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  1. Any recommendations on which power to put the set?
  2. I know it's early....but...
    Any powers that I should skip on a dark/dark controller?
    I'll soon be up to a level where I dont want to reroll or respec.
  3. MorteBlu

    target hostage?

    is there a way to target hostages, creatures, scientists, etc.. that you have to rescue/lead out? Sometimes the last few are hard to find in those big outdoor missions.
  4. MorteBlu

    Call for Models

    Freedom Server: El Trueno

    tall and icy hot.
  5. I'm the L5 fire/rad controller named 'choke on candy', SK'd by Buffer Master on the Tsoe debt team.

    Almost L8 by the end of the night. Most fun I've had since my ill/rad got PA.

    I think we could have finished that mission, if we were just a little more carefull. When we pulled 1-3 cons, everyone standing way behind the puller, we were doing fine. The team got impatient, moved too close, and the whole mob followed. And when we pulled the whole mob, we should have ran back somewhere safer (doorway?).

    TP foe maybe? I've heard that sucks though.