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  1. I have a kat/sr and would like to take it to RV, but have no idea of how to build him since with acc bonuses def is almost worthless...
    but i've seen some good def based stalkers and widows and i still believe def based heroes can still do something in pvp areas...

    if anyone has a good build for kat/sr please let me know or at least any ideas... ty
  2. i want to take a kat/sr to RV, but not sure how to build him... i know that with everyone capping their acc with bonuses, def is nothing, but there's gota be a way... iam planning to have max recharge and almost have perma elude + self heal...

    any ideas?
  3. iam a 24 vet player, and now my 50s have nothing to do. i go to PI and no one there, then to RWZ and nothing. finally i step into Atlas Park and everyone is there doing boring farms. Game should be renamed to "City of Atlas Park AE". Since most players are in one building trying to Power Level.

    Even if i try to stay away from AE, i still can't find or get enough people to do regular missions... Gonna have to move on to another game looks like...
  4. just thought psy/energy migh [censored] in pvp... since psy is not resisted so much... i have an archer/dev atm on RV, but kinda getting tired of him not having buffs on the side
  5. I want to own in RV (pvp zone) but don't know a good build for my psy/energy blaster. does anyone have one i can use please...