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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by deadboy_champion View Post
    cough hi Champion


    I missed your avatar.
  2. I've an emp/arch def and she gets along just fine without stamina, especially since she has the endurance RA. The trick is getting enough recharge into it to make it perm. I've got it at about a 20 or 30 second gap.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlackArachnid View Post
    Oooh? And what if they bring pointy objects?

    We put erasers on the ends, that way they are "safety" pointy objects.
  4. Hello all.

    I don't apocyly .. appoco ... I don't do doomsday very well.
  5. What does that say about me. I want to date _cherry_'s avatar.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ice_Ember View Post
    I have leveled several toons to 50 on an exploration badge. Great way to invite several friends to come watch for 3 seconds of ooo's and ahh's.

    I'm planning on leveling my next 50 on top of the Atlas admin building. Almost had it with NOTW, was about 2,000 away when I killed a lvl 51 for 2,300 xp. The 50's were giving 1,600 so I thought I was safe.
  7. So this proposal is for characters that were created more than 4 years ago where the player has not come back to the game since then. If the player came back in that time but hasn't played the character, would it be assigned a global? If yes, then I'm all for it.

    But really, how many names do you think this would free up? I can't imagine it would be that many.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Emmi_Blaze View Post
    teehee Rad is playing with his new toys

    Pictures or it didn't happen.

  9. We had a team of 3, blaster & 2 controllers. Wasn't a bad combination, just not a fast combination. (Or at least not a fast combination last night.) But the good news was the lvl 13 is now 1 xp shy of 16. And I got some good progress on those debt badges.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by prvtslacker View Post
    Sorry GP dont know what to say. been on both sides of the fence as a dad.

    Dont lock him out, or things could get worse.

    No, don't lock him out, he is the dad and a child needs a dad, but he has to be reasonable also.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bpphantom View Post
    Not really. Most of us could take on smallish groups of them on our own so we did. Larger groups required getting people to come help. Knowing the geysers and having jetpacks FTW.

    That's a great time for the Dr., under 5 hours.

    As for Posi, no it usually doesn't take that long, just when I do it. Typically people finish it in about 3 hours although people can speed-run it in under 2 hours. I've soloed it twice on my blaster and it takes a total of about 4 hours, but then I take my time spreading it out over 2 nights (so that adds some time also.) What makes it long is there are sooo many kill-alls and jumping between Steel Canyon, Skyway and Perez Park. Without Assemble the Team or everyone with a travel power it can take a very long time just getting to the doors.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Solun_the_Hunter View Post
    I'm sorry to hear that, but if it means anything, you are a very attractive gamer chick so I am sure there is already a line of potential suitors forming up just on Champ alone.


    Hey baby. Whatcha doing Saturday night? I've got a Shard TF I'd like to show ya.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madisen View Post
    I can duo it in 2.5


    *wipes tears from eyes*

    btw, I fix'd that for you. Yea, I thought I could do it in under 3 hours with a team of 3 since I soloed is in 3 1/2 hours. Didn't think a blaster and 2 controllers would nearly double my solo time.

    *not quite epic fail*

    And Fedor, if you want to do this over 2 nights, I'll do it with you. Spend a couple hours to start and finish it the next night. Wednesday and Thursday would be the only nights this week, otherwise next week. (Weekend is already a mess. I have to attack the DE in my back yard before the baseball season starts again with the boys.)
  14. Gratz to the winners. Those times are unbelievable!
  15. Peeve:

    Nearly 5 hour Posi's. What ever makes me keep thinking I can speed this TF?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GenderPoison View Post
    Seperating. He wants to keep the baby. I said no. He wants his ex girlfriends daughter to raise him while he's at work. I said No Way. I understand that he's feeling cornered and lashing out but he's NOT raising him.. or keeping him from his brothers and sister.

    Thanks for the rant.


    OH NOS! I'm sooooo sorry to hear this.

    Darn, this really messed up my day. (But not as much as yours, I'm sure.) Stay strong and persevere. I agree that the baby should stay with his brothers and sister. It just isn't right to break up the kids like that. (and W T F about the ex taking care of the baby. seriously messed in the head.)
  17. Grats all. Always nice to hear a successful run.
  18. Morning all.

    Word of advice. For your next speed Posi, don't invite me. 4 hours 53 minutes with the last mission taking almost an hour.

    On the good side, 64 merits!
  19. Peterbilt

    <3 Elkie

    Originally Posted by EN3MY View Post
    The boob slider is fine..we need a ear slider pls!
    So Hawt!

    Easier to hang onto when the rough stuff starts.
  20. Nice that they gave you the "good" half of the dog, since the other half is the pooping half.
  21. My ice tank doesn't heard because of the slow PbAoE.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
    People that join a TF, give some BS excuse, and log off after a couple of missions. Discconect, fine. Have to go to the hospital, fine. Your daughters blow a fuse running too many hair dryers at once (My personal favorite ), fine.

    But if you are just leaving, then quit the team, because you certainly don't deserve the reward at the end.

    I might be wrong but I thought that even if you a logged off the team, not quit, and the TF is completed, you lose out on the reward. You have to come back for the last mission and be inside to gain the reward.

    Send a tell to a gfriend who said "look me up anytime" and they say turn you down for help.

    response: /gunfriend
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DragonFistTavian View Post
    *stretches a little and walks into the rookery* Ouch!


    (Never get tired of that joke.)
  24. Peterbilt

    helpful binds

    Thanks. Usually have healing aura on "spam" so there isn't much worry about that.

    Now I want to play my emp. Anyone want company? She plays nice with others.

    Wait ... somehow that doesn't sound right.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by WhiteHotFlash View Post
    Here's a link to give parents of little ones a laugh.

    Do's and Don'ts with Babies

    Don't know how many times I've seen those and they are always funny. Thanks.