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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    True, but better options will also exist from range, making the choice to enter and use melee less wise. As an extreme example to illustrate the point, if we make it so that every tanker gained a passive 10% resistance all and 4% defense all for every secondary power they take, there is not a lot of advantage to picking up some of their primary powers.
    Please clarify. I have no idea why you conclude that I-24 will make a ranged attack posture so much better than it is now.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    I don't like that blasters are hard mode specifically, I am not enamored with getting pasted while solo (I have a high tolerance for it, but I don't particularly want it). I like that they make other people pay attention to them when teamed (and I think that will still be true even after I24). I absolutely agree it is not compelling from a balance perspective, but I am not positive that matters. Balance is not always required to make a fun, popular AT, if it has enough interesting features.
    I think we can all agree that balance isn't the only goal of good game design, but unfortunately that's a truism. It doesn't lead to a useful conclusion or even an interesting discussion. There's a huge, gaping chasm between the premise that balance isn't everything, and your apparent position, which is that the existence of a singularly disadvantaged AT makes the game more fun.

    The latter statement doesn't proceed from the former, in other words. The latter statement is, in fact, unsupportable -- and is therefore unworthy of discussion except as a vague point of subjective interest, "Strato prefers that Blasters be team-dependent." Ok. I don't.

    Once our subjective preferences have cancelled each other out, what we're left with is the obvious fact that there are no other ATs with Blaster-like dependency, and so there's no obvious reason that Blasters should be uniquely saddled with that disadvantage, unless you want to give Blasters an obviously massive and unique advantage as compensation -- but clearly, neither you nor the developers are interested in doing that.

    I don't think that is truly the goal with what I have seen from the I24 changes. They want to buff blasters, but I don't believe they want them to be balanced against scrappers, dominators, brutes, or contollers. Maybe I am wrong, but from what we have seen so far, I think the target is a bit lower than balance.
    Locking your door is a good idea; it increases, but doesn't guarantee, your security. To say that security isn't the goal of locking your door, simply because locking your door isn't a comprehensive security measure, would be a fallacy, no?

    To be a little less flippant, I agree with your reading of the situation; it's doubtful that Blasters will ever be truly equal to Doms, Brutes, Scrappers, et al. I think if you pumped the devs with truth serum, they'd tell you that a good number of Dom/Brute/Scrapper builds are overpowered, and that the current dev team would never have allowed them in the first place. But even if the developers have no intention of making Blasters truly equal with their peers, it doesn't follow that the developers aren't concerned about the balance of Blasters versus other ATs.

    But I also see them abandoning the melee nature, which is sad to me, but a choice that could make sense. A fair number of people seem to prefer blasters as rangers. And while melee still seems an option, it is fast becoming a weaker option, where in the past you got value from entering melee, now it will be done just for style.
    Ranged-attack sets shouldn't be intrinsically inferior to melee-attack sets simply because the Blaster AT has poorly designed secondaries with a surfeit of melee powers. That goes for all ranged-set users; given equal AT-damage scalars, a ranged-set user should be on par with a melee-set user, because the design of the game already gives melee-set users (generally) massive benefits in return for the superficial disadvantage of melee range.

    And keep in mind, I'm just talking single-target damage here. For the most part, AoE damage still favors melee-range combatants, including melee-biased Blasters. Some Blaster primaries can output immense AoE DPS from range, but even at that they'd put out more with the help of supplementary PBAoEs from a Secondary like */Fire. Hell, if you want be strictly literal, even the I-24 Nuke buff is aimed in large part at PBAoE powers. There are fewer ranged (crashing) nukes than PBAoEs, last time I checked.

    Your (offensive) advantage as a Blapper is that you have a wider selection of attacks from which to cherry-pick the most heavy-hitting repetoire, both single-target and AoE. That advantage isn't going away, and wouldn't even with an as-yet-unannounced comprehensive buff to ranged-attack sets. (We're getting a boost to snipes and a vague boost to non-snipe sets, but as far as I know the developers have not announced an across-the-board buff to ranged attacks.)

    Even a pure Blapper would benefit from having a better selection on the ranged-attack side of the menu. And a pure Blapper will certainly benefit, perhaps moreso than a ranged Blaster, from a survivability boost to the AT. If your problem is that content development has increasingly disincentivized blapping, then you should direct your complaints toward the power creep of melee ATs, not at any proposal to make ranged Blasters competitive damage dealers.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    You certainly won't get an argument from me on that score. I used that same reasoning to discuss why blasters did not necessarily need a survivability buff. Isn't there room in the game for an AT heavily dependent on teammates? The proposed changes coming in I24 tell us the answer to that question is NO.
    In theory there's room for an AT that's heavily dependent on teammates -- but there should be a significant upside to mirror that disadvantage. Blasters never had that worthwhile niche specialty, and over the last 8 years it became obvious that the developers were scared of giving Blasters enough damage to make their speciality truly worthwhile in a team environment. (In part, I imagine, because giving any singular AT enough extra damage to constitute a bona-fide team specialty would also require either a revamp of buff/debuff stacking mechanics, or a wholesale increase to the difficulty of PvE encounters, or both.)

    Instead, every other AT has steadily gained ground, damage-wise. No other AT has given up anything else of note in return. Hell, even the ATs that do have a genuine, worthwhile team speciality (support ATs) have been given damage bumps to allow them to solo better (Containment, Vigilance 2.0).

    Now, finally, it's the Blaster's turn. If Blasters aren't to be given a true artillery specialist role, then the obvious answer is to make them better generalists. Even with the changes in I-24, I'd say Blasters are still a fair amount more squishy than any other AT (as a general rule, not counting the odd exception like, perhaps, Kinetics Defenders/Corrupters); I-24 Blasters are just less more-squishy than they were before.

    The bottom line is that if you're going to have a game without enforced team roles, then you can't single out any particular AT as team-dependent. I grok that you like Blasters as a hardmode AT; it's understandable that you would enjoy the extra challenge or the seat-of-your-pants play style of the average Blaster build -- but you must realize that your arguing against Blaster buffs on the basis that you like weak Blasters isn't very compelling from a balance perspective, yes?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Does it give blasters a purpose beyond what they can do now? That depends. What do you think blasters were designed to do before? You might say they already had that capability, but the game engine disagrees: they dropped dead often enough to put enough of a hamper on that purpose that it actually made a significant dent in their ability to level. More than the dent defenders get for having about half the damage modifier.
    I'm not going to quote the whole thing, because it'd be silly to spam the thread when the post is just above mine -- but that's a dayumn fine post. Reminds me of the now-famous (to me) "damage exclusionists" speech given by Churchill in 1939. Oh wait, that wasn't Churchill. It sure does feel like Blasters have waited since 1939 to be given a purpose, though.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    I am really, really, really hoping that one day the devs will go back and change ALL of the pseudo-pet powers so that they have AT modifiers baked in. I realize that this would be a huge amount of work but I'd still like to see it. The revised version of Poison Gas Arrow gives me hope that we will see it done on most new powers at least (for those who don't know based on the new version of PGA the devs apparently now have the ability to have a pseudo pet power add or remove effects based on the AT that originally summoned it).
    A ~30% nerf to Corrupter Rain of Fire? Oh, the rage would be epic.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    Pfft. Mental keeps its throne unless DP gets nerfed.
    Hopefully Drain Psyche will get nerfed at the edge-case high end, so that it can be buffed significantly for the general-case Blaster (low-to-mid-range builds with less recharge and DEF, and range-biased builds of all stripes).

    Otherwise, the peak performance of a power that requires heavy IO investment and nearly full-time maintenance to exploit will have prevented Mental from receiving its due share of the I-24 Blaster buffs. It will have become a boutique set, the go-to choice for farmers but heavily sub-optimal for everyone else.

    All of your bluster aside, you must realize that the AT isn't, nor should it be, balanced around multiple-billion-inf blapper builds. Regardless, I'm sure Arbiter Hawk will come to remember that even if you don't.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    If all it takes is a typo to cause you to no longer enjoy an arc, I think you may need to chill out and relax.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain_Aegis View Post
    Ok Jack, no problem. If you want to tell me how spending a fair number of posts discussing at what point Fury allows Brutes to out-damage Scrappers is not a digression from the original subject of how Tankers may or may not be improved and suggestions on how to do so, then please feel free to explain now to us, right here.

    Not only will that invalidate my gentle admonishment that we're getting off topic, but it will neatly give us something Tanker-related to talk about.

    I'll be sat waiting in the corner for an answer, on the edge of my seat.
    You can't evaluate Tankers without considering how they relate to Brutes and Scrappers. All three ATs are inter-related. What you consider a marked digression from the thread's topic is scarcely a digression at all.

    And on the subject of digressions, it's worth pointing out that this thread is now on page 23 (under what my Control Panel assures me is the forum-default view; your mileage may vary). Most threads die long before they even reach page 2 or 3.

    You can't, in other words, assume that on-topic discussion would continue apace in a very long thread but for the distraction of off-topic discussion. The most obvious alternative to off-topic chatter is, in fact, thread death. And if the thread dies, then on-topic discussion is finished regardless. So when you complain about off-topic chatter in a very long thread, your problem is either that of self-appointed forum moderator (bemoaning that off-topic chatter is misplaced) or you're making an unfounded and self-serving assumption (that your topic of choice is getting displaced). Regardless, there's a vague air of arrogance about the complaint.

    TL;DR: Even if we stipulate that this thread has veered off-topic, most threads die long before they reach the prodigious length of this one, so why do you assume that your pet issue is infinitely interesting or discussable whereas others aren't?
  9. Ice Control -- For too long, Ice has been equated to Earth, because both sets have a knockdown patch, and both sets have low (and nearly identical) damage potential. The problem is and always has been that Ice doesn't have anywhere near Earth's practical control ability. Slows are nice, but they're not anywhere near so useful as an AoE stun that's (potentially) available on an every-spawn basis.

    (Volcanic Gasses is also almost unreservedly better than Glacier, niche-play-style arguments to the contrary notwithstanding. And, as if to add insult to injury, Earth has more proc-slotting opportunities than Ice does.)
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    I am looking forward to the nuke changes very much, but a power with a base 3 minutes recharge is not an every spawn power.
    Is the new recharge going to be 3 minutes exactly, as in 180 seconds -- or are you just approximating here for the sake of casual conversation? For some reason I thought the new recharge was going to be more like 220 seconds. Too tired to look now.

    In any case, I'm with you. In order for me to consider a power usable on an every-spawn basis, the power has to recharge in (about) 30 seconds or less. Of course, that's largely a matter of preference/play style.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
    I don't consider something that situational a REAL buff to single target damage. And not surprising it was NOT meant to be.

    If it were the devs would be more concerned about applying more consistently across the board. They aren't because it's PRIMARY GOAL is NOT a buff to single target damage, which again is useless in a game that's been wholy focused on AOE damage for years.
    From my point of view, you're assuming your own conclusion here. I'm objecting to the Snipe change because it buffs single-target damage significantly, but also unevenly. You're now saying, as a rebuttal, that the single-target damage buff must be irrelevant because it's applied unevenly. So basically you're agreeing with my take on the particulars of the snipe change, but you're here arguing tirelessly that the snipe change is not important enough to talk about, because if it were important enough to talk about, the problem wouldn't exist in the first place.

    If the difference between perma-fast Snipe and no fast snipe is, say, 15% extra single-target damage, you really think that the developers will not take fast snipes into account when they're evaluating the balance of the various snipe-capable power sets?

    It's not a canard when the devs outright state what the GOAL of a change is.
    Again, you cannot take the developers' words over the developers' actions. It's meaningless to say that he only intended to increase the "fun," when the "fun" directly relies, at least in part, upon the mechanics. Presumably, all balance changes are made with the ultimate goal of increasing fun. By the way, did Arbiter Hawk explicitly say that the Snipe change isn't intended to be a single-target-damage buff?

    If Arbiter Hawk boosted Blaster damage by some extreme amount, let's say 200% across the board, and his only commentary on the matter were that he planned to make Blasters more "fun," then would you be here insisting that the damage increase is irrelevant because it's not what he said he intended to do?

    You and I are clearly going to have to agree to disagree.

    The fact that we both value different types of damage differently is just that point at which we'll never agree on the importance of the snipe change.
    Yes, we are, because obviously anyone who insists that only AoE damage matters in a balance discussion isn't interested in having a balance discussion. Single-target damage may not upset the rewards/time apple cart, but there are more builds in the game that aren't AoE specialists than there are builds that are AoE specialists.

    AoE is, in fact, too powerful across the board for too little downside, but that ship sailed years ago. Regardless, the development history of the game shows that single-target damage matters.

    My Ice Blaster, for example is going to respec into Blizzard. I WILL drop something even though she has a tight build. I sure as hell am NOT taking the snipe.
    Ice Blast doesn't have access to a snipe.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sukugaru View Post
    Why not do something similar with Brutes' defenses vs Tankers' defenses? That is: Make Brutes' defenses start at scrapper levels, then increase as they take Fury. I don't know enough of the underlying numbers to say exactly how this would work.

    Then, I don't know, make Fury a bit harder to maintain, to really hammer the point home: You're a Brute, you *need* Fury, and if you don't have Fury you're in trouble. Basically, play up the Brutes' gimmick - fury - a lot more, because that's an easy way to make it distinct from Scrappers and Tankers.
    Heh, well I'm sorry if this comes off as over-critical, but your idea sure would make Brutes distinct from Scrappers and Tankers -- and by "distinct," I mean substantially and unambiguously better. Brutes already have Scrapper-comparable defenses by default; to give them better defenses, without outside help, would be a massive buff to the AT as a whole animal.

    If the Tankers in this thread felt threatened by what a Brute can do with copious team support, then any straight-faced developer support for your idea would set the Tanker forum ablaze with frothing-at-the-mouth hatred.

    And although I can understand where you're coming from, although I get that you're trying to moderate the buff by nerfing Fury generation, the fact is that Brutes build for sustainability; even if it takes twice as long for them to get up to the effective Fury cap, they would get there, and they would stay there for prolonged periods. Or you could make Fury so freaking hard to generate that even the best of the best Brute builds have no hope of maintaining it, in which case all you will have accomplished is to make everyone, including Brutes, angry.

    Anyway, I hope the above criticism of your idea isn't too harsh. At least you came at the issue from a novel direction, and you should be encouraged to keep thinking that way. Hopefully my criticism will head off (or attenuate) what might have been a much sharper emotional response from others. (Yeah, I'm naive, but then again it's questionable that many people are even still reading the thread, at this point.)
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
    In addition even if snipes are more fun NONE of my toons that don't have them are respecing into them. As you state Range 80 tier 3 > part time insta-snipe.
    You are, of course, entitled to build and play your characters as you prefer. I wouldn't try to tell you you're wrong about something that's entirely subjective; hell, I won't be taking the snipe on at least one of my snipe-capable characters either.

    But the tier 3 attack and the snipe aren't mutually exclusive options. We cannot, for the purpose of evaluating balance, pretend that the newly ranged-boosted tier 3s replace (or render moot) fast snipes, because many builds can and will make good use of both.

    Another way to look at it is that the developers have effectively given snipe-capable builds (uneven) access to what is potentially a second, supplemental tier 3 attack power.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
    The devs outright stated that the snipe change was to make snipes more fun.

    I don't know how anyone can assume they intend the snipe change to be a catchall buff for damage, when they specifically said what the change was for.

    That's nearly saying that the devs are lieing.
    Look, Aura, I'm really not interested in making an emotional argument about whether or not we can trust the developers to be truthful. To say that the devs are lying is a personal attack, and one I'd never make.

    It is, however, demonstrably and irrefutably true that what the developers say isn't always synonymous with what the developers do. Or perhaps more accurately, what the players assume from developer statements doesn't always turn out to reflect what the developers ultimately do. Plans change, and statements can be misinterpreted (or miscommunicated).

    The snipe change buffs single-target damage. Full stop. You cannot argue that a major buff to a high-damage single-target attack isn't designed to be a buff to single-target damage. It's questionable whether the developers even could change snipes such that they're more fun without also buffing the relevant builds' single-target-damage capability. And that's part of the problem with the quirkiness of the new snipe mechanics; if players are to view fast snipe as a worthwhile reward for the inconvenience required to make use of it, then the buff to snipes must represent a non-trivial mechanical boost to performance, which means that future balance evaluations must take the snipe (quirky conditionals and all) into account.

    I suppose the devs could add to snipes something wholly different from damage to make them more appealing -- perhaps an area-of-effect control to go along the same thematic lines as the fear that is (or used to be) attached to Assassin's Strike -- but it is undeniable that the currently proposed snipe buff boosts single-target damage.

    Whether the snipe buff ultimately turns out to be the only single-target-damage buff to the relevant sets is an open question, and a different question. But please, can we lay to rest the absurd canard that the design of fast snipes is purely to increase "fun," and that therefore the obvious design implications of the change have absolutely no relevance?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
    For... tankers?
    For everyone, to a greater or lesser degree. The game is currently balanced around toggles costing endurance, so if (most) toggles were suddenly made free tomorrow, something else would have to give -- whether it's the cost of attacks or the magnitude of the recovery bonuses available.

    Or to put it another way:

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    There would be lots of side effects, including tampering with endurance burn rates, but those are trivial to rebalance around, and they can be rebalanced at will without any set in stone design rules to overcome. The only ones that exist are the ones I just eliminated by hypothesizing that these changes could occur in the first place.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    But they don't. Even ignoring pool powers a lot of non-melee characters have toggle powers that are linked to their survival. Admittedly they are more likely to be a debuff power than a self buff but they are still frequently linked to a character's overall survivability.

    Doing a quick scan 4 out of 7 Blaster Secondaries have a survival oriented toggle (3 out of 7 if you discount World of Confusion, which is borderline). 8 out of 13 Buff/Debuff sets have a survival oriented toggle that will likely be run during combat (I'm not counting Kinetics since Repel is rarely actually used) and most of these have a End cost of 0.52 end/sec. 4 out of 9 Control sets have a survival focused toggle.

    Not to mention that most non-melee characters have a defense or resistance toggle in their epic pool which have an end cost of 0.325 End/sec. Ok, those are Epic powers rather than primary/secondary but they are still pretty important to staying alive at high levels for a lot of squishies.
    Yeah, probably the most end-intensive character I've played for any length of time is an Ice/Storm Controller -- and I do manage her most expensive toggles situationally. (That is, Hurricane and Arctic Air needn't be on full-time, for example. Hurricane is barely used at all these days, in fact, but spamming Tornado/Freezing Rain/Lightning Storm gets pricey.)

    Still, we can agree with Starsman's point in principle without stipulating that his resulting conclusion is totally accurate. I think it's fair to say that melee characters can kneecap themselves at the low end by spending too much of their endurance on toggles -- which incidentally is why I always prioritize attack power picks over passives over toggles on a lower-level melee build. But I don't think it's necessarily true that as a matter of AT design, melee archetypes are intrinsically more endurance-limited than ranged ATs.

    In any case, if toggle costs were to be reduced near to zero, various other costs would have to be adjusted to compensate.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    IOP balancing appears to be less disentangled from memory overcommitment for virtual desktop resource sizing than has been the general assertion.
    Good point, but sacrifice bunting is clearly overrated.
  18. I addressed a lot of Strato's points in the novel I just wrote in response to Leo, so I'm just going to pick out a couple of points here. No offense intended, and if you feel I'm glossing over something important, feel free to mention it.

    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    If we go to ANY AT, then blasters definitely meet your qualification. What is bothersome is that their damage advantage over other, more survivable, strong damage ATs is not clear (and in some cases, not actually in existence).
    This is just a wording disconnect. If you have a hat, with every AT's name inside, mixed up on tiny little pieces of paper -- and you pull from that hat any AT's name, you should be able to compare a Blaster with that AT and find clear advantages for the Blaster. You should be able to repeat that process (draw a name and compare) until the hat is empty.

    But yes, you're probably right that I didn't phrase that clearly; obviously the most relevant analogues to Blasters are Scrappers, Brutes, and Dominators. If Blasters are balanced against that sub-group of ATs, then they'll be balanced against all ATs, outliers in other sub-groups notwithstanding.

    Why? Because in order for scrappers to get that survivability advantage, they have to use two sets instead of one. Note, I agree that blasters using both sets should not just compete with scrappers but should CLEARLY be outdamaging them. I do agree that using just the primary they should be able to compete. I am not convinced they don't generally compete now. Compete. I don't particularly think blasters that just use their primary should clearly outdamage scrappers, but I do agree they should not be noticeably behind.
    Well, like you said, it's a tricky issue. Blasters don't get uniform access to melee attacks, and the attacks to which they do have access vary from spectacular to lame. You could choose to do a balance pass on Blaster melee attacks to help Blappers, but it seems more efficient to buff ranged sets because those affect everyone (ranged Blasters, Blappers, Defenders, Corruptors, to a lesser extent Dominators).

    The devs really dropped the ball at the beginning, by failing to take into account activation time. There's a limit to how many attacks you can realistically use, and so there's a diminished return on the offensive benefit blappers can derive -- unless, of course, the developers buff Blaster melee attacks to absolutely preposterous levels, in which case a new problem arises: the blaster's whole secondary set, and arguably the source of the damage advantage that gives the Blaster purpose, can be effectively nullified by the circumstances. (Like that AV encounter you mentioned.)

    Also, the best scrapper/brute damage numbers come from also using secondary powers like AAO and FE and damage auras. So while their attacks do mostly come from the primary, a significant portion of their offensive strength actually does come from utilizing both primary and secondary.
    Some of those powers (AAO, FE) are the equivalent of a Blaster using Build Up from his secondary. For the purpose of this conversation, we don't consider a pure-ranged Blaster who uses Build Up to be "using attacks from his secondary." Or I don't, anyway. Do you? If Build Up is off the table for the purpose of comparing ranged Blaster offense to Scrapper offense, then the ranged Blaster is even more screwed.

    The fact that AAO/FE are perhaps better than Build Up doesn't mean that they should be considered as a class apart. Damage Auras? Yeah, they're directly analogous to damage auras in Blaster secondaries, except that damage auras are intrinsically more useful to ATs with high defenses and with mez protection.

    and buff/debuff, of course, has significant advantages in that Pylon situation.
    To clarify: When I commented on the Pylon thread, I was ignoring support-build outliers. Regen debuffs are equivalent to DPS in a long-term solo fight, but their value isn't fixed; it scales with the HP and regeneration of the target. And if you're in a team that's already capable of flooring the target's regen, your regen debuff is pointless.
  19. (Apologies for going out of order here.)

    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    But why I bring that up is, well, again, you're investing probably more than need be into DPS. Blasters can already achieve adequate DPS without any alterations. They have options for more DPS by using secondary attacks. The point I'm making though is that, forcing a paradigm of superiority of DPS with only range above what others can achieve with their available palette of attacks just undermines the secondary melee attacks available to Blasters. You want seamless high DPS at range, but what does that do to the very same Blaster who decides to slip into using melee powers?

    So, IMO, the whole argument that Blasters need high DPS and it needs to come from their ranged set (a ranged set, mind you, that might also have melee oriented PBAoEs in it) underminds the very same Blaster who decides to broaden their bucket of skills to include melee range.
    At the risk of invoking an appeal to authority, I'm just going to post a link (concerning the potency of Blaster melee attacks) and invite you to read it. I've been over this Blaster debate here til I'm blue in the face and I have no expectation that I can describe the matter better than Arcanaville:

    Notice for amusement's sake that she's replying to an assertion, by me, that's very similar to your objection above. The following links might also be of interest, with respect to the general AT-balance debate here:

    (It's also worth disclaiming that my quoting A-Ville here isn't an attempt to argue that she necessarily agrees with my position in this particular thread; I'm just using her posts as a convenient summary of some of the more generalized Blaster issues that keep coming up tangentially.)

    Preferentially, I believe you're simply investing too much into DPS when DPS tends to rely more on sustainability rather than raw damage. At least in the case damage ATs like Doms, Scrappers, Stalkers and Blasters, it's more about 'can you keep it up' vs 'how much you can do'. Because, IMO, sets are balanced enough (most of the time) that whatever attacks a set has available, they can do enough damage to complete a task...that's what the whole balancing act the devs have done in the past up until damage where damage is needed.
    DPS is raw damage; it's just raw damage averaged over time. Although it's true that an extremely long-term fight like a Pylon (or I should say formerly long-term, because the addition of Incarnates has made the fight pretty short for a lot of builds in that thread) doesn't exactly reflect a build's short-term damage potential, it's also true that there is a correlation between short and long term damage potential.

    To use an over-simplified example, unless you're talking about jousting, there's no inherent advantage to a single 3 second attack dealing 1,000 damage, as compared to a pair of chainable, 1.5 second attacks dealing 500 each. Both approaches do the same DPS, but both approaches also do the same burst damage. In any case, I often hear the objection that DPS is overrated as a balance metric -- and I agree with that, in principle. But in this particular instance, I have to ask: Ok, so DPS isn't everything, but is there any particular reason that Blasters shouldn't have great DPS? Are we simply to discard a whole huge chunk of the quantitative analysis we have on the subject of single-target damage and declare that Blaster damage is unconditionally elite based on anecdotes?

    This could tangent into another issue with blasters though, that they seem split in their personality of damage dealing vectors. But that is a ship that has long sailed. The secondaries have melee ranged attacks and it's too late to go back and make the Blaster all ranged...
    Yes, the design is screwy. No, that doesn't mean that ranged attack sets should be penalized versus melee sets. Personally and given the limitations of the design, I think that Blasters should get a supplementary damage boost for using melee attacks, but given their lack of other advantages, a pure-ranged Blaster should still be as good or better than a given Scrapper, all other build considerations being equal (IOs, Incarnates, etc).

    After all, the Scrapper has an undeniable advantage from his secondary (defenses). As things stand now, the Blaster needs both Primary and Secondary to be competitive with the Scrapper's offense. If there's to be an equitable balance between the two ATs, then they should start in the same vicinity, damage-wise, if both use only their Primary sets, and Blasters should have a marked advantage if they use their Secondary to boost their offense.

    In other words, the Scrapper is given defenses in his secondary set to compensate him for having to fight in melee range. The Blaster is given inferior ranged (single-target) damage from his primary, on average, to compensate for the Blaster's ranged advantage. So a ranged Blaster is penalized twice for the same asset (range). A Blapper has to turn the whole comparison on its head by giving up that asset, in which case the Scrapper is still ahead by virtue of having huge honking defenses, which were given to him in return for the very disadvantage that the Blapper has now assumed by closing to melee.

    And incidentally, an improvement to ranged blast sets will also naturally improve Blapper DPS. This isn't a zero-sum game; even the most stubbornly melee-biased Blapper will tend to use at least one, probably two, ranged attacks in his attack chain.

    That isn't to say there shouldn't be options for high DPS at range, but that should be a set-by-set focus, not an AT focus which further differentiates the Blaster from its ranged kin. Def/Corr have to make due with what's in their ranged sets while a Blaster can take advantage of other tools.
    1. Yes, the main problem with Blasters, as I see it, stems from an inequity in the design of ranged sets. I have never denied that. All I'm asking for is that those ranged sets be buffed equally for the relevant ATs. Since Blasters rely on attacks moreso than other ATs, they would naturally benefit more from generalized blast-set changes.

    2. Def/Corr do have other tools, tools that make them better ATs in general than Blasters are. Those tools just aren't necessarily attacks.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
    DAMAGE has NEVER, EVER been an issue for my blasters. Lack of damage, single target or otherwise, has NEVER EVER been why my blasters die the times they do.

    The last thing they need is more damage. The LAST LAST LAST thing they need is more SINGLE target damage in a game where 90% of it based around AOEs mobs of enemies.

    I'd rather have blasters buffed any other freaking way than more damage.
    The AT's capabilities are wanting. How or whether you personally choose to use those capabilities is irrelevant in a balance discussion. I offered two possibilities for buffage. The first option is higher survivability (above and beyond the relatively modest survivability boosts that have been proposed so far; and keep in mind that supplemental survivability buffs could take the form of proactive measures like control). The second option is higher damage. (And that's higher average damage, by the way; it's not necessarily an invitation to buff Fire Blast into the stratosphere and leave Electric gimpy by comparison.)

    I'm not married to any particular solution, believe it or not. You can pick one or the other, but unless you wish to argue that Blasters are well-balanced in the grand scheme of things (which would be fine, but I'm not interested in having that debate here), you can't say neither.

    As a point of interest, though: is your experience with blasters limited to any particular primary sets?

    EDIT: I can see where you are coming from now, and will say AGAIN if I wanted more damage for my blasters, which I don't think ANY of them ******* need, it WOULD sure as hell NOT be more single target damage. And I sure as hell would NOT be expecting it from snipes, some of the most useless powers in existence in this game. EVEN with the changes there is nothing about snipes that screams more damage.
    Except that fast snipes do offer more damage, specifically more single-target damage. And at least theoretically, the boost is significant, which means that the developers have to take it into account when they look at rebalancing snipe-capable blast sets. Check out the following link:

    Breakdown of Blaster i24 Performance

    The snipes are important, whether we want them to be or not. I keep saying this, and it keeps getting missed or misunderstood or misinterpreted: I don't want the snipe buff to be the end-all be-all single-target damage buff, but I'm concerned that the developers will treat it as such.

    I couldn't agree with you more in your assessment of snipes. The very reason I'm annoyed is that I feel like the developers are using the quirky fast-snipe mechanic to make an end run around the issues that are important. If the snipes need to be more attractive on their own merits, then that's bleeping dandy, but we've played the game for eight years, most of us, just fine without using Snipes at all. Why the devs would decide suddenly to tie long-awaited blast-set buffs to a power very few of us care about, and in any case a power that is only tenuously relevant to the question of generic-combat performance -- and then tie a quirky conditional trigger to the power that arbitrarily favors certain builds' use of it -- is freaking beyond me.

    But I'm sure that my above commentary will simply be construed as an expression of myopic prejudice against improvements for snipes.

    Crashless nukes = giving blasters better and more options for damage WAAAY WAAAY WAAAY more than the snipes.
    If the AT's specialty is damage, and the AT pays demonstrable and significant penalties for that supposed status, then shouldn't the AT be great at both single-target and AoE damage?

    I don't think I can state it in more stronger terms about how useless the snipe changes are if that's the way they intend to give blasters more single target damage.
    Exactly my point.

    Luckily that was NEVER the point of the snipe change.
    Assumes facts not in evidence.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    What if the changes leave them at the "bottom", but bring them closer? Do blasters have to become obviously better than two or three ATs after I24 or else the changes are a failure?
    I see your point, but it strikes me as semantic objection rather than a substantive one. When discussing balance, if you (or I) say something like, "middle of the pack," you needn't be referencing a strict heirarchy of ATs, from least to best. In other words, and although I think it's clear that Blasters are on the bottom, I can't assign strict numerical ranks to every AT on the list, and that's a good thing; balance should dictate that the various options aren't so cut-and-dried. The balance heirarchy is, and should be, more like a milling crowd than a leader board; all or most of its constituents should be occupying more or less the same space, with this-or-that AT perhaps having a small advantage at any given time.

    So bringing Blasters up to the "middle of the pack" doesn't even necessarily mean that they'll be obviously and holistically better than any other AT. It just means that they should be in the same general area occupying the middle of the range, with clear areas of strength and clear areas of weakness relative to their peers.

    The last statement here is possibly not what you mean. It seems likely blasters are at that point now (I am sure when you said "hat-picked other AT's" you were thinking other damage ATs, but the average single target DPS of scrappers is not as high as some think). Do you mean blaster's single-target primary only damage?
    The last statement means that if you pick any AT out of a hat, no matter how strong or weak, you should be able to compare it to a Blaster and find that the Blaster has a clear advantage somewhere. Because of the underlying design, it's most likely that that advantage should be damage.

    And without comparing numbers, I'm just going to go ahead and disagree with your assertion about Scrappers. It is my experience that the average single-target damage of Blasters is heavily overrated both on the forum and in the game. And yes, I also mean that blast-set DPS should be competitive, all else being equal, with melee-set damage. Ranged attackers have been saddled with too many disadvantages for too long. In the case of Blasters specifically, you should be able to pick any powersets and make of them a ranged build capable of putting out elite DPS.

    I know you're big into Blappers, and therefore you're unlikely to agree with me here, but think of it this way: melee ATs have one attack set, from which they derive all of their offensive clout (with some small exceptions like damage auras or Burn). Why shouldn't a Blaster (or any other blast-set AT) be able to achieve to do the same thing with just their ranged attack set? Why should the presumption be that Blasters, if they're capable of competing with a given Scrapper at all, should have to use two attack sets to the Scrapper's one? Are we simply to ignore that the Scrapper's Secondary gives him many times the survivability of the Blaster? In any case, the Rikti Pylon thread in the Scrapper forum demonstrates quite well that even the best Blaster builds, using optimized attack chains combining Primary and Secondary powers, are only in the conversation for best single-target damage. They're not the winners, not even by a slight margin.

    Is making the snipe integral to those sets single target DPS your preferred solution or just the one you think we may be able to best convince the devs to do? If it is not your preferred solution, do you have a suggestion?
    No, I don't care about snipes in particular; that's been my problem from the very beginning. Based on what we know now, it seems like the snipe is being used as the catch-all single-target DPS buff for blast sets that have access to a snipe.

    And that would be fine, if it were a consistently applicable and evenly distributed bonus, or if it were clear that the snipe boost won't stand in the way of other changes to various sets that need attention. But the snipe change fails the first test, and the jury's out as to whether it will fail the second, and if so, for how long.

    The fact that the devs appear to be making Spines' animations faster to improve its single-target damage only reinforces my current suspicion. There was actually a comment in the Scrapper forum last night that made me laugh when it shouldn't have: someone noted that Spines would probably get a 0.83 second attack to match Shadow Punch and Storm Kick. Do blast sets have any attacks that fast? Nope. And you know what else? If blast sets did have an attack that fast, it might actually be a detriment to the design of those sets at the low end, because unlike melee sets, ranged sets aren't necessarily given the tools to form a seamless single-target attack chain with generic enhancements.

    It's interesting that Spines, which has always been regarded as a great AoE and bad single-target Scrapper set, is getting single-target buffage, but when I bring up single-target damage for Blasters, I'm told I'm short-sighted because all that matters is AoE.

    (That last is not directed at Strato; it's just a general observation.)
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    I suppose I could see where the confusion lies, but the first assertion (that Blasters need more out of snipes because they are the worst) still does not take into consideration the other things being added. To assert that they are the worst without considering the buffs they are getting is what I'd consider looking at the change out of context with all the other changes.
    I have considered the other buffs to Blasters and blast sets that I know about. I think the misunderstanding is that I'm separating the buffs into categories -- survivability, AoE, and single-target damage. Or perhaps the misunderstanding stems from a difference in our expectations: I don't account for the prospect of buffs that haven't been announced yet. I can only evaluate what's in front of me; I'm not going to accept the argument that I should shut up because the devs might do something more, later, that renders my complaints moot.

    (That last statement was not directed to you in particular, but I see the sentiment a lot: "Just wait! I-24 could change based on our feedback in BETA," or, "Arbiter Hawk could be working on any number of things that make you look stupid in retrospect!" All of that is true, but it's not relevant to a discussion that is taking place right now, except to the extent that our feedback could also change things before BETA. )

    For all intents and purposes, one cannot assert that Blasters *need* more from the snipe because they are the worse due to whatever perceived picking order they are set in won't be the case in the future. Hell, Blasters could end up being far better soloers by the end of i24 than either AT that share their snipes.
    Yes, this is a matter on which we have an irreconcilable difference. You either disagree with the premise that Blasters are worst off now, or you believe (seemingly) that the sum total of the I-24 changes, other than or in addition to the Snipe change, will be enough to bring Blasters back into the middle of the pack, balance-wise.

    I consider the first position obviously false; it's not even worth debating here. And based on what we know at this moment, I consider the second position false. A regen/absorb buff of roughly Energize's strength is not enough to raise Blaster survivability to the point at which Blasters have an equitable arrangement, relative to their damage-dealing peers (Scrappers, Brutes, Dominators), with respect to the ratio of damage to survivability.

    And since I doubt very much that the devs have any interest in giving Blasters significantly more survivability than they've already hinted, the obvious solution is to buff Blaster damage. Not by a huge amount, but by enough that the worst Blaster's single-target damage is at least on par with the average of a hat-picked other AT's.

    The nuke change is great, but it's not enough on its own to address the offensive side of the equation. It's strictly an AoE damage buff. So what's left, as far as we know right now? The snipe buff, and a few as-yet-undescribed tweaks to blast sets that don't have a snipe.

    That last sentence is the critical point here. If the snipe buff is being used as the catch-all single-target buff to every set that has a snipe, then it is idiotic to make the buff conditional or uneven. Keep in mind here that I'm talking about blast sets here, and not just Blasters; Cosmic Burst's activation time is just as bad on a Defender as it is on a Blaster. Cosmic Burst matters more to the Blaster, but that's incidental.

    Oh, and to address your prediction in the quote above -- Blasters should be unequivocally better soloists than support ATs, because support ATs are the best at teaming. Blasters are currently mediocre in both categories. They should be at least in the same soloist league, generally, with Scrappers/Brutes/Dominators.

    PS: If you hadn't read the coffee talks, I really suggest you should. Arbiter Hawk was even asked if any of these new changes will make Blasters the 'kind of ranged damage' and his reply was something like 'no, we're trying to make all the ATs more even' which gives me the impression that changes to Blasters will be closer aimed at improving their survivability in addition to making the ranged sets less situational and more useful.
    I'm a big fan of Arbiter Hawk, but if he truly doesn't think that Blasters are designed from the ground up to be the premiere damage dealers in the game, then he doesn't know what he's talking about. If he plans to give Blasters Scrapper-comparable (or even just Scrapper-analogous) defenses, or Dominator-comparable control powers, then that's great, but unless he does plan to do those things, the balance of the game demands that Blasters be the best damage dealers, even if it's only by a margin of 5% or 10% above the next-best competitor.

    We can accept that there will never be a 1-to-1 relationship in the cross-AT ratios of damage and survivability; for instance, if a Tanker is (conservatively) 10 times more survivable than a Blaster, no one would honestly expect that a Tanker should do 1/10th of the Blaster's damage -- but come on. We have ATs running around that are several times more survivable with the same or a very similar damage potential. In some cases, those other ATs have better damage.

    There should be some advantage for the squishiest damage dealer, by far.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    You had me go back and reread all my posts in the thread. I said no such thing.
    Look, this isn't important, but you shouldn't have to dig through all of your posts. Just reread my post and look at the last two quote boxes. Read the bolded sections. My word-game snark doesn't deserve all of this attention, but rest assured that I was not using other people's quotes against you.

    That is, I didn't accuse him of looking at the snipe change as part of a suite of blaster changes. If you're talking about when he was mentioning the improvement to ST DPS, to again clarify: his stance is the snipe changes are solely to improve DPS when that is not what they are for.
    See previous reply.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    And no, I'm not making some sideways comment about another thread when I bring up Freezing Rain, that's just one of the better resist debuff powers I'm familiar with since my go-to Corruptor is a fire/storm/soul.
    Fair enough. Perhaps I read too much into that comment.

    Not that it really matters, but no, I'm not saying Corruptors are overpowered or bring up that matter is an entirely different discussion that requires a whole new thread. I'm also not going to agree or be labeled as someone on either side since it's not relevant and will only be used against any further argument I have. If I say corruptors aren't overpowered, you just make comments like the one above. If I say they are, then you come back with "SEE!?! That's what I'm saying!". So the attempt to paint me in the corner will simply be dismissed as another discussion entirely.
    See, that's the thing: we're talking past each other, and have been for awhile. You've asserted (or at least implied, and perhaps understandably) that I think the snipe buff will overpower Corruptors, at least relative to Blasters. And then when I've responded to clarify my position, you (perhaps understandably) assume that I'm accusing you of advocating for Corruptors or some such. It's all downhill from there.

    As threads like this one go on and on and on, they inevitably devolve into increasingly frustrated repetitions of the same positions, which leads to increasingly wide-ranging analogies and digressions, which lead to distortions because the various participants lose track of the various sub-threads of discussion. For example, I might make an offhanded comment about Freezing Rain in response to one particular argument, and then pages later someone might attack me because they only have a vague recollection of my mentioning Freezing Rain, and they (perhaps understandably) assume that I had an agenda in mentioning it.

    And keep in mind, I'm as guilty as anyone of falling victim to the above-described trap. I've participated so actively here in part to pass the time, and in part because the subject interests me -- but, despite appearances, I'm really not interested in fighting a rhetorical war. No grudges, etc.

    All of that said, and at the risk of inviting further controversy, I have no interest in discussing the overall power of support ATs, and I have no agenda for or against any potential balance changes to Corrupters (or Defenders). I believe the support ATs should receive any blast-set buffs that are applied to other ATs that have access to blast sets. I also believe that Corruptors are in a better place than Blasters generally, but that comment is a digression, and it has very little to do with Corruptors, per se; Blasters have been in (or tied for) last place on the balance food chain for pretty much forever.

    To the extent that support ATs are relevant in this discussion at all, it is only because they are getting a larger relative boost, if they choose to take advantage of it, from the proposed fast-snipe mechanic. There is a fundamental difference between my saying that Corruptors get a bigger relative boost from one specific balance change, and my saying that the snipe change will make Corruptors vastly more powerful on the whole. As noted previously, I believe that blast sets are in need of boosting for all ATs that have them. And if blast sets are boosted equally, Blasters will naturally (and rightfully) benefit most, because they have fewer advantages apart from their attacks.

    That is the extent of my pro-Blaster bias for the purpose of this discussion. In my view, Blasters also deserve survivability buffs -- and they're getting survivability buffs specific to them -- but as far as offensive buffs are concerned, I'm not asking for affirmatively Blaster-biased adjustments; I'm asking for across-the-board buffs to blast sets, because the reason that Blaster offense is not as high as it should be is that the developers have been historically biased against ranged offense, in general. The fact that other blast-set users (primarily Defenders/Corruptors, and to a lesser extent Dominators) have been better insulated against that design flaw is merely incidental.

    If the developers also wanted to throw in a small boost to Blaster offense specifically, then I wouldn't object, but I'm not holding my breath. To date, and as far as I know, the only supplemental single-target-damage changes the devs have mentioned are to blast sets (Dual Pistols, possibly Ice) that don't have snipes, which leads me to believe that this convoluted context-dependent snipe change will prevent many blast sets from receiving the attention they deserve.

    Now I understand that I will never get you to agree on the snipe change. We have a fundamental difference there, but I wanted to go on (rambling) record here that all the rest of this stuff is just noise. It is entirely possible that I have miscommunicated all of the above in the past, and I do not blame you for misinterpreting any of it.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by John_Printemps View Post
    Which is why I stuck to word-based theory instead of numerical equations, as I'm also not 100% sure of what the final roll out will be At the same time, they're not that scary! I also haven't the slightest clue what the AoE Calculation is, beyond a vague belief that it's weighing number of targets either as a modifier to the whole power and each foe it hits, or as a modifier on each individual foe and giving each a unique roll chance based on how many the power could hit. That's marginally obvious, though.
    Heh, don't get me wrong; I'm glad for the reassurance.

    As I understand it, the AoE factor counts area, not targets. I also vaguely remember some commentary about the cone formula having been screwy; the number having been designed for degrees but the game having been set up to use radians (oops!).

    Anyway, it sounds like it'll be a good change. Perhaps more complicated, but fairer to slower attackers. I've wondered pretty much since Issue 9 introduced slottable procs whether or not the developers would normalize proc rate.