401 -
Anybody recieve any bugged missions from Capt. Mako?
No you'll probably just see the Mako logo (the one on his statue) glowing on your chest or something. At least that's what it looked like in the I7 preview with a supposed Black Scorpion shield (the hourglass looking thing.)
Anyway, does anyone know if Captain Mako's first mission impacts your "path" in any way if you fail it or pass it? or does he give you the same set of missions regaurdless?
I failed it and I got a "get the file from longbow" mission after. Anybody else? -
Anyone know how to get the new Accolades that grants +hp, etc.?
Any word on what Shark Skin looks like?
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Remember in the trailer, there was an "hourglass" looking toggle? Well, that was an "icon" for a Patron, as you will see when you enter the main room. Shark Skin will probably look like that as well, with Mako's "wavy" "icon" flashing. -
about the Coralax, a mission from Crash Cage sends u after coral, and Mr. Bocor sais that mysterious events with the coral will come to a head on Sharkhead Isle.... hmm
maybe entrance to Coralax zone(s?) in SI
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He's referring to the "Temple of Waters" SF, in which, indicates that the (living) coral is part of the living (and apparently made of coral) Leviathan sleeping under Sharkhead Isle, which was entombed by the Mu goddess Hequat when Calystix summoned it to devour the Mu, for that island, which back then, was raised from the ocean to be made into the island of the Mu, was originally one of the many places the Coralax inhabited. Not necessarily their main home, but it was one of them.
So to make it short, Mr. Bocor was referring to the coral being part of the Leviathan, and Sharkhead was once Mu (island), and Mu (island) was once a home for some Coralax - more specifically, Calystix and his/her people.
Fun fact: Coral are both male and female.
making 2-3 coralax zones would be neat, but do we even have confirmation of even one?
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Statesman has always said we're going to have an underwater zone. Along with the very descriptive Coralax city on the Coralax-Hybrids bio, I have no problem assuming that the underwater zone will be the main Coralax city. -
All we really know is that the BotBS have huge links to oil and demons. Posi earlier confirmed the Nile/Black Stream thing, but what if Black Stream has a double meaning... Nile and oil. They also have SOMETHING to do with the hellions and Gadzul Oil.
On a slightly diff note, what if they are humanoid oil-forms? ...
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LOL that would be weird. There sure might be a connection with the Blood of the Black Stream and the Gadzul Oil company but what that might be.. who knows. Oil and Black Stream does sound alike, but hm.. I don't know. Oil humanoids aren't really all that.. attractive? lol.
I would think they would be more.. traditional.. as in egyptian symbolisms, arcane magic, pyramids, sphynxes, tombs, snakes and all.
Also, Posi didn't confirm it, nobody did IIRC. Although, Manticore did praise a certain user when they posted a link stating that "Black Stream" is one of the terms used to describe the Nile. It's not really a confirmation, but it might be.
And about the first SF - here's something about Padre Henri, and most likely the reason why Martin Henri (son/descendant) continued to banish the Children of Enos from the Rogue Isles:
This book is a translation of the Journal of Father Gerard Henri, a French monk and reputed master of mystic powers who worked for the French government in the 17th century. According to entries in the Journal, Henri came to the Rogue Isles in response to tales of a demon-worshipping cult called the Children of Enos. He arrived to find both the Cultists and the Garrison sent to fight them wiped out. There are pages missing, but what's left talks at great lengths about the preparations Henri and his cohorts went through to face something the Cultists had summoned from the depths of the netherworld in their desperation. Something Henri felt was too powerful for him to destroy, but could be contained within the mountain. Something called Bat'Zul.
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It doesn't really say much, all that happend right after he left Egypt. Someone told him to, though, who that someone is, nobody knows. -
Well, if that's true, then you just predicted that there will be no heroes complaining that the PPPs are too powerful.. which would be awesome.
Check my post on (normal forum mode) pg 10, #5400755.
For short (or not): sure, it may and could be the Incarnates, but from what we know, the Avilans and the Coralax are the ones more likely to be implemented first, seeing as they already had their head start wether it's being designed or having their story already in the game. So if it were to be the Incarnates in that next expansion, I would assume the Coralax and Avilans would be in I9 and I8 - but ofcourse, that's just speculation. Although official progress of the EATs should count for something.
Just IMO, the Incarnate seems more like a "god-mode" status-giving role. I mean, look at Statesman and Lord Recluse. We can't be as strong as them.. otherwise everyone will try their crack at being the leader of.. whatever we wish to be. We can't all be demigods -
With I7 coming out soon:
I would like to ask for [anyone] who might be interested enough, that they report to me any EAT clues, or potential clues that are in I7. Wether it be from SFs, missions, or whatever, I'd gladly appreciate your help and contribution. -
So... who wants to bet that's Incarnates?
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It's not. I saw a post from states that says its the aviians.
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What post? I'm a Dev Digest freak and I haven't seen anything.
I remember States' last game address, but all he said was "coralax- think underwater and avilan - think wings".. or something like that. -
You shouldn't assosciate the BotBS with the Kheldians just because they can shapeshift. It's actually a very (almost) common trait in the comic book genre, not that everyone can do it, but when it does happend, it's like "oh.. oh well." Besides, the BotBS seems to be more connected to Magical origin than of alien origin.
The Oil Spill, the wreck of the Cairo Queen, Gadzul Oil, the hiring of the Hellions: still all a mystery. It's unsolved.
Also, the fact that the Legacy Chain is involved makes it more easier to take in that the BotBS are of Magical origin, and by magic I mean cults, pentagrams, summoning ghosts and demons, etc. So the Kheldians' sci-fi theme definitely doesn't fit in there.
And btw, the demons they're talking about are the Bat'zuls in the "Beast Beneath the Mountain" SF. I didn't pay attention to the story so who knows if it had any clues.
I highly doubt the Kheldians have any ties with the BotBS. Besides, it wouldn't make sense to expand the Kheldian story. It's unfair to not just the other EATs, but to the players who play other EATs. I don't think the devs would want to continue the story of one EAT, because that would mean more work for them on the other EATs, expanding their story.
So it's highly unlikely.
And also, Padre Henri's son or descendant, Father Martin Henri had conflicts with Children of Enos - the Mu. If there's any connection, it would be the great war between Ermeeth and Hequat, just like how the Coralax had their spotlight during that time.
Anyway, to get back on track, the BotBS didn't want the book, it was never said that they did. The Hellions, or rather, Duke Mordrogar wanted it for it's power. You were supposed to retrieve it for Mr. Bocor, which you did.
Come to think of it, that arc barely has anything to do with the BotBS. It shows the connections, but that's all.
The story arc is still unsolved. You're left with blabs and hints, but that's all.
I would think each EAT would have their own unique story of their own, eventhough the Coralax are connected to so much - not to mention all four Patrons are part of their story wether their roles are small or big. -
Well.. I was just saying that the Incarnate doesn't seem like your average EAT, so if the expansion is more of a QoL expansion, I don't think they'd put it in there, and as far as 2007 being too far off, well, it's been about 2 years since the release of the Kheldians with no sign of when the other ones are coming, so let's just hope the gaps between the upcoming ones aren't so far off.
I highly doubt it's the Incarnates.
The Avilans and the Coralax are basically already designed, and the BotBS and the Incarnates are something we haven't heard any news of yet. So as far as who's more likely to be released, it's the Coralax - not that I want them to, but their story and Strike Force is already in the game, so they're basically there 30%
The Avilans and BotBS are somewhat tied since they're both mentioned in the game(s), but the Avilans have a +1 since Statesman said they're already designed.
The Incarnates, however, has only been a "god-mode" archetype so far. So I don't think it will be given anytime soon. Also, it's being released with an expansion, not an Issue, which most likely means it's a QoL, and the Incarnate concept doesn't seem like a QoL* aka normal Epic AT.
*QoL = stuff we don't necessarily need to have in the game but would be awesome to have it (eg. Croatoa, new costume items, etc.) -
I would imagine it's just gonna be full of QoLs.
Things we don't necessarily need in the game, but would be awesome to have.
That would include many new zones unrelated to the game's history, Epic ATs, costume pieces, etc., and I'm excited..
And they said 2 more issues until the third expansion? Sounds awesome.
I just want to know which Epic AT they're talking about. -
the avians have begun animation, presumibly for I8. in addition there will be two varieities, one for heroes with feathered wings, and one for villains with bat-style wings.
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Interesting. Where did you find this, I'd like to read about it. I would hope they let you decide on your wings regardless of being hero or villain.
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The only thing that has been mentioned about the Avilans recently is that they are designed on paper. It's in the "Ask Statesman - Answers" post in the Dev Digest. But that's all. Nothing anymore specific than that has been revealed about them, and no I'm not leaving out any tidbits, lol. I really mean nothing -
the devs said that they wanted to instill other ways of earning EATs such as task forces or strike forces, depending on your heroic or villainous inclination, and this can be taken as far as time spent on a character or badges earned.
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Yep, just as was written on the guide.
But then again, nothing has been confirmed as to what the alternate requirement will be.
the avians have begun animation, presumibly for I8. in addition there will be two varieities, one for heroes with feathered wings, and one for villains with bat-style wings.
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There has never been an official word on which side gets which, or what will go where. I think it's safe to assume that the Avilans would go to both sides since EVERYONE wants wings, but so far, nothing has been officially announced.
But yes, Statesman did say that they are already desgined on paper.
i perceive the incarnates as an aquired template, you run a taskforce at level 20 or so, and from then on you unlock an additional 'incarnate power pool' where you choose a patron god and gain their powers, maybe the powers unlock at a different rate than the standard powers and can be gained on levels where one would gain enhancement slots, and inadition to those slots. think about it, the two incarnates we know of, baring the snake god stheno, were both standard archetypes. they were also good friends and drank from the fountain of youth together i beleive. states 'caught' zeus and rec caught perhaps hades or aries. the hades to make him evil, the aires to explain why he goes into melee so often. states can call lightning bolts because he became zeus afterall.
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History of the Gods: Now, in greek mythology, there were only really two people worthy of being called 'villains'. Kronos the Titan and Hades. Hades only so because he's the lord of the underworld, but still.
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Fountain of Zues.
And if I know Statesman (Jack Emmert), he wouldn't make Hades the bad guy. He's very into mythology, and eventhough Hades is typecasted as evil, he isn't. He just has dominion over the underworld and the dead, but that's all. The three brothers (Zeus, Poseidon, Hades) split their duties, and Hades just got that part. If anything, the villains are the Titans that fought the Olympians. Though, do note that NOT ALL of the Titans fought. Only most of them.
But as far as the Incarnate requirement, I, too would think a time-spent requirement should be implemented for it. From what we know, it should, but at the same time, we still don't know what the devs are gonna make of it yet. If anything, IMO, it would be something like choosing a Patron. Choose a god/goddess/higher being to be reincarnated with or be personfied with, or something like that. But that's just pure speculation.
Oh and btw, I forgot to mention, Stheno, in mythology, is one of the three gorgons. One of the more famous gorgons is Medusa. -
Haha, yeah, but as for LR, we just might see some new Arachnos, like the red and purple ones maybe? Meh, who knows. I can't wait though.
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Red and purple ones? You mean the Fortunatas who set your mish difficulty, and such? That would be pretty cool. Know another way they could maintain the 'standard' 6-7 perma-pets, keep with the Arachnos theme, and still make him uber?
Give him Arbiters as pets.
Edit for "Arbiters" not being possessive
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No no, not the Fortunatas.
I was talking about these red and purple guys.
Recluse will have SOME melee capabilities... EMish i'd guess. He's always beating around States with those glowie red hands of his.
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Whatever that thing is must be pretty special. -
The Soul Extraction from the Necro set, and such powers like that, including Gang War in the thug set, aren't perma-pets since they're like Controller pets: they have a time limit.
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That was half my point right there - though I must point out about Soul Extraction - it's sort of a hybrid between a MM pet, and a Controller pet. While it as a time limit, it IS controllable. Also, the time limit is kind of a joke. Put a couple recharge redux in there, and it's back almost before it drops.
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Haha, yeah, but as for LR, we just might see some new Arachnos, like the red and purple ones maybe? Meh, who knows. I can't wait though. -
Yeah, that's true.
I would think that he still would be an MM, but at the same time, be able to stand on his own without his henchmen. Afterall, even before he was a Mastermind he was somewhat of a brute (in general, not the AT.) So, I would think he'll have henchmen + his Incarnate powers OR some sort of weird power combination. Who knows.
We'll just have to wait and see I guess.
Also, except in cases such as Necro/DM, or, to a certain degree, Traps, if you want to count THOSE
(Necro's get the Ghost, also. DM and Traps get uncontrollable, 'Controller' style pets also, but they're nothing compared to the henchmen proper.), MM get a max of 6 perma-pets, not 8.
3 first tier
2 second tier
1 third tier
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The Soul Extraction from the Necro set, and such powers like that, including Gang War in the thug set, aren't perma-pets since they're like Controller pets: they have a time limit. -
You missed a post:
But it has been hinted that he is no longer a Mastermind, like in his bio:
Leader of all the Rogue Isles, Lord Recluse was once the ultimate Mastermind, able to easily bend others to his will. Driven by ideological zealotry, Recluse seeks total world domination. Believing that he is entitled to this position because of superior intelligence and mastery of advanced technologies, Recluse controls Arachnos with an iron fist. Though now an Incarnate, his ability to control those around him has not diminished. With the help of his seers, he manipulates events to his advantage. In this way, Lord Recluse acts as an unseen puppet master, his machinations extending their tendrils into even the darkest corners of the Rogue Isles and beyond.
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But if he were gonna be a MM still, then I would think he would have more than the usual 8 as perma-pets. Afterall, tons of heroes are gonna go after him in RV. 8 pets is just not gonna cut it. -
Thinking on my previous posting a bit more, however, lets think about what we've seen of Lord Recluse so far...
Not counting his lackies, Black Scorpion, Capt. Mako, et al, he seems to be sorely LACKING in MM style powers. Where are his 'pets'? I'm almost thinking he's got some sort of will-bending mind control powers (unlike the current Mind Control set) that allows him to turn anyone (besides PCs) into his pets? Something like that? To explain his use of distinct characters almost as if pets? I dunno, seems kinda out there, and iffy to me, but on the otherhand, once again: if he's a MM, where are his 'henchmen'?
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Well, think of it this way.. what villain group does Lord Recluse run and/or control?
Well, that would be Arachnos. All of it.
If he's still a Mastermind, I highly doubt he would limit himself to 8 henchmen.
But it has been hinted that he is no longer a Mastermind, like in his bio:
Leader of all the Rogue Isles, Lord Recluse was once the ultimate Mastermind, able to easily bend others to his will. Driven by ideological zealotry, Recluse seeks total world domination. Believing that he is entitled to this position because of superior intelligence and mastery of advanced technologies, Recluse controls Arachnos with an iron fist. Though now an Incarnate, his ability to control those around him has not diminished. With the help of his seers, he manipulates events to his advantage. In this way, Lord Recluse acts as an unseen puppet master, his machinations extending their tendrils into even the darkest corners of the Rogue Isles and beyond.
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When we look at Statesman and Lord Recluse, one thing we have to remember is that story-wise they are Incarnates. The reason "ingame" that they are labeled as Tanks or Masterminds is because the game does not yet support the Incarnate AT, so when making a hero for Statesman (example) to use ingame, he has to create it off an already developed AT. From there (being devs) they are able to play with the powers and numbers, but again, they have to start with an already developed template.
That is all.
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I suspect that when we finally get to see Lord Recluse, in RV, we'll get to see that his powersets are remarkably similar to Statesmans, except with some variety of the current MM power sets instead of tanker power sets as their obvious primary and secondary pools.
The big question is on what kind of MM is Lord Recluse, exactly?
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Arachnos MM I'm assuming.
But I doubt he's gonna be MM-ing it in RV.
I really doubt it.
Anyway, Statesman does have Incarnate powers. It's nothing too special, but Statesman does have lightning powers. -
Hellooooooo Cricket!
Man, I'm so late.
Welcome! -
Yeah sorry about that I told you all I don't have my Incarnate facts straight.
I meant the Fountain of Zues at the Well of Furies on that greek island that I can't spell. Don't worry I'll get my facts straight on the next update for I7.
Unless there's new news about EATs, I'm not really surprised.