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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NekoAli View Post
    The NekoHorde perks up and stampedes en masse into the cloning machine to get at the Reeses.

    Whoa. Sudden chill.

    *is still KO'd due to cuteness but starts to perk up due to chocolate peanutbutter goodness*
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NekoAli View Post
    The NekoHorde circles around Petey's body, mewing and then settling down like a fur blanket.

    At least it's warm.
  3. Peterbilt

    New project....

    Originally Posted by AngieB View Post
    I'd model but seeing how I gave birth almost 8 months ago, my super hero physique leaves much to be desired. I cures the celebs with their personal trainers and dieticians... lets see one of THOSE cows deliver a 12 pound baby and look good afterwards >:P

    I cannot find the link but one of my clients has a maternity dress store and they just got in a "shaper" wrap. It is made from wood or bamboo and it wraps around your belly and helps reduce the pregnancy pooch. Reminded me of a modern corset except it didn't tie in back.
  4. Peterbilt

    Dear COH

    Originally Posted by AngieB View Post
    Peter you are a very nice and sweet person. It's just that I don't like bothering ppl for that sort of thing. Oh, I'll hop right to it to help someone if they need it.. even a complete stranger. But when it comes to me actually asking... meh.

    Angie, it would only be a bother if I didn't want to do it. For the people here, no bother at all, not even if Elf asked.

    Now if Witty asked, we'd have to think on it.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Solun_the_Hunter View Post
    I'm getting to the age to where I'm thinking about kids now and this stuff scares me...

    Don't be scared off. Kids are fantastic. I wouldn't trade the life I have now with my kids for one without them despite the worry and concerns. They come just because I'm trying to be a good parent.

    Angie, I'm so sorry to hear about your kid's injury. I'll give you a different story, this one was to a friend of mine's brother. His brother was born without any arms and at around the same time, their father left the family. The mother taught the boy to do everything with his feet but because she was a single mother, with almost no child support, and 3 kids, money was short. One day they were riding on the bus and, since they had to rush, didn't have time to put on their jackets before the bus came. So they are on the bus and the boy starts to put his jacket on. He is about 8 years old and it is a struggle. A women is sitting across from them on the bus and she has this look of disgust as she watches. Finally the other woman says, "You could help him with that you know." My friend's Mom looked at the woman, then at her son as he was about to win the jacket wrestling match and said back at the woman, "I am."

    Today he has a family of his own, can cook, clean the house, take care of the kids, work and play guitar, all because he was treated like any other member of the family.

    *damn, this thread is going to make me cry ... again*
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NekoAli View Post
    *The NekoSwarm rises up in a great tide of fur and mews and washes over Black Arachnid, leaving him covered with shedded fur and missing his peanut butter cups*

    Shredded fur? It was never sweet enough for me for breakfast. Oh, that's Neko. and that's Neko ... and that ... and ?!?!?!?

    *passes out due to cuteness overload*
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JagBlade View Post
    WOOO just woke up! (About 2 hours ago, 2 P.M. EST)

    Soo...did I miss breakfast or is this place anything like Ihop?

    This place is better than ihop because the tables aren't sticky. (We have puppies and kitties to lick them clean.)
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NekoAli View Post
    *challenges Fedor to a grudge match by jumping on his back and tussling mightily!*

    *takes Neko out of action by invoking the "behind the ear skritch", thereby proving Bay correct*

    Who said preasure points don't work? Now can I have some tape to get this kitty hair off me?
  9. Peterbilt

    Dear COH

    Originally Posted by AngieB View Post
    Dear CoH,

    We have been close friends for some time now. You allowed me to Beta test CoV, I allowed you to keep my husband in a mission while I was in labor. I've given birth to 3 children while you were part of my family. I've even gotten 2 of the 4 I have to play within your realm. Now I'd like a little something from you.

    I WANT THE ORACLE'S COSTUME! I would LOVE more female oriented clothing that's flattering and sleek, NOT just scanty and drool worthy. Some of us WANT frilly, and flowey and beautiful.

    And this is a request for all of us as well as myself. Please, allow us to send items to ourselves via a mail system. Wents is a great system but sadly, if I have something that I need to use on my tank, I cannot get it to that toon without a HUGE amount of finaggling and trust on the part of the person I'm xfering with.

    Other than that I am truly happy to have met you and we are blessed to have allowed you within our family.

    Angie and Her Crew

    I agree.

    Oh, and Angie, I'm a totally reliable source of inf or receipe transfer. It would look kinda bad in the Lord's eyes if NOTW was to steal from a fellow hero. Ask me anytime and I'll be happy to help. (And that goes for everyone else too.)

    But it would be so much easier to have an open access vault or bank that, for an infl. charge, would hold items and release them on a password basis.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NekoAli View Post
    You have three eyes? Weird... O.oo

    I have kids. Didn't you know parents have an extra eye in the back of their head?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Emmi Blaze View Post
    Not that it bothers me ... it's just not that interesting to me, thats all. Now, if y'all wanna talk about fantasy baseball? Oh yeaahhh ...

    Sweaty men, hard sticks, sounds like a good time. Now I just gotta keep my butt from getting sunburned.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
    Soloing some kind of emp defender would qualify as painful as well, or maybe an earth/storm controller.

    WHF is mean!

    *sooths NOTW's feeling*

    That's ok dear, if you close your eyes and count to 10, he'll go away. Emp defenders rule and everyone wants one on their team, but even solo you're wonderful.
  13. Hey, does everyone see my shiney new rep-dot?

    *shows off new dot to everyone*

    It matches my eyes.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bayani View Post
    *yelps like a girl and runs around the Rookery*

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by celestial_lad View Post
    people that change other people's posts and then pass them off as if no changes were made.

  16. GP, do they allow you to sue doctors in Canada? I know in Austria and Switzerland they have almost absolute immunity. One of the reasons why I find their nationalized models fail to give good care, the doctors just don't give a rat's *** about their patients.

    Sorry to hear about the injury. Take heart that, while things could have been different, he will still be special. Rex Hudley's boy was born with Down's Syndrone, but Rex always says his boys has "Ups" Syndrone because of how much joy he gives to everyone around him.
  17. I missed it. You're now up to 105, but conga rats anyway and welcome to triple-digits.
  18. I said HBD in Rookery., but can never say it too much. Have a great day and heal up already!
  19. Good morning all.

    *eats from table of goodies*

    Grats on 9,005 posts. So quickly that milestone goes by.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty_Seven View Post
    Back on topic:
    When you are trying to build a team and send out a plethora of well worded team solicitation tells only to be rewarded with one solitary response... who turns out to be a craptastic player that wanted to be in the AE instead (especially since the first tell makes it clear what I am doing).

    I always reply to tells, but rarely, when I can't help, do I get a reply back.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LongClawTiger View Post
    *Kneels before the genie*

    I can haz catnipz and catgirl slaves?

    Hey LTC, why you want to shave catgirls. Are they hairy or something?

    catgirl SLAVES, not shaves. You really must get your eyes checked.

    (and maybe my brain too)
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pogthulu View Post
    But I didnt wish for a birthday cake!!!!

    He wished for a birthday PIE!
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ashcraft View Post
    *Prepares to change his handle to Doomlord_NA and create chaos.*

    prepares to change his handle to Ashcraft and create Doom.

    Dow if we can convince Doomlord to change his handle to Peterbilt, ... Nah, that's a dumb idea.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DragonFistTavian View Post
    *steps away from his spot for a bit to make up some Pad Thai Noodles in a little box, and sits back down when it's done starting to munch on it* I'd never harm a cat, I make love to them.
