1050 -
I'd forgive Lucas for all the crap in the prequals if he would just admit, "Yeah, I was making it up as I went along" instead of continuing to claim that all the major plot points are part of some master framework he developed before shooting Star Wars.
Oh, he also has to admit that he incorrectly used the word parsec in relation to the "Kessel Run" instead of the silly explanation involving a black hole.
That said, I do still love the original trilogy (yes, even Jedi.) Heck, I was 12 when Jedi was released. I wasn't much bothered by Ewoks at the time. Though even then I could see the whole L&L are twins thing was just an easy way of resolving a love triangle. -
Quote:He actually expected you to be in all (or mostly) blue gear at that point? With more than a bit of green you'd have 2.5k health whether you wanted it or not.1. Hell risen - guy was shouting out mid-afternoon for a team, we got the 5 together. He asks what role people are doing.... me and two others are damage dealers (me because I had no aggro control or healing skills, dunno why the other 2 wanted to be damage) After the first boss he turns and raves about how long it took and how dare people with more than 2500hp call themselves damage dealers. I offered to leave and let him find someone else to deal damage for him, he was quick to apologize and say "no, just for next time get some better attack rating gear and less hp gear". We went on to finish.
As for my own experience, I haven't run a lot of dungeons, but I've done everything through the Ankh at least once and have yet to encounter any jerk players (at least in my own groups.) Even on occasions when I have totally screwed up no one gave me more than a friendly ribbing. -
Mt brother's brother-in-law's former co-worker's neighbor's nephew's friend said a big Korean dude dressed like Oddjob showed up at his house and told him he better stop posting about NCSoft if he "knows what's good for him."
Technically speaking a company can never own ANY of itself. Treasury stock (the shares that a company holds of itself) does not receive dividends and has no voting power.
They certainly have influence. But the theory that Nexon management forced NCSoft to axe CoH (putting NCSoft execs in the position of unwilling underlings) has been brought up before on these forums, and it just doesn't hold water.
OK, I'll say it one more time. Nexon is the largest shareholder, but NOT a majority shareholder. Owning 15% of a company does not give you control.
Quote:Ouch. Of course, the thread would have been deleted before it passed page one if we were under full moderation seeing as how posting about bans is against forum rules.Well someone posted that they reported the kids thread because he was using an alternate account to get around his primary account being banned so it's likely that not only did his thread get deleted but the account he used to make it was also banned.
And now he doesn't even have an alt account to play on. -
Quote:It appears that thread has been banished to the phantom zone.Here ya go.
I just got Banned on my Account!
TerraDraconis just dropped the hammer on Evil Legacy for accusing everyone of picking on the OP. Too funny. I always get a kick out of watching someone have a battle of wits with an unarmed person. -
Are you stocking up in case President Romney brings back prohibition?
Quote:Most of the non-dungeon content is pretty clearly designed to be soloed, even containing more than a few solo-only dungeons where you CAN'T group. The devs have posted that there will be less solo-only content in the future due to the concerns of players who prefer to group.
I will certainly go and try out the suggestions that you've made, but there does seem to be a reluctance on the part of many TSW players to team for some reason.
I generally prefer to solo myself when the content doesn't require a group, so I can't really comment on the difficulty of finding groups for non-dungeons. For dungeon runs, however, I haven't had any trouble getting groups. The LFG group tool (which works cross-dimensionally) has always gotten me a group pretty quickly. I do usually sign up as a healer, so that might improve my results since healers and tanks for groups are typically harder to find.
The LFG tool can also be used for non-dungeon content, but since I usually solo open-world content I can't say how useful it is for finding more general groups. -
I'm more amused by the people that suggest he see a lawyer. Actually, I'm amused any time someone suggests seeing a lawyer about a dispute with an MMO company.
Sheer genius! I especially got a laugh out of Black Scorpion as the sauna guy.
Quote:With the exception of the original game, the Civilization series seems to follow the same rule as the original Star Trek movies: Odd numbers = bad, even numbers = good. I haven't actually played Civ 5 (cause so many of the 'improvements' being made sounded pretty bad to me) but Civ 3 was definitely weaker than 2 or 4. Four is, of course, super awesome.Civ 5 is like Idiocracy for Civ players. Civ is the only game I have played longer than CoH. The Amazon reviews really peg it. 964 reviews at 2.4 stars. I tried so hard to like it and I think I could have if I had never played the series before. It is such a huge step backwards.
Quote:Is there any similar negative effect from using talismans that are one quality higher than your skill?You equip a weapon at 1 SP less than the weapon quality. However, you'll glance (miss) a lot more.
Also, I have to agree with SG as far as using AP's. If you like the weapons you're using then by all means concentrate on them. The guide she linked on weapon synergies is excellent for getting a good idea how weapons will pair together. I'd say concentrate on 3 or 4 weapons to start with. That will give you enough options to have different situational builds. -
Wait.....he died on 8/5/2015? You're posting from the future!
Who wins the election?
Any stocks I should buy?
Is Lady Gaga still an A-lister? -
Quote:Anyone else remember when ads (in hard-copy magazines people!) for computer games promised things like "Over 50 hours of gameplay"? These days people seem to think that a game is a complete failure if it can't keep them entertained for years. The worse I've seen with this attitude is on the Diablo 3 forums where the game is frequently referred to as 'the worst game ever' on the grounds that the poster got bored after a couple months.Not all entertainment can be expected to successfully endure for the long term.
PS I'm not exactly defending Diablo 3 here, I think it's a far weaker game than Diablo 2. But if a game can keep me entertained for a few months then it's really not a 'bad' game.
PPS The real worst game ever was Master of Orion 3. I couldn't even finish a single game and I LOVED the first two. Maybe there's some people that liked it, but there are also people who like having hot wax dripped on their privates. -
Quote:Apology thoroughly accepted. We all get prickly sometimes. I'm sure both of us (and others discussing mechanics in this thread) are trying to give information and observations from a 'TSW explained to CoH players' perspective. My original comment may have come off as a criticism of prior sprint related posts (I definitely could have worded it better) but it wasn't intended as such.I'm sorry, I was unaccountably touchy about pointless things earlier. I try to keep it to a minimum on the forum but, eh. I am sorry.
Quote:Errr.....I was just clarifying a point. I don't think anyone else had mentioned that sprint could not be turned on once you were already being chased, and it's not something everyone would be expected to know automatically. I hardly think that's either inane or absurd.You can't activate sprint in combat but you should always activate it as soon as you exit combat. And going into combat does not always shut it off. Most often, it stays on until someone hits you with an impairing effect or you take several hits. It's a preventative - not reactive - measure.
(seriously, I really hate it when people assume the most inane interpretations of what's been said - no one suggested turning on sprint while being pursued - we said to turn on sprint, period. Why take this to an absurd degree that was never proposed?) -
I may be mistaken, but I don't think you can activate sprint if mobs have already aggroed on to you. If you're already sprinting you can keep at it until something actually hits you (or you attack.)
Quote:As far as I know you can't increase your jumping distance. Those two are VERY annoying, but it can be done with regular old jump. It just takes some precise timing and a lot of luck.Oh another thing. Anyone know how I can increase my jump distance? There's two lore objects in Seoul on top of a roof and a balcony thing (8 and 13 I think) I can't seem to get because I can't jump far enough to reach get them.
I've watched other players make the jumps, but I can't seem to match the distance. If there's a skill I have to buy I don't mind saving up to get it.