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  1. I would normally speak up about poisons but just lost power at my place and using my phone is a pain.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombieluvr View Post
    Well before that, actually. He's been around since issue... 12? I think?
    Yep i12!
  3. So VIP Beta starts Very "Soon" like the next few days? I don't even know if ill still have internet for a day to at least see whats new before moving. Who knows how long it will take for me to find a good ISP for the new place.
  4. OmniNogard

    Good news.

    How well is "HughesNet"? My mom is thinking of going with that but form my memory satellite internet is easily "hurt" by the simplest of rain storms. (We lose DishNetwork a bit when a rain storms hit.)
  5. OmniNogard

    Good news.

    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    What state?
    North Carolina
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Z your pic broke. When i try to open the pic in new tab/window to see what is not here it takes me to Funny Junk.
  7. OmniNogard

    Good news.

    Well if any recall i made a "Grave news" thread a while back, but today i bare good news.
    A Question or two later on in the post.

    Me and my Mother have bought a 2 story house with 2.5 Acre of land that's right next to some land already owned by my Grandma. For about 32K.
    We got Family living next door there that can help us out. Only down side is during the moving process i will have limited access to the forums via my Phone.

    Here's hoping that everything goes smoothly and we get fully moved in by next week or so. Why is it so fast for us to move, you ask? Simple we are barely moving 6 Miles! Just going form Renting a place to owning some land.

    Now for the Questions.

    Q1: Is there a "Best" ISP for gaming.(PC/PS3/X360) That won't need a phone line(mom dose not want one.) but is stable during a weak storm(Rain, not risking a lighting). (If need be we can talk about this in PMs if the forums do not allow talk of this).

    Q2: How dose one choose a color for there room. I'm trying to think what i want and how to do it but can't narrow it down it seems. Form a basic color for all or going a little art like and doing some "tricks"(like waves or clouds, etc).

    Oh my 600th Post!
  8. I would not mind having a no cape option.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    I'd yell at your ISP to stop changing your IP address so often
    They can do that? and why would they?
  10. There's a cape on him. It's hard to see but it's the small "Cowboy" type one. Look under the left arm real close.

    Edit: It's the "Fringe" Cape under the long cape.
  11. OmniNogard

    MM ATO Proc what

    Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
    I have my t3 bot's AOE attributes on monitor and the thing only rarely applies the Proc bonus, and it seem to take like 10+seconds for it to register if you walk into range.
    This part confuse's me. I know you can view your pets Attributes but if you monitor them it resets back to yours (ether after you close the pets Attributes window OR when you check yours).

    Many of times i thought i lost my Influ when i was checking a Pets window when i monitor Influ on all my toons.

    Like Grim said it's a aura (Proc Aura) like the other "Procs"(+Def/+Res) that MM pets have only "Proc Proc" is the Build up.

    Have any more info to share so we can make a better guess as to what's wrong Dz?
  12. They better bring these old shows back, watching one of the last Eps. of Yu Yu hakusho and i miss it so much!!!!!
  13. HAHAHAhahaha! That's just great. If this turns out real i will have to hunt for a NES system. I only have a N64 as the oldest that's still in one piece.

    The whole blowing thing might have been a built in logic that everyone had if they had this. Blowing still works for the N64 game (Pokemon Snap) that didn't work right away lol. If only it would work on Disk Based games!
  14. I bet they'll "open" it the minute i lose internet! I'll be moving soon if all things go well.

    At least i got my (Droid)Phone that can at least read the forums!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ResplendentMs View Post
    I also get when accepting a fortune.
    I can back this one. Was Duo'ing DA Arcs with SG Mate, got fortuned and we wondered why my MasterMind did a Dragons Tail kick lol.
  16. Unable to make this one, hope you guys keep doing this for years to come. Hopefully i'll make the 2014 one. This year and next will be busy trying to fix up the house me and my mother bought(might make a thread with more info shearing the good news later).

    So who has Twitter that's going? So i know who to follow. I hope to see some good Intel/Info with this year's summit.
  17. I think if i ever meet him, I might have to hurt him!
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
    Tell me this isn't an Alien:

    "Conceived as a prequel to Scott's 1979 science fiction horror film Alien, rewrites of Spaihts' script by Lindelof developed a separate story that precedes the events of Alien, but which is not directly connected to the films in the Alien franchise. According to Scott, though the film shares "strands of Alien's DNA, so to speak", and takes place in the same universe, Prometheus will explore its own mythology and ideas. Principal photography began in March 2011, with filming taking place in England, Iceland, and Spain. Prometheus is scheduled for release between May 30 and June 8, 2012 in various territories through 20th Century Fox."

    As for me, Not going to see this. Hope they people who do go enjoy thou.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    Is it the sentinel, then?
    Sentinel of mot? No. SoM is someone you can't guess.
  20. Welcome back, DCUO is kinda weak, played it on my PS3 a while back, just to test it.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
    The breaking point was when it was discovered that some toons over lvl 25 (when the extra slot started) could not level up at all w/o doing a respec. Respecing to get those slots also made purples disappear irrc. There were several really bad bugs that went with it.

    I want to defend Synapse here because he said on the boards and in chat that he really wanted to give us those extra slots, and he would continue to look for a way to do it. I wouldn't surprised at all if he was still looking when he could.

    This is one of those things I really hope they find a way to do. I don't care if they tie it to the incarnate system, force a respec, or whatever, I would really love to have a few more slots on all of my toons.
    I hoping that they will find a way someday. Didn't know of the other bugs, only happen to notice the Lv50 one. Till then let us have fun and enjoy the game.

    CoH has the Best Devs/CRs around. They talk to players, they listen, even play with us via events. I will be with this game as long as i live.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    Just because I'm infused with the essence of the Netherworld doesn't mean that I'm oozing darkity-darkness all over the place.
    Just because my body is so hot that I'm resistant to heat and even burn those that get close doesn't mean that I'm on fire.
    Just because my body stores a high electrical charge doesn't mean that I'm arcing all over the place.
    If my Stone tank is already made out of rock, why do I need to stick more rocks to myself to be protected?

    If I do want to have one of those effects, I may want to only run one or two of the graphical effects - when a dark or fire armor character turns on all their auras, you can't see any of them clearly, let alone the character underneath.

    And, honestly, a lot of the VFX on the old powersets look like crap. Instead of asking them to waste artist time on redoing all the auras, why not have them just add a "No FX" option and let me use Omega or Bio-Plasma, instead of being awash in 8-year-old graphics that don't even look like fire?

    I agree with the OP's suggestion 100%. There's no reason to be forced into the graphics on most of the toggles in the elemenntal sets (Icicles from Ice armor being the only one I can think of that should be kept), and several reasons to allow us to turn them off if we want to.
    I agree with this. Would love a Minimal FX option for all armors.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
    *shakes and twitches involuntarily. "They were gonna, gonna give me 3 more slots! And They can't!!!" *falls over and twitches some more.
    Ya, i ran into that beta bug a way back. Some toons got 3, some got 0, some got 6 when training up a Lv50.