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  1. My first 50 was a brute. My second was a scrapper. My third will be my Storm/Sonic who was at 46 for a while to sweet spot SK, but hey, MA is here, so I'm finishing leveling her up right now.

    All of these characters can hold their own against nearly anything. My 22 empath/elec can barely kill a LT+minion. Bosses are ridiculous, they're tougher than AVs on my claws/sr. I'm pretty sure I chose the worst possible secondary for Emp. Also, I think I dislike characters that solo weakly (I work nights, so I often play strange hours and don't always want to pug).

    The problem is that my empath is a tribute character to a friend, and I really want to keep the character. So, what should I reroll him as? I still want to do another defender, but I want one that can solo efficiently as well as be a great contributor to the team. I don't need to take down AVs or even EBs solo, but being able to do radios and safeguards is a must (preferably on diff 2-4 ).

    I'm thinking:
    Dark/Rad(or /Dark) (though...I have a Bots/Dark already)
    BROADSWOyou get out of here!
    TA/A (Unsure of how well this solos out of the box)
    (I have a rad/kin corr, so no more kins!)

  2. That's an awesome avatar, patchwork knight.
  3. Nethershock

    Defense Bonuses

    Whaaa? My bad, didn't mean to spread false information. That's what an SG-mate told me. Perhaps I misheard him.
  4. Nethershock

    Defense Bonuses

    Also, if an attack is two different types of damage, say smashing/energy, and you have 20% smashing defense but only 15% energy defense, it will use the lower number.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Yup, Discussed to death,

    Personally I'd like to see "Radiation Melee" A set that is slightly lower on base damage but comes with strong DoT and stronger Def/Res debuffs,

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh god. Radiation Melee has me drooling. Not from the potential power but because of the cool factor. I would absolutely LOVE a radiation melee set.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Radiation seems like a really horrible power for a hero to be using. Why don't we just stop talking around it for the scrapper set, and call the T9 "Cancer Punch". It's minor smashing damage followed by a really slow DoT that ramps up in damage the longer it's on the target, but it's extremely hard to get rid of, eventually killing almost anything.

    Radiation, seriously.
  6. DarkCurrent: People like you attacking myself and the OP will surely get you in with the girls named "StankSkank" who talk about their boobs in public channel and in team chat. Keep on doing what you're doing, and some day, some nice..."girl" will ask you to be her eboyfriend.

    Dare to dream, my friend, dare to dream.
  7. [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I tried to solo on my Empath/Elec this morning. 22 with all 25 IOs.

    I very nearly ragedeleted. Went over to my 47 Storm/Sonic that I haven't played in a month or so (been playing my Claws/SR too much...if such a thing is possible), and man, I love Storm/Sonic.

    So much difference between defender powersets!
  8. Nethershock

    Empath Endgame

    [ QUOTE ]
    Wow! I didn't realize "healer" was such a naughty word. My bad. I shall never utter that word again. Mea Culpa. I guess I just don't take the make believe world of CoX that seriously.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *looks disappointed, but turns around and returns his pitchfork and torch to storage*
  9. Claws Pros: Good control through Focus/Shockwave. Good AOE through Spin/Shockwave/Eviscerate (good luck fitting all 3 in!). Good single target chains.

    Cons: Hmmm. Lethal damage? No extreme heavy hitter like Headsplitter or Midnight Grasp?
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    i get it..its the multiple genitals thing

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not sure if want . . .

    [/ QUOTE ]
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    The main reason why I solo is evidenced by some posts in this thread.

    And if you can't figure out which ones...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    All of them?
  12. Nethershock


    If I ever get back to playing my DM/Elec again (current enamored with my Claws/SR), I've got a build for him that gives high 20s in all positional defense, without gimping anything else. I think it'll be effective, but I'm not totally sure.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    i say fight it out

    [/ QUOTE ]
  14. Nethershock

    My new avatar

    It's pretty awesome. I need to find an avatar.
  15. MC Lars lyric:

    "I wrote a song about girls and the drama they bring."

    Seriously, people. I'm pretty sure the OP wasn't talking about girl gamers. Do you girls name yourselves things like "Stank Skank" and talk about your boobs to your group? Get right over yourselves.
  16. I don't understand how you people can not understand a simple joke.

    *shakes head*
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    I think both the wild and the feral scrapper should be house trained, so their presence isn't a danger to the rest of the team.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    House training men, women, aliens, demons, etc., that carry large pointy objects or punch guys like Freak Tanks bare handed doesn't sound like the smartest enterprise in the world.
  18. Ladies (if you are, indeed, ladies):

    People who assume that there are no girls on the internet (hyperbole) do so out of practical experience. We aren't making a judgment about you by doing so, we're just trying to protect ourselves from having sweet, sweet cyber with a 12 year old boy or male 37 year old Best Buy Geek Squad worker.

    I assume that everyone I play with is male until I hear them on Ventrilo. I don't *want* you to come on my vent, I'm fine with assuming you're a dude, I just take everything you say with a grain of salt. If you are a chick after all, good for you. If you are a dude pretending to be a chick...I'm sorry.

    It's not anything the ladies of the internet have done to shake our trust in them, it's the faux-ladies of the internet.
  19. In WoW (*GASP*), we had a saying for when someone whined about PvP happened on the boards:

    QQ pvp server

    So...QQ pvp zone!

    P.S. This is why you don't post events in a PvP area on public forums:
  20. Nethershock

    Pinnacle and I14

    Check out this awesomeness that I ran into from that vid:
  21. Whoa, 0mega, I just noticed you're in Norfolk! I grew up in Chesapeake. Hooray!

    p.s. I hated when I took tcc courses at the Norfolk campus at 6 pm, damn traffic.
  22. Nethershock

    @Endless (an SG)

    [ QUOTE ]
    Why? Because drama isn't nearly as fun when there's no one watching.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's why I brought it to the Pinn boards!
  23. Hmm, you think that'll result in bannination? Guess I'll take it down, I use it on most forums that I frequent.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    Do you actually turn on Tough?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    When I'm in a situation where I can be 2-shot, yes. Once I get the Miracle +recov (got my Regen Tissues +regen today, yay!), I'll just leave it on 24/7.
  25. I also considered not posting this thread, as my default assumption for all people on the internet is 40-year-old, male, basement dweller, that way my opinion can only go up!

    Actually, I only assume that for people who play female toons. Most guy toons are assumed to be played by guys between 13 and 30.