
  • Posts

  • Joined

  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Experiment simply grinned, gripping the bottle. He glanced at his cast, and back up at the female, his eyes twinkling.

    "I don't think telling you all the details would do very good for my image, but I will tell you this; The toaster-slash-glob-of-ever-heated-metal got what was coming to... Um... It. Also, don't hang television sets by anything flammable with said ever-heated items while wearing easily heatable armour. It just... Isn't a good idea."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sis couldn’t help but snicker. “No offense, but I’m feeling sympathetic towards the toaster. Although I have to admit I never considered assault by a deadly toaster with a television for an accomplice to be high on the list of things I would have to watch out for.” Her eyes dropped to his cast. “That looks…overly complicated. Why not a regular plaster one?”

    Sis’s attention was momentarily distracted by Cortianna’s reaction to Ian. She’d missed most of the conversation, but felt the tension rise almost immediately. Instinctively, she started to set herself for a fight, building her connection with the earth and clenching her free hand into a fist. But it was over before it began, sparing Sis from having to explain just how exactly she had managed to summon lava from a non-volcanic area and why it wasn’t burning her skin.

    [ QUOTE ]
    "I... apologize. I'm not used to... not hearing the voices. It's left me... on edge." [Cortianna] sighed, "It's not a matter of holes in my memories," She answered him after quickly pulling what he had said from her mind, "Just a single block right after.... they injected me with that damn drug." Her face tightened with rage briefly, "After that day, my memories are clear enough, if clutter by others'. I just don't know anything from before I was 10."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ian reclaimed his backward step and just smiled warmly but his purple eyes remained unblinking. “Don’t worry, we’re all friends here. I’m sure your memory will come back to you in time and if you’re feeling up to it, you can tell us all about yourself.”

    [/ QUOTE ]

    “Or not. No pressure, really.” Sis felt silly as soon as words came out of her mouth, but she couldn’t take them back now. Besides, she actually meant it, though, more in the sense of not wanting to know too much about her fellow Clinic inhabitants. She wasn’t looking to make fast friendships here.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ella turned to Ian all of her childish charm vanishing. Her hands were placed on her hips in tiny balled fist.

    “And what do you know of lost memories?” Her voice was flat and level with a hint of accusation in it.

    Ian turned back to the other two he was speaking with, his arms crossed over his chest. “I have no past experience with memory loss, personally…” He chuckled to himself as his memories retraced back to recently when he helped a man and his wife that worked for Crey who had some of their memories erased. “…but the truth has an interesting way of being rediscovered when you try to cover it up. That’s justice after all.”

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sis nodded in response, turning back towards Experiment. “Back to your…lab…is it still standing after your experience?” As she spoke, she slowly let her connection to the earth fade, straightening as the adrenaline dissipated from her system. She unclenched her fist and ran it through her bangs. Sis could feel the tension in her shoulders and back and sighed to herself. Maybe her team was right. She could use a break. But if episodes like that were going to happen a lot, maybe the Clinic, gym or not, wasn’t the right place.
  2. ((

    999. Must be supportive and not snicker when husband's character is introduced as "The Fairy" when he is playing a bard with a Fae bloodline.

    1000. Just because my flail has bonuses when covered in humanoid blood, does not mean I can "get things started" by braining another party member's NPC girlfriend.

    1001: That goes double for any PC I don't like.

    1002: "Pay attention to me!" is not an appropriate battle cry.

    1003: May not keep a running "Kill-O-Meter" and taunt the paladin with my superior numbers.

  3. [ QUOTE ]
    “Oh it’s sort of under the main building. Well you have to go thru the main building but actually, it’s off to the side, for structural and safety reasons. They didn’t build it directly under the main building.” Ella explained somewhat boredly. “Do you wanna go see it?” Ella’s asked somewhat excitedly but her words trailed off as she looked around the room.

    “There are so many people to still meet. Maybe some of them will want to come too”

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sis shrugged. “Nah, no rush. Just curious. If you want to drag some more folks along, feel free.” Sis was slowly getting the feeling that most of the people in the room were here for the medical side of the house. While they might want to see the gym, they probably wouldn’t be able to use it. Which could still potentially leave her without a sparring partner. Given Ella and Ian’s comments, it sounded like sneaking in or off campus was not going to be an option. That, and she'd promised not to. She scowled to herself.

    [ QUOTE ]
    "Um... I'm good." [Cortianna] told Sis, holding up her still mostly full drink in a slightly shaking hand. "Thank you for asking." She added after a pause to remember what her councilor had said about 'manners and curtsies'.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    “Sure.” Sis noted that the purple-haired girl seemed anxious about something, as opposed to being irritated at being here. “Hey…you alright?” Sis moved away from the table a little, nearly bumping into the small blue woman. She felt a brief chill, but ignored it. “You look kinda spooked.”

    [ QUOTE ]
    “I wish,” [Ian] sighed after he snuck back near the group and poured himself some more iced tea. “I can take care of any villains that attempt to invade the grounds….Experiment could back up my word too. {..} Oh yes, I almost forgot my associate. This handsome fellow’s name is John but he sometimes goes by the alias Experiment 2.0 or Experiment. Maybe because he’s always shocking himself or blowing himself up to try different hairstyles.”

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    Experiment raised the usual eyebrow, scratching his head with his good hand. After a slight pause, he turned to Ian. "Yeah, thanks, now they think I'm more of a dork than I am... Well, at least, more than I appear to be..."

    He turned back to the other guests, and bowed (carefully), grinning widely again. "Experiment 2.0, technological extraordinare, and master of toaster-in-bathtub action! May I get your names, ladies?"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sis snickered quietly, and held out a bottle of water to Experiment. “Here…I’m Sis, this is Ella and Cortianna. Er…one sec.” She quickly cracked the seal on the bottle so Experiment would be able to open it with one hand. “Sorry ‘bout that,” she said, handing it over. “So how exactly did the toaster do you in?” she asked grinning, eyes glancing towards his cast. “I’m sure the story is epic.” She flicked her ponytail over her shoulder and crossed her arms over her chest. Mentally, she kicked herself for laying on the sarcasm. It was no way to make friends. Then again, she wasn’t going to be here that long. Still, she was representing her Super Group, in a manner of speaking. She’d have to be careful to not insult anyone too badly.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    It's nowhere near as easy as when I play as Randy, though. Randall Grey is a frickin powerhouse in-game. Stone and Super Strength... Mmm... It's just a little hard for me to RP a guy like that, though... So Randy typically only shows up if I need a "nuke."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ((Oh thank goodness. I thought I was the only one with a Stone/SS tank. I don't suppose I could bug you for build advice? I've already respec'd once and I'm still not happy.

    On topic...I try not to get involved in too many threads, since my posting time has decreased dramatically. But I really liked Bad Company. I was wondering if anyone had any feedback for me on Lily and CC from that thread? They're two of my more under-developed characters, personality-wise, and I was hoping to use that thread to flesh them out. I would absolutely support a rezzing of the story, by the way.

    I'm afraid I can't comment on Burning or Soviet's characters. I agree with the comments about Doc Phillis though, Billy. But you knew that. The only feedback I could really give is that he seems to be your one and only villain...I'd love to see you give the same attention to a new one. Just for variety.))
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Ella started to pull her jacket back on. “I’m sorry Sis” Her face changing to girlish guilt, her head slightly downcast, eyes on the floor. “I lied to you. There is no dress code. You are allowed to wear whatever you want….as long as it doesn’t contain weapons.” Her eyes briefly looked in Tallia’s direction. “The track suits are just to provide guest with something comfortable to wear”.

    Her head still slightly downcast Ella looked up at Sis through her bangs, and shuffled her feet uncomfortably. “I just wanted your red shirt…I liked it”

    [/ QUOTE ]

    A smile twitched across Sis' face. "I see. You could have just asked, you know." Sis shrugged. "I've got spares at home. I can probably get someone to ship me one." She eyed the track suit Ella was wearing, and then the one Cortianna had on. Following Ella's gaze, she raised an eyebrow at Talia's suit and then glanced again at the sulking teenager in the black track suit.

    "Well, the weapons part won't be too difficult, at any rate. Don't use 'em. So how come he gets to carry one? 'Cause he's 'staff'?" She nodded over at Ian, who stood talking with Experiment 2.0.

    Sis had a good idea how much damage even practice bokkens could inflict. Either Ian was smoother than she gave him credit for, or the staff were idiots. Given her run-ins so far today, she was leaning towards the latter. Any place that thought Sea Salt Scrubs were the solution to tension had to be slightly off-kilter.

    "Oh, and Ella...I hate to bring this up again, but where's the gym?" Sis wanted to swing by and see about getting a practice room for later. As she spoke, she replaced the cap on her empty bottle of water and tossed it into the trash can. Taking a moment to tug off her gloves and shove them in her pocket, she reached behind her to grab another bottle. "Water?" she asked, offering it to Ella and Cortianna.
  6. ((Gah....was in the middle of composing a reply...and had another one to incorporate! *shakes fist at Leo* ))

    [ QUOTE ]
    With a long sigh, [Ian] finally let what she said go and his mood took a complete 180. He laughed lightly along with her. “Fine, I was just trying to be nice…I guess you don’t want my help then….and don’t ask me to sweet talk the staff into letting you skip any part of your relaxing vacation,” Ian said with a smirk and crossed his arms across his chest.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    “Heh. Burning my bridges already, am I?” She shrugged. “I know I need it. It just irritates me that I didn’t get to say when and where.”

    [ QUOTE ]
    This is where Ian instantly brightened up. “Spar!? Oh! Oh! I can help you with that! If you want a partner I’m always ready for a scrap!” He didn’t have to repeat anything in his head to make himself seem enthusiastic and his voice might have been a little too loud. “…but I’m not really sure if they have any kind of facility to host that kind of activity…I guess I’ll have to ask around.”

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sis eyed him up and down again. “I’ll break you. Or, you’ll be too fast to hit. Are you one of those speedsters?” Taking another sip of her water, she drummed the fingers of her free hand on her waist. “They’ve got a physical training facility, so they have to have gyms or sparring rooms. I’ll ask tomorrow.”

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ian’s sly smirk returned and his arms wrapped tighter over his chest. “…but you’re fine without my help…I’m sure you can somehow teleport a delivery man here, which is impossible, or pass around security clearance requests for a few select pizzerias by yourself.”

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sis snickered quietly. “Point.”

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ella stepped around the table to stand closer to Ian and Sis, maybe a little too close to Ian “Don’t be silly Ian of coarse there’s a gym.” Her mannerisms morphed from less girlish to borderline flirtatious. With her delicate fingers she smoothed out a wrinkle in the shoulder of Ian’s uniform. She kept the hand on his shoulder.

    Ella’s large eyes turned to Sis.

    “The food here is actually surprisingly good; the town is a little far away. Plus with all of the security protocols you’d never get anything here hot”

    “You are completely out of dress code.” Ella rolled her eyes to emphasize the statement. “You should give me your shirt right now” Ella dropped her hand from Ian’s shoulder and removed the jacket from her track suit to trade with Sis. Of course she was completely lying but she really wanted the red shirt. Ella had on a standard white sports bra under the jacket. Her skin continued to be bone white and flawless. Despite past injuries there wasn’t a single visible scar.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ian literally held his breath when Ella persisted to be near him which was then forced out of him when a relatively strong elbow punctured his side. “Oh, s-sorry. This is Mary but she goes by the name Sis,” he stuttered and motioned to the ‘slightly’ irritated woman beside him.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ella reshifted her gaze to Sis and offered her hand to her too.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sis raised an eyebrow, but shook Ella’s hand. “Sis. Do me a favor kid, put your shirt back on, huh? Not sure about where you come from, but most people I know don’t strip at the drop of a hat. Pocket D excepted.” She chuckled softly. “About this gym…what’s it take to get in there? I’m kinda booked tomorrow during the day, but I’d love to take a tour in the evening.” She glanced over to where Ian was introducing himself to Cortianna. She tried to flash a smile, though it probably came out as more of a smirk.

    [ QUOTE ]
    “Is that John?” Ian blurted out loudly. “Experiment 2.0? What are you doing here?” He started walking toward the newcomer, hoping Ella would release him as he went. “What is that thing on your arm? Some new device you thought up?”

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sis bit her tongue to keep from laughing out loud. “I think you scared him off, Miss Ella. Might want to tone it down some, hmm?” She grinned. “Oh, and nice to meet you, as well,” she said to Cortianna. “I’m Sis. You look as happy to be here as I am. Though not as eager as Ella here, who assures me there’s a dress code. Which I have violated within minutes of my arrival. Joy. Care to elaborate on the exact code?”
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    He returned her grin with a wider grin, particularly to push back his slightly redden cheeks. “Well, nice to meet you too, Mary. I’m sure you’ll enjoy yourself here if you don’t mind relaxing once in a while.” He returned his attention to his tea and shuffled the ice a bit. “Not really but I do everything else that doesn’t require a medical license around here so why not.” Although an exaggerated statement, he did express it in a genuine demoralized fashion.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    “Sis. Just call me Sis, it’s easier.” She shrugged. “Relaxing isn’t really something I do. I’m gonna be stir-crazy in a few days I’m sure. I’m also gonna murder my SG-mate. Bloodily.” She managed to keep a completely straight face as she made the pronouncement.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Nice, cheerful, enthusiastic, helpful he repeated again in his head. “Not that I don’t want to. I get to meet a lot of…nice people so it’s worth it.”

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sis snorted in a very unladylike manner. “Right. ‘Cause every teenage boy wants to be spending his free time hanging out with a bunch of twitchy Heroes on the mend. I can just imagine how well that goes over with the girls at school.” Sis’s tone took on a false cheer. “‘Oh a date? Gosh, that would be great, but I have to go help some doctors jam a sedative into someone’s arm. Maybe next weekend?’” She laughed bitterly. “Right.”

    [ QUOTE ]
    Burying his eyes in his drink, Ian weakly smiled and laughed at the joke. “Hehe, I’m not complaining but I couldn’t possibly get in that sort of mood around here anyway…” …not to mention I’m not suppose to.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sis raised an eyebrow. “Oh. Gotcha. Whatever floats your boat, brother. Too bad for you though.”

    [ QUOTE ]
    “Hey, aren’t you hungry or thirsty? You could get to know some of the people that will be staying here if you visit the snack table…that’s why you came to this little party right?” Ian asked in an attempt to change the subject. “I’m sure you’re not really irritated and don’t want to be here,” he said with a smidge of sarcasm, “or would you rather me get you a drink instead?”

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sis fluttered a hand to her heart, equally sarcastic. “Oh, would you? That would be so thoughtful.” It only lasted a moment before she dissolved into laughter. “Yeah, whatever. I guess I could get some water…and I really am irritated to be here, Ian. They’re making me go through some horrific sessions tomorrow. I’m not looking forward to it at all.” She pushed off the wall and started to weave through the chairs towards the table of snacks. “What I really need is to find is a sparring partner. I can’t just take three weeks off, even if I am supposed to taking it easy. Resistance training is all well and good, but it can’t take the place of forms practice. You know? Besides, what am I supposed to do? Punch trees? There’s got to be a gym or something here.”

    Nodding in greeting to the others near the table, she snatched up a bottle of water and cracked the lid off. Taking a sip, she eyed the snacks and shook her head. The brochure for the Spa had said that dinner would be served every night, so she figured she’d wait. And sneak off campus when it turned out to be health food. Except she had promised she wouldn’t sneak off. Maybe she could find a phone book and get delivery. Turning back to Ian, she asked, “Any pizza places deliver around here? Or am I stuck with institutional food?” After a slight pause, she added, “And did I violate a dress code or something?”
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Ella’s (long) path to the blue girl took her near Sis. Ella’s eyes flicked back and forth from Sis and her red eye makeup, and back to the curious blue girl.

    “Hi…I um…like your gloves” Ella said shyly (and distractedly) to the taller blonde woman as she passed, her eyes lingering on Sis’s red top before going back to track the blue girl at the snacks table.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sis raised an eyebrow, but smiled. “Thanks, kid.” She watched the young woman walk away. She was definitely older than she looked at first glance. There was something very childlike about her though. It seemed like the other woman had already taken a motherly interest in her. And that the young woman had taken an interest in Sis’s clothes.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ian let out a quiet yet long exhale of fatigue to relax a few minutes but quickly perked back up when he realized a woman with red eye makeup was probably only three or four chairs away from him. Nice, cheerful, enthusiastic, helpful, he repeated in his head and smiled. “Hi. You look pretty jovial,” he greeted but felt she didn’t want to be there. “My name’s Ian, do you stay here or work here?” he asked after pondering her red Tee shirt and black pants.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    “Jovial?” Sis smirked. “And here I thought I was showing irritation. I’ll have to work on that.” She eyed him for a moment, gaze dropping momentarily to his bokken. “Nice to meet you, Ian. I’m Mary, but everyone calls me Sis. I’m on ‘vacation.’” Her tone made it clear that it was not her idea of rest and relaxation. Noticing him taking stock of her outfit, she said, “And my eyes are up here.” Sis grinned, softening the statement. “You’re part of the welcome wagon?”

    As she spoke, Sis glanced around the room quickly. Another young woman, who looked equally unhappy to be here, had slunk into the room and claimed a seat. From the body language, it looked like she wouldn’t be giving it up without a fight. Another girl hovered in the doorway.

    Turning back to Ian, she chuckled. “You’ve got a harem, brother. Lucky you. Just, no ice breakers, ‘kay? I can’t stand ‘em.”

    ((Short, I know. And thanks for the b-day wishes!))
  9. “I don’t want to see you for three weeks, minimum.” He handed her a small backpack. “No sneaking off either.”

    They glared at each other for a moment.

    “Fine,” she replied, tossing the backpack over her shoulder.

    “Fine.” He slammed the visor of his motorcycle helmet down and revved the engine. She ignored the cloud of dust and turned to stare at the building in front of her. It was almost too Italian, evoking images of the Tuscan countryside as pictured in movies that were actually shot in the San Fernando hills.

    Trudging towards what looked like the entrance, she frowned. She was pretty sure enforced relaxation was against the Geneva conventions. It hadn’t stopped her SuperGroup though.

    Thinking back, she figured she could pinpoint the last straw. It was probably when she had tumbled out of the base’s hospital transporter on fire. Well, smoking. It had been a painfully successful mission. She’d taken the brunt of the final explosion, just like she was supposed to. It wasn’t her fault it had shredded her clothes and set her hair on fire.

    She’d gotten a tongue-lashing from Catwalk. Saffyre had hovered. Doc had pumped her full of Gatorade and slapped a bandage or two on her. Belinda and the Colonel had snickered quietly in the background. There had been a discussion about her recent missions. She hadn’t been allowed to participate.

    At Saffyre’s insistence, she was being “allowed” to take some time off from the New Breed to “rest and relax.” The group had a condo at The Spa, so here she was. Pushing through the glass doors to the reception area, she brushed blonde bangs out of her face. Saffyre had sworn she would take care of everything, which probably meant beauty treatments. Suppressing a shudder, she stepped up to the counter.

    “Good morning! Checking in?”

    She nodded, handing over her Hero ID.

    “Ah…lovely to have you with us, Miss Jackson.”



    “Everyone calls me Sis.” She rolled her shoulders.

    The receptionist checked the Hero ID again and nodded. “I see, SisterChen. Very well…Sis….your room isn’t quite ready, but we do have you scheduled for a physical and preliminary wellness checkup. I can take your luggage if you like.”

    Shrugging, Sis handed him her backpack. “’s all I’ve got.”

    He raised an eyebrow. “Ah…I’ll be sure this gets up to your room. One of our attendants will be by in a moment to escort you to your appointments, if you’d care to have a seat?” The receptionist gestured to the comfy couches and handed her back her Hero ID. “Welcome to The Spa.”


    “Well, it seems like you’re in pretty good shape. You’ve got some tendonitis in your knees and right elbow, and overall, I’d say you’re suffering from exhaustion.”

    Sis sighed and looked at the floor.

    “And no, your SuperGroup didn’t tell me to say that. It’s all here in your charts. We’ll start you on some physical therapy sessions in the mornings for your knees and elbow. Swimming, resistance training, that sort of thing.” The doctor patted her shoulder. “Cheer up SisterChen. Even the big guys need a break to recover every once in a while.”


    “How old are you?”


    “Do you wear sunscreen when you go out?”

    Sis shook her head. “Rocks.”

    The esthetician blinked, then shrugged. “So no. What about your daily routine? Do you use a face wash or a mask?”

    “Um…soap and water?”

    “Any makeup at all?”

    “…just this red stuff around my eyes….for work….” Sis shifted in her seat. This was not her favorite pastime.

    The esthetician peered at her, then picked up Sis’s right arm and pinched the skin. It was stiff to the touch. “Did that hurt?”

    “Huh?” Sis looked down at where the girl was pinching her. “Not really.”

    “Okay. I see by your chart you’re classified as a “Tanker,” so I’m going to guess that your remark about rocks had something to do with an armor you wear?”

    “Yeah…I concentrate and they kinda cover me.”

    “And you’re normally hard to hit, anyway? Or rather, things don’t pierce your skin?”

    Sis nodded again.

    “Okay…well, we’ve got some great treatments that can help with maintaining the condition of your skin while still protecting you. And you really should use sunscreen. We’ll start with a massage and a facial tomorrow afternoon, and then probably a wrap and some sea salt soaks the day after.”



    It wasn’t bad enough she was being forced into a vacation. Now they wanted her to meet people. With another sigh, she trudged down the hall, tightening her ponytail as she went. Stefan would be laughing hysterically right now. Luckily, he wasn’t here to see her.

    Pausing briefly outside the meeting room, she slipped in and to the left, finding a piece of wall to occupy. She was still in her work clothes, which meant a red t-shirt and loose black pants that came to the tips of her boots. She brushed blonde bangs out of her eyes again and realized she had forgotten to take off her fingerless gloves. Which meant she probably still had the red eye makeup on.

    “Hope I don’t scare anyone,” she muttered to herself, watching the other occupants. The girl in the chair looked even more out of place than Sis did. Then again, she could have sworn she saw a small blue woman flit past. She grinned as the teenage boy straightened his uniform while talking to the other woman in the room. “Great…back in high school,” she muttered again.
  10. Pyrria


    ((Nicely done. Welcome back.))
  11. Lily stepped into the room, pool cue in hand. Glancing around, she took a seat on the couch and leaned back, looking bored. "We can pick anybody? Besides the Tin Can General over there?" she asked, gesturing in Toy Dispenser's direction.

    CC bounced into the room and sat cross-legged on the floor. Grinning up at Lyden, she seemed to content to wait to hear the instructions, for once.

    ((Apologies for being late. Yay for work and cold season.))
  12. Seeing no immediate takers, Lily started a game of pool by herself. After racking the balls, she walked down to the other end of the table with the cue ball and took aim.


    " suck at this."

    Grumbling quietly, Lily tried to sink any ball into any pocket. Breaking did not appear to be her strong suit.


    Feet and boots squeaky clean, CC padded into the hall and then down to the entertainment wing. Spotting the row of consoles, she grinned and dashed over to the shelves. "Oooh....hmm...what to play? Something new or something classic?"
  13. CC trudged up the hill, boots in hand. At the back door, she put the shoes down and looked around for a hose. Finally spotting one by the pool, she trotted over to grab it and bring it back. Turning it on, she began hosing down her boots, her own feet, and anything that walked by.

    Lily, meanwhile, made her way into the east wing and the entertainment room. Spotting the pool table she grinned and pushed her sunglasses up on top of her head. "Anyone up for a game?" she asked, racking the balls and grabbing a cue stick.
  14. "Aaah! Slimy creepy things!" CC skidded to a halt just before barrelling through the patch of seaweed. "LILY YOU MEANIE!" she screamed, taking a few steps backwards. With a look of intense concentration, she sprinted forward again and at the last moment leapt into the air, vaulting over the seaweed patch.

    "Alright! Now if I can just catch that lizard-cat-thing!" CC could tell that her jump would put her only a few feet behind Morsko. She'd just jump again, right away, and then she'd be in front of the creature, and would be able to head him off and grab the egg.

    "Here I come!"



    Pushing herself up on to her hands and knees, CC spat out sand. "Darn it...I'll never catch him now..." With a resigned sigh, she slipped out of her boots and climbed up out of the two foot hole she'd created by landing in the soft beach. Grumbling to herself, she started to tug on her boots.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Seeing the egg burst broke Tomanton out of battle quick enough- he sighed, backed off, shrugged, and gave a smirk.

    "Naturally. At this point, it's best to just not step on anyone's toes and see what happens. Wouldn't want to draw ire."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Lily peered at him briefly over the top of her sunglasses. "Alright. It's a date." Turning back towards the beach, she crossed her arms over her chest and watched CC running down the beach. Barely giving it a moment's thought, Lily encouraged some seaweed in CC's path to stand on end and try to grab whatever ran through the patch. It would be amusing, at the least.
  16. ((*hides the mangled remains of Real Life and nonchalantly rejoins the RP*))

    "Aw....gross!" CC ran to the water to try to wash off her hands. She understood playing Hot Potato, but why did they have to explode?

    Lily grinned, watching the chaos around her. She was enjoying this. Holding the egg lightly, she chuckled at Cortianna and Pyro-Technis' methods. Realizing that she was about to end up with one of the last eggs, she was turning to head up to the patio when she felt someone behind her.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Tomanton quickly reappeared behind Lily, thrusting his arms upwards at her wrists to try and snatch egg 3. His aim was a bit off, though- knocking it from her and his hands, the egg was sent up quite a few feet in the air.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "HEY!" Lily instinctively shoved her elbow back into Tomanton, hoping to stun him. As she spun around to see her attacker, she noticed the egg explode out of the corner of her eye. "Hmm...well, guess you saved me from an egging. Next time though, you buy me dinner first." Smirking, she took a step back and glanced around for a quick inventory.

    Meanwhile, CC had noticed Morsko start to head down the beach. Her hands now clean of egg yolk, she splashed out of the water and took off after the creature, hands reaching out for his tail. "C'mere you!"
  17. Lily, sunglasses firmly settled over her eyes, followed Cortianna into the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee. Perching on the edge of the sink, she sipped her drink and glared around the room. She was also not a morning person.

    Unlike CC.

    "GOOD MORNING!" The carrot-top bounced into the room, all sunshine and smiles. She stuck her tongue out at Lily, earning herself another dirty look. "Aw...did I miss chow time? Oh well...I'll just toast a bagel or something," she bubbled to herself, scrounging in the pantry. Coming up with some wheat bread, she snagged a plate and a knife and some peanut butter. Dragging a chair to the table, she made herself an open-faced sandwich.

    [ QUOTE ]
    "So what's the challenge for today, short stuff?" Combat Toy rumbled as it stomped into the common room where Lyden was sitting, arms crossed and eye strip sweeping back and forth.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    CC nodded in agreement. She muttered a question of her own, but it was lost in the peanut butter. It almost sounded like, "Do we get to go to the beach too?"
  18. CC blinked at Morgant's speech and subsequent disappearance. She still felt a little responsible for his injury, but he would be fine. She was sure. Really.

    [ QUOTE ]
    "...It's crazy late, isn't it? Tomanton is always telling me to get to sleep on time, but there's no point. This whole.. house, experiment thing, it's exciting. I'm probably going to end up laying awake in bed all night.. I must drive him crazy."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "Yeah...I've never been to a sleep-over like this before, that's for sure." CC had found another towel and wrapped it around her. Padding slowly over to the pool, she started to gather her clothes.

    [ QUOTE ]
    "Even if I'm not gonna sleep, I won't ruin it for you. Celtic Cross, right? CC for short? It's gonna be fun hanging out here for the next however many days. I just hope I don't get.. y'know, voted off before I really start to enjoy it. ..And you say you like to fight up close, too? Let's beat the living daylights out of a punching bag together sometime."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "Yup! Oh, I'm sure you'll last until the end. I'm betting Lily goes in the first round," CC replied, her eyes twinkling. "She never gets along with anybody. But you're real nice! You'll make it." Cradling her clothes in her arms and slipping her bare feet into her boots, she laughed lightly. "Why stop at a punching bag? I bet there are some bad guys around here we can arrest. Besides the other guests."

    Checking the grill one last time to make sure it was off, CC joined Kaloaten at the door. Grinning back, she made a mock curtsey before stepping through the door. "Thank you, sir." Seeing her bag was still in the main hall, she scooped it up and headed for the room to which Acid had been asigned. "Have a good night, Kaloaten! See you tomorrow!"

    ((Fair warning. I will be out of the area Tuesday - Thursday of this week for work. I hope to be able to check in during the evenings, but I make no promises. Please assume Lily and CC tag along to whatever events happen on Day Two, and I will post follow-ups if I have to. Thanks very much for your patience.))
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    "...Hey, CC, since when did you become a guy?"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "Oh no! His brains have been scrambled!" CC covered her mouth with her hands. "Is he going to be okay?"

    [ QUOTE ]
    Lyden blinked a moment, then seemed to decide that one more run of the applicator was needed for good measure. He then took a step back to point at CC.

    "Advise remaining contestants dry off and rest. Lack of sleep for tomorrow's challenge is inadvisable."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    CC just nodded absently, still watching Morgant worriedly. Looking between Acid and Morgant, she echoed Kaloten. "Yeah, are you alright? I feel really bad...this is all my fault!" She looked around for a towel to wrap around Morgant's shoulders. "Here..."
  20. "Um...that doesn't look so good...Are you okay mister?" CC's tone took on a worried note.

    [ QUOTE ]
    "Oh no you don't." he said, reaching down into the hot water and picking up the paladin under his arms, hauling him back to the surface, "Last I checked, humans still can't breathe water, so get back up here..."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    CC's eyes widened at Morgant's limp form. "He needs a nurse! Where's his mediport patch? Shouldn't that have sent him to the hospital? Is he going to be okay? What if he's paralyzed? Should I find a first aid kit? What do we do?!?" She ended on a high squeaking note, clearly thinking the worst.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    "...Are you alright?"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    CC coughed and spluttered, nodding. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks! Hey...did I win?" She glanced around to see where Morgant was. She laughed a litte embarrassedly. "We were racing, but I guess I'm less coordinated than I thought. At least it's warm in here!" Shivering a little, she scrunched up until only her head was above water. Her bangs were plastered to her forehead and wrapped around her horns. She lifted a hand out of the water and tried unsuccessfully to untangle her hair. Now she sort of looked like a copper-haired rooster with horns.

    "So what's your speciality?" CC asked Kaloaten.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    <snip> the little Clockwork robot (can't remember her name).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ((Cog Sprocket. I'm not sure, but the player has not been around lately. We'll see what I8 brings.

    For the OP: Rowr had started posting an origin story on the Virtue boards. I'm not sure if it was ever finished. I've forwarded this thread to them so they can respond if they wish.))
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    Morgant shrugged. "As thou wisheth, young lady." He blinked at her question...looking genuinely stumped, as if he hadn't thought of that. " see...ah... ...Oh, look, a hot tub!" He quickly took advantage of her distraction and shrugged, adjusting his tanktop as he shivered as well. "...'Tis FREEZING, after thou just getteth out of yon pool. Race thou yonder!" With only that, he quickly takes several paces forward and leaps into flight, diving right at the pool.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "Heeee!" CC jumped into the air and hit the ground running, pouring on the speed to beat him. Naturally, she slipped in a leftover pool of water and careened out of the control. "Eeeep!" Wildly waving her arms and legs, she tried to regain her balance, but only seemed to make the situation worse. With an "Oof!" she hit the side of the hot tub and tumbled in, head first.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    Morgant gave an embarrassed shrug, now speaking normally, though still with his english accent. "I'm quite fond of my version of middle english. Sorry. And to answer the question, sometimes I'm in areas where Freedom Corps can't get to the Rogue Isles."
    At her other question, he got even more of an embarrassed look, lifting up his left hand to scratch behind his head. " was so intent upon my thoughts...I guess I kinda zoned out completely."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "Oh, that's okay. It's kinda pretty. I'm just dumb," CC said cheerily. "Talk however you want. It just might take me a minute or two to figure out what you said."

    As he answered the second part of her question, her expression grew even more confused. "Um...but...if you zone will you be able to defend yourself? I mean...shouldn't you practice holding your breath while fighting or something? 'Cause you probably won't be sitting on the bottom of the pool...ooh, look, a hot tub!"

    CC pointed gleefully at the steam coming out of the tub, and considered jumping in. She was starting to shiver a little from the water drying on her skin. Looking back up at Morgant, she asked, "So what do you do? I mean, as a Hero. You're a Hero, right? I hit stuff. Well, kick, mostly. With those." She gestured over her shoulder towards the (now soaked) line of clothes she'd left behind, including her boots.