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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    What buff would you give /Devices that

    a) made sense for the set

    b) buffed it enough to matter

    c) would be something no one else would think other sets didn't equally deserve


    d) no one would complain about
    I wonder if there's some sort of way to do an in combat/out of combat mechanic for the mines. Also I wonder if people would complain about something like that if it meant keeping the current version of the powers when used out of combat.

    My guess is yes they would for some reason.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    Not all players have access to IO's either.
    I'm well aware of that. I was simply pointing out another way to get to the 22% number with just targeting drone. Of course I was off since I didn't realize that mids panel rounded up, but still.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    As far as Targeting Drone it will give the buff ONLY if it's combined with other +ToHit powers or is slotted to get it past ED numbers. I think someone said 4 SO's would get you to +22.06 which is just over the amount needed to activate the instant fire.
    According to my copy of mids 3 level 50 IOs gets you right to 22% on the nose.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    Yeah, Devices will certainly be a bit better. Now let's address Time Bomb...
    I certainly find myself worried that this is kind of considered the 'fix' for devices and that we're really not likely to see any other improvements to the set.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    I wonder if LRM from the munitions APP is considered a snipe for these purposes >.> probably not... that would be way too much fun he he he.
    Nope, LRM was specifically excluded in the chat/interview. Possibly the first thing said after mentioning all snipes were getting the buff.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    Energy Manipulation... didn't notice any survivability buffs for that one... I know the set is considered amazing by blaster standards but... no survivability buffs?
    Conserve Power is becoming a version of Energize with less of an up-front heal but with more regen.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
    I'd rather they up the to-hit in targeting drone so it only needs 2-3 to-hits than needing an IO that not everyone will have access to. Ar/Dev is in edge case since it has a snipe but no aim or build up but that's what they should be paying attention to.
    It's only one more slot than you'd like to get it with just TD itself and SOs, so there's at least that. 4 slotted TD will give enough to-hit by itself. You could also do the TD+tactics thing, that'll get you there readily as well.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
    I will say that it will make me think about respec'ing my main (Kin/Rad Def) so take the Radiation Blast's snipe power though...

    I think EI has more than 22% ToHit with tactics and what not and I don't really use my nuke (atomic blast)....I always liked the Photon Torpedo sound (and animation) of Rad. Blast's snipe....

    Of course, as soon as you do that they'll end up announcing some sort of upcoming nuke changes.


    On second thought go ahead and respec out of your nuke.
  9. A worry I have is that this change will be seen by the devs as the 'fix' for devices and we'll never see the set get any sort of balance pass. Sure it's now going to be very nice with any set that has a snipe but most of the powers in it are still very situational and when it's pared with a non-snipe primary it's still in just the same shape it used to be.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Deathless View Post
    Sounds like I can use snipe in my already awesome attack chain... Not a game changer but still an improvement to blasters IMHO.
    It's an improvement for all ATs with snipes.

    Of course snipes seriously needed an improvement so no problems there.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
    The devs better keep an eye out for any AR/Devs hanging around clock towers. To-hit being schedule B and targeting drone only giving a base 13.875% would need a lot of slots (5ish by back of the napkin math) devoted to to-hit.
    4 slots does it with SOs (22.06%). Alternately you get there just by slotting a single SO in TD and putting the kismet to-hit IO in cloaking device (field operative I suppose once this goes through).

    Personally I find myself somewhat underwhelmed by the blaster specific changes nice though they are. The best changes here are simply the blast changes themselves and that applies to everyone who gets those powers. Of course that's just my gut reaction and experience might end up proving me wrong.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Regen *does* scale with +maxhealth buffs while heals normally do not,
    Is it weird that I was kind of hoping that one of the changes they were going to announce today was a fix to blaster's funky HP cap?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lakanna View Post
    hmmm, the minimum range and snipe changes look good for corruptors. The lack of any changes to mez is disappointing. Survivability changes that focus on +regen over, say, actually making it through an alpha unmezzed and able to fight back.

    Enough to make me want to play a new blaster. Not enough to convince me that it'll be fun after level 20.
    For the most part the power changed in the blaster secondaries is the level 20 power. The only exceptions being conserve power at 16 and chilling embrace which is at 10 I believe. So pre-20 there's just the same blast set changes for all.


    Not that I in any way dislike those blast changes in the slightest mind you.
  14. Oliin


    Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
    What kind of soulless husk would not enjoy Shaun of the Dead??
    Heck if I know. I certainly don't want to meet them, they'd probably be like the person who used to live across the hall from me who though The Princess Bride was a stupid movie. Almost zero sense of fun there I tell ya.
  15. Oliin


    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    Heh. Really? It's not the most exciting of Trek films, but it wasn't dull.
    Yea seriously. For some reason I find the movie to be almost painfully boring. It's not that it doesn't have conflict or action in it, it's just that it has dull action and conflict. For me it's basically pretty and that's more or less it.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Teeko View Post
    can someone tell me what time zone the forums uses?

    Im reading the post and the time stamp says "Yesterday 9:52"

    For me it is currently 5:51pm PAC Time 6/19/2012
    You can set the forum time settings to whatever you want through the User CP link on the top. Specifically from the 'edit options' page.
  17. Oliin


    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    Let's just say that I'm going to disagree and leave it at that.
    Oh no worries, there are actually several critics out there who really do seem to have a track record like you suggest. I just don't see it as an all critics thing.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
    If you look at every other MMO its not like this. You can kite easier and the mobs usually die before they get to melee range.
    Oh I know. I've played a lot of MMOs out there over the years. There's usually at least the chance that the enemy will get to you if you mess up kiting somehow though(small though the chance may be).

    Mostly I'm just saying the addition of long range attacks to everyone was a design decision and I'm not sure it's one they're willing to revisit. I'd be rather happy if they did, especially since they don't seem to like giving ranged IO sets any range bonuses so it's far less likely to come up than in the past.
  19. Oliin


    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    It goes to the nature of the critic system and kinda what Scythus was getting at. The stuff that the masses enjoy tends to be 180 degrees from what the critics deem as "good".
    I don't really think that's exactly the case though. I think it'd be safer to say that critics also enjoy movies other than what the 'masses' like.

    Last year is a bad example (lot of high-grossing horrible movies) but let's look at it any way. Out of the top 10 highest grossing films of the year (Harry Potter, Transformers, Pirates of the Caribbean, Twilight, Mission: Impossible, Kung Fu Panda 2, Fast Five, The Hangover part 2, The Smurfs, and Cars 2) four of them were well received critically (65 or higher on Metacritic/Rottentomatoes) and only The Smurfs had overall negative reviews. Everyone else had a mix of reviews that ended up being average. Currently Prometheus has generally positive reviews as does The Avengers, Men In Black 3, and Madagascar 3.

    Critics a lot of the times seem to generally enjoy the movies that are popular, the issue is that a lot of them also really like movies that are challenging or dull or simply interesting from a film standpoint and those are usually not popular with the 'masses'.
  20. Oliin


    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    No I'm not saying that. I loved Return of the King, Gladiator, Braveheart, and Silence of the Lambs, but those films fit into the 20% implied earlier.
    Eh, I guess this is where taste in films comes in. I look at that list and I see a lot of really solid movies that have stood as good movies even over time. Sure not all of them are the movie that I would have picked for that year but they're usually good films.

    Now if you want dull films; The Tree of Life, Manos, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, or Contraband. Those things are what I'd call dull.
  21. Oliin


    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    Just look at Ebert (? one of those critics anyways) that said video games can't be "art", despite knowing next to nothing about the medium.
    That was Ebert. Or at least most famously it was Ebert. I'm not sure what that has to do with liking being bored though. Just looking through his 'Great Movies' list shows a large number of action and comedy films. Sure he likes his share of dull 'artsy' films (and I do too to be honest), but he also seems relatively fair towards 'mindless' action movies too.

    He's been pretty fair towards film even though I disagree with him a lot of the times. I'll just ignore anything he says regarding video games since as you mentioned he obviously doesn't know much about them.
  22. Oliin


    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    The Artist, The King's Speech, Slumdog Millionaire, Million Dollar Baby, and A Beautiful Mind just to name the more recent, egregious winners. One word sums up these films:

    Obviously everyone's tastes differ (I personally liked The King's Speech well enough despite it's being Oscar bait), but you're saying you didn't like The Hurt Locker, No Country for Old Men, The Departed, The Return of the King, Gladiator, Braveheart, Unforgiven, or the Silence of the Lambs? Personally I'm not a fan of Gladiator or Unforgiven but I can see why they were up for the award at least.

    Possibly you just aren't a huge drama person. They do seem to be up for the award fairly frequently.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
    Tomorrow at 10:30AM PDT, we'll be talking to Jeff "Arbiter Hawk" Hamilton on TWITCH.TV about some upcoming changes to Blasters in Issue 24. You won't want to miss it!

    Firstly, YAY! And on a day off for me to boot.

    Secondly and in all good humor, did anyone else read this as something along the lines of, "Enough with all the blaster complaint threads already. We're fixing you, we're fixing you!"
  24. Oliin


    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    And yet I've seen critics praise the "unengaging" films and most of them even win Oscars for Best Picture*, and I'm like "wut?" Clearly critics and the Academy enjoy being bored to death.

    *Mind you, I'm not saying all Best Picture Oscar winners are "unengaging," but a good 80% percent usually wind up to be.
    I think you're possibly more looking at nominees than winners. Or at least I hope you don't think 80% of the winners were unengaging. I mean look at that list, there's a lot of good movies on that thing. There's a lot of 'Oscar Bait' on the list of nominees lately which is unfortunate. Of course just because it's blatant Oscar bait doesn't mean it's a bad movie either.

    I seriously don't get some of the nominees though. I'm completely floored that The Tree of Life was up for best picture last time. It was a stunningly beautiful movie to be sure, and decently acted. Unfortunately the narrative was unfocused at best and was more an extremely loosely connected series of vignettes than anything else. Not what I would consider a good candidate for best picture.
  25. Oliin


    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    Well, for me, fun is probably the most important aspect of an entertainment medium. For example, a movie could be the "best," most "artsy" film ever, lauded for its camera shots and dialogue, etc. etc., but if I feel like I'm about to doze off while watching it, it's not a good film in my opinion.
    Well see that's not a good movie either, if you're falling asleep to it then it's not engaging at all. On the other hand there's movies that are more like Schindler's List, There Will Be Blood, and No Country for Old Men. None of those movies are what I would consider fun by any stretch of the word but (to me) they manage the engaging part wonderfully and end up being bloody brilliant films. They're not movies I'm going to watch frequently though because they're not exactly fun films.