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  1. MsDeadly

    Laptop advice

    My computer is very old and it has problems running coh, so I'm plotting a laptop that I can play CoH with and wondering if anyone have any advice on a good one.

    I have been looking at alienware but don't really know much about computers so any advice would be appriciated!
  2. Ya Copy Tool is down again,can't copy toons to the test server!
  3. Got a Gladiator's Armor: Teleportation Protection, +Def(All) for sale on Freedom server.Please contact me in game or in this thread or via PM if interested!

    @D to the E A D L Y
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Flux_ View Post
    Since this is university, I would like to request a kind of introductory primer of the ATs. If our professors could voice their opinions on what the relative strengths of the various ATs (blue and red) are in PvP, I think that would help to set certain expectations.
    Blue Side:
    Controllers in pvp act as support mostly in pvp now good for buffing and using mezz to hold person for team attack tho the mezz isn't very long iz still useful. atm there damage output isnt so high.

    Blasters are crazeh damage dealers depending on most builds in pvp and good for range damage as well. Energy manipulation seems to be strongest secondary atm due to Boost Range adds a good 60ft to most attacks depending on attacks base range.

    Tankers are more for being taunt bots since taunt does -range in pvp and forces a person to attack them and no one else. tankers do decent damage and the epics help with damage also.

    Scrappers are great they do pretty good they have strong melee damage and with Blaze mastery that have some pretty crazeh range damage as well the critcals in the blaze epic set are wicked. confront also does -range good for fighting long ranged toons such a blasters/doms/corrs forces them to get near you. tho most scrappers in pvp are regen atm seeing as it's a pretty easy survivable secondary. but there are few out there that choose to use other secondary's and still do pretty good

    Peacebringers are good for pvp somewhat! in Nova Form yuh can do blaster type damage. and being peacebringer yuh can get 3 heals and which can be good for staying alive. but playing this yuh gotta do alot of shapeshifting. Warshades are the same just with there heals yuh need a enemy so meh.

    Defenders atm arent really used much as i can see. but there mainly just support. but in i17 there getting a damage buff only useful for solo or small teams tho. so will see how that turns out.

    As for red side i dont really play it much but...
    Dominators seem to be the most damage dealing AT villain side atm they have good mezz and great damage. good for team also like holding person then blasting!

    Brutes are good taunt bots also such as tankers but do bit more damage then tankers.

    Corruptors are good support toons and also decent damage dealers. they do decent solo'n specially if your a thermal. but fun on teams also.

    Stalkers are good for sneaking around and As'n/critcal things but imo is a bit boring but thats just what i think.

    and last but not least Masterminds! these are prolly the strongest at's for dueling only because yuh got alot of things fighting for yuh and sharing hp(if in BG mode) can be very hard to kill. but in zones atm with all the tp foe'n can be a bit tough.

    i.e. What do you think is the best AT to start out with and why? If you were to rank the various ATs, what would the list look like? What are differences between zone and arena and why does a toon excel in one but not the other?
    Well first i think the eastest AT to start out with hero wise would be a blaster since is most easy to play in a sense! not hard to blast from range.

    the difference between Arena and Zone pvp is in arena people generally/usually turn off travel suppression and heal decay. turning off heal decay makes it so when yuh use a heal back to back it will not lower in heal strength which can make it better for surviving. so that would make a troller/corr bit easier in arena than in zone.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by YouWish View Post
    I used to pvp with a dark/nin stalker and a dark/cold corr. My dark/cold was a killer in duels, but now that slows are useless, I guess she'll stay shelved.
    I have a cold.dark defender! iz the growing FoTM atm:O
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    Wow, so when you are suppressed, you lose your base regen (I'm assuming this is your regular character regen, not counting all your powers and bonuses)?
    The regen you lose while suppressed isn't a huge number is only a few tho i havent checked on all AT's but itshouldnt be alot. tho for regen scrappers when they enter zone they lose some regen rate due to DR.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    If Knockback is so useless, wouldn't Air Superiority also be bad (I know it's KU or whatever, but I don't think the number is high enough to get around meleer's KB resists)?
    Yes, air superiority isnt so good iz only 0.75 mag KB so 1 kb protection io or acro could block the kb on it. i think slotted it isnt much higher tho either
  8. Hai,
    Happy Birthday Gurl!