard out of my cold dead fingers!
  11. For me, the Fake Nemesis really click in the looks department, by extension, same with the AVs that use that model too.

    Freedom Phalanx I like: Statesman, Synapse, Back Alley, Sister Psyche, and War Witch.

    Freedom Phalanx I'm iffy on: Manticore (the headpeice), Positron (to me, he needs hair on head and / or face), and Mynx (what is up with the blue-white tiger stripes?).

    Oh, and the post above reminded me, Ajax and Primal Duray need armor that does not suck in the color department.

    * * *
    Praetors I like: Bobcat, by head and shoulders above all other Praetorians. Duncan screams Dominatrix with her outfit, well done there. Marauder, Warrant, Neuron, and Cole in his white suit. Also, Noble Savage, I would kill to have the ability to use the cybernatic-implants from you're avatar!

    Praetors I'm iffy on: Cole in his bling outfit, Mother Mayhem's outfit's a bit, shall we say, 'of the profession.' And again Chimera and that headpeice. Honestly it reminds me of Marvel's Morph and his old huge purple hat .

    * * *

    Patrons I like: All of them. Except for Ghost Widow's thumbnail picture where she looks like she has snake-eyes, this crew looks perfect to me. I actually would say I like Black Scorpion and Mako more than the other two. Also, Dr Aeon.

    Lord Recluse looks great but the color seems a bit washed out. I know his deific patron is Hades, though, so that makes absolute sense, so not iffy here.

    I'm not familiar enough with the non-patron SF contacts, so I can't say one way or the other there, except for Barracuda. I'm not a particular fan of the Coralax look, but it does get the 'coral is growing on me' message across.

    * * *

    As for other Boss lvl+ enemies from the game, I can't think of any I dislike, so I'd consider the rest to be ones that are ok by me. A few that I would also put in the same rank as the Fake Nemesis though, are Rularuu, Rikti, Crey / Paragon Protectors, Sky Raiders, and Freakshow.

    CoT Boss Mages are great as-is, but I might be one of the few who like the new look almost as much. Perhaps the new look will grow on me once implemented, but I'll miss the old. Not on-topic so I won't say more on the Thorns, except to mention that the Bat-zuul demons from the Tarikoss SF look pretty dated, and they look like evil hairballs my cats might 'summon'.

    Praetorian Boss-lvl enemies are all pretty kick-butt looking. Can't recall anymore 'likes' so I'll end it here.

    @Raven Lord
  12. Oh, I know, and I really hope I don't miss the 2xp weekend, to be honest. Mostly it's just the mental downer of not knowing for sure what I'll have to replace, good bet is motherboard, cpu, power supply and sound card, at the moment. Video card is showing signs of age but I'm hoping it can wait.

    Oh well. I'm sure after all is said and done and I have a newer computer, I'll be able to feel happy about it, but money is tight right now so not sure how I'll make this happen.
  13. Perhaps not worst case. My computer seems to be pointed nose-down at six-feet-under. It's performance is dropping noticeably, I'll have to take it in to the shop I trust tomorrow. There I'm just going to ask them to test to see which components are fully operational, I highly doubt it will pass muster 100%. This machine's about five years old, and that's just the youngest parts - some are older.

    Sorry to have to do this, but I'm not sure I'll be ready by Saturday. I hope so, and I may try to show up even without the machine's cooperation. Wait and see at this point, again, sorry about this, but the machine's old enough to die of old age and it's starting to act like it's about to have it's clock-out ticket punched.

    Worst case I won't be there, next-to-worst case I'll be there and the machine will get to die in battle and go to Computer Valhalla... we'll see.

    Raven Lord
  14. RavenSoul

    Rocket Boards?

    Originally Posted by Hydrofoil_Zero View Post
    What about if it wasn't an entirely solid effect. I picture something like a portable blizzard.
    That looks suspiciously like nothing more than a Path Aura, Hydro. Perhaps that's the answer, in combo with Energy Slide being tintable? A Frost Path Aura and an appropriately tinted Slide Sprint would seemingly cover that idea.

    Edit: In effect, what Thunderfire said, and did so better than me.
  15. RavenSoul

    Rocket Boards?

    Originally Posted by Cynical_Gamer View Post
    I want to be able to hang from a big missile/rocket. Bonus points if it flies off and explodes when you detoggle it.
    The Rocket Board and broomstick concept had me thinking about standing /sitting on a rocket or missile, kind of like World War II Nose Art. But... yeah, I agree, that'd be hilarious if it random-walked and blew up after disembarking. Cool idea!

    Too bad this won't be a power pool. I'd love a beam / missile ranged attack to be available to fire from the board. And / or a board-blade melee attack?

    Or would that be too reminiscent of Goblin? Because other IPs out there have used that idea. So it doesn't seem to be exclusive to him.
  16. RavenSoul

    Rocket Boards?

    Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
    The complication with this idea is making it look right. You have to remember that this would just be a model added on to the power, it would not have any unique movement qualities of its own. So it would move just like the character can move, much of which would not make sense. Strafing is physically impossible on a motorcycle, and the way your character can shift directions really would not be possible on a motorcycle. Yes, we play a game that is all about suspension of disbelief, but there are some basic lines that need to be maintained.
    Strafing on foot is the same as power sliding on a bike. Don't believe me, watch some euro motocross and they'll shoot that thought down. But I do agree with you in general. It wouldn't be easy, and it might be limited in it's implementational capacity, but hell, it'd be REALLY REALLY COOL.

    If say, Batman (among others) can have a one-man 'SG base' and various insundry vehicles, then it'd be nice if we could follow suit in some fashion. I'll try to keep off this line of reasoning though since I think I inadertantly veered off topic...
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Geronimo_69 View Post
    I like the sound of this! Especially since Saturday ended up as a false alarm. I'm tentatively throwing my hat in the ring for any/all of these with any character I've got that's within the level range. I only say tentatively because if things work out right this week, I may be working on my newest character, a level 1 human, whose namesake heroine got in on Saturday's fun.
    I had a feeling you'd be interested, Geronimo. Hence the GMT listing for ease-of-use. With DST I can't be certain of the delta between GMT and CST+ DST... so, that's my best guess. USUALLY it's 6 hour difference.

    @Ukase: Yeah, assuming. I might forget to wake up in time, it's been known to happen. I'll be making a best effort to be up and caffienated in time. Because life doesn't start until I finish my second cup of joe, and my mug takes three cups to fill according to my Mr Coffee. Although that begs the question if I'd play a Tank better uncaffienated and mad... <grin> A real life fury bar perhaps?

    @Raven Lord

    (Ask my wife, she'll back me up, I'm kind of like Bruce Banner in a way. "I haven't had my coffee. You won't like me when I haven't had my coffee..."

    Great, now I have another alt idea. <rolls eyes>)
  18. RavenSoul

    Rocket Boards?

    Originally Posted by Lady_of_Ysgard View Post
    That's not a unique enhancement.

    Oh, and Flying Shark Rocket Boards? SECONDED. WANT. Want NAOOW!

    Any possibility of getting a Super Speed variant where we ride a motorcycle? I did a drawing of a Nemesis Force Bike that I can post - I think - if that would help convince you...
  19. RavenSoul

    Rocket Boards?

    Originally Posted by Caligdoiel View Post
    This is actually a very elegant solution to that problem.

    David, I think what needs to happen here is all this talk needs to get rolled under the umbrella of Pool Power Customization.
    There didn't need to be a duplicate Fly power IMO and Ninja and Beast run, while they have their place as a low-game pseudotravel power, shouldn't be relegated to just the lowgame. I know plenty of folks who would rather go forth on all fours at 80+mph than with feet on fire. Flipping as you jump across rooftops shouldn't be the sole domain of the <14 crowd. A rocket board should be enhanceable. You can upgrade the kit on your car to improve performance, it seems daft that you couldn't do the same with the turbines on the board.

    But, so as not to derail, here are my suggestions for other things to fly on:
    Broomstick (a given.)
    Magic Carpet
    Some kind of disc, either a manhole cover or some kind of tech disc
    Nemmy Warhorse.
    Customizable rocket board.

    With the advent of the market system you could gate some of these as microtransactions once you get the backend code in place for customizing pool powers. But be mindful not to nickel-and-dime us to death.
    Ninja and Beast Run are NOT the sole domain of the under L14 crowd, sir. I have an Incarnate already who has Beast Run as his sole travel power. With two L50 Run Speed IOs in each of Swift and Sprint, plus the +7.5 Run Speed unique Defense IO, he nearly equals a Super Speeder.

    I may be the exception to your 'rule' but I know I am not alone. Flipping off of rooves in the Rogue Isles especially is visceral fun. So could you please circular-file your assumptions?

    * * *

    As for the Rocket Board, I think a Silver Surfer pose should be simple, since the Slide-Sprint from the CoH DVD Edition is already there. All that would need is to be spruced up for Power Pool Customization and given the ability to fly, and all of a sudden you have an Energy Rocket Board.

    @Raven Lord
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    Next weekend, I hope to get these on my ill/rad, Imperious Rex. (and for the zillionth time, I created this toon well before Cimerora. Back in issue 5, maybe. They should give me a free rename.)


    Not necessarily in any order. As for a starting time, Raven, you call it.
    Hmmm, thanks for the honor, though I'm expecting everyone else will chime in on what time would work. So, 11 am CST (Noon Eastern, 10 am Mountain, 9 am Pacific, 5pm GMT - I think?) work for everyone, or not? I plan on bringing the Tiger Tank*, hope to see you guys there!

    @Raven Lord

    * Repeat attempts are fine by me since he needs the xp / inf / R merits. I think I've picked him as my next Incarnate, but there are others closer, so only time will tell.
  21. Yeah, was able to make it for the Posi 2 and Synapse with the aforementioned Siberian Storm-Lord. I must say I never thought he'd get a following the way he has...

    Anyways, I had a lot of fun, even on the Synapse where all the clocks were hitting me through a hole in my icy defense toggles - they don't help much vs energy it seems. That and the end drain, and my toggles guzzling endurance like there was no tommorrow (I checked this morning, there was one) had me facedown more than I like to be. But still fun!

    Hope to grab a Posi 1 and the rest of the TFC task forces with you at some point Rex!

    @Raven Lord
  22. RavenSoul


    I'd like to take the opportunity to thank Wulfrich, too, considering he was the one leading every Keyes Trial I've been on so far. More than three of them as I recall. While it took me one or two to get my bearings, I got the hang of it eventually.

    Tough Trial, no arguments or doubts there. But tough leader, too, thankfully! Keep on keepin' on Wulf... and I'm glad you get to retire your warning macros on NO PETS!!!

    @Raven Lord

    PS @ Ion: The multi-death aspect getting to some just says to me not enough people appreciate Blasters and/or debt and/or Corruptors / Defenders who keep people alive. With my Rad / DP defender I've had little issue keeping people alive through several pulses. So I really have to wonder about people who, theoretically, might be getting cold feet for that reason.

    Keyes is a good test of people who will look at something like that and yell Challenge Accepted! And those who aren't. As I'm often saying, and often have said, nothing worth having in life is easy to get. The bigger the challenge the better the prize. I say, bring on the Keyes Trials!
  23. Cool, I look forward to this, thanks Rex!

    @Raven Lord
  24. Just Another Day in Paragon...

    Man, what a beeee-EUTIFUL day it is, Kent thought on waking up. Stretching as he looked out the window, his old heart was warmed merely by what a gorgeous day it looked to be. Another day on my corner like this, he mused, and I might be able to skip playin' on Saturday. Not that he would, really. Playing guitar on a corner near the Atlas Memorial in front of City Hall wasn't his job, it was his love: love what you do, and you never work a day in yer life, Pop had said. Not surprisingly, Pop was right.

    About an hour later, Kent was out working his favorite corner. He kind of shared it with Sunstorm these days, but for a human-alien hybrid he was a great conversationalist - and a music lover, to boot! So of course, alright in my book, Kent had said after meeting him. It'd taken a while to get it through to the town crier that he wasn't there to compete in decibel levels. Heathen non-music-lover, methinks, but oh well. He must be doin' somethin' right, though, he's been there a while whether he's had any brochures to hand out or not. Maybe he'll come around...

    Passerbies of all kinds looked in wonder at the duo of guitarist and the monkey who play-acted at conducting that seemed almost as playful in spirit and body as the music that came from the guitar. Some regulars that worked in the area greeted them as they passed by, others were new faces - tourists. But all were happy to see the guitarist and his monkey playing in front of Atlas, and only the regulars knew that - rain, snow, or shine - the tunes were always here, and they were always uplifting.

    Kent was enjoying himself immensely, as usual. There weren't too many Hellions around, which was nice. Some of them tried for his case on occasion, and neither Sunstorm or Miss Liberty's presence could be counted on, but someone usually was on hand to step in. Even though he'd never lost a dollar or a case, or guitar, it still wasn't easy on the nerves. Smiling to himself, well, let 'em try, not even Hellions couldn't spoil a day like this for him. The only thing was that Kent couldn't help but wonder if there was a catch. A whole week of weather this good? Somethin's gotta give, but he tried not to concern himself with that. It wasn't until he was in the middle of the Beatles' "I'll Follow the Sun" that anything happened, though, and at first, it was nothing more than a broken string. No big, he laughed to himself. Kent had the guitar on the ground and was busying himself with replacing it, when a shadow flitted overhead. A big one.

    Pausing, he looked around, but didn't see anything. That, and the money was still there. Shrugging, he bent over his guitar again. Probably someone just figured out how to fly - or jump. He recalled that, any shadow you see go past is nothing to worry about, it's the ones that land on you that you need to be concerned about.

    Then he caught a whiff of... something. He paused, and wrinkled his nose as he tried to think what it was. Something alarming about it, but he didn't know why. Then he froze.

    Tiger scent. Uh oh. Then he recalled the shadow. Slowly, Kent looked up.

    On the ledge above him sat a woman, or so it seemed. If, you know, tiger fur was normal for women who were into wearing casual business suits. Which, considering this being Paragon City, it kinda was... still, her toothy smile was a little sharp for his instincts to be completely at ease here.

    "Hi Kent. Long time no see," she said, smiling. Perplexed, Kent was at a loss. He knew he should know her, but he couldn't recall her. Gettin' old, man, if you forget a babe like this, he thought. She reached up, pulled her shades down -

    "Bengal! Babe, how ya been?" Kent was thrilled, he could live for another eighty years and there would still be no forgetting those eyes!

    "Good, Kent! Been good. Listen, you ever miss the old days?"

    "Babe, at my age, they're all old days. I - wait, hold on, tourist." Kent was quiet for a bit, and Bengal waited patiently.

    After the tourist passed by heading up to the statue, Kent sighed, and went on. "Though, now that you mention it, there are some days I miss more than others." Bengal laughed.

    "You mean, like, before your 'accident'?" That catty grin got even bigger.

    Kent chuckled. "That, too. No, I was thinking, it's fun keepin' on keepin' on, ya know what I mean?" Bengal nodded. "But there's times when I miss bein' in a band." Looking around to see who was around, he spotted a regular, waved, and continued. "You ever miss that? Or, were those the old days you meant, babe?"

    Bengal, without saying anything or losing that smile of hers, reached around behind her, and pulled out a guitar as an answer. As she began to tune, Kent laughed, "Thought so." He restrung his guitar, retuned it, looked around, and got it back into position when he saw there weren't any tourists watching. Looking up at Bengal, he asked "So what'll it be, babe?" She tapped her chin with her finger, thought a bit, and then began to strum. Chuckling, he joined in. It was a good day for Bob Seger, but then, when wasn't it?

    As they were wrapping it up, Kent heard a scraping sound above him. Looking up again, he saw a couple of drums being shoved around. Catching Bengal's wide-eyed innocent look, she shrugged at him. "Uh huh. Riiiiiight, babe." She started laughing so hard she had to hug her stomach. About then, Kent saw a head poke out over the drums. "Hey Kent, how you been, man?"

    "Been good. Watch Wolf, why do I smell a conspiracy, here?" Kent smiled. This was shaping up to be some serious fun. He hadn't seen this crew for months by now, and they hadn't played together in at least twice as long. Watch Wolf, he noticed, was in the same boat, stuck in one sort-of animal form. Dude was huge, at least 10 feet tall, and could grip a shield and sword nearly as tall, but today, it was gonna be drumsticks. Now the only thing missing was -

    "Hi Kent."


    Turning around, Kent looked up at the new arrival. He hadn't changed, still the same long grey hair and the same long black coat. In fact, he was the only one in the band still fully human, though here in Paragon, that didn't mean too terrible much. Especially considering he was quasi-mortal and older than Kent by a few orders of magnitude.

    "Hi Raven. Guys, do we at least have a permit to perform here as a band?" Raven reached into his coat and produced a peice of paper, and held it out to him. Kent forgot to look around for tourists this time, and without realizing it, he was checking the permit when -

    "Huh? What the.. can that monkey read?" Kent froze. The most intelligent thing he could think right then was "oops?"

    He turned around to face the tourist. Regulars were used to the ruse, but tourists, no matter what they'd heard about this fair city, never seemed to believe it possible. So in order to avoid the stares, he took a Nemesis automaton and reprogrammed it to be able to hold the guitar so Kent could use his natural telekinetic talent to play it. He couldn't recall who'd given him the Telekinetic Kent look-alike automaton (that had been one WILD fifty-fifth birthday party) especially since the magic gift from Azuria had been swapped out by some villian or another to turn Kent from music-loving do-gooder to music-loving monkey. So in reality, the act of the monkey looking like he was conducting for the guitarist was really no act at all.

    Bowing to the tourist and his wife, Kent simply said, "Welcome to Paragon City, folks!" They left, a little ill-at-ease, but hey, this was Paragon, after all, where anything that could happen usually did, as well as things that couldn't, or shouldn't. Even talking monkeys who play guitar through telekinesis! But it was too fine a day for musing on that. He turned back to the group, by now Raven had produced a keyboard from who-knows-where and Watch Wolf had his drums set up and ready to go. Kent realized he hadn't smiled this big in quite some time, and sighed in absolute pleasure. "We're back," was all he could say.

    "Bad Moon Rising, on three?" Everyone nodded at Kent. Well, we're all smilin' like a pack of absolute fools, Kent thought, but so what, it's too good a day to care!

    It's just another day in Paragon City, and it is GOOD to be back!


    * * *

    Miss Liberty liked the music, but - that crew... back? Oh brother, she thought. There goes the neighborhood. But then, the peace and quiet wasn't bound to last anyways, considering that Hero Licenses were set to be made free soon, albiet with restricted support services. That, and the news of an approaching asteroid had her on edge, too. Shaking that thought off as the band started into Peter Gabriel's "Slegehammer", she smiled. Might as well enjoy it, and at least they had good taste in tunes!


    * * *

    By now, I'm already causing havoc in Paragon and performing good deeds in the Isles - and yes, in that order, too. So, see you guys in-game, and as Telekinetic Kent said, it is Good to Be Back!

    @Raven Lord
  25. Just bookmarked this thread for my mutant shark Spine / DA. I'm trying to resist the allure of Body Mastery and stay with Leviathan until I can build a Cardiac Boost, but right now, it's tough.

    Also, I'm trying to softcap Melee defense at least, and seems I can only get get close on the other two positions if I do that. This is the most slot-crunched build I've ever dealt with, I always come up short of what I want / need. Sure seems like trying to cram Leadership / Fighting / Combat Jumping / Flight onto this one guy is giving me nightmares...

    Anyways, I have one last vetspec left, and I plan to use this thread to help me make it count. So, thanks for all the delicously helpful builds, guys, I really appreciate it.