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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    EDIT: Also, features Emgro in a kilt about 40% of the time. So completely irresistible.

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    That is so, my idea. Crabby Paddy, the Irish agent of Archanos.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Take my name off your stupid list, please.

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    I agree. You shouldn't call him stupid. Put him on the grumpy list instead.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
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    it's thundering where i live, and a loud crack just scared me a bit ago, i blame all of you.

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    No more beans for you, then, mister!

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    Sorry Yuri, you can always do a mail-in ballot but I always liked to vote in person myself.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Insurance companies are the worse than the mafia. At least when you pay the mafia they prevent things! Insurance doesn't prevent anything AND they don't pay for anything.

    Ummmm Petey I think it was Becky that said the half brute thing, and I am awfully small to be saddled.

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    Maybe Becky did say that. *glares at Becky*
    But for you being saddled, I looked like a midget next to you. (In fact, I was down right small which is the first time I remember that for that character. Everyone towered over me.)

    As for insurance ... Mmmwwwwhhhhaaahahahaha.
    But really, out systems stinks, except when compared to any of the alternatives. (And don't get me started on Canadian insurance you Canucks. If it was so great, why do you come to the States for care? Huh? Huh? *points*)
  5. *so mad that Cien's other thread is locked*

    How does Mod8 expect us to answer his question if he locks the thread.

    Before: Un
    After: Trois

    Now: Post deleted by Moderator8

    post corrected by Pogothulu
  6. [ QUOTE ]
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    Frycook demands an appology or I'll have to put a saddle on you and ride around on you and make you my slave.

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    You expect an apology after THAT threat?

    Not from anyone in this thread ;P

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    No. I was actually hoping Fedor wouldn't apologize.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Because of all the Rookery hate I've decided to join the Rookery, mainly to escape the hate.

    Hi, my name is Lightslinger, I sling hash.

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    And welcome.
  8. Almost forgot.

    Still mad at Fedor for calling my character only 1/2 a brute. I only died 1 more time than you did! (and one of those was when you should have had all the agro so I turned on my electric field. Oops. That got everyone's attention right away. [ouch])

    Frycook demands an appology or I'll have to put a saddle on you and ride around on you and make you my slave.
  9. Hi Emmi.

    No. Viv's link was for Lulliby of Broadway. (She really should have added Emmi notes) and so I was ad-libbing the introduction to fit speech, instead of musical comedy.

    And there is NO higher form of entertainment than Musical Comedy. (Well, not much. *slaps D's handcuffs on Emmi, then covers her in kisses*)
  10. Hey Pogo. Sorry to hear about your mom. I'm saying a few words to help her and let us know when you get an update.

    ( And sorry for the non-fluff post there. I know I should try harder. )
  11. Think of the Fine Arts professionals that will never get their day in the sunshine. Think of the speeches that will never be heard. Think of the empty classrooms. You OWE it to those hard working teachers, coaches and professionals. DAMMIT. There's nothing better than *choke* *cough* ... (and say fine arts education) ... *clears throat* ... ok ...

    Musical Comedy!
  12. Wow, 3 posts in a row. Nothing more fluffy than that.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    The Rookery is pretty damn pointless. And in view of the mods recent statement about pointless threads taking up too much of the internet, the Rookery should be canceled to make room for yet another thread in which the less-literate and more guilty farmers and antifarmers can aimlessly defend themselves or attack each other in ways that make even semi-sentient adherents of either side blush and facepalm.

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    QFT. And we already have enough hate from the farmers (unless you're talking about these guys )
  14. [ QUOTE ]
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    Then again, if thats what you got out of it, you missed a LOT of other conversations...about 99% of our discussions you've missed.

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    you mean 99% of the same stuff for every single rookery thread out there that gets posted every single day, that always starts with the very post I showed previously?

    Sorry, I'm not going to wade through 5+ pages of talking about "pamcakes" and coffee just to get to a discussion that's actually on topic.

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    Donuts and coffee ARE the topic.

    But you're welcome to add a new topic at any time (to be discussed primarily between 9 am and Noon EST with witty, but usually inconsequential banter added after.)
  15. Probably already discussed but...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Wow, I never knew we had a grand staircase.

    *goes off to make an entrance*

    I'm ready for my close up, Mister DeVille.

    *catches heel in dress and tumbles to the bottom of the staircase*

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  16. Thank you for you whitty, and might I say, well said comment. No go crawl back into the hole you came from.

    Really! Instead of bashing something, take a couple minutes to read. And if you don't like it, there isn't a reason for profanity. You don't see me coming to your Furries convention and getting down on you?

    (sorry. That comment just hit my grumpy nerve.)
  17. Peterbilt

    a new joke....

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    EDIT: and since lately no one can tell the difference, this post is intended as a genuine compliment.

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    I am deeply offended by this comment. We need more venom and less reconciliation. I blame Voo.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
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    I see this place has actually managed to degenerate even further, had no clue it was even possible.

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    If you got nothing nice to say... *Points you to liberty*

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    If you got nothing smarter to say... Oh wait, you're already in the right place.

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    Anger issues?

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    Me? Never. I just haven't had my fiber yet.

    Though I think most people don't want to see that happen XD

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  19. Well, we strive for excellence. So glad we could oblige.
  20. The last time I was playing NOTW blaster someone commented "OMG. ur 50 & only 2 debt badges?"
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    I'll be there with a lvl 22 blaster, Little Bertha. Mind you, she's my first blaster, and all my experience so far has been with melee toons - scrapper, tank, and brute. Whenever I try to solo her, she seems to die (not my fault!).

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    I see nothing wrong with how you are playing her. Sounds just like how everyone else plays blasters to me.
  22. No answer to your question Fedor for where your "quote" came from? The suspense is killing me!
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    Transfers are instant like Emmi said. People hide for various reasons, like in PvP zones as to not be hunted and when you just want to play and not deal with people.

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    If he wanted to do that he would have just stayed on Justice.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    What is this 'gift bug' you speak of Emmi? I've never heard of it.

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    something better?