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  1. Phil_

    X4: Evolution

    Im looking forward to this I would prefer at 50 but have no qualms about fighting at 40 - although no epic shields will make blasters even more powerful than they already are.

    Gonna buy spag a chiefs hat for the big bbq
  2. Hot friend's birthday so i cant make it but have fun
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    S4 allowed Hami-Os, some teams had more than others but it wasn't the reason why some lost and some didn't. The same can be said about Purples and IOs.

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  4. The key thing in my opinion is the fact some people would have to use 2/3 respecs to remove purples of something that is allowed in the game, just like people rightly say insps arent cheating why should purples be any different. The game evolves SOs, HOs, IOs, it has added so much depth and by not embracing this would be a great shame.

    If the argument over purples is the cost and need to farm shouldnt LOTG +Rec, Health Uniques, KB IOs be banned too? What about sleep and confuse sets? These are very cheap and dont require farming.

    I still maintain a well built toon with cheap IOs and accolades still holds their own in team matches - 10% recharge from each purple set doesnt seem like alot when AB grants 50% recharge and AB grants 100%. I only have one purpled toon and I hardly play it and accross all my other toons i have 8 so I wouldnt be effected too badly but its just unfair to expect people to change their builds for something they have earnt. Also like to add if people can play the market well you can make a lot more inf than any farmer.
  5. In a team situation purples do very little - its all about +hp
  6. [ QUOTE ]
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    Empath do you want a fight about it.

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    What? Emp/Dark vs Emp/Elec? You're on [censored]!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You both now i can take u both on at same time with cosmic burst.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  7. The only imba purples are the ranged Apocolapyse set and the melee proc. The others dont make a lot of a lot difference from a pvp point of view . . .the diffence between a 35% recharge build and a 60% recharge build isnt a lot.
  8. Phil_

    Todays Arena

    Gutted i missed this but no work = no sub
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    I think IOs should be banned

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You cant ban IOs on live servers, people arent going to respec them all out
  10. Ice
    Ice Bolt - 62.6
    Ice Blast - 102.6
    Bitter Ice Blast - 142.6
    Total chain - 307.8

    Fire Blast - 62.6 + 30.4 DoT = 92.6
    Fire Ball - 56.3 + 22.5 DoT = 78.8
    Blaze - 132.6 + 56.5 DoT = 188.9
    Total chain - 251.5 + 109.4 DoT = 360.9

    Mental Blast - 102.6
    Tk Blast - 122.6
    Will Dom - 77.6
    Total Chain - 302.8

    I presume the DoT from fire is consistant & all numbers are base damage at 50.
  11. Oh [censored] tg is back
  12. [ QUOTE ]
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    Defiant - Paragon Defender Hiding Place

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    we aren't hiding we're just lazy

    Besides, we've got nothing to prove. Everyone knows what the results are going to be.

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    What, that vindicate clear up?

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    Rooks has bought a new broom
  13. [ QUOTE ]
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    dude? DUDE???!! Do i look like an aussie beach bum?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes . . yes you do

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    Thats not what yo momma said...

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Well apparently you were [censored] anyway
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    dude? DUDE???!! Do i look like an aussie beach bum?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes . . yes you do
  15. Union - Vindicates playground
  16. [ QUOTE ]
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    Nothing farms like a [censored], tbh.

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    It's a banned word?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah you cant say [censored] its just not appropriate
  17. Phil_

    Pvp Top 3

    6 slotted camera spin is epic win
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    *hopes the paragon defenders still remember how to play*

    [/ QUOTE ]


    /e Grabs Popcorn
  19. Resistance still use the arrow keys
  20. Phil_


    [ QUOTE ]
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    *pokes thread* I'm going to be doing some talking with Ex Libris today about ... this and that ... and then chat with Knight Stalker when I get back to Brighton about ... this and that.

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    /Team Knight Stalker is shocked, attack at will.

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    I'm quite scared
  21. Power Push > All

  22. Phil_

    PvP Night 2008.

    Mum's birthday tonight and I stupidly volunteered to cook so probably wont be able to make it
  23. what is Spag Bol and what is Vindicate?