Neon Vixen

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  1. The thing that makes me laugh is this is being sold as the greatest thing to happen since sliced bread. As a guy who plays on 1 server all this mean to me is that instead of having 3 servers I don't use I will now have 14. So what do I get in exchange for this great gift besides carpel tunnel from scrolling* further to find my server?

    The chance to maybe play with some new people who find their way to my sever...possibly...just maybe....because they are bored/out of slots?

    This game is 7 years olds and I've been playing actively for over 4. I have limited playtime so I'm not going to be going around actively seeking new friends, I have my sever and my SG and I'm happy enough with the time I play. Sell this to me as someone who already plays peak time on a server in his time zone?

    Right now all I'm really seeing is a chance to loose my global name that everyone I play with knows me as (even across other games these days) in exchange for a chance to be in a few more betas earlier, when the US people get them, which I hardly ever do as I like the experience the new content fresh on live.

    I know people have been asking for this for years, I wasn't one of them. If I wanted to play on US servers I would have stuck with them. My US account still exists (inactive since 2007) because I didn't start playing EU side until after they closed the account migration system.

    Would I leave the game over this? Propably not.

    Does it make me feel like a respected customer of NC or Paragon studios? Not really.

    Am I possibly overeacting because this information is still being digested? Perhaps.

    Does that make my opinion less valid? Nope.

    Is it coz I is EU? :P

    *before anyone gets pissy I know my last used sever will be at the top
  2. realised how much I hated this TF when running with min graphics and now how much I love it when I can run it in ultra on my new machine. I didn't even know they were falling swords before.

    Also how much I hate anyone with blue coloured location powers. Seriously don't cast Freezing Rain (I think not an expert on storm powers) or Ice Slick, how am I supposed to spot a blue glow under that?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by talestar View Post
    1) how many published arcs are we allowed to have on a single account i thinks its 1?
    By default you get 3 slots to publish arcs per account not per character, however you can publish all 3 from the same character it makes no difference as its linked to Global names. You can also buy 5 more slots for a maximum of 8 from the the ingame store (character select screen where you buy more toon slots and respecs)

    Originally Posted by talestar View Post
    2) ive been reading some of the post and im seeing that people have as far as i can tell 4 or 5 mish to an arc i thought we can only have 3 mishe's in a arc?
    There is a setting on the first page where you set the arc details in which you can set the number a mission, which your right is up to 5. Not in game so I can't remember the exact name but if should be easy enough to spot. Same screen where you enter arc name and description ims.

    Originally Posted by talestar View Post
    3) As far as mish story's go (meaning were it tells you the back ground of the mish your going to do at the send off) how many people take the time to read this
    This one I can only guess at, when solo I tend to read most of the text as I'm generally there for the story and its nice to see why people have me doing this. In teams (especially if I'm not leading) I don't always read them as some people get impatient and just want to kill stuff. However most people who take the time to play your arc (and not just there to farm tickets) will most likely take the time to read at least some of it. I guess it helps if the writing is good and they like the story. Nothing worse than take the time to read something that isn't really going anywhere.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
    I agree it's just a graphic. Evidence of this is having a toon with more that one size costume. Wear one that's 4ft tall, then switch to one that's 8ft tall. The Bubble graphic increases in size, but the actually AoE is not changed.

    Looks can be deceiving.
    You mean like this screenshot from a TV trial long ago

    Get bubble as squid, swap to dwarf and tada, Kheldian wearing a nappy

    It did however still protect from damage even though most of him was outside it.

    p.s. I don't think this works anymore the bubble now resizes when you swap forms.
  5. The common alpha at 33% can replace the bonus of an even level SO in a power. Of course sets and IO can provide higher bonuses (adjusted for ED) so in theory you can swap the slots out or stick another enhance in them. It was why we were given the third build so that we have the option to make a specific level 50 alpha slotted build without affecting characters who exemp for task forces or low level teaming.
  6. I would suggest sending tells only to the guys on search with purple names. These are the only people who are leading a team which has space to can invite you.

    Failing that you could always send tells to blues and yellows (i.e. free or on mish map) and ask if they want to join you.

    Sending tells to team leaders with full teams to ask if there's space may not get a favourable response. Asking them if they can have a space if one opens up may get a better reaction coz at least it proves you are using the tools provided.

    Though I have to admit the fact that there is no legend for the colours in the team search window is a fact I find very strange. The number of times I've caught myself trying to recall what colour means what makes it seem like an obvious addition to me.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
    You can't tell whether I can see your custom powers or not, so what does it matter to you?
    Exactly, with the option I suggested MrBrightAndFlashy's power would appear to him as he wants them. I'm not suggesting otherwise because that would be unfair to those who chose to use the power customisation system. However on the same level why would MrBrightAndFlashy care or even know if I flipped a toggle that told the game to send me his default animations instead. As far as I can see that's a win win situation (maybe not for the devs depending on the coding but that's a whole other question)
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
    There are many kinds of poor performance that people call "lag." These include low frame rates from intense graphics, data transmission in excess of the capability of the computer's connection to the internet, poor performance due to transmission errors, high ping, etc., insufficient memory on the computer to run the game well, low CPU speed, etc.

    When you say "lag" you should qualify the type of lag. You can quantify some of these numbers with the /netgraph and the /showfps commands, which show how much data is being transmitted and the ping time, and the number of frames per second.
    well using the netgraph tool to monitor the situation when I start noticing the issue I normally have a ping of around 200, but this tends to bounce up and down quite a lot (sometimes as high as 2000 also know as off the graph). I thought originally it may be caused by the fact that I run my PC through a switch as a I have a second comp in my room so I tried removing the extra switch and plugging my PC directly into the modem with no change. Its probably not helped by the fact that my broadband connections isn't much over 1mb most of the time as I leave quite far from the exchange but that not really something I can do anything about. Not so sure on the FPS as its not something I've been tracking.

    It also probably doesn't help that my comp is quite old these days (coming up on 3 years I think) and a lot of this would probably go away if I updated my system but as I'm not made of money at the moment thats not looking like a possibility for the next few months
  9. I was just wondering if it is possible to turn off power customisation for other players so that the server just shows the default animations for each power set?

    The reason I am asking is twofold, first I seem to have noticed an increase in lag since i16 which I am having to put down to the server having to send me extra data about each characters power sets in order to have them render correctly and secondly what I like to call the 'My Eyes' effect, as in 'my eyes, my eyes, oh my god my eyes' which resulted in me having to run a MoSTF earlier with a pretty much constant headache from our sonic defenders choice of colours for his large bubble which took up most of my screen.

    Now I know I probably sound all whiney and we've all waited years to be able to do this but some colour combinations I don't think we should have to be forced to look at for hours at a time and the option to turn it off on my end would still allow people to have there fun without forcing me to look at it if I don't want to.
  10. Since you can't invite players who are offline, the only way to do it would be to invite a mate to the SG and get them to invite all your alts one at a time as you log them in. Afterwards your mate is then free to stay or go I guess. Just make sure your mate has the right rank to promote all your alts to the rank you want them at.
  11. iirc I think it has something to do with self heals not counting as the badges are for healing others.

    If self heals counted my regen scrapper would probably have them all by now.

    I don't really see them changing this as it would be too exploitable, enter mish, kill all mobs but one (or however meany you can safely survive), set heal on auto and go afk for the night. Voila healing badges for no work while you sleep.
  12. Neon Vixen

    veteran rewards

    [ QUOTE ]
    i was also looking at the vet rewards and the amout of time i have been with you game, i have been with them over 12 months and they say i have eraned a prestige power: ghost slaying axe, or sands of mu..

    how do i get to pick one of these items?
    same with the sprints

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Open the badge screen, select veteran in the drop down box for type, scroll down to the 12 month badges. There should be one with a claim bonus power button (that's your temp power i.e. Sands or Axe) and another which allows you to claim the sprints. Click those and you should find the new powers in your powers list (I believe under inherant but it could be temp, either way its the third column)

    Hope that helps