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  1. This is the best guide any parent could have. Lighthouse or Ex should give this its own sticky and put it in the Guide to Guides, both!

    My son will be turning one next month, and I already have fears of what his Internet life will be like. I hope that CoX is still around in 5 to six years so that he can play it with me. If it isn't, I am sure I will be able to take your advice here and use it on whatever game we end up playing together.

    Thank you again for a great guide. It is a must read for every parent out there!
  2. [ QUOTE ]

    I would love some clarification on this new 10-20 zone.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It could be this is just content added to existing zones. It doesn't specifically say this is a zone.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    The Midnighters hold a secret that could bring the alien assault to an end, but without the help of the Heroes of Paragon City™ it will remain Lost forever.

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    I notice that "Lost" is capitalized... I think that they are a very underused part of this game, and I hope this means we will be exploring their ties to the Rikti more fully!

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    Midnight Squad...ending the Rikti conflict...10-20 level range...

    Plus the Lost.

    Investigating how to save Hero 1, perhaps?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Good call! Sounds about right to me.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    The Midnighters hold a secret that could bring the alien assault to an end, but without the help of the Heroes of Paragon City™ it will remain Lost forever.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I notice that "Lost" is capitalized... I think that they are a very underused part of this game, and I hope this means we will be exploring their ties to the Rikti more fully!
  5. Any chance of a "High Beam’s Flashback Badging Guide (Villain)" coming out?

    Great guide for my heroes! Thanks!
  6. Let me see if I have this straight, you said, "Having large numbers of powers that take a given set type allow us to get large stacked set bonuses. Because you can stack a given type and strength of bonus up to five times, the easiest way to get large set bonuses is to stack five of the same set."

    Now, does that mean I can have 5 +Regens at 12% and another 5 +Regens at 4%? Can I have 5 at 12% from one set and 5 at 12% from another set? Or am I limited to only 5 +Regens no matter which set?

    Thanks for any clarification!
  7. Just a quick note... You have Ripper from the Scrapper Spines set with PBAoE IO Sets. According to in game, it is Targeted AoE. I can't slot my Positron's Blast as it is on the planner now.

    Other than that, this is a great addition to our community! Thanks for your efforts!
  8. What a great idea! I read this yesterday at work and started one when I got home.

    Started a new character, a Randomite, on Infinity. When one becomes a superhero, they don’t choose what they will be. They don’t know how their powers will develop. So that is how I am playing my random character. I roll dice at each decision point. First was AT… got a defender. Then origin (which I can’t remember). Then Primary power Sonic… then secondary also sonic! I was surprised that I got something with so much synergy, was actually hoping for something a little weirder, but oh well. Hit the random costume button and actually liked it… he (also a random choice as was height and build) is basically a light purple color with dark blue secondary colors. His head is metallic skull; he is wearing a pirate bandana and has horns. He also has a tattered trenchcoat and kilt! Looks kinda cool. Then I went to a superhero name generator and asked for 20 random names and I would pick the most fitting out of those 20. Names like Spider God and Pink Wolf were quickly thrown out, but then I saw it… the perfect name for this guy… Purplejack! Started my career with Sonic Barrier and the required Shriek. At level 2 added Scream. Now at 3 (and all enhancement levels from here on) I actually selected what powers get slots… this should help balance out any bad powers that end up chosen. At 4 I got Sonic Siphon which is what I would have chosen at 1… nice power. And at 6 with the pool powers now open, I got Assault. And that’s where I am. Now at 12 if I don’t yet have a travel pool, I will force it and a travel power at 14. Other than that… Random is the way to go!

    Thanks for the great idea and shared experiences. If it weren't for these, I don't think I would have bothered with such a thing (although I had thought of trying it before). I was always afraid I'd wind up with a badly gimped character. And the nice thing with sonic is that I don't think it will require Stamina either, so I don't have to worry about that! Thanks again for the great idea!
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm surprised the OP never bothered replying or editing his guide.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I said right in there that it was my opinion and subjective. I could go into detail about why I chose to rank things where I did, but it would just lead to argument. The healthy disagreement and discussion here has been beneficial (again, my opinion), and I wanted to leave it at that.
  10. This guide grew out of a conversation I had with my brother regarding the uselessness of some of the power pools. I decided to quantify (purely subjective) the value of the pools and their various powers. It is pretty long, but I hope useful.

    Without going into the detail of the numbers, I looked at each power and took into consideration every aspect of that power. From its effects to gameplay to which tier it is in. I even took into consideration what is said on these boards! The resulting number is what you will see here on a scale of 0-10.

    I will present the pools in the order of their overall ranking which was computed based on the sum of their parts. The pool scores are out of a possible 40 and the individual power scores are out of a possible 10.

    Fitness- 31 points
    It should surprise no one that the pool containing Stamina is the highest ranking. Every single power in this pool is valuable, which is good because you are forced to take two of them before getting Stamina, the Crown Jewel of pool powers. This pool also got bonus points because they are all Auto powers… no toggles, no clicks, just always there helping out; the only pool that has any auto powers.
    Swift- (7) You can naturally run slightly faster than normal. This ability is always on and does not cost any Endurance. Very valuable to a lowbie running through the Hollows
    Hurdle- (7) You can naturally jump higher than normal. This ability is always on and does not cost any Endurance. Vertical movement is important especially to Super Speeders.
    Health- (7) You heal slightly faster than a normal person. Your improved Health also grants you resistance to Sleep. This ability is always on and does not cost any Endurance. Everyone benefits from a faster regen rate, especially squishies.
    Stamina- (10) You recover Endurance slightly more quickly than normal. This ability is always on and does not cost any Endurance. Not a “must have” as many have pointed out, but Stamina makes the game less resting and more fun; and isn’t that what it is all about?

    Leadership- 30 points
    Our first surprise (well, it surprised me). How many expected a travel pool to come next like I did? But when I think about it, this makes sense. This pool provides direct benefits in combat both to yourself and teammates; it provides some status protections; and Tactics helps you see those nasty hidden enemies. The only reason I can think of as to why this pool is not more prevelant in game play is this… You have 9 Primary powers, 9 Secondaries; let’s say you take 15 of those 18 powers. You have 9 power slots left… minimum of 2 are needed for a travel power, and another 3 are needed to get Stamina… That leaves us with 4 power slots left. If I want an APP, and only take 3 of the 4 in that pool, that leaves me with one power slot left… can’t even get Tactics with that. (Pssst, Hasten works though)
    Maneuvers- (6) While active, this power increases the Defense of yourself and all nearby teammates to all attacks. The least useful of the Leadership pool; it is still always nice to have extra defense, especially for squishies.
    Assault- (7.5) While this power is active, you and your nearby teammates deal more damage and are resistant to Taunt and Placate. Damage boosts for the front line troops, and the Placate resistance is nice in PvP.
    Tactics- (9) While this power is active, your Accuracy and that of all your nearby teammates' is increased. Your advanced Tactics also protect you and your team from Confuse and Fear effects, as well as your Perception so you can detect Stealthy foes. The gem of the pool; the simple fact is, you do more damage over time if you don’t miss with your attacks. Also allows you to go after reds and purples more effectively. The perception and resistances are nice in PvE and even better in PvP.
    Vengeance- (7.5) When a teammate is defeated in combat, activate this power to grant you and your teammates a bonus to Accuracy, Damage and Defense to all attacks. A Vengeful team has no fear, and Vengeance protects you and your Teammates from Fear effects. It also gives you and your team great resistance to Sleep, Hold, Disorient, Immobilize, Confuse, Taunt, Placate and Knockback. This power lost big points for requiring a teammate to die; nevertheless, it still scores big for it fantastic boosts and resistances.

    Leaping- 27.5 points
    It didn’t surprise me at all that Leaping was the highest ranked travel pool. But for concept or the “cool” factor of the other travel powers, no other travel pool would be taken. This pool has the best first tier power of all the pools, it gives great vertical and horizontal movement, and it provides some status protection that some ATs are sorely missing.
    Jump Kick- (4) A good jumping kick attack that may knock foes back. Good if you are looking for another attack power. A “why bother” attack.
    Combat Jumping- (9.5) While active, Combat Jumping increases your Defense to all attacks, and adds resistance to Immobilization. Moderately increases your jump height and distance to melee and ranged attacks with good air control. Other than Stamina, this is the highest ranked, non-travel power in all the pools; and you get it at level 6! It adds defense, gives a much needed resistance (for squishies), and is a mini-travel power all its own which is not suppressed in combat! An easy pick to lead to the most versatile of the travel powers.
    Super Jump- (9.5) While this power is active, you can leap great distances and heights, easily jumping over buildings and from rooftop to rooftop! If you attack a target while this power is on, you will temporarily be reduced to a normal jump height. What amazed me when doing this guide is that all the travel powers came out to 9.5. The devs did a great job of balancing the travel powers… too bad the other powers in the travel pools weren’t balanced as nicely. Super Jump is the most versatile of the travel powers… The vertical is not as good as Fly, and the horizontal isn’t as good as Super Speed or Teleport, but a very well rounded power.
    Acrobatics- (4.5) While this power is active, you are very nimble and Acrobatic. You can avoid most Knockback effects and are resistant to Hold effects. The weak link in the Leaping pool. It is a cheap pick if you already have Super Jump as your travel, but if you want the status protection of Acrobatics (which is nice for the squishies), you better not want a different travel power because then it isn’t worth it.

    Speed- 25.5 points
    This travel pool is ranked this high for only one reason… Hasten. If not for that, the other two non-travel powers are next to useless.
    Flurry- (5) Unleashes a super fast Flurry of punches to pummel your foe. Flurry is so dizzying that it has a chance to Disorient the target. We are getting a knockoff of Flurry as a Veteran Reward which the devs have said are not supposed to be very powerful and game changing… So what does that make Flurry?
    Hasten- (9) You can reduce the recharge time of all powers for 2 minutes. Although Hasten does not cost any Endurance to activate, you can tire easily since your Endurance does not recover more rapidly. After Hasten wears off, you become tired and will lose some Endurance. A great power that many think is as important as Stamina, and it comes in the first tier! Remember earlier when I talked about leadership and said you had one power left? Here it is.
    Super Speed- (9.5) You can run at super-human speeds! While running at such speeds, you are a blur, and many foes will not even notice you as you speed past them. If you attack a target while this power is on, you will temporarily be slowed to normal speed. This is the fastest you can “move” in the game (not travel, that would be Teleport). It also gives you some stealth. Sound great? It is, except for one thing… you lack the vertical component.
    Whirlwind- (2) You spin around at an amazing speed to create a Whirlwind around yourself. Any foes that enter this Whirlwind will be tossed into the air. The second worst tier 3 power. Next to useless… looks pretty showing off under Atlas though.

    Flight- 25 points
    This is the shiny superhero travel pool. Everyone wants to fly. The first three powers aren’t bad, but Group Fly drags this pool down. Hover is very useful to squishies and Air Superiority is a great attack.
    Hover- (7) For hovering and aerial combat. This power is much slower than Fly, but provides some Defense to all attacks, offers good air control, costs little Endurance, and has none of the penalties associated with Fly. Very slow, but gives great vertical movement at level 6. Gives a little defense and provides semi-protection from knockback and knockdown (you just do a mid-air flip).
    Air Superiority- (6) This two-handed overhead melee attack can knock a flying target to the ground. This is the best of the pool power attacks. Provides good damage and a consistent knockdown for some soft control. But like most pool power attacks, not many squishies want to get in melee range too often.
    Fly- (9.5) Fly allows you to travel large distances quickly. If you attack a target while this power is on, your flight speed will be temporarily reduced to Hover speed. Your top Flight speed increases with your Level. The superhero travel power! Who doesn’t want to fly. The downside of this power in exchange for the total safety it provides to traveling? It is by far the slowest of the travel powers and it uses more endurance.
    Group Fly- (2.5) You can endow your nearby teammates with Flight. Be mindful! Your friends will fall if you run out of Endurance or if they travel too far away from you. Group Fly travel speed is slower than Fly. Flying allies suffer from reduced Accuracy. Most people find this to be a useless power. I understand some use it on Hami raids though (never been there myself).

    Teleportation- 22 points
    In a blink, matter is moved from one place to another (or destroyed and replicated elsewhere if you like Michael Crichton). Sounds like something from the Final Frontier, but you can have it today! A fun pool to play with, but it is the lowest of the travel pools.
    Recall Friend- (5) You can Teleport one of your teammates to yourself. The target must be a teammate and can be selected from the Team Window. You can also rescue a fallen teammate who may be in a hostile location, as long as he is on the same map. Range is not infinite, but extremely long and can be enhanced. This power can be interrupted. A convenient power in the very early levels and for those with a revive power. Other than that, not too useful… plus you must be on a team which makes it useless when soloing.
    Teleport Foe- (5) You can Teleport a single foe directly next to yourself. A successful hit must be made in order to Teleport the target, and some powerful foes cannot be Teleported. This power can be interrupted. Helps if you lack any other pulling powers or for an ambush in PvP. But be prepared for the agro from nearby mobs.
    Teleport- (9.5) You can Teleport long distances. Teleport has no recharge time, and can be reactivated without pause, as long as you have Endurance. This is a fun travel power once you get used to how it works. To balance the benefit of being the fastest travel power, it eats through endurance at a good clip.
    Team Teleport- (2.5) You can Teleport yourself and your nearby teammates to a targeted location. Teammates must be in close proximity to you. Team Teleport costs slightly more Endurance than Teleport, but you can Teleport your entire team for no additional cost. Most people find this to be as useless as Group Fly, but I hear some Masterminds find a use for it.

    Concealment- 21.5 points
    This is one of those pools that some ATs will love (squishies) and some playstyles as well (PvP). It is fun to slip by foes, but then, why is the costume generator one of the most popular features of the game? So we and others can actually see it!
    Stealth- (5) You blend into your environment and can only be seen at very close range. Even if discovered, you are hard to see and have a bonus to Defense to all attacks. If, however, you attack while using this power, you will be discovered and will loose your Stealth and some of your Defense bonus. While Stealthy, your movement is Slowed. Stealth will not work with any other form of Concealment power such as Shadow Fall or Steamy Mist. Very low Endurance cost. Bonus to defense and stealth is all well and good, but this power is more useful to PvP than PvE. It loses it’s luster by not stacking with other concealment powers.
    Grant Invisibility- (6) Grants a targeted teammate Invisibility. The Invisibility lasts about 2 minutes. While your ally is Invisible, he probably will not be detected unless he attacks a target. If he attacks, he is still hard to see and maintains some bonus to Defense to all attacks. This power works with other Concealment related powers. Now this one stacks and is better concealment. The downside is you have to have a teammate to use it.
    Invisibility- (5.5) You can bend light around yourself to become Invisible. While this power is active, you are almost impossible to detect. While Invisible, you cannot attack and can only use powers that affect yourself, however, you do have a Defense to all attacks. This power will not work with other self affecting Concealment related powers such as Stealth or Shadow Fall. This would be a great power except you can’t attack and can only affect yourself. So much for being a stalker wannabe.
    Phase Shift- (5) You can Phase Shift to become out of sync with normal space. Although you do not become completely Invisible, you are translucent and hard to see. You are intangible, and cannot affect or be affected by those in normal space. Although this power is a toggle, you cannot remain Phase Shifted for more than 30 seconds, even if you still have Endurance. Cannot be used with Rest. The “I’m in over my head” power. I have little tolerance for running away (I am a Scrapper at heart), but it can be useful. And the time limit prevents abuse.

    Fighting- 18 points
    This pool’s first tier powers are for melee fighters. Nothing to see hear for ranged characters; but wait my ranged squishy could really benefit from tiers 2 and 3! Too bad, you MUST take a melee power first! I don’t like it, but that’s the way it is.
    Boxing- (4) A decent punch that has a small chance to Disorient foes. Oooo, you get to punch a guy!? I thought Brawl did that…
    Kick- (4) A modest kicking attack that has a small chance to knock opponents down. Didn’t we call this Jump Kick earlier; and didn’t that lead to a travel power? Don’t bother with this.
    Tough- (4.5) While active, you are tough and slightly resistant to Smashing and Lethal damage. Offers resistance to some of the most resisted types in the game. Nice! Wait… my existing powers most likely offer something similar…?
    Weave- (5.5) While active, you bob and weave, increasing your Defense to all attacks, as well as your resistance to Immobilize. Increased defense and a status protection? Sounds great! I have to take two of these other powers first? Never mind…

    Medicine- 16 points
    This pool sounds like a great idea, and it is for badge hunters and for concept. Beyond that, you probably have more important powers to take first.
    Aid Other- (4) Heals a single targeted ally. This power is interruptible, so you shouldn't use this in combat. Can’t use it on yourself when soloing missions… Interuptibility limits its use even on a team.
    Stimulant- (7.5) Frees an ally from any Immobilization, Sleep, Disorient, Hold, Fear or Confuse effects and leaves them resistant to such effects for a brief time. Protection will improve with Multiple applications and as you advance in level. This power is interruptible and shouldn't be used in the heat of combat. This one is actually worthwhile if you have nothing better to get. Its break-free and status protection effects are sorely needed at higher levels.
    Aid Self- (4.5) Allows you to heal yourself. This hypo also leaves you wide awake, and resistant to Disorientation effects. This power is interruptible. Sounds great in concept, but again limited use in combat. You have to survive without it to use it, at which time you could just Rest instead.
    Resuscitate- (0) Revives a fallen ally, leaving him with full Hit Points, but no Endurance. The Resuscitated target will be protected from XP Debt for 15 seconds. This power is interruptible. Like Vengeance you need a dead teammate to use it, but without any of Vengeance’s benefits. So right there is major point loss. This would be valuable in the Hollows pre-travel, but as a level 20 pick and having to take two others before it… Worst power in the pools.

    Presence- 7.5 points
    I don’t understand why they bothered with this pool. If I can handle agro, I already have a taunt. If I can’t I definitely don’t want one. The entire concept of this pool is just totally off. I have never seen a squishy (presumably who this pool was designed for) with one of these powers. Now the 2nd and 3rd tier powers are designed to be soft control for the ATs that don’t have control… such as those that want agro and already have a taunt and so wouldn’t need either of the two prerequisites… Horrible, horrible pool. I won’t even comment on them individually.
    Challenge- (2) Challenges a foe to attack you. Use this to pull a foe off of an ally in trouble or away from a mob of foes. Not as effective as a typical Scrapper Confront and Challenge powers. An Accuracy check is required to successfully Challenge a target.
    Provoke- (2) This power attracts the attention of a foe and all those around him. Use this to pull several enemies off of an ally in trouble. Not as effective as a typical Tanker Taunt powers. An Accuracy check is required to successfully Challenge a target.
    Intimidate- (2) You can threaten a single foe and cause him to helplessly tremble in Fear for a brief while.
    Invoke Panic- (1.5) This power causes sheer terror in all foes around you, causing them to tremble in Fear uncontrollably.

    Final Thoughts

    As I said in the beginning, if you are a normal player, you will take a travel pool, the Fitness pool, and have little room left for anything else. It seems that the devs like it this way and simply provide all the other pools simply to help out badge hunters (Medicine) or PvP players (Stealth). And I still can’t figure out what the Presence pool is for.

    This is my first guide, and I hope this it has been useful to you. My original intent in doing this was to put together a reworking of the pool powers for the Suggestion Forum, and I still might do that at some point. However as I put this list together, I thought someone could use it in and of itself, so here it is.

    Comments are welcome and appreciated. Just remember, this is all subjective and my own opinion… you are, of course, free to disagree.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    My favorite was a long time ago, in I3 I think. Was on a pug, ~level 15-18 in the hollows, on one of the missions of kill all critters in the cave (igneous, I think). Well, this one blaster has over agro'd stuff and died inspite of my tank taunting and attempting to agro control throughout the mission. Celarly, he lacked any idea of tactics or pulling for limited agro.

    Anyway, this blaster almost caused a team wipe, and tempers were climbing. We got to a large round room with tons of critters. This blaster said "watch this" and went flying into the area, triggered the alpha, and ate an obscene amount of boulders and ranged damage. It was enough damage to likely wipe the whole team 3 or 4 times over, as he agro'd like 4 separate spawns.

    Over team channel I asked "wow, was that on purpose?". The reply was "no."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    OMG, I think I was on that team too! Actually, I've been on that team a couple times. For some reason, people with fly like to go into those huge cave rooms, fly to the top, and then drop right in the center of the four groups of mobs. Guess they wanted off the team, cause they all never come back from the hospital and eventually get kicked from the team.