
  • Posts

  • Joined

  1. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Conga Rats!

    *writes down winners missions to play them myself*

    *wonders why I hadn't already written them before*

    *wonders why I wondering so much*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is not an MA contest, this is a storytelling contest. The winners might have arcs to play, but it is not pertaining to this contest.

    As for Heraclea, all of those who won had already posted their stories in this thread, just scroll on up!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ah yes, wrong contest. Already read those as they were posted. Now to reread the winners.

    (There really are a lot of very talented people who play this game.)
  2. Conga Rats!

    *writes down winners missions to play them myself*

    *wonders why I hadn't already written them before*

    *wonders why I wondering so much*
  3. Peterbilt

    Some Doll news

    Elf, welcome back.

    btw, who was impersonating you a couple months ago because those posts were so serious and now your posts are so full of WIN.
  4. no, hitting him with a rolled up newspaper will teach him.

    "Bad hubby, Bad Hubby"
  5. Sorry Emmi, I'm cheating on you with two other servers. But know that when I'm with them ... I'm thinking of you.

    But in all seriousness, you know I come running whenever there's a Rookery. thing. I may be a three-timing cheat but ... well ... I'm a three-timing cheat.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    *rubs Neko's belly*

    Yes, you found us out! We're a rude and ignorant lot, we are!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    and insular and cliqish. Be prepared to be ignored.

    Hello all.
  7. Welcome DA. The drinking was better on Champ but the sillyness is better over here. They must release N2O thoughout the server and boards.

    (And I won't tell them on Champion that you're two-timing them if you don't tell on me. K?)
  8. Peterbilt

    Some Doll news

    [ QUOTE ]
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    Infact alot of your toons weren't really built that well.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Her toons were built to her specifications for enjoyment of her $14.99 a month. Who are you to dictate what makes something fun for someone else or not? Sorry to get a bit flamey here, but I absolutely HATE when someone judges someone else's character as "good build" or "bad build". There is a reason that the game allows you to select your powers on level ups. Because not everyone plays the powerset the same way. IF you can't play with a person because of their build or play style, then you have the right to find another team. It doesn't have to resort to slapping labels on people or their characters.

    Likewise, if the Devs make a change that makes the game not fun for her anymore, she also has the right to take her $14.99 elsewhere. And although we will miss her and would like her to stay, we can express these wants without labeling her, as a person, or her toons, as well built or poorly built.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How about your builds? Can we say they suck?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Only Blowup Betty, that that's a different topic.
  9. Peterbilt

    Some Doll news

    [ QUOTE ]
    Veering away again from this thread...I HATE CO and think is the most boring, excruciating game that was quite obviously dumped for another project prior to even making it halfway through alpha...I say to CO: See y'all when you get done boring yourself to death and come on back for some much less hum-drum fun =]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    QFT. I have to add that the character creation is nice and has some interesting features and every cool name that is taken in City is currently available in CO. HOWEVER, the graphics are ... not very good. They look a lot like my "graphics minimum" on the high-powered machine I used. And some of the attack chain quirks, are not so nice either. Unless it gets lots better, there is no interest here in a switch, even a temp one.
  10. Peterbilt

    Some Doll news

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [and yes, thank you for the explanations. I'm not, however, swayed by the argument.]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, some people still believe the Earth is flat. To each their own.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's not? My belief system has been shaken to the core.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Glad you got the spider taken care of but curiosity still has the better of me. Any chance this is what you saw?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Is that somehow related to Fedor? (Get it? Sac spider?)
  12. Peterbilt

    Some Doll news

    Ok. Tim gets good grades because ... maybe he's smart?

    Ok, no more [censored] answer. Sounds like Psi invites are a lot like empathy defenders, only with damage, regarding invites. Maybe I'm suffering from my own disconnect, but I really don't see who is hurt. And no, PLEASE, don't go into a more detailed explanation. I really don't care how others play the game from farming, to PLing, to ... whatever. It comes down to, at least for me, is it still fun to play. And Iltat, I really do understand what you are saying about underpowered, but it surprises me you made an argument when you earlier said you're not even playing that powerset. (Maybe it's his inner sense of fair play. Well, except for gaming the market that is. )

    [and yes, thank you for the explanations. I'm not, however, swayed by the argument.]
  13. Peterbilt

    Some Doll news

    [ QUOTE ]
    cos I think mebbe it's naughty to talk about them here

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But we like naughty.

    But, back on topic, my question is who does it hurt if the power in PvE is over/under powered. Not every character can DPS like a fire/fire blaster. SO WHAT if PSW is overpowered? If it's fun to play, LEAVE IT ALONE.

    Now, it is fine to have balance in PvP and nerfs and buffs should be expected there. After all, you should want to encourage wanting to play multiple character types in PvP. What fun would it be if stalkers were the only viable characters.

    So I guess the change is for PvE which, when looking at the numbers, looks like a huge nerf. Sorry Dolly that they hit you so hard with the nerf bat. Hopefully the changes will be adjusted before live. And if you really are gone, the best of luck. We never got to play together but it was always nice to read your posts on the Boards.
  14. Hand Cien some sugar and Splenda.

    OH! Sweater. I thought you said sweetener.

  15. I'm no longer pink

    But now I'm green. Yea Green!

    (and yes, my Mother DID tell me that if I didn't have something to complain about, don't say anything at all. )
  16. Even the Rikti bow to your awesomeness.

  17. I love Disneyland. Never been to Disneyworld though. Got a summer vacation coming up but we're going to see family (in Europe.) My first vacation in 3 years. (Can hardly wait.)
  18. Sorry to hear about the RL probs BS. Hope it works out for the best and here's a Mescale for you. (Beware of the worm.)
  19. [ QUOTE ]
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    Join, and start teams for me to join. Because my many, many alts require much teaming.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I totally second Emgro.

    As for that static team Emmi was talking about, I'm thinking about going with Ice/Fire dominator.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Static team, should you join with an electric something?
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    That's it. Im considering your refusal to cooperate with my request a personal attack as Im offended at being associated with you all in anyway.

    Plus your e-hug violated my e-personal space, do it again, and Im requesting a posting restraining order.

    And you have better have had your shots!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    YEA! Another restraining order. Only 6 more and I can wallpaper the bathroom.

    *give H a big hug and smootch*

    As far as shots ... I've got them all up to date.

    *points to shots of burbon, tequila and "dark" rum*

    (Did I mention my doctor is also a bartender?)
  21. Hello all.

    Now might be a good time to mention the Rookery. channel (don't forget the ".") for all your gaming needs. Sure we don't know everything. Sure we aren't the largest channel on Virtue. Sure we're not badge hhhoooores. But we're fun to play with.

  22. *laughs at all the Haetron entries*

    *is reminded of Elf, "Does someone need a hug?"*

    Re: NYT, does anyone read that fishwrap anymore? Circulation is down an average of 8% a quarter for the past 2 or 3 years (or maybe longer, wasn't paying attention before then.) The last I looked I think they were below 900,000.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Almost forgot.

    Still mad at Fedor for calling my character only 1/2 a brute. I only died 1 more time than you did! (and one of those was when you should have had all the agro so I turned on my electric field. Oops. That got everyone's attention right away. [ouch])

    Frycook demands an appology or I'll have to put a saddle on you and ride around on you and make you my slave.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    In I NinjaPoof to remind you that I called Clauri a half a brute, cuz she only had like 4 attacks and was 10 levels younger than everyone else.


    Plus even if I said it, I was being lackey'd by Fed so it's still all his fault!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Does that mean I can't ride Fedor around?

    I iz sad.
  24. Peterbilt

    Farewell CoX!

    Congratulations on your first post and welcome to the boards.



    err ...

    Sorry to see you go. Have fun in the real word. Sorry we didn't get to play together. *insert any forgotten cliche here*