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  1. Star Strider Forces Registry
    Name: Kinetic Clay
    Global Contact: @ROBOKiTTY
    Level of Classification: 50 controller
    Origin: Magic
    Super Rank & Super Group: Director of The Rogue Register - Paragon Edition

    Star Strider Forces Registry
    Name: Solaris Procella
    Global Contact: @ROBOKiTTY
    Level of Classification: 50 controller
    Origin: Mutation
    Super Rank & Super Group: Chief Supervisor of The Rogue Register - Paragon Edition

    Star Strider Forces Registry
    Name: In Caligine
    Global Contact: @ROBOKiTTY
    Level of Classification: 39 tanker
    Origin: Mutation
    Super Rank & Super Group: Chief Supervisor of The Rogue Register - Paragon Edition
  2. Name: The Rogue Register: Paragon Edition

    Currently Recruiting: Yes.

    RP Level: RP-intensive. SG/coalition chat is IC unless otherwise marked.

    PvP Level: We don't have a PvP focus at the moment.

    Theme/Concept: The Rogue Register is a company that started out as a newspaper publisher on the Rogue Isles. Opposed to Arachnos' heavy-handed rule, some of its publications carry political messages aimed at criticizing the regime in power. At the same time, the company also makes clear its opposition to Longbow and other government-sanctioned hero groups. The Rogue Register maintains a stance of watchful neutrality, valuing integrity above profit or popularity.

    In order to fund its own activity, the Rogue Register dabbles in multiple markets. Medical research, retail, security, tech support, and modern appliances are some of its areas of focus.

    Activity: We're not a large group, and we're currently in a lull. Some of our members are currently on hiatus.

    Requirements for Membership: Roleplayers are welcome. Activity is highly desired. We have no thematic limitations, but rogue heroes and anti-heroes are preferred.

    Leadership: Rain of Radiation

    In-Game Contact(s): @ROBOKiTTY

    Out-of-Game Contact(s): See


    Coalition(s): We're happy to coalition with roleplay groups on an alliance/business-partnership basis.

    Other Details: I have a global chat channel for personal use, but members serious about making the Rogue Register their home are always welcome on it. We frequently run impromptu TFs/SFs.
  3. RP Virtue

    A new OOC global channel for RPers on Virtue, considering most of the old ones have gone inactive.
  4. Name: The Rogue Register

    Currently Recruiting: Always

    RP Level: Roleplay-heavy; SG chat is in character unless otherwise marked, and we use a global OOC channel for out-of-character conversations. Light RPers are fine as long as they adhere to this separation.

    PvP Level: We don't do organized PvP at this moment.

    Theme/Concept: The Rogue Register is an alternative newspaper in the Isles with a strong activist agenda. The SG is the media company responsible for the paper, and it is not primarily a group of villains, though some do work for the company, not necessarily agreeing with its nobler ideals.

    The paper is about investigative journalism, critical social commentary, and scathing criticisms of corruption and oppression. We are actually writing this paper (see website below), and can always use more writers.

    Whether a character would fit in the group is entirely up to the player; we impose no thematic restrictions.

    Activity: 15-20 unique members, though not yet too active, given the group's youth.

    Requirements for Membership: Members must be roleplayers, or at least should make a passable attempt at roleplay. We ask that they not mix up IC and OOC, and that members separate the two. Activity is required.

    Leadership: Rain of Radiation, Imola, Metallurgia

    In-Game Contact(s): @ROBOKiTTY, @JCrb, @Metallurgist

    Out-of-Game Contact(s): See website.


    Coalition(s): We have an active coalition, most of them roleplayers. We would love to hang out with more groups, particularly heroside.

    Other Details: The Rogue Register is the proud sponsor of KiTTYRaid™, a weekly raid event in the cooperative Rikti War Zone every Sunday at 5PM PST/8PM EST, run by Rain of Radiation.

    Our recommended time for daily RP gatherings in base is 3PM PST/6PM EST. In addition, I am attempting to coordinate public RP nights, 5PM PST/8PM EST every evening.