543 -
Is...is tantrum mad at me?
Some one hold me, i'm scared!
Awesome work Alex. -
Wylde Fire, you made me laugh out loud for reals.
That was dam funny.
I'm likeing this not participated every 2 volleys idea i'm trying, it's far more relaxing and pretty enjoyable to see everyone else run with this. -
I'm super excited for this. I've made two Holiday Outfits. One for fighting and racing and one for fancy shmancy celebrating. I'm working on City of Holiday Carol binds and am preping to open every present that comes my way and spend all my time in the Chalet helping anyone who needs it.
I love this time of year in Paragon! -
You drew that Hochroter? That's really great. The coloring is very well done for your first try (god knows I wasnt even close to that good my first time out...i'm still not actually...)
Anyway you can do the "fancy" links by using the following code
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre> Insert text that will be displayed here </pre><hr /> -
Thanks AzA, I was about ready to cram clowns into that frame.
That's pretty freakin' good for a rough up. And it looks like you got the hang of uploading to DA.
STOP STOP STOP!!! .. ok ok... NO MORE!!! .. so let me list everyone and then I'll start.. err...
anyone know a good place to post pics on?.. (sees, you cant post on this webpages )
[/ QUOTE ]
Little really late there States. -
Oh ya prior warning Tarter, you just opened up the flood gates to all us art whores.
We have no shame, honestly. -
Mr. Awesome
That's a link to art previously done of Mr. Awesome. One thing to note is that his cape is the Arizona State Flag as that's where he was raised.
If you click the link in my signature it will take you to my Crey Industries bio.
You know you wanna draw Mr. Awesome cause...well...i'm Awesome.
Heh, anyway if you like what you see go nuts, if not, it's all gravy. -
You win my Awesome Seal of Approval. Which entitles you up to 7 posts of un-awesomeness (after wards you will be fined awesome points) and every time you see my avatar you get to assume it's directed towards you.
Congratulations. -
I don't get it...it just say batt...Oh I see what ya did there.
And I thought I was clever with 'The Awesome Mr. Awesome". You win this round. -
Photoshop CS3...it um...fell off the back of a truck...lucky me...
is...is she standing on Lady Liberty's torch?
That is freakin' awesome!!! -
Nemesis Plot
[/ QUOTE ]
You know enn-vee.... not everything is a nemesis plot! :|
[/ QUOTE ]
That's just a plot by Nemesis so as to avoid us seeing all his plots. -
Nemesis Plot
[/ QUOTE ]
Probably, but SOMEONE has got to build a Spaceport, might as well be the Lord of the Americas. -
That part to the far right...is that new? I don't remember that bit of the construction...of course I never paid it much attention anyhow.
Ya i'm gonna go with Spaceport for 300, Alex. -
Ya the look is great but the blue mask is just...jarring.
I think he hair needs to be changed. I just don't like that style with that costume but ya i'm with everyone else, you actually have a very nice costume going.
Trying tops with skins is not a bad idea and if you go that way I would say give her just a skirt and no tights or it may look a little odd. -
Wow...that is awesome. Seriously inspired name and actually her current look is rather nice. I'm assuming Irish with all that celtic ropeing being used and he hair being red? -
OH TEH NOEZ!! Commander BooBoo Shnookemfluff has returned!!!
OMG! You Killed Kilroy! You ...are a not very nice person.
Brandon does such amazing work with covers. He is fantastic at telling an entire story with a single panel. -
I got sloppy toward the end with my clone stamp but I wanted to get it in before someone else volleyed up
VOLLEY 50!!!!