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  1. Installed Win7 64bit 2 days ago and had CoX running fine, with latest NVIDIA drivers. After todays patch however, I get a black screen instead of login screen.

    Edit- Uninstalling Nvidia Drivers and using the Windows 7 driver for my GeForce 7300le allowed me to get into the game, but All I could see was the chat window, Nav, powers tray, etc; Actual toon and landscape was just a smear of colors. I tried nearly all the drivers available for vista 64bit that Nvidia had, and experimented with all the settings I could find to include turning off everything for lowest denominator quality; nothing worked. Seems conclusive that the 1/29 patch to the game broke it for my win7 install.
  2. Objective Feedback:
    Winter Gift IO set behavior is erractic.
    The proc randomly fires or doesnt fire off. Hard to tell if its *really* working. When exemped to not more than 3 levels below the crafted level of the set (IE lev 50 toon, with level 41 set, exemps down to 39) sometimes it flickers on/off.

    Subjective Feedback:
    Winter Gift IO set slotting seems illogical.
    This set is a Universal Travel Power. However, you cannot slot it in Sprint, the first (and only) travel power many have until after level 10.
    YET, you can slot IO running enhancement sets like Celerity or jumping enhancement sets like Springfoot in Sprint (or even both!), but *not* the Winter Gift IO set which enhances both running and jumping?

    Further example in inconsistency of implmentation: Take Superspeed as an example, 3 slotted with Celerity. To get the full benefit of the Winters Gift set, and since you cannot slot it in Sprint, you either need to add 3 more slots to Superspeed, get a second travel power, or sacrifice the Celerity set. Few people are going to sacrifice the set bonuses of Celerity and Stealth, for the Winter Gift IO set.

    So in the case of keeping the Celerity set and adding 3 more slots, you never will see the full benefit of the Winters Gift set as youve likely already hit the run speed cap with the Celerity set. SuperJump sees this same problem to a lesser extent, Fly a little less so, with Teleport coming in last as least impacted(in the scenario of a 3 part IO set).
    Some may say this is a choice a player will have to make and to weigh the sacrifices, but dont miss the point: Winters Gift currently can *only* be slotted in Superspeed, SuperJump, Flying powers, and Teleport powers. There are other sets in common use that are of more benefit *and* in the case of some, like Celerity, can be used in Sprint. To work so hard to get 130 candy canes just to buy the recipes, then spend more time and money on ingredients and crafting them, one would hope to be able to use them in EVERY travel power. This expenditure of time( acquiring candy canes, ingredients, influence) outweighs the sets value when comparing to other sets in slotability, buffs, and set bonuses.

    I could maybe understand why this set isnt allowed in Swift or Hurdle(although you can slot Genreic IO's in these). However, please fix\re-evaluate the issue with slotting this set in Sprint. This is an imminently logical place for this set, as Sprint allows both running and jumping enhancements; You would only need to add 2 more slots (vs 3 in some other powers) to get the best benefit from the set, and this would improve the gaming experience of low level players rerunning game content.

    Winter Gift IO set classification seems illogical
    Lastly, the *entire* set is marked Unique. This seems to be overkill. Perhaps make the Proc unique, and the other two normal. This would allow slotting of this versatile set and causing it to be used more, in turn causing more folks to try to get them. If you dont want them to prolific and interfering with other IO sets, try the novel approach of setting them to a max of not more than 2 sets per toon, or even 3. Currently, you either can slot as many of something as you want or only one of something. Allowing slotting of a set more than 1 time and but less than X allows new middle ground and adds a new game dynamic in the crafting system. Please consider re classifying this set, and allowing more than 1 (maybe limiting to 2) sets on one character. This will make game play more enjoyable, and increase the incentive to acquire this set during such events.
  3. Pain Domination: I was just wondering how to make a Praetorian version of my uber Troll Empathy Defender(the much beloved Grimloche), now I know. As an aside, pistols empathey\corruptor would be...*salivating*...good. Shield Defender\Corruptor would be...interesting.

    Pistols: Since I encountered the Malta, Ive wanted their pistol set. I can wait till I15, but no later, because then a very sternly worded note of reprimand will be mailed to Positron (with a blank check) to underscore my disappointment and encourage them to fix the problem.

    Mission Architect: Issue concerning farmers and powerlevelers noted, and understood. Not concerned about the "xp" personally. Ive heard of some novel uses for this including:SG applicant trials to test player ability\suitability.
    PITA Mob gauntlets to test\improve a toon's build (can we say Rikti Magus? good, I knew you could). "Danger rooms" for practicing team work. -Just to name a few. Im glad to hear the devs will be sampling the player generated content and giving props for the good stuff. Expect to see some good Troll content in the list of the elite (there might be some bias here but really, Trolls are the best at whatever they do anyways so bias quotient is irrelevant..*shrug*). I do expect to see some folks try to exploit this, but thats the norm. Personal toons used as signature characters seems a no brainer as a feature, but then not everyone has my perfect vision (heh).

    Oh...maybe I can do that Underwater mission arc concept Ive had in my head for like....a year.
  4. SG/VG Name:Troll is Troll eenk

    Public relations: http://trollistrolleenk.guildportal.com

    Peak teaming hours: whenever dere another Troll on.

    Amount of PvP: er...what a "pvp"? can Troll eat it?

    Amount of Powerleveling:All Trolls help trolls, no matter how small time dey are. Besides,any team with Troll on it have power. Trolls come to help non-trolls be troll tuff cuz dey not troll, which mean dey weak.

    Amount of Drama: Troll no like drama. Go 'way if you got dis!

    Size of Base: comfy cave. Got coal group pact with Dominant Power of Paragon to use dere poof pads.

    Requirements: um...be blasty, smashy, burny, melty,scrappy, choppy; etc.

    Other: Come be troll; be anyting you want just be troll!

    Guild Description: Troll is TROLL!

    Leader or Recruiting Officers: Svergyn Kraft (@pandemonia) and Grimloche (@Sgt. Major)

    Voice chat: um.....ko?

    Preferred Method of contact: Send email or dat tell ting to (@pandemonia) or (@Sgt. Major)
  5. Rocko diry
    Date Rocko not rememba
    Location: At lus, Whitecoat Man office

    Rocko: Rocko told to come here to be good cape.

    White coat man: Aieee!! Help! It’s a Troll!! Security!

    Rocko: look, Rocko want to be good cape, you help or not? Rocko not be smashy in long time, now not good time for you if me start now! Make Rocko Good Cape, NOW

    White coat man: Um ye-y-y-yes riigh..wait, you want to register, as a Hero?

    Rocko: If dat let Rocko be smashy legal-whatever, den yes. Dat good cape word “Hero”?

    White coat man: W-w-well yes. A Hero is someone who Risks their life to defend the innocent and protects the city or the country against those wish to do it harm.

    Rocko: Hero can be smashy and crashy? Fight a lot? Throw other capes through hard things?

    White coat man: Well, regrettably violent things do happen in the course of helping others. But I…

    Rocko: Dis job perfect for Rocko! White coat man talky to much! Rocko want to be Good Cape NOW!! Gimme card so Rocko go smashy and not get arrested or zap by po-po drones!!!!!!!

    White coat man: y-y-y-y-yessir! Ill just need you to fill out the 500page appli….


    White coat man:…or just sign the last page with your full name Mr…?

    Rocko: Dat better talky White coat man! Give scribbler now!

    White coat man: your name is…..Rockford Pennington?

    Rocko: you make fun of Rocko name mom give Rocko?! Rocko feeling smashy..

    White coat man:N-n-n-no of course not its just so….un-trollish.

    Rocko: Dat Rocko weak name before he get strong with Dyne! Rocko name now ROCKO MEGA SUPATROLL!!

    White coat man: ah, w-w-w yes of course it is. Well put “Rocko” under preffered name?

    Rocko: Rocko got no problem with dat, cuz dat Rocko’s name. Gimme smashy badge now!

    White coat man: H-h-h-h-here you go sir, and if youre quite ready, I have some um..”smashy” things for you to do right now..

    Rocko: White coat man finally talking sense. Gimme names and place so Rocko get started being Good cape!

    White coat man: w-well certainly…there are some reports of people disappearing…
  6. Rocko diry
    Date Rocko not rememba
    Location: Cave.

    So, Rocko wuz chillin in cave with troll buddies in Hollows. We playing some troll games, doin lots of dyne , and feelin pretty good. We had “Throw da Rabbit at da wall” (very easy game for da new trolls) , “Blow out da Dynamite” (over in next cave), and even “Dunk the CoT for Apples” . CoT not to good at dat game, but dem Apple computers also VERY heavy.

    So in walk Gurl Troll. She make noise and start talking bout something in front of cave. So lots of Trolls go see what she sayin. Dey so noisy that Rocko had to drop the CoT to go see what she saying too. Rocko get dere bout half way into it. She was saying dat she a good cape troll, and got Level 50 badge to prove it. She say we can be good cape trolls to. Dis make many Trolls mad, and dey start yellin, so Rocko have hard time hearin gurl troll. Rocko hear her name “Melo”. Den other troll in back of cave tell Rocko to go get more Rabbits and CoT cuz we use up what we had. Rocko want to stay to hear what gurl troll saying, but Rocko not big time troll, so Rocko go.

    All way to other cave (not boom cave when Dynamite game played) something bother Rocko bout Melo, gurl troll. Den Rocko figure it out, Rocko never SEE gurl troll before! Den Rocko figure, she not bad lookin gurl troll either! Rocko wonder more bout why she say Troll be good cape. Rocko decide go back and ask. Big time Trolls have lil time memory so Rocko will play dumb about bein told to get more Rabbits and CoT.

    Rocko get back and all Trolls gone or on floor. Melo had big choppa like lawn mower and da trolls was like grass. Rocko arrive after she gone. Some big time trolls was getting up and Rocko think “We trolls always trying to do da hardest thing to prove we big time too. Lift biggest rock, beat biggest good capes in da hollows, all dat stuff. But what really be harder dan bein good cape Supatroll? Melo gurl troll do it, Rocko can do it too!”

    Rocko pick bad time to tell Big Time trolls. Troll very sensiti-whatever right after getting butt kicked. But the Dyne not know for helpin troll make good choice. So, Rocko say he be good cape too, prove Trolls da best at anything dey want to do. Dey didn’t like dat, thought Rocko joking. Rocko say he not. Dey gather round Rocko and say his head have more rock inside den our cave. Dat pretty bad, cuz our cave have lots of rocks. Dey start yellin and soon all Rocko hear is RAWRRR!!!!. Next ting Rocko know. Dey yelling bout getting rocks from inside Rocko head to outside. Dis very bad. Rocko never seen what inside Rocko’s head, and Rocko think dere good reason it inside and not outside. So, Rocko make himself like cave rocks and start fighting back. Lots of smashy stuff happen. Rocko just made it out even tho few trolls dat was left was mostly beat up still from Melo.

    So Rocko know he can prove Troll can be best good cape, like Melo doin. So Rocko head to Atlas, avoiding good cape and po-po drones to Regis..whatever as good cape….Den maybe other Troll come be good capes too and we move out Hollows.

    Rocko go find out what all dis good cape stuff about…
  7. All due Nods and Props to Fire_Wa11. Bo's diry inspired "Melo troll" I believe, who definitely inspired "Rocko Troll". No one can really truly duplicate the hilarity of Bo's "diry". Maybe though, I can pay homage to Bo, where ever he is, with Rocko's story.
    Rocko is fun to play, and everyone on team has a lot of fun. So here are his (mostly) true adventures on the way to 50 and beyond. Names will be changed to protect the stupid (except Rocko).

    Updated on Saturdays, but not every Saturday. Told from Rocko's perspective......