TA, Rowr, Juggertha,etc. What is you story?
Oddly enough, I don't even think they read the Roleplaying section. It might just be me, but as far as I can tell, not many people who regular different sections of the forums come around here.
You know... You're right!
I would like to know the back story on some of these CoX celebrities. Perhaps if we were to go where they are and ask them there. They might answer in their baileywick quicker than they would in ours. Then we would have our answers.
I'm only laughing on the outside
My smile is just skin deep
If you could see inside, I'm really crying
You might join me for a weep
My Roster
I've never seen them in here once, never seen them post ever outside the art section period. I guess they just have a lot of artist friends as I don't see why they're so special that they get all this fan art. They have some good costumes but I don't think they're so good that they deserve all the attention that they get in the art section.
Well, in all seriousness, most of them pay commisions for their characters from just about everybody, so they aren't exactly "so good" that they get all the art. I know TA has probably spent somewhere in the thousands for all his pictures, it's insane! And if some people draw them some free art, they deserve it from all the money they spend! Several of them are artists themselves, anyway.
I was always so amused that Virtue liked Rowr so much.
She was just a catgirl, ya? Big whoop!
And then I started reading her posts and stuff, and realized that she was awesome. It's the player that makes the toon. So I'd say they get some attention for just bein' all around good peoples.
I am not concerned about why they are known. I just want to know about thier toons. As people they are real cool. If I was a better artist I would draw stuff for all of them. They are supportive and kind to all new and establish artist. Unlike me they don't beg for fan art. They either pay or just be in the right place at the right time. That's not the point. I didn't start this thread to find out how other feel about thier Celebrity Status(which I think they deserve) I just wanted to know their back story.
I always had so much fun heading over to the Galaxy City park and just listening in on all the crazy conversations. Rowr, Ireland Love, Loan Shark, the little Clockwork robot (can't remember her name). It was a blast. That's where I used to go to play with the Super Fetus.
Then they made me change his name and I had to delete him.
<snip> the little Clockwork robot (can't remember her name).
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((Cog Sprocket. I'm not sure, but the player has not been around lately. We'll see what I8 brings.
For the OP: Rowr had started posting an origin story on the Virtue boards. I'm not sure if it was ever finished. I've forwarded this thread to them so they can respond if they wish.))
Writing: Cape Fic
Featured Art: MechaTerp & CorporateRock, by Shia
Music: DJ Pyrria

*waves* I heard my name so I came running
Well I do have some stories on my gallery/website type place, though I haven't touched or written on it in a very long time.
Rowr originally started out as a kind of Tigra tribute, but I turned it around to be more unique, I hope. Once was a real tiger, got captured by animal hunters, sent to a zoo type place of an animal collector that hey, happened to live right in/near Paragon. When the rikti invaded, the compound got hit by some stray artillery and the radiation kinda 'mutated' Rowr, merging with some human DNA she had on her fur from the animal handlers. Who she ate.
Then she managed to make her way over to Atlas Park, where she was able to befriend a number of local heroes, who took her in and mentored her, taught her how to talk and the ways of the world, and all that. And now here she is!
And yes most of my art I have paid for I don't consider myself any more special than anyone else. But I do tend to pounce on those threads where artists are offering free sketches. I am an aspiring artist myself, and I love seeing different interpretations of Rowr.
And yeah I tend to stay in the Art section, as well as the Virtue boards (though not as much lately!). I pop into some of the other forums occaisionally, but generally stay out of the RP forum and the games one.
But if you ever wanna say hi feel free! I won't bite! I promise!
But if you ever wanna say hi feel free! I won't bite! I promise!
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She lies! She lies!!
Hehe, j/k...For the most part...
Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!
I just realize there a lot of "Famous characters". But I don't know anything about there characters. As far as humans in the real world they are cool. But I want to know the story of the toons. Please I beg you. Tell me your backgroung aka origin story.