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  1. [ QUOTE ]
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    Silly Outrider, that's what the altiverse is there to explain away

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    Wait? This is an altverse? Is this altverse real or is it an illusion of an altverse you thought was reallity? Is reallity an altverse of an illlusion or is this illusion an alt verse of reallity? The Red pill or the Blue pill? I am so confused...or am I really just confusing myself thinking this altverse of reallity is an illusion when infact its a confusing reallity?

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  2. why on earth would you rely on siphon speed for all those levels..
  3. SG Name: Hamidon Enhancement Storage

    7 more posts to go..
  4. [ QUOTE ]
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    Server: Liberty
    Side: Villians
    Size: moderate 8-15 pvp minded players
    Voice chat: Ventrilo
    Goal: Move to test to start in some Sg/VG pvp battles.
    Leader global handle: @Pr0ject n0va <----zero's
    History: Been here on hero's since issue 2

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    name of VG?

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    Kurgain is with Bedlam
  5. Old_School

    Thugs MM Guide

    good guide, very helpful
  6. unless ur lucky enough to have huge lucks...they last for 30 seconds
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    blasters are all about burst dmg before someone can hold/kill them...i dont see a problem. pop some lucks instead of the breakfree, or pop the BF and a couple yellows (or buildup, OR aim, OR have tactics)

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    Problem...when u pop the amount of lucks needed to make a difference..ud run out of breakfrees when the lucks wear off
  8. [ QUOTE ]
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    This discussion has strayed from a discussion of break frees, but I'd like to make a small suggestion:

    Have break frees dramatically lower accuracy. Their primary function should be for escaping overwhelming situations, not for plowing through holds and beating the neutered Dom/Controller down. Make break frees the escape inspiration, not the the attack with impunity inspiration.

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    I really like that idea. I never thought about putting a penalty with it, but it's something to think about.

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    Okay this quite possibely be one of the worst ideas ive ever heard. Ill explain.

    Situation: A blaster is about to duel a mind/Rad. Any kind of blaster doesnt matter. Without breakfrees the blaster is insta held, killed and dealed with in a easy manner. With the break free change you guys want to implement he pops the break free and gets a -acc penalty. So...he has -acc penatly from the breakfree and rad. He trys hitting through it without BU AIM...misses and is dealt with again just as easily as the first time.

    Next time he pops a breakfree uses BU and Aim. Hits through everything because he had a them well slotted. Well..the mind/rad uses powerboost..heals ...ya know..hold dmg...rad LR all that good stuff to death.

    Basically this change would be so tramatically bad because squishies need breakfrees to get from A to B. Your prolly saying to yourself...well doesnt that render my holds useless? no a good controller or dom will break a breakfree easily EASILY. Also if your always relying on your targets being insta held your a [censored] controller or dominator. Breakfrees are just a way to level the playing field for squishies...otherwise controllers and doms would isnta own every non squishy with incredible ease.
  9. you and ur post have huge [censored], son
  10. Old_School

    MoG bug

    MoG is great in pvp...I dont see why ever dislikes it...can be great if your a not a [censored]
  11. [ QUOTE ]
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    Also I'd like to request that the upgrade icons not be tagged "auto" powers and not be hidden when you select that option. Henchmen die frequently enough that you want to be able to see who needs upgrades in the middle of a fight without having to change your display options.

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    I third that
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Very nice work

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    Werd...all those numbers
  13. I read the first two lines and then ya know...ADD

    Dont mind me ...just lookin for free +1 posts
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    very nice guide. brief, useful, and accurate, at least IMO

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  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Nice work with this.

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    word yo
  16. Old_School

    How to bind?

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    I am bind impaired but I was able to make about 5 or 6 useful ones..and some funny ones to boot...great guide..

    The Incomplete and Unofficial Guide To /bind (Curveball)


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    Very useful guide
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    i honestly think DA will be the worst like it is for scrappers. All it was put there for was to make ninjitsu stalkers realize that they dont have it so bad afterall

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