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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tahquitz View Post
    My launcher keeps freezing
    Lucky you, mine freezes the whole system so I have to press Reset every time. ´t worked once but only with a framerate like on a Shipraid...from the second I locked onto the server.
  2. Nope, doesn´t work. I guess I´ll just wait for the Live version and hope it works better than this.
  3. I think you don´t understand. Solo means without pets...and that´s what you´ll have should your pets turn against you.Then you´ll just get flattened...*splat*...Roadkill!
  4. Hellooooohooooo,
    anyone of the officials wanna help us?

    We can´t do much testing if we can´t even start the game.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by releasetheweasel View Post
    Herr Triggermensch (Pulp)
    Looks a little bit like these 5th column wankers, was that intended?
  6. When I did that it started CoH like usual....for the live servers.
    So, what am I doing wrong?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hot-Stuff View Post
    I get a "Update - Error" saying "failed to rename C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes Test\cohupdater.exe to C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes Test\cohupdater.prv"
    Same here. I´ve send you guys the crashreport, let´s hope it helps you in solving this Problem.
  8. He tragically passed away, after she found him with one of the Bridemaidens *G*
  9. Funny, mine´s "Let´s get dangerous!"
  10. Here´s my DP/Dark Corruptor
    Beelzeman ...yay for swaying tails with I17

    And my DP/Devices Blaster
    Dark Wing =P

    I think I´ll give both of them a try on live...and then decide which one will stay and which one will make room for my DS-MM
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Antoinette View Post
    without it, it will consume us! Is it possible they have the chance to damage us with poor control?
    Umm, no that would be bad.
    Did you ever play WoW...a warlock maybe? Trust me, getting flattened by your own Infernal is no fun.

    As for diversity from other MM sets, I guess it will be more melee oriented as the whip shouldn´t have too much of a range. that would be ridiculous.
    And as sure as hell I´m going to roll a DS-MM, I still can´t wait to see the whip turned into a scrapper, tank or brute set.
    Originally Posted by Vicar
    The flaming whip, while interesting just sounds too much like a dominatrix thing.
    Funny ´cause it reminds me more of this guy...
  12. Melde dich einfach mal IG bei mir, oder ´nem anderen Shadow-Mitglied.
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