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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NekoAli View Post
    But the adorable factor would be off the charts.

    As would be the butt licking potental.
  2. Peterbilt

    Dear COH

    Originally Posted by _Cherry_ View Post

    .. is gatt trying to get peterbilt and i into a jello wrestling match by instigating a fight..

    and I so much prefer wrestling in tapioca pudding too.

    *whispers something to _Cherry_*

    *hides a giant tub of jello behind our backs*

    Oh GATT. Could you come over here for a minute?
  3. Thanks for the guide. When can I do the first respect trial?
  4. Peterbilt

    Dear COH

    Originally Posted by _Cherry_ View Post
    Dear CoH

    Sigh, I hate to be such a bother and all.. but again at the tailor i was confronted with a shoe issue. I, like most girls, LOVE shoes.. and well.. quite honestly, my selection sucks. The high heels make me look like i have cankels, the wedding shoes are the same... and wtf, why are those even in my closet?!? I was wondering if the shoe fairy would raid the carnival peoples closets and drop off some of their shoe options. The yellow chunky heel thigh boots ARE TO DIE FOR.. and i mean that literally, ive tried to go in and take them, and i die.. a lot. I appreciate you letting me have them during halloween but the problem is the hat you make me wear with them... im not a fan of hat head. Oh I was also wondering about getting a stripper pole in the base.. you know, for exercise.. It may help me with my next dilemma..

    Yesterday, all the cool kids noticed this PeterBilt person telling me i have a big butt and I dont know what to do. Is this the same like in 3rd grade when a person picks on you, they have a crush on you and dont know how to tell you?

    Or do i really have a big butt? *grabs magic 8 ball*

    *ask again later*


    2nd for more shoes.

    I said you have a big butt?

    No. I'm sure you have a wonderful, shapely, buns-of-steel butt. I was saying you should tell the OTHER GUY to leave you alone and go elsewhere. I think he was just envious of your "bounce a quarter off your [heinie] [hienie] [hynie] oh ... butt" fabulousness.

    *shakes Magic8Ball*
    *Did I explain myself well enough to make _Cherry_ understand I wasn't trying to insult her?*

    *the outlook is doubtful*

  5. Birthday cake! I love cake! (well, not as much as pie )




    Can never get those hand movements right. It should be someone's job to teach us. We could call them them the Job Master of the Hand. And you can take lessons and they would have a ... hmmmm ... can't think right now what kind of job that would be.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BreakneckBecky View Post
    Silly Neko

    *goes in the basement to check the fuses*

    I'll be right back

    I'm going to take a shower while you do that.

    *takes off shirt and parades around in underwear*
  7. Happy completion of your latest curcumnavigation of the sun. Hope you have many more.
  8. I was part of the All Khels IFT that Mental put together a few months back and we shined, well, until Romy. Queen tanked most of every mission until then, then it was a COMPLETE change of tactics since I couldn't stock enough purples to keep from getting killed.

    But yea, don't blacklist the AT, just the players. Maybe the OP's observations come from PBs and WSs are another step harder to play than your average scrapper or blaster. If you're not at least familiar with what your character can do, you can quickly get lost.
  9. Peterbilt

    How do you play?

    Originally Posted by _Cherry_ View Post
    Originally Posted by Peterbilt
    3rd person, zoomed just far enough back so I can get a good look and my amazing characters' rear-end. (Or is that my characters' amazing rear-end? either way)

    What? Don't even TRY to tell me you don't do the same.
    .... from SKYWAY

    Yes, my amazing back side can be seen across zones and servers.

    Bow to my butt-awesomeness.
  10. Peterbilt

    Dear COH

    Originally Posted by GoldenDestroyer View Post
    Dear CoH,

    Let me be able to make my character look like an actual, real live, tator tot. Well...maybe not LIVE, but you get my point.

    That is all.


    Only if we get the option to take forks as a costume option also.
  11. Why did it not surprise me that it featured accordians?
  12. Peterbilt

    How do you play?

    3rd person, zoomed just far enough back so I can get a good look and my amazing characters' rear-end. (Or is that my characters' amazing rear-end? either way)

    What? Don't even TRY to tell me you don't do the same.
  13. What I miss?

    I love pasta! You better have saved some for me.

    Oh, hello all.
  14. Peterbilt

    Dear COH

    Originally Posted by _Cherry_ View Post
    Dear CoH

    i almost cried when this 1 boy told me i had a big butt.


    Big Booty Girl.

    Should have told him he was standing too close and that your butt doesn't look big at all from ... SKYWAY!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fedor View Post
    A jacket Petey?

    Awww, well I hope it's good chili none the less Neko.

    Well, it's ... chili ... right? I thought a jacket would keep him warm.

    You have THAT look again.
  16. Better put on a jacket.



  17. Peterbilt

    helpful binds

    I couldn't get variation of selection between NUMPAD1 and alt+NUMPAD1. Very disconcerting hitting Absorb Pain and not being able to heal until I figured out what was going on.

    To settle it I'm going to shift Absorb Pain into the "0" slot. Then I can hit Heal Others and if that isn't enough I can go ahead and hit the "0" for the big heal.
  18. Oh! and talking about shoes, Emmi, I like those.
  19. Little known fact about kitties, they are the only members of the cat family that can purr while inhaling and exhaling. Other cats such at lions and cheetahs only purr one way. (Can't remember which right now.)
  20. *sets up giant trampoline over where bomb is going to land*

    I'm not worried.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Maricus View Post
    But no need to keep your hands to yourself. heheheh.

    *looks shifty*

    This kinda shifty? Or were you thinking of something else you bad boy?
  22. Peterbilt

    Dear COH

    Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
    Dear CoH,

    Two words: butt slider.

  23. Peterbilt

    Dear COH

    BA, the shared server would show letters to your name for your home server. So I would be Peterbilt-CH and the Peterbilt on Virtue (by someone who took my name even though they created their character before I joined) would be Peterbilt-VE (because VY would be Victory.) That way, not only would you team with other servers, you would automatically know where they came from. Of course, that might not work so well for Freedom. (jk) So to make it work, each server would automatically add those last letters to every character but, since it's your home server, they would stay hidden. Only when you traveled to the shared server would those letters show.

    Hey, I just make up these things, I'm not in charge of coding.
  24. Hello Everyone.

    That really mixed things up

    Tomorrow the kids go back to school. Two weeks after that winter baseball starts again. And band, and after school.

    *glances back at the theme*

    Oh! Not Wednesday of WORRIES?!?!?!?!?!?

    *slips into high heels, fish-net stockings (made from real fish nets), light blue tutu and a jester's hat*

    so what is everyone up to? Still working on COokie recipies?
  25. Peterbilt

    Dear COH

    Dear CoH:

    I hope Bobby notices my sweater ....


    When you create the new "outer space" zone could you make them a server cooperative where heroes or villains from all servers can come? Sorta like TEST but you log out onto your native server.

    And I hope we have pudding for dessert tonight.