What do you think of X
They're disgusting. The whole crew. I hate zombies.
But, they're well written. Blightlord actually comes off as malevolent, and that's a rarity for villains nowadays.
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
Blightlord scares the hell out of me. T_T
One thing I don't like about him and his minions though is that they're un-freaking-stoppable. I mean, the whole point of a mastermind is that the MM himself is pretty squishy and he has all these minions to protect him. And even then, in order to balance it against the other ATs, the individual minions aren't as strong as PCs. I mean, come on. When I first met Devious in game, he pitted me against Schwarzherz' medic. I'm an Empathy Defender and I won. <_<
Blightlord, however, screams way out of the park when it comes to power and abilities.
Now don't get me wrong. In threads where you're the GM, that's fine. I mean, we're on his turf - and that's a damned good way to control your players.
But in other threads, you've gotta preserve the balance. :3
But from a strictly character standpoint, he's very evil and very scary. T_T I also like the personalities of your minions - but you know, we haven't seen all of them. :3
Art - Theme 005 - Seeking Solace
The Braaaaaiiiiinnnnssss are too powerful often, yus. Maybe if he wasn't /poison, if he was /traps or /dark miasma or something, I'd understand some personal leetness.
But mate, I have a /poison too.
And it can debuff you to hell.
But it can't do much else.
And as for the lot of you,
How do you like Drechi/Rulaag/Drechi's Mercs? Are they cool? Professional?
You must be building your poison differently then or haven't gotten high enough for decent slotting, because Blight can waste anything short of another Mastermind fairly easily. Poison doesn't need 'much else' to be a killer set. In my personal opinion, /dark and /traps don't even compare against single targets. But then again, I don't have a character that high with either set to say from experience.
And as for the minions, yeah they do need to have a bit of a toning down in certain instances. I try to only treat them as characters when they're away from Blightlord (for instance, Muck and Guck when they were fighting Mnemonyev) because Blight doesn't typically walk into a conflict that his minions can't handle for him. However, if I start having all of them together, with Blightlord standing there and they're all fighting like seperate characters against one individual, please call me out on it.
Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"
"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell
When I meant in the last post is rather than introducing eighty bazillion characters to the thread who decide to ally with Blightlord for no apparant reason, I use the 'elite' minions, with non-named Grave Knights acting as normal, or maybe a bit weaker than in-game.
Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"
"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell
Haven't seen much of Drechi/Rulaag or the mercs (I don't peruse the major RP threads; they seem a tad too established), but if they're anything like the other characters I've seen you (Soviet) use, they've gotta be tough, and disturbingly violent.
Also, sorry about that first meeting between Reikoff and Kip... I didn't mean to make it seem like I was Godmoding... Honestly, you weren't far from putting him down by any means... And he has the bruising to prove it.
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
Haven't seen enough of Drechi and Rulaag yet to say something.
Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"
"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell
Indeed. And do remember that some of us went the other way around, stuffing a character into the AT and not vice-versa. Someone once made a round peg in a square hole analogy, which is very illustrative in this case.
But Blightlord and minions too powerful? Meh, not really. They come across fine to me.
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
When I first met Devious in game, he pitted me against Schwarzherz' medic. I'm an Empathy Defender and I won. <_<
[/ QUOTE ]
Beat Vasquez could beat her. <_<
Right well anyway, I didn't get an impression of godmoding at all, Grey. He is a tanker, ya know. And yeah...ya pretty much nailed them. >_>
Actually, Kip's a scrapper with invuln... Randy, Cedric, Ryat99, King Slater, and Ashen Roast are my tankers.
The bulk of my characters are the melee types.
Still, I "ride the red line" with Kip a lot. I have a horrible tendency to conserve greens in-game. It's cost him a couple trips to the hospital since I got him working properly, but I'm still fairly decent when utilizing him.
It's nowhere near as easy as when I play as Randy, though. Randall Grey is a frickin powerhouse in-game. Stone and Super Strength... Mmm... It's just a little hard for me to RP a guy like that, though... So Randy typically only shows up if I need a "nuke." Power Breaker's almost on par with him as a Brute, too.
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
I've seen very little of Blightlord, mostly because he tends to appear on threads that move too fast for me to comprehend, so I can't really say much about him. I haven't gotten much out of him as of yet, probably due to lack of seeing any posts that show his real personality aside from being a bad guy with zombies.
Thought I'd insert my own if, if nobody minds. I just want to know what people think about my arcs. Both so far, one in SV101 and one in SH101, have pitted the protagonists against Dr. Phillis, and I just want to know what everybody thought of them. I try to show a lot of the Doc's character, especially once the fights are over and he's ranting (such as with Billyboy on the underground monitor, or back in Haven after his duplicate was destroyed on Venom Island). Just want some honest opinions and suggestions for improvement, because I do my best to keep him believable and not overly powerful while stilling making the fights challenges.
I don't think there's anyone who's seen Phillis who doesn't like the guy. He's just so awesomely cliche, yet anazingly believable at the same time. I think every one of us here has a little Phillis in them to identify with. Some more than others.
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
I definitely remember the fight against Doctor Phillis in SV 101. It was challenging, and definitely interesting. Especially having Void try to trick him into a monlogue about his attacking a school of 'children'.
Can't say much about the arc in SH because I had to leave before it really got started, but the Clockwork turning out to be the Phillis bots was a really pleasant surprise. I always have fun whenever facing off against the Doc.
Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"
"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell
I don't think there's anyone who's seen Phillis who doesn't like the guy. He's just so awesomely cliche, yet anazingly believable at the same time. I think every one of us here has a little Phillis in them to identify with. Some more than others.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wow, that's just freaking awesome, because that is the EXACT reaction I go for with him! You just made my day, Devious, lol!
Thanks for the compliments as well, Burning! I always try to put something interesting into an alpha villain fight, and that monologue was another on of my big cliches that I really enjoyed writing in. His assault on Venom Isle was probably my favorite time I've ever written for him because I got to go from the pretense of him being an uncontrollably mad child-killer (the entire fight scene) to revealing the true methodized genius with righteous goals and bad means that he really is in the closing post.
I really miss the Khel's Broken RP, I had so much development for Midas and the real Doc to go through! Are we ever going to necromance that back up?
I really miss the Khel's Broken RP, I had so much development for Midas and the real Doc to go through! Are we ever going to necromance that back up?
[/ QUOTE ]
<_< >_> <_<
I admit nothing! Nothing you hear! Nothing!
*retreats into closet and tries to muffle the sounds of power tools*
Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.
Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.
NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.
It's nowhere near as easy as when I play as Randy, though. Randall Grey is a frickin powerhouse in-game. Stone and Super Strength... Mmm... It's just a little hard for me to RP a guy like that, though... So Randy typically only shows up if I need a "nuke."
[/ QUOTE ]
((Oh thank goodness. I thought I was the only one with a Stone/SS tank. I don't suppose I could bug you for build advice? I've already respec'd once and I'm still not happy.
On topic...I try not to get involved in too many threads, since my posting time has decreased dramatically. But I really liked Bad Company. I was wondering if anyone had any feedback for me on Lily and CC from that thread? They're two of my more under-developed characters, personality-wise, and I was hoping to use that thread to flesh them out. I would absolutely support a rezzing of the story, by the way.
I'm afraid I can't comment on Burning or Soviet's characters. I agree with the comments about Doc Phillis though, Billy. But you knew that. The only feedback I could really give is that he seems to be your one and only villain...I'd love to see you give the same attention to a new one. Just for variety.))
Writing: Cape Fic
Featured Art: MechaTerp & CorporateRock, by Shia
Music: DJ Pyrria

Your writing is ALWAYS great! I just wish you had more time to do it. The Phillis arc was fun, balanced, entertaining, and just plain great.
I missed the boat on SV101, by the time I was about to join people were writting their exit post.
I need to open up feed back on Shane (SH101).
I know he is a goodie goodie, and he is designed to be my true hero type. Always struggling to do the right thing.
This incarnation of him is young and inexperienced with his powers, but I try to portray him still with heroic ideals.
Heroes: Lady Halifax, Miss Kia, WhiteLotus, Agent Immolate, Lady Empathy, Sylence Fyredancer, Maiden of Fire
Villains: Innocent-Ella, Aegis-Sprite, Midnight Dragonfly
Blightlord only concerns me in that when he appears I know it's gonna be a pain in the [censored] to deal with him if it turns into a fight.
I do miss Khell's "When the World Broke". That's gonna be another odd gap in Cobalt's continuity.
Anyways, for those of you who read AH101, what did you think about my quartet of Dominators (Amanita, Menschenbrecher, Winterkill, and Mindskewer) that the students had a run in with on that dark and stormy night?
Shane's definitely an interesting character, especially with the lightning strike issues. Makes you wonder though what he'd do if he and Pstorm were fighting something very large though. >.>
As for the doms, they were definitely fun to fight. I know Torcher still wants another go. >
Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"
"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell
You got it, Pyrr. I sent Pyrria a detailed listing, but for a general overview, Randall has all the armors and damaging attacks. He doesn't have Mudpots, Hand Clap or Taunt because he's already got the enemy's attention as it is. He super leaps, has a pretty good fitness regimen (despite his girth), and has natural leadership skills to boost his focus in fighting and the damage he does. Also, he tends to fly into a murderous Rage when he feels he needs that extra "umph" in a fight.
His Epic capabilities allow him to focus his attention even further on his enemies, causing him to rarely miss. He can also conserve his power by breathing more evenly and efficiently while he fights.
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
I love Shane, Halo! He's a great character, and I love his backstory. I do know a bit more than some of the others from our PMs, lol, which makes it even better! He's very predictable, which I find to be good in a character, to a point, but I'd really love to see him make a bad decision for once, lol. He's a great character and I love reading your posts. I know you didn't ask, but you're a great writer as well.
The only feedback I could really give is that he seems to be your one and only villain...I'd love to see you give the same attention to a new one. Just for variety.
[/ QUOTE ]
Lol, about that. Dr. Phillis is really my only really well developed villain. Of course, I've thought of tons of others, but I've already got the Doc so defined in makes me cringe to think of using my other. Plus, Dr. Phillis has methods and definites to what his reactions are, all my other villains are amorally insane! I did use Evil Jaredman a bit in Final Fight (I didn't stay for too long in that because it moved too fast) and had a lot of fun with him fighting, but I just felt that there was no personality to him and didn't fight writing for him all that special. It was basically just making him say something outrageous and then having him attack in a rage, which got boring after a while. His attacks were always fun to write in, but the lack of real character was a bit depressing.
And don't forget, Amos was a villain, so you have seen more than one of mine, haha! Of course, he was meant to be a total stereotype that I'd develop into a better character as the story went along, which kind of happened, but I didn't get to do a lot of things I wanted to with him so didn't get nearly as far as I'd have liked him to.
As for the rest of my villains, well, they revolve strictly around Arcadia, which I can't really bring into the RPs. I've never really tailor made a villain for Paragon City, so any of them that went would have to be aiming to take out Billyboy, and I just don't want to bring in characters like that. I guess I really should work on my variety, lol. Now I'm going to be stuck thinking about that, lol!
I, also, am in love with Dr. Phillis. <_< *is SO JEALOUS of Cyba* >_> Something about a man who thinks...
Anyway, speaking of villians.
Thoughts on Zealstorm?
Art - Theme 005 - Seeking Solace
I love love love Zealstorm! She's so deliciously evil! I'm not confident I know her entire background, but what I do not totally, totally rocks. Everything about her is great, from her mannerisms to her character design, and her little head games are vicious! I really wanted to bring Evil Jaredman in as a lackey to her, but alas, I couldn't last in Final Fight. It would have been lovely to have one of my characters become a puppet to a source of greater chaos and evil, as EJ saw Zeal!
Ok, this thread is somewhat different from the RP Style Critique thread. This is more along the lines of "How did you like this?" 'This' could either be a character of yours, a thread you made, or a post you just did.
So to start off, I want to know, what do you guys think of Blightlord and his minions?
Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"
"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell