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  1. Got my first Controller to 50, Redemptive Soul.

    Now need to finish the stoney and them work on my Dom.
  2. As a graduate with a BA in Economics I can confidently say that prices will either go up, go down or stay the same.
  3. I wanted so much to finish off scirocco. When I left he was at about 20%. But hungry kids were rampaging. We were doing well until the Patrons I thought.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cobalt_Azurean View Post
    And, as a BMT moderator, I'm not goin' to invite someone who clearly plays on another server so they can take advantage o' somethin' on Champion for Champion.

    Thanks you Cobalt.

    And thank you too Neuronia. I can't even think of how much stuff you have. My base storage is EMPTY. Guess I needs to "Play Mor"
  5. To everyone on my team forthe Statesman Task Force, I am so sorry I had to leave like that. My family was about to riot. I was trying to hold them off for as long as I could hoping we could finish off the TF, but when the went to turn off the power, I knew I had to sign off. (And that isn't a joke. They really did start to go behind the computer to pull the plug.)

    I truely hope you were able to finish without me. Let me know how I can make it up to you all and I will do whatever I can.

    Thank you for your understanding.
  6. I know I haven't been by in ... forever. But had to have ice cream. yum!
    Thanks Fedor.

    *swipes back undies for Sai who took them last night*
  7. Sorry for the fail. We'll beat it next time I'm sure.
  8. Thank you Amy for a very fine run. It went very smoothly and the badge looks lovely. Feel free to look me up any time you are running this again and I'll be delighted to help either on my emp again or on someone else.
    (Forgot I also have a scrapper at 50.)
  9. On the Talos run it was surprisingly easy to take down that dropship. I forgot all about taking pictures though.
    Congrats all. That was fun.
  10. Peterbilt

    Hey, Champion...

    Congratulations! I was stuck on a STF with a tank that couldn't hold agro. My poor blaster had 435,000 in debt taken off with the final mission bonus. (I think I must had died 40 or 50 times. Yipie!)
  11. Peterbilt

    Hey, Champion...

    Maybe we can take em down twice and I can switch for the second one.
  12. 8:30!???!!
    Thats 5:30 PST!

    Well, I MIGHT be on as early as 6 so after you beat it once, I can join for the second take down????

    (I can always try again on Champion. They're having theirs at 11 EST.)
  13. Peterbilt

    Hey, Champion...

    Preference for emp defender or PB?
  14. I'd be interested, and I actually have a damage character here that would be able to help.
  15. Peterbilt

    Hey, Champion...

    More fun than a level 50 blaster shooting rikti monkeys in Crey's Folly.

    I'll do my best to be there.
  16. Ashcraft hasn't been feeling well lately?

    Now we know why: Squirrels refuse medical care
  17. Peterbilt


    Hindsight is 20/20. A low-end renters insurance policy can be gotten for around $150 a year, and that's in California where everything is more expensive.

    Glad to hear no one was hurt, which is always the most important.

    Faulty plug huh? Isn't that something your husband should have been taking care of?
  18. Conga Rats on the recognition.
    And good luck into management, you sell-out.
  19. Congratulations.

    Actually, nerf everyone's characters but mine!
  20. Happy successful circumnavigation of the sun. May you have many more.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Flagrant_Fowl View Post
    BTW, when the devs data mine the time spent on Hami raids, I hope they remember to count the time spent killing monsters to get Hami to spawn.

    I thought I remember somewhere that the devs also included the time to assemble and organize the teams. That sometimes takes longer than than the raid, from monster hunt to to merit reward.
  22. 1. Yes. I find the events fun and usually enjoy myself. Regular times will make it easier to get players to join. (Although the times so far have been bad for me, but that's because of baseball commitments which will end in about a month.)

    2. I can competently lead yellow taunt and am willing to learn how to lead the other teams. Will need to relearn how to set up the targeting bind.
  23. Peterbilt

    Hami Raid

    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    You talking 1 or 2 AM eastern time?

    Working the odd hours that I do, I'm real curious how many more players are on at that early/late hour.
    During the week, most nights.
  24. Welcome to Liberty and the Boards.