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  1. Hello. All.

    *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*

    Say no more, if you know what I mean.

    And if I don't? Can we count you as a tourist?
  2. The problem with the character is obvious. The name "Marvel" is associated with a particular comic book company that sued Cryptic. Any instance with that name in it will be GC'd. I don't think you have a chance at having them change their minds.
    Sorry about that.
  3. I guess Voo doesn't talk to girls very often.

    Girls nite on vent: Talk about cloths, sale at target, not losing all the weight I want, problems with the bf/family/etc, plans for the weekend/bf/etc ....

    Guys nite on vent: your a dumba$$, no you, you would know, so would you, they need a difficulty "6", you can't even play on "heroic". *flamewar!*

    Hmmm. Maybe the guys would be fun to listen to (except for the cussing.)
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    because everyone makes mistakes

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not me. I'm perfect. Just not all the time.

    Have a good evening all.
  5. I say, if we pave it all, there will be less dust and dirt to clean up.
  6. Peterbilt

    mmmmmm Cake

    [ QUOTE ]
    Happy Cake Day Meltdown!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's the gift that keeps on giving.

    Oh, and HBD Meltdown. May this be the latest of many more.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Gotta freeze out them gators.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And the Hurricanes too. College football is better when those two teams are not involved.



  8. On a side note, saw my first lvl-pact ding. They hit 38 together, I was just behind them, and the hit like two pillars to either side of me. Looked VERY cool.

    Oh, and Hello all.

    I want to play "Late for the Party" if there's still space. She'll never actually make the team because she'll be ... late. (You know ... can't make a 6 pm start.) OOO. Better yet, I'll play "Stood up at the Alter" and purchase the wedding pack for her.

    Anyway, have a great time all. Regular teams like that are the best.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    G'morning all. The Wall Street Journal ran a hideous article on global warming today, full of wild generalizations and prophecies of doom. The thing is full of lines like "as the effects of global warming have worsened" and similar. As a result, I'll be spending my free time today writing up a well-reasoned and scientifically backed attack on it.

    *stops and takes a deep breath*

    Anyway, has anyone rolled an Plant or Illusion Troller for that group yet? I've a few (dozen) characters ready to be made for it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That is real sad to hear from the WSJ, especially since global temperatures are going down. Guess that would have nothing at all to do with sun activity. OH NOS. We're heading into a new ice age ... due to too much CO2 trapped in the atmosphere.
  10. Peterbilt

    Puppy Hits 30

    [ QUOTE ]
    Gratzies puppeh, PL meh?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    He offered but you were on a TF. (Or was it that puppy had to go shopping?) Anyway, I had to make noodles so he didn't PL me either.

  11. I'm glad I could contribute to the deterioration of this thread.

    What do you call a boomerang that doesn't return?

    A stick.
  12. Hippy Happy Birthday! And thanks for the computer advice a few months ago. My son's computer rocks! (and mine still doesn't. )
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Just finished Skin Trade by Laurell K. Hamilton. Done in 4ish hours. 496 pages. Oh yeah.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    I can't even turn the pages that fast, let alone read anything but chapter titles.

    "I'z shmart. Really I ams."
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    The ending I have heard, of Life of Pi, makes you love or hate the whole rest of it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Now I'm filled with trepedition on beginning that journey. Was thinking of taking on my vacation (starting in a week and 1/2). Might have to take something else. (Don't give anything away but I am fully expecting the tiger NOT to be hungry at the end of the story.)
  15. Oooo. Book recommendations.

    Just finished the Jeff Shaara (did I spell that right) on WWI called To The Last Man and it was very good.
    Now just reading trashy House of Night novels, but picked up a book that looks real good called Life of Pi. It won a Booker.
  16. Peterbilt

    Bad PUGS

    I accessorize in other way.
  17. Here's a nice dead horse to beat the stick with.

    Hey, everyone know what's brown and sticky, right?

    A stick.
  18. Peterbilt

    Bad PUGS

    [ QUOTE ]
    any guides to avoiding bad pugs?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Make sure they're house broken and have had their distemper shots. A good obedience school is nice also.

    Oh, not that kind of pug.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Can I just go and steal all the powah rangahs left socks?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh, the humanity!
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Besides, the game probably doesn't have much life left in it which is why we are seeing "fire-sale" prices from the RMTers. They want to get rid of inventory ASAP and move on to games that have populations.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Huh? There is absolutely no evidence to this. Last quarterly reports show the population stable or slightly increasing over the past year.

    As to a financial stake, the owners do get some financial benefit from the spammers as they have to purchase time for the accounts before they get banned.
  21. Peterbilt

    Friday TFs

    You should look on AE to see if there's a penguin mission you can pown. You might like to look under @iltat to see if he has anything. He's one of the leaders of the Pingus on Champion.

    Just saying, you know, for game 7.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    /e rolls eyes. "Oh for PETE's SAKE!"

    /e zaps Painfulvirus with Embiggening ray.


    /e zaps Emmi too but she somehow becomes a SUPER LITTLE MONSTER!

    WHAT!?!?!?! I think my staff is running out of mojo!

    Morning Emmi

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What. It's far to early for me.

    *holds up mirror to reflect embiggening ray back at rook*

    Hell o all.

    Was that a typo?
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    All mayo is gross. The only time I use it is when I make chicken or tuna salad. And even then, its only a tiny bit.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But it's a great moisterizer. And always good fun when smeared on the cat.