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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Hey, Pan. :-)

    I know that Rikki Tikki Tavi was the name of a mongoose in a Kipling story, but there was also a totally unrelated poem, which might be what you are thinking was some kind of story about:

    Ricki Ticki Tambo
    No so rambo
    Everybody bushkey
    Kickemup pompom

    Fell in the well.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I loved that book as a kid. I have a copy right here.

    Tikki tikki tembo-no sa rembo-chari bari ruchi-pip peri pembo

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, that certainly makes my skewered memory seem much more sane.


    Did you know...

    That there used to be a bug of an emote called /em paladinawaken that caused some pretty interesting things to happen.

    That /em burp works even though no dev has ever mentioned it (a hidden emote, if you will.).

    That there was a rumor of a stuffed Rikti Monkey being made for the CoH store, but it has never materialized.
  2. Did you know...

    That the Nemesis Power used to be made permanent by farming the Staff mission repeatedly? One of the factors leading to this being changed was an All-Nemesis Staff raid on Hamidon taking down the jelly blob in almost record time.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Rikki Tikki Tavo
    No say Ravvo
    Chilli chilli Sang Sang
    Chitty chitty bang bang

    [/ QUOTE ]
    *looks for one of those old fasioned straight jackets to put Pangea in*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Damn, it was the "Oy!" that did it, wasn't it?
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    -that the name Rikti came from a conversation where I said "Rikki Tikki Tavi is a cool name. How can we get that into the game?"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is very cool! Ive had the nickname Rikki Tikki Tavi since I was 7 years old. I have a new found appreciation for the Rikti now

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oddly enough, the first time I heard about the Rikti my thinking was, "Huh, sounds like what we worked on in elementary school."

    I have never looked up the poem since, so my mind has morphed it into something completely different. Here is how I remember the Rikki poem, which is seriously screwed up(misspellings included! Also, I know it is not the real poem, this is just how my brain insists on remembereing it):

    Rikki Tikki Tavo
    No say Ravvo
    Chilli chilli Sang Sang
    Chitty chitty bang bang

    Please don't post the real poem in response to this; I like my version of it.

    edit: Yes, I know it is not even REMOTELY like the Kipling poem. I never said it was, this is just all of my childhood memories being fused into one bastardized conglomeration.
  5. Did you know...

    That you used to still hear the sounds from the game after minimizing or alt-tabbing out? This was incredibly useful for people waiting for AFK players by listening to the "chat" sounds. I'm still miffed that they "fixed" this.
  6. Did you know that exiting a door mission used to grant 100% endurance and health? People used to use it as a quick and easy "rest" while in-mission.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
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    [ QUOTE ]
    So, you don't have an in-game character yet because there is no option for gigantic-bodied female, right? Well, shouldn't you go do something about that?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I know she has a very wimpy Blaster...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Heh, maybe I should have said "signature hero".

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, she did play Ms. Liberty in the coV End-Of-Beta event...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ...dammit, Anti! OK, try this. "Therefore, I must conclude that the reason you do not have an NPC signature hero named CuppaJo is because there is no gigantic female body option."

  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    So, you don't have an in-game character yet because there is no option for gigantic-bodied female, right? Well, shouldn't you go do something about that?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I know she has a very wimpy Blaster...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Heh, maybe I should have said "signature hero".
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    A big thanks to everyone that came out to the event last night. It was great to finally meet everyone face to face and have a chance to chat with a bunch of people. We really do have the best community here at CoX.

    I only wish I had actually gotten to play cards instead of just building a deck.

    A big thanks to everyone at Cyberjocks and all the NCpeeps that helped make the event a huge success!

    And yes, I have been secretly working out since I got this gig so that someday at a meet-and-greet you guys would post my pic on the boards and Lady_Athyna would fear me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So, you don't have an in-game character yet because there is no option for gigantic-bodied female, right? Well, shouldn't you go do something about that?

    Also, people much earlier posted about how Cuppa looks just like they thought except with a different hair color. I can honestly say that her appearance surprised me as I have always thought she was African-American (I swear I saw a picture long ago). Ah well.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
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    Pics! Where are the pics, dammit!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually I'm converting them from RAW format now, I'll have a page with them up once that's done.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You'd better. Or else.

    *points at UncleBob*

    I'll let him loose. I swear to God, I'll let him loose.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This might be the only time ever that a threat over the internet has given me chills.
  11. Hellion girlfriends are a goldmine, but my all-time favorite from them is the following. Now, keep in mind this came from a girl hanging out with a level 6 Hellion:

    "My mom kept telling me I'd go nowhere with my life. She was soooooo wrong!"

    Of course, there are some fun random comments involving villain names that cause me to superspeed into walls, etc.

    "I overheard two Mooks talking about Disembowlment, and they didn't sound happy."
  12. I actually sat here and read this whole thread while on vacation and paying to do so at an internet cafe. After all of that, I need to make a few comments.

    First, a lot of people are saying that desperation sounds like a good idea, but will not help blasters at the higher levels. I'd say most people are missing the point. Desperation shows that the devs are finally addressing the blaster needs, and, after months of waiting, they are going to take the time to "fix" post-30 shooters. Now, desperation as described sounds like it will still cause problems, but I expect it to get tweaked to actually being useful sometime before going live. I just see the fact that devs are addressing the complaints as a positive.

    Second, the "nerfs". My main, a 43 earth/storm/ice controller, solos invincible with little effort, but that is mainly because INV still spawns tiny groups. I can't tell you the number of times I've sat there looking at a group of 2 mobs, one orange and one red, wondering where the challenge would come from. I'd fix invincible by upping the spawn count (as of now the number of mobs is set at heroic level, just higher cons) and increasing the number of lts. and bosses. Yes, I understand that in many ways this means that tanks and scrappers just level faster. However, I just don't care. The challenge I want is by fighting more enemies, constantly using more than 3 powers at a time, and giving a huge sigh of relief when I actually achieve an objective. Keeping the same low spawns but making us take longer against them will not give me the "I did it" feeling. Instead, I'll just have to use my big 3 powers for a longer period of time.

    This, of course, brings us to the quote about not fighting more than 50 enemies at a time. Obviously, this is aimed directly at tankers and, to some extent, scrappers. I just hope they change the enemies instead of "nerfing" the power sets. I'd like to see the devs add a % chance for enemies to knock off toggles based on the number of mobs focusing on one character. For instance, a tanker fighting 5 or less would have a 0% chance of having to rely on passives while a tank fighting 50 might have a 1 in 4 shot of losing armors. I haven't fiddled with the numbers or anything, so I know that would take some work. However, this method would make herding a challenge for the entire group, as, without a doubt, a tanker pulling too many is going to get dizzy. At the same time, no power has actually been reduced in effectiveness within the power sets. Sounds like a much better decision than nerfing powers to me.

    Stamina. I take it that he's planning on just leaving it alone. Fine with me.

    The stores. I'm not sure of his own thinking behind his statement, so I don't care to speculate on what the one sentence he uttered means. I just hope any major change in store usage comes with a considerable upside such as more frequent useful drops, and, hopefully, that our contact line fills in for that NPC regardless of who's mission it is. Frankly, if 7 people are helping an NPC then all 7 should go up in her esteem--not just the one with the mission.

    That's it. I'll be back on my computer next Monday.
  13. I'm at my most creative after midnight and until I fall asleep. It is the curse of being a true night person.
  14. Please use this thread to post details regarding your Supergroup on the Virtue server.

    Include the following information:

    * Supergroup Name: Warriors of Terra
    * Website (if any):
    * Leader or Recruiting Officers: Pangea and Brimstoned
    * Preferred Method of contact: Forum PM, in-game email or tell, regular email (
    * Guild Description: "We fight for the earth, because we are the earth itself." Characters must have an elemental/environmental theme in order to join. This can be as easy as power picks or character descriptions. We do very light role-playing, but I expect people to have fully developed biographies for their characters. People will have to play a few sessions with more senior members of the group (we currently number aorund 10) before being asked to join. We play for fun and friendship, and expect the same from all those who play with us.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Since the appointment system is going in I must say, on behalf of everyone who doesn't want the raid system to be something folks chuckle about because its so out of character, please make the 'appointment' to be as thickly covered in fictional sidedressing as possible.

    Maybe a computer virus that is detected within the bases supercomputer that will lower the defences at 5pm the next day. Or some mystical allignments which will happen at 7.30pm tomorrow that you heard some villain group is going to take advantage of to raid your base.

    Please, please, please don't make it a blatent 'we will raid your base on X day at Y time' type message that is sent to the SG leader or whatever.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I would love for the appointment to be "stealthed". In my case, I'd like to hear about it from predestrains. For example, a construction worker walking by saying, "Boy, I can't believe how angry SG is getting against SG!"

    Actually, ideally, I'd like for AI enemies to reveal plans as you defeat them. I think that would be fun.
  16. I thought it was great to see Manticore standing guard outside the base at the start of the raid--if the devs include keeping guards to watch for returning heroes/villains I am soooo going to have a field day.

    Now, the real question is, how can I get my villain group to raid my hero group while I can only play on one side...

  17. I get to be the first one to claim that Positron is a dirty kill-stealer.

    Also, I remember going through the Calvin Scott TF, dying, hospitaling to IP, and trying to attack Malaise right there. For some reason, the game didn't let me do that.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    GW? Ah, just a cheap shot in a moment of anger. I may try it.

    Now i'm waiting for the flow of "its only on test" and "You can't prove these nerfs are related to PvP".

    Man! Go live with the damn arena already, the longer its on test, the more nerfs you release.

    *Ahem* Calmer now.

    This sucks.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But see, they caught their mistake with the scrapper changes; they changed back the boss toughness (after it hit live, admitedly). Frankly, these devs do have a good track record of abandoning bad ideas...after they've been tested. I'm not gonna do the ol' it is only on the test server thing, but there is a reason I don't play on it. I'd rather just deal with the changes that make it into the game, not the ones they are still fiddling with.

    I saw much the same reaction around when they messed with INV for tankers and, after all of the anger on test, they ended up making them better (in most eyes). Not saying the same will happen here, but I do tend towards the "wait for live" mantra.
  19. Pangea

    Open Questions

    [ QUOTE ]
    11. Bases: how do you get 'em, what can you do with 'em? What do they look like? How do you attack/defend them? Do you need to own CoV to get one? etc, etc, etc.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    You build them, buy them, and pay rent on them. They will look as good as your design sense allows. Supergroups will be able to attack other bases if that base has made itself open to raiding. You can have a base that can't be raided, so long as you avoid collecting certain things.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have a little worry about this, so hopefully you can put me at ease--how on earth will smaller SGs be able to protect their base from larger groups? I tend to only play with my friends, currently we number 7, and I'd like to keep the SG around that size. My worry is, if you want to experience everything in the game, including base items, we will stand no chance whatsoever against a large SG.

    How are you going to manage this aspect of the game, so that smaller SGs are still viable, even in the base raid world (allow us to booby-trap hallways, add turrets, AI minions, etc?), or will we be encouraged to join massive conglomerates?
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    This technically isn't possible with our engine. It would have to be a huge animated texture refreshing at 20+ frames per second.

    We did think of it, but the engineers' eyeballs popped out of their sockets when we suggested it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, could we at least have a giant animated texture of eyeballs popping, then?
  21. Well, Pangea is a living rock infused with lava and magma (i.e. hot stuff on the inside and outside of his body), so he, uh, doesn't really have a secret identity. He tends to live in the shadows, hides under bridges, and makes ample use of inflammable shelters. Basically, interrogating villains in his effort to find the magic or sorcerer who created him is his only job. Otherwise, he hides.
  22. Pangea


    I'd love if you tried to /friend yourself with an empty friends list, and receive the following message: "We're sorry, but even you don't like yourself."