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  1. Arc Name: The Scaven at Noon
    Arc ID: (look it up under @Peterbilt)
    Faction: Rat Men of the underworld
    Difficulty Level: Medium
    Synopsis: The ratmen are ready to break out of the sewers in a plot to take over Paragon City.
    Estimated Time To Play: 1/2 hour

    This is my son's first mission. He created a very interesting villain group that needs some tactics to beat. (Don't just go running out there.)
  2. Arc Name: The Scaven at Noon
    Arc ID: (look it up under @Peterbilt)
    Faction: Rat Men of the underworld
    Difficulty Level: Medium
    Synopsis: The ratmen are ready to break out of the sewers in a plot to take over Paragon City.
    Estimated Time To Play: 1/2 hour

    This is my son's first mission. He created a very interesting villain group that needs some tactics to beat. (Don't just go running out there.)
  3. Arc Name: The Scaven at Noon
    Arc ID: (look it up under @Peterbilt)
    Faction: Rat Men of the underworld
    Difficulty Level: Medium
    Synopsis: The ratmen are ready to break out of the sewers in a plot to take over Paragon City.
    Estimated Time To Play: 1/2 hour

    This is my son's first mission. He created a very interesting villain group that needs some tactics to beat. (Don't just go running out there.)
  4. Lots of great ones this month. Lousy wins but I could have easily voted Jugger, Tricky, Project and Xert first also.
  5. Gratz. My Stalker is stuck in the 30's and I just can't find the energy to level her up.
  6. Gratz Angie.

    And there have been other 50's (but not by me.) I guess we're just more modest on Champion than other servers.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Ah, I don't visit the other server's forums, thanks!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And that is why you don't suffer the nervous ticks of those of us who do. Just look at Elf Stalker. Went to the Freedom boards once and now he's a wreck.
  8. Read through both threads. Sounds like it was a great time and a big hit over on Freedom. Grats to everyone.

    (And I lol at all the Freedom "scaryness".
    Look, out there.
    PEOPLE!!!! Aaaahhhhhhggggggg!)
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm sure there is a thematic reason for "defeat alls" that wouldn't be so bad. After all, everyone knows if you leave just one zombie/vampire/werewolf/infected around you're just asking for trouble.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Not in my book. It's nothing more than a time sink, a waste of time and it takes away a choice of what one wants to do in a misison.

    "Take out all zombies" is fine if the entire map isn't full of zombies. There's a difference.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Or if the map is a small one like one floor of an office. But even the Devs fall into that trap. Running the "Terra" arc and there are at least 2 defeat alls in multi-story offices. grrrr.
  10. I haven't played your arc yet Viv but I've got it in the cue.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Sorry Peter. Fire/Ice Blasters aren't uber

    [/ QUOTE ]

    She's a ice/fire tank, and, sadly, I agree. She isn't uber. But I certain if I dial it down, I shouldn't have any trouble finishing. That or get a team.
  12. What the Vudu kicked my butt! Had to laugh because I /tell Voodoo and he said, "Didn't my namesake help out?" Yes, until his butt got kicked too.

    me = phail!

    Still need to try again on a lower setting. (And my problem was all my own as I couldn't pump out the damage fast enough to knock down the EBs.)
  13. Pep, don't forget to also post in the Player Events section. Unfortunately, the 3 hour difference between EST and PST will mean I still can't make it but have a great time everyone. Freedom will never be the same again.
  14. The bow accessory is perfect.
  15. GP has 6900 posts. She has to turn around now.

  16. [ QUOTE ]
    OK working hard at work and figured we all needed a break:

    Duck Boy VS Hulk Girl (Revamped)

    Duck boy an evil agent of the Mighty Ducks, Live for causing problems to his parents and other guardians. Has habit of leaving home work at school, wants to play video games and use fireworks to wake up the masses.
    Bad guy
    Hulk Girl, Good and wants to cuddle, hug or a kiss when dadÂ’s hand is in and ripping the guts out of a computer. Likes my little ponies, and loves putting Duck boy in his place. By day she hugs penguins and eats Bagels.
    good girl
    Hero always have to show off their muscles and taunt like a good tank
    Taunting a bad guy
    Epic battle of Good vs. Evil, who will win, which one will lose by going to their room for beating up the sibling.
    Epic Battle: Good vs. Evil
    Winner, Hulk Girl of Doomage. Duck boy is sent to the zig for super villains.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Epic. Even better than the Ace battle with Recluse.
  17. Don't you love it that the new Mission Architect is up and you can run missions created by all the people from the boards.

    Don't you hate it that you can't figure out how to sort by creator name and can't find any of the missions you want to run.
  18. Don't you love it when you have 16 Billion infl and can show it off at WW.

    Don't you hate it when you are showing off your 16 Billion infl and someone posts a receipe and you overpay for it by 1,999,999,000.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Lisar, we're still waiting for proof of your award winning chest.

    [/ QUOTE ] Sorry...only one of the requesters so far I felt comfortable with sharing.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ace's wife? Dang, she gets all the luck.
  20. HULK SMASH. Good thing it was just that hapless victim and not the table.

    Had family visit, and staying in the house, for the past week. They went home yesterday. It was real nice having them but the cat is delighted to see them go.
  21. A wonderful and very useful idea. So usefull in fact, it makes me wonder why it hasn't been implemented yet. I haven't been able to play with sound since i9. That update overloaded my poor underpowered computer causing it to crash on a regular basis. (Can anyone say, framerate 6?) Turning off all the sound improves my playing so I can team and enjoy the game (except when we have too many MMs on a team) but does make those glowies difficult to find.

    Hopefully we don't have to wait for i15 for this.
  22. Lisar, we're still waiting for proof of your award winning chest.

    I'm seeing this argument devolve more and more into "don't ever change anything" and "change is good." The goings on in this game are not sacrosanct. The main purpose of this thread is to test or convince the Devs that this idea might be a good one. Those opposed have voiced their opinions as to why they think it might not be a good idea. This isn't American Idol and we DON'T get to vote.

    My one question today is, have any of the Devs even noticed this discussion yet?
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    8th anniversary is coming up. We should have a statue. "Get to work devs! You gave us a plaque for the 5th anniversary, you should give us a statue for the 8th!"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If the plaque says, "starting on such-and-such a date" then it would automatically be the 6th, 7th, 8th, etc. anniversary recognition.

    And as far as TT being a "Single Server" event, players from all servers come to Champion to participate. So while the event takes place on one server, it involves the other servers as well.
  24. Not saying that Tankers would want that spray painted there, but just making an "in game/in character" alternative to a plaque. Bill argues that a plaque is a game changing perk, but random grafiti is not. I can't speak for others, but having the bad guys think you suck must mean you're doing you job.
  25. Someone suggested graffiti, but heroes wouldn't tag the wall. How about something like "Tankers sux" which WOULD be something that skulls or Hellions would write. Would this be worth considering as a plaque alternative?