7257 -
Pick what you like, perhaps do a build and allow people to make suggestions. Be conceptual if you want. Doesn't matter which Primary goes with what Secondary.
My Warshade and my Peacebringer are near enough identical. They're both pure except for having to take haste. That's their only pool power. Fitness is inherent ofc. The slotting is relatively identical. The idea is just for me to compare them equally.
And still they both can solo +3 * 8 but how will you do it and what type of mobs? -
Quote:Usually you will only see one Quartz dropped per group. The idea is to deal with one at a time. Then you only see one Quartz dropped per group. There isn't always a Guardian in every group, sometimes one in every 2.Not like I haven't done the same.
Still, sometimes you get a mob that drops an additional one or two that you can't always get to immediately. Keeps you on your toes until you get them all down.
It's no different from Invulns KoBing Sappers on sight. I remember when I first started leveling in the game, I got to 40 and saw my first sapper and all the experienced people told me this is where SRs come in and I was like okay cool. Only the SR scrappers didn't always deal with the Sapper on sight so since I have a rely on no one policy. I will rely on people to make them useful, to get the most out of their characters just not when it might mean insta death. Sappers are lamer now so the dealing with upto 3 at a time sounds even less astounding. -
Quote:Did when I first ran into them somewhere about level 30 but then I made a macro to auto target Guardians, and kept groups away from eachother.DE Eminators, especially the Quartz, always makes life interesting for my Shield Tank.
So it was Autotarget Guardian, shoot in and smack him with Clobber before Quartz can get dropped and pretty much wipe the floor with everything else. -
I did the maths years ago on the European forums.
I worked out how the Tanker secondaries can be seen or deemed to be pretty much balanced but I took secondary effects into account.
Superstrength needs 1 use of Rage to put it in line with everyother secondary.
But then there is still that other advantage in how it's more consistently up increasing the damage on power pool attacks. -
I have to actually try to get my shield killed. It all depends on how you build and how you do things. I'd need to fall asleep or something. Not quite like Granite where you could fall to sleep but you are actually only tanking when you are not afk or asleep.
This does entirely rest upon the rest of the entire build. In my suggestion I skipped QR I think, believing it to be a non essential as my attack chain + recovery would more or less even out. So I slotted the +rec, +hp others will slot +regen, +hp. I wouldn't miss 1hps and because they do have QR they wouldn't miss the +rec. Whatever I skipped QR for and it was to accommodate LSKs choice of epic and still tank well in my own eyes. If end is a problem then maybe just taking some incarnate will sort it out. Got to look as far as the eye can see. -
I have a tendency to level Tanks together in sets of three.
Fire/, Ice/, Stone/ oh wait and Shield/ together.
Dark/, Willpower/ and Elec/ together.
I could of compared them. I could of wrote a blog about it.
At differing levels Tankers will meet their banes, come across their pains but ultimately more hours are likely to be spent post 50 and its where they all end up that matters.
Problems can be solved without relying on passives. To stay in or get out of a concept to do this independently is the question.
Or problems can be solved by relying on the team. Sometimes it may take getting someone in the team to use a power they barely took an interest in. Or multiple people to apply effects simultaneously to achieve a dynamic.
But we don't all need to rely on a Tank so the answer doesn't have to involve a Tank either, it's usually just easier for some that it does. A bit more insurance.
I will say that when I solo Tanks I pretty much set them all to +2 * 6 minimum and they have to work it out. I might have to pick my brains or do a bit of research to understand how to overcome a problem but somewhere in there it's usually down to taking targets down in good order or tanking for certain attacks, plenty of movement.
So for me peoples experiences will differ.
Out of what I read I will say that if there is a taunt aura, take it. I can't possibly understand why one is skipped/turned off. The DPE when hitting 4+ mobs is usually always good so whilst your working on some it's working on the rest. Add to that you attract mobs easier for team debuffs or aoes when teamed. -
Seeing as it's a Justice player.
I think it's always good to look at many samples. I do have a Willpower Mace but it doesn't look like this (never do my actual personal choices end up on show). This is just to provide another sample which often does in the archetype sections get lost with other samples. The person interested is free to mix whatever samples or take one persons build on board.
Code:| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1496;684;1368;HEX;| |78DA6554DB4E1351143D73A9F406B49496722994527A83D65630DEE3832021A1491| |5A34F848C78A495B16DDA1AC5377FC1171FF44D7D14A35FA33E7BE7A27F5077672F| |EA843699AE33EBECB5D7DE7BE64CF1C992776FE5D955A178AF9946B3B979CBA8EEC| |886B3F8A865B42AB5AAE8FCFAE80AF3C6E692BC2FAB4D99BB5331CD7AEDB16C04B1| |5194A624DAA095B125FDABD5B26CC86A2B77BCF0946A353377DDAC6C975B5E6BBD2| |68D7AA5BADDCF1B1D9EEEDCD6DD7A5DCA7BFEE57A652B57DA6D484AD96CC9C66E98| |0A49D3F5D5457F4AA7B4B6432CD322A98BE915E06A075D2293272CE82253602C2C3| |29E750BFCDABA2811C474A1DE601CB8C9E85B670C6F082BE777F253D84F55E01785| |5F147EE728AF86BC1AF2EAC8AB23AF13799DC8FB83F23A90D7E1E3FA4E058041C69| |F14D36799B7D5BE13BDC6E17D9EBC5DECED7095554BE7AE001F307A778026E3C043| |C66F24F4700D9A07338B2F302631B3CC086144171E7A13FAD947F48F6BD65E88B84| |1D68B41D4FC9B72FAD1971F7D0DA1AF21C45CA49A03985700F31AC6BC8631AF10E6| |15C2BC54F20AB2460B429384260D4D161A8D6247D0D7C824CF2B3C8D6716632C4C3| |1EA143B8A7A4751EF18EA1D43BD97A8DE71D43BFE4BB5E631B10F3C609C3C043E15| |96E6026922AC51222F692FE01293AF180F68465398E5D4199EE5658A8FC123068F1| |978CCC063061E71785C21CD2C34B3D024A0494093802609CD27B24BB1464DBD662E| |FD06F896F133C5CC21660E31F3889947CC178AC9C13BF78EB9D37BC0F7C08F8C850| |F8CFBD4771E7DE7E7989BD0BB67523B3E93F378AED913CF35AD77CF7E3BF35FD7B9| |6D53C61EA6D0C32CF4308B3DCC5A0F53D2614B8C62312E5FF7C4B70FDDDD2F8450B| |2DCD51F3B779BDFA2233B97E2B8BF6EDBD7E5059F4AF539A32FCA312577E71D62AF| |0DDBDAB0ADEFDAD6FF00EA9FE2D3| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
So the +Per didn't interest you? Always interests me. I hate to be blinded.
Quote:Yeah and visa versa, if I see someone getting multiple replies by various people I tend not to join in.So when multiple people and/or people with large posts reply you don't read them?
That... explains an awful lot.
I like to see things and keep things as brief as poss. -
Quote:Can I make an alt account post here? I didn't know. I thought it was all tied to the main NCSoft accounts. Well if its true then that is somit I didn't know about but then there are things I will never know about like the reward system.Well, anyway, you keep doing the things you do, buddy. I'd continue this little chat we're having, but unless you're an alternate account of New Dawns, I really have nothing to say to you. Not that I believe you are, as I personally believe that she's above that. So...yeah.
Most threads end up with me replying to one person and then having to reply to several other people. For me it always could look like I upset some forum clique although that's not necessarily the case. Time allows me to reply or care. If I see a wall of text I won't care. -
Quote:I don't do the 18 pages of arguments. I get to a point to where things will just have to wait and so they wait. How can you say that I storm out of threads?You normally storm out of threads with "light tones" and end discussions that weren't hostile because you can't explain/defend yourself, then? Interesting.
/Storms out of thread. -
Quote:I believe she is more resistant to Energy just to start with.Friends,
Here I'll throw this out for consideration...
Maybe it'll be of use, maybe not...
I took multiple pictures while defeating a Level 54 AV (Bobcat) in a +4 x8 mission with my Triform Warshade.
I have been unable to accomplish this feat with my PB. Not even after filling my tray with Super Inspirations and keeping my damage at 300% for several minutes fighting Bobcat...
Not a dent...
The Extracted Essences were essential to my accomplishing that mission. It was a large outdoor mission with the maximum number of patrols...
Essentially, I farmed it while defeating Bobcat.
There were probably...guessing...2 groups left when I finished that map. Had I run out of buff food and the ability to summon EEs I would not have been able to kill her.
I believe that Photon Seekers should be altered as I have set forth.
But all of you already know that...I did the math already, so you may wish to plug that in for your consideration New Dawn.
Respectfully submitted,
Quote:OK lol. You may not know this but in real life I am basically never ever angered, frustrated and all that other stuff. So basically not as serious as people may think and the first paragraph just cracked me up.What I'm taking from this is that you're intentionally trying to argue with me? Seems odd since I was the only one engaging you in this discussion that was willing to hear you out. Shrug.
You seemed to be stating unequivocally that PB's do more AOE damage than Warshades without EE's. I just posted some quick numbers showing a Warshade's AOE totals at 10 targets, I'm curious to see your fully realized PB's AOE numbers.
That build you did I am assuming you would get the rechg down when filling in the rest of the build. I don't know if you would have to gimp the rest of the build without filling it in. I couldn't possibly play with an unfinished build due to rechg limits so it'll be inconclusive.
Inner Light I would use two damage buffs that start together, one lasting 30s and one lasting 10s. The one lasting 10s stacks to the 30s. If you you take away the 30s buff from the 10s and divide that by the amount of times the longer duration is compared to the shorter, then add that to the buff lasting 30s you can have a single average buff for calculation purposes. I use 1.432 for an average buff. ((1.72-1.288)/3)+1.28.
If you provide two fully realized builds which put AoE at the forefront we can determine the AoE/s of each together. This is your main AT so I would imagine you'll do a better job at the builds than I and we would both have to see them anyway.
Actually I think I am getting caught up in the moment here. I already know Warshade Nova is superior to Peacebringer Nova and that Peacebringer Dwarf for Tanking purposes is superior to Warshade Dwarf XD. I've been comparing human form. -
Quote:So it's wrong to come across as confrontational even though it is stating the obvious, we can even create several links to prove the obvious?Unnecessary jab. The only person who's been confrontational in this thread is you.
And in those links we can also show where you have been confrontational towards others
Crumbs one rule for you and one rule for me. I guess you don't like being on the recieving end.
I'll look at that when I come back from MacDonalds if it your builds, are still there. I basically have excel near plug and play now. It wouldn't take me long but I am starving.
I don't know what you mean by PB number. -
Quote:Bare in mind I was comparing your two human forms you gave me. You can compare them yourself for AoE potential over time. For Tri Form I have 2 non IO setted builds as the game is balanced on SOs. If you wanted to or already had we could look at what you would consider two top end builds that get the best aoes I can look at them and you can look at them so that we are looking at the same thing.The best AOE chain for a Warshade is (S Mire when up)Dwarf Mire>Nova D>Nova E (Quasar when up.) If we're measuring AOE we can assume a perma 300% damage buff for the Warshade. Even without fluffies, PB's can't get in the ballpark of Warshade numbers. I don't have Mids up but presumably the best AOE chain for a PB is (IL when up) Nova D>Nova E>SF (D Strike when up.) Photon Seekers will do more harm than good. I'm sure SF does more base than DM or SM but the WS will still pull ahead at the damage cap.
I am still inclined to say that AoE IO sets that reduce KB and do not have the same level of damage buff as other sets can have people fix their PB through choice or any other AT universally. The KB adds survivability but then doesn't as it can still add fight duration through dispersion. -
Quote:No. I neither think they under perform or overperform, I was worried that they can be helped to over perform by too much. In working out potential average dps between two builds that did take their aoes as opposed to using a pb biased st in mind. The ws fell behind the PB if you remove the damage to dps a PBs kb can create but given solid use of dark extractions the ws pulled forward once again. The Dark Extractions as they are, are necessary1.) Do you believe that fluffies are underperforming because they can't withstand a 54x8 onslaught, even though no pets (except Phantom Army) could do so reliably?
Quote:2.) Do you believe that because of this extreme example, fluffies are automatically irrelevant as a valid means of AOE damage?
Quote:3.) Do you think it's unreasonable that low HP pets with no real defense or resistance are apt to die when their owner is past the aggro cap at max difficulty settings?
Quote:AIB farms on his Warshade all the time. I'm sure Dechs could too if he felt so inclined and someone asked him to, his Warshade is built for spawn melting.
Unlike you, they don't appear to brag about things. If they wanted me to see them farm and take data, I don't feel confident if I would be getting anything better than I already have got. -
Quote:That's true in a general sense, but the performance gap between an unmired Warshade and a Peacebringer vs. a mire'd Warshade and a Peacebringer is not the same. Let me pull up my Kheld builds to illustrate my point- I'm going to do this simply and assume max buff for inner light at all times, so if anything these numbers will be weighted towards the PB.
With one mire target, my Warshade's current build will do 1168.8/8.052 for 145.16+57.23/2 (OD) for a total of 173.77 DPS (without fluffies.)
At maxed inner light, an equal budget PB will do 800.9/4.356 for 183.86 DPS.
So the PB beats the single target Mire'd Warshade (without any pets) by 10.09 DPS. Again, that's assuming max +dmg from IL the whole time, which is not how it actually works.
Now, my Warshade with a saturated Mire (again, still not counting pets) will do 1533.9/8.052 for 190.50+65.37/2 (OD) for a total of 223.185 DPS.
Where the PB beats out a single Mire targeted Warshade by ~10 DPS, a fuully Mired Warshade beats out a PB by 39.325 DPS. I'm sure you can see the disparity, and once again, these rough calcs heavily favored the PB.
Note: None of these calcs take -res procs into account, but my WS has a FOTG in OD and my PB has an achilles in all his ST attacks- They add *roughly* the same to each build, maybe slightly more for the PB, but not enough imo to close the gap. And if we can ignore fluffies, we can certainly ignore -res procs.
Second edit- Neither of the builds I used for this use Assault, Musculature or Hybrid. It stands to reason that if we add in all of the above for both builds though, the results would be the same, comparison wise.
The results here do depend on the builds. The Peacebringer used for this might of skipped an AoE which will have a maximum amount of targets and a frequency of use.
THB gave me two top end builds months ago the likes of which I have to say are actually fantastic human form builds. I said no one else will see them and no one else has from me anyway. I did put these builds into excel. Included pets, included buffs, included everything needed basically. I also did one for pure Warshades and Peacebringers on simple SOs.
I ordered the attacks in order of ST DPA, I then multiplied them by maximum number of targets, reordered them again. Attack chained them between either every second Sunless Mire or Photon Seeker deployment so not some simple straight attack chain but one using the best attack when it came up. I also got the average damage buff of Innerlight bang on.
Between Photon Seekers only 5 attacks needed to be used. Between Every Sunless Mire 5 attacks were used, Dark Extraction and Unchained Essence were used once between 2 Sunless Mires.
It assumed that Dark Extractions hit with their single target attacks and their cone attacks as often as possible. The idea of me watching people farm was to see on average what people achieve in reality, to calm the average DPS figure of Dark Extraction down. The PB in reality won't achieve the DPS figures it has shown on my Excel due to displacing mobs out of line of fire of it's other attacks once a KB is used, it won't also because of the number of non attacking clicks used to self sustain itself.
Within the right team and with the right team dynamics ie with a controller with immobs that do -KB the PB looks like it could be made to perform better but team make ups are not always a given or players will not always capitalize on the best team dynamic.
All calcs are always going to be rough. The game is going to be updated based upon Devs datamining (basing things upon what the players actually achieve) and so the playing field changes making the goal posts move in ways people may or may not agree with, with concept design in mind that players may or may not truly see.
To cut out long story nonsense, I will state the obvious, performance is different per person. All those with problems with PBs will highlight them, all those without will be silent. The Devs to my mind are going to look at things like leveling speed etc.
In my view things are arguably okay, new IO sets could tone down AoE KB and AoE damage output for PBs and PBs will still be okay. People can change their build through choice. -
Quote:I wonder what else you will reluctantly realize over time. I am predicting that you might come around to other peoples way of thinking, as you slowly are anyway.I still don't have respectable Defense, but I'm also not willing to give up all that Crushing Impact gives me, in exchange for Kinetic Combat. Iff it were Melee Defense... I might consider it, but I don't have the slots to 6-slot my attacks. Besides, Touch of Death sucks.
A standing 2.5s advantage is a good ballpark minimum however you are using powers like 1k cuts I take it, a 3.5s cast which means a 3.5s end rec. Long cast times allow for end recovery making and you also have consume. One day someone you might of been able to save had you not been locked into a long cast time might make you think of cutting some combos out. In cutting combos out you might come down to BF>Attack Vitals as best. You might take fiery embrace, you might even take haste. The crushing impacts could be swapped to kinetic combats. What's slotted in Burn now you might see as best elsewhere. You might incarnate and lose the need for consume.
Overtime you might reluctantly come around before someone else with Fire/DB joins your team and does all the things you can not. -
Quote:I don't recall Dechs talk about farming with his Warshade or AIB. I'd only ask those of whom I would recall talking about it. Builds are one thing, being practised is another.ND if you want to see a farming Warshade so badly talk to Dechs or AIB. They both play high recharge AOE centric tri form builds.
I play a human form Warshade, so does Alien. We both play human only because of the versatility, everyone knows that tri form does the most AOE which obviously would make it the best suited build style for farming.