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  1. made comic but cant publish it. and before you ask, yes i used the ghostwrite option on the install. tryed to publish to hypercomics but the comic vanishes. going to try to publish in school today.
    if that doesnt work, what do i do now?
    Panic over, just took a while to work.
  2. since this was stickied im gessing the devs like this too.
    good work guys and i hope this gets implimented in some form.
  3. everything ive seen about stalkers make them one way wariors. good on defence, good on offence, not good on both at the same time.
    i actualy think stalkers are Underpowered scrappers as things stand now.
    you get seen, you die, usualy.
  4. would definatly add to the game. good idea.
  5. well thats just wonderful... sigh, thanks for the info.
    now i have to either A) replace my 3year old+ pc or B)upgrade it. as a colledge student... ill have to wait i gess.
  6. hmm, i have a 9200 will that work for me?
  7. just wondering if 6.11 drivers help grandville any? or is it beond help?
  8. ok, with the advent of safegard and mayhem missions (yes i know im a bit late) heres some observations, from my mayhem mission experiance anyway.

    in a mayhem mission, a large team (5 or more) is NOT a good idea, unless you know everyone on the team.
    Mayhem missions can be insainely hard if the team doesnt know wth thier doing.
    heres a rundown of things ive seen in mayhems that have worked or not worked:
    -dont have a team where the lvl range is more then, say 5 lvls
    -make sure everyone enters at the same time, and kill cops/random stuff till everyone loads
    -plan how your going to do the mission *before* entering, ie. straight to the bank then side missions, or clear the streets and sidemissions, then bank
    -as i mentioned before, keep the team small, to keep the time bonuses reasonable
    -and finaly NEVER EVER split the team up! this causes all ambushes to split too, and can be impossible to find the joe runner to finish the mission on time.
  9. my lvl 49 blaster has the serch comment "no i dont pl, so dont ask" and i still get ppl asking me to pl them. go figure. oh and annother thing. if your a low lvl and you invite a high lvl character, theyll likely just go, im too high for this group and quit the team.
  10. one thing ive noticed that helps make a so-so team good (or bad) is the willingness of team members to actualy listen to/make and or adhere to even the most basic plans.

    things like "ill pull someone" or "let me set up my buffs". altho the last one is less likely at low levels.

    ive lost count of the number of times a scrapper or tank ignores the offer to pull a foe, rushes in and aggros the whole room, causing a TPK. even when im playing my lvl 49 elec/div blaster.

    oh TPK stands for total party kill.