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  1. Another thing I'd like to see:

    A way to lock down certain parts and colors in the Character Creator so you can click "Random" and only randomize those features you aren't married to yet.
  2. My favorites:

    Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
    In all seriousness, count me in for better search functions for teaming, such as Team Looking For More flags, as well as non-truncated lists when searching and the ability to exclude folks on the lists already teamed who are NOT looking for more.

    I would also like better search functions for AE arcs as well. Finding good missions with engaging writing should not be as harrowing as it currently is.
    Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
    This would be great. Also: the ability to log out to character select.
    My personal additions would be

    - Access to your Global Friends list from the server selection screen so you can decide which server/character you want to get on better. Maybe I'm naive about how the programming works, but if it's cross-server, it seems like it should be possible to show, like how they show server status on that screen.
    - A better organized /cmdlist. I've often spent a long time scrolling through commands that had nothing to do with what I was looking for because I didn't know where it was. I'd like it if the /cmdlist were at least categorized or had customizable sorts like Wentworths and/or if it pulled up a table with spaces to explain the different arguments the commands need. It would be great if it were something other than the chat window so researching the command I need didn't prevent me from being plugged into what folks are saying.

    Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
    1. Auto teaming button.

    You can click - Auto Team and any team that is set to accept auto team players - gets a member Automagically!
    This sounds like a great idea! My one concern with auto/open teams would be XP leechers or bad ex-team members who would might use it to harass a team that's just booted them. If the staff could create a way to secure against those who would abuse the function, I'd be all for it.
  3. Thanks everyone for the quick response and good advice. *Goes to check out the Player Guides*
  4. Typically, for any character I make, regardless of build, when given the option to add new enhancement slots every other level, I prioritize the powers I find most useful or have had the most struggles with in performance, to a maximum of 3 slots. When buying enhancements, I first focus on which of my powers allow for accuracy enhancements and fill those up. If all of my accuracy powers have been fully enhanced, I usually try to boost recharge speed on the others I can unless they use a lot of endurance (or unless they're travel powers, in which case I try to boost my speed). If they use a lot of endurance, I decide whether it's more important to increase the effect of the power per use or decrease the endurance it takes from me.

    I'd like to pick your brains and ask, is this the most effective way to use my enhancements? Would you change anything in general, or in specific builds? What do you do with your characters?
  5. Thanks everyone for the quick replies and the good advice. I think knowing what the community thinks about this will help me in general to be less tense if someone else interrupts one of my fights, since part of my concern won't be whether or not I should be concerned. It's harder to loosen up about what others are doing when you think it's a reflection on something you shouldn't be doing.

    It's also good to know I won't be losing all of the rewards for my hard work or that there are ways to deal with it that won't mean overreacting if it gets too crazy. Thanks again. You guys are all great.
  6. I don't know if anyone else has cared enough to ask, but I figured I may as well, since this is something that has bugged me a bit.

    Every so often, especially in Atlas Park or Galaxy City, sometimes in later levels like Steel Canyon, I'll be in the thick of a pack of mobs when another hero will jump in and take half of the mobs I'm fighting away. In other MMORPGs I've played, this kind of thing has been discouraged, and I would assume the same applies here. Sure, you may have thought I was in over my head and been trying to help, but how did you know I didn't need those Hellions for a Defeat 10 mission?

    Thing is, I'm not sure. I haven't seen anything anywhere in City of Heroes or on the site to indicate anything wrong. Am I overreacting? Because I don't want to be miffed at something I shouldn't be.