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    Troy Hickman

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    Troy Hickman

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    Troy Hickman....
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    As Vamp Angel, a level 44 scrapper, I got into the action once again over on RWZ 2, and scored over 400 merits. Enough to get most of the Vanguard costume items I wanted.

    Towards the end of the raid, I made another trip to the hospital following an overrun by newly-arrived Rikti headmen and Bosses/EBs, and loaded up on nearly a full tray of purples. Upon returning I jumped back into the fight and was soon the lone remaining fighter in my portion of the bowl. I got dogpiled by a group of 6 Rikti Magus', and 5 Headmen, and survived far longer than I should have by using my purples and MoG. My team-leader saw it and was pretty impressed.

    I'll be sure to toss up a few screencaps later

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    Noo...! My secrets have been exposed!

    I no longer can fake the uber.
  3. Hmm, you are right that the choices do suck, but maybe it was more beneficial due to weighting balance vs. the diversity of choices?

    However, I tried looking back to see why someone at one point on these boards suggested I stick to 33 for a merit-farmer toon, rather than topping it off at 35.

    I THINK this was a suggestion by a pvper in those forums but i can't seem to find it.
  4. I've missed the last two raids and therefore might make an appearance this time to turn the tides of*

    *note:this style refers to the act of being late to the raid, not being able to enter into the zone while the raid is going on for 25 mins, deciding to log on a stealthed char on another acct when you finally make it in, park your sleather in a used bomb grate and TP/hospital with an overload of red/purple inspiration buffs and go crazy on a completely opposite side of the ship away from the actual raid. This post does not condone interference/griefing/bomb-stealing from raiding parties. All posters should do their best to get in the zone in a timely fashion and remain for the entire duration of the raid.

    **yes, i did just reveal my secret!

    ***why haven't i made a toon called "bomb-ninja" yet?
  5. I believe Boxing also has re-draw, which makes it on even level with Air Superiority for me. The added mitigation factor of AS is what wins for me. With enough dmg and recharge I could fight to lvl 15 without depending much on my secondary to keep me alive.

    (but Boxing has the bonus of a nice cheap purple set slotting if you are also into that!)
  6. I thought i had calculated from a random rolling poll (Smurphy's i believe?) that trial recipe sweet-spots was 35-39 and TF sweet-spots was 30-34 and a toon parked at lvl 33 was the best option (prior to rolls merging into one)

    I'm trying to find the post where this conclusion came from, but i'm not having any luck. Can anyone correct me or at least validate me if I happen to be the first to lay it all out in one post?
  7. NiVra

    Come Home!

    As a solo-base builder and casual (meaning whatever IOs drop i craft then sell and hold onto IOs necessary for two corrupter builds in the works, but use salvage for base-items) marketeer, that little excursion also got me thinking about just how much I pumped into my solo VG base. I believe if i never wasted time on the inf to prestige transfers (pre-base bumps) I could have been in the billionaire club 2, may 3 issues ago.

    Imagine how much more money would be out there if the devs made the reverse. Imagine the sick amounts of excess inf flooding the markets as people trash their bases for cash!
  8. Dude!
    If you stay i'll let go of the name "Cosmic" on my Peacebringer! no dice? very well then, i will use the name to create acts of generousity and kindness and pink bunny farms where everyone gets their favorite candy and a hug everytime they visit...all while looking like a super-model in YOUR name!

    (that'll teach you to leave me unattended! The blood will be on your hands! )
  9. NiVra

    The mood on MA

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    Its been about a week since the "nerf" and since that time, once again servers are back to normal population. Before...I had fun and it was fun to see all the players jumping online.

    What kind of vibe is the community getting since the nerf ingame?

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    My mood ring is showing kind of a blue-green plaid with a hint of orange trim. But I lost the little card that came with it, so I don't know what that means.

    I'm thinking it's probably "Doom", but that's just a guess.

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    Actually that means you have the "will"power to overcome your fear, and you've been chosen to inspire "hope" to the galaxy. But be careful though, since you look to be tempted by "greed!"

    As long as you stay away from black rings you'll be safe from the real "Doom".

    But to get back on topic, I STILL have a list of MA arcs to run from my friends and aquaintences and the list continues to grow as more people advertise and create new ones. I have yet to post/publish my own arcs because of two reasons, one is negative content-critique and the other is i'm determined to do something better than whats out there now. The latter unfortunately is the worse because there are good arcs that are forcing to raise the bar again and again.

    I had always thought that was the intention and purpose of MA architect, to enjoy new make-believe content like making a zombie-map in Counter-Strike, or your own dungueon in a hack/slash game and all lvls/tix/loots was the bonus. So far, that hasn't changed for me at all.

    *now when i look at the badge-list, thats another story!
  10. I'm sure there is a thematic reason for "defeat alls" that wouldn't be so bad. After all, everyone knows if you leave just one zombie/vampire/werewolf/infected around you're just asking for trouble.
  11. I spent all day Sunday running thru and doing my best to review whatever arcs i could find (I lost my "to do" list from my gfriends which saddened me as well). I discovered that stars on an arc really don't advertise to the quality (good/bad/decent) to a story.

    I want to put in a recommendation for a "random" button but in the meantime, I actually flip to every 3rd page to get some sort of variety. I believe that gives more exposure to someone who put time and effort and someone who's more adept in the interface and wants to just enjoy the tool.

    Going by star-rating gives me the same feeling i get with my friends when discussing what movies are "good."
  12. NiVra

    Friday TFs

    Sorry Emmi, it looks like I'm going to pull out like penny and play with my wii.

    ...wait, I mean...umm, I'm not feeling like staying in front of the computer tonight with this aweful day at work so i'm going to head out to the East Village and drown myself ice cream and waffles. If i make it home by 3/4am and you're still on, we can run something then!
  13. NiVra

    Friday TFs

    around what time were you looking to start Emmi? I might be able to run with...I have 2 chars i want to test as probably Posi-farmers so i might do a back to back run.
  14. I'm guessing its the Arcane Defense forcefield item?...

    Anyone know of a inventory of craftable arcane items that has a decent picture? RedTomax is missing a few. = (