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  1. larker, get outta there!! The security will tear you apart..literally..Dam, i thought I locked the door...
  2. Let's go!

    *Hit's the 'open roof' button then counts down then hits the 'ignition' button.*

    Gee, I do hope there is nobody at the feet of Iron Rook.... they'd be like a roasted marshmallow right now!

    Release the safety clamps!!
  3. *Fires the railgun cannons at the c4 explosives down the runway exploding the c4 at a safe distance.*

    Silly AI...first of all Iron Rook is a Giant Steampunk Robot. She doesnt need a runway we're going straight up through the opening ceiling...
  4. You know how many times we've taken her out? its just been a while is all.

    And happy Sysadmin day to you too.
  5. *Pogo sits in the cockpit going over the systems, as a maintenance crew finishes up outside with their preperations.*

    ok, all systems look good. just waiting on my co-pilot...

    and Happy Friday all..or is it Fedorday.
  6. 1. Happy Fedorday!!
    2. new thread everyday- new theme gives a freshness to the board..whatever silliness happened the day before is magically, or scientifically or whatever, gone and we're back to where we were before..Unless people agree that the happenings help improve the Rookery..ex. when I created Iron Rook..speaking of which Im taking her out for a flight today who wants to be my co-pilot? anyone?
  7. ...we gotta start coordinating these things...
  8. MY LAB DOOR!!

    *Does a ninja flip and appears with the mightiest of weapons..2 rubber chickens tied together by a string..that's right his infamous....NUNCLUCKS!!
  9. I wan't yelling yelling..I wanted you to come over and play with us...
  10. additional fees for colors other than tan..and extra for more than one color too.

    And of course a complimentary, unused, air freshener AND cup holder too!
  11. hey!!!! i started a thread already!!!!
  12. You want humpday?? OK!!!

    Camels! Get yer camels here!! One-humped camels! Two-humped camels! Compact-sized camels! i even got yer kitty/sackboy-sized camels!! But, they cost as much as the regular sized!
    Act now and get my EXTRA SPECIAL SUPER DISCOUNT!! We cut the price in half! Then double it!!
  13. Pogothulu

    Tuesday Rookery

    I tried a keyes last night..most of us were new..the experienced players offered no knowledge on strategy, or what was coming up or what to do...guess what? yep, trial failed...did a bunch of BAF's too last night and unlocked my Judgement slot
  14. yeah..sadly I moved some stuff around too...now I have appointments that friday afternoon AND am having surgery that monday morning, so far..I guess I can just play til 3am EST since they are doing carpal tunnel surgey on my right hand/wrist that monday morning lol. So ill just have to play my heart out thursday through friday til I have to go to my appointments and then when i get back.
  15. Pogothulu

    Tuesday Rookery

    It was cool..Also did Lambda And another BAF

    logging for a few hours will be back later though
  16. Pogothulu

    Tuesday Rookery

    Yay!! Just finished my first BAF trial!!
  17. Pogothulu

    Tuesday Rookery

    I knew I shouldve rechecked my specs for the 12th time...
  18. Pogothulu

    Tuesday Rookery

    Luckily I coated everything with a special non-sticky agent..the paint will come off right away.

    so that b2526 is this weekend? or you reminding me for next year?
  19. Pogothulu

    Tuesday Rookery

    I put the skylight in over THERE!!!!

    You can build your doors on THAT wall.
  20. Pogothulu

    Tuesday Rookery

    Hiya Fedor, Neko....Have rl house cleaning and stuff for no more than 2 hours than Id like to try the incarnate trials. all 3 today.
  21. Pogothulu

    Tuesday Rookery

    Sorry, Fedor....My specs...no sackboy doors.
  22. Pogothulu

    Tuesday Rookery

    The skylight is over on that side of the ceiling. It is a rather large building after all....
  23. Pogothulu

    Tuesday Rookery

    Wow after 12pm here and NO Rookery thread yet?????

    *Activates all the breakfast and lunchbots*

    FINALLY refinished the Attic Lab to MY specs! PHEW!!...
  24. I havent played much in the past 8 months..Having carpal tunnel surgery on my left hand in April and now upcoming ct surgery on my right, within the moth, actually the monday right after the newly switched 2xp weekend..ggrrr!!!..anyway.I missed some of the new incarnates info..
    Im looking for info on the new incarnate trials if someone could post some links for me on the..I think these are the manes of them: lambda/Baf/keyes ones? thanks..and the new threads or whatever..astral, lore, etc.
    also ill be around later today for the tinmage tf.
    Thank you in advance for the help.