43 -
Quote:Beware of Dark Miasma on MMs if you're used to it on other ATs. It feels really weak at first. Twilight Grasp is the most noticeable difference. From 25 to 15 ft is a huge shrink in radius. However once you get used to the nerfing it's still incredibly powerful on MMs.To clarify, I'm familiar with buffing and know how to do it well, I think. I've played mostly Corrs and Defenders before my MM, so I'm not adverse to the playstyle, but rather the daunting thought of having to buff SO MUCH CRAP. For those who play MMs with a buffing secondary: Do you buff all your pets and all your teammates, or just your teammates?
Also, anytime Dark Miasma is an option you can bet I'm considering it. Dark Servant is my favorite pet ever. Sorry, Bruiser.
On Thermal in a large team I don't shield my pets unless I find they're getting hit too often, so on low DEF teams I might. Shielding 17 times every four minutes is enough for me. I also rarely pick them as the target of forge... However often being the main heals to a team if I find that forging a blaster or scrapper is suddenly making it so that my end is being drained constantly healing them I'll use it on pets instead.
I dislike FF, I find it boring, but there is no reason not to shield pets on that. Thermal is a busy secondary, especially when you have enough recharge post 38 to use debuffs frequently. FF is not busy. Bubbling is your main job. People love you for it, so that's really all you have to do... -
That's so... boring! Oh well. It would be easier to do.
Quote:I've got to agree... I feel like they did it right on Demons. Thugs are quite good, but they struggle with survivability at times. Demons feel powerful and durable.For a set that starts strong and ends strong, there is always Demons. My Demons/Storm is 34 right now, and there didn't seem like there was a single part that was all that difficult.
Right now every pet runs to melee range at times. At least Demons have good melee attacks to back that up... Although some might say that is what caused the problem, they screwed up all minion AI to make them work the way they do.
I'll list my feelings on each Primary...
Mercanaries is the most hated, so it's a good start. Small cones on most attacks (making them terrible at AoE) and long recharge times (Making them barely ever use the best attacks) currently ruin mercenaries, which is a shame because they're generic enough to work with almost anything someone wants to do, and they would have a nice mix of decent damage and control, otherwise. Who knows when they'll be fixed. I do feel like I see more of these newly made than ninjas, though, which is interesting.
Ninjas are frantic, especially tier 1. They fling/shoot their weapon, zoom in with run speed that is overkill, and start going at it. The Genin knockback their enemies, give chase... and throw them into other mobs. They've got great single target damage, arguably the best, but they are just... too aggressive. And they don't have the survivability for that. You have to micromanage the hell out of them, more-so than others. If you're good at it, or get good at it, they'll reward you. But they'll drive you crazy too. The oni is mostly fine.
Necromancy has zombies which just don't want to stay alive, in my opinion only the arsonist is more ready to die, and at least he earns that with great damage. I really feel like they make it so zombies die easily so you can Soul Extract them. The set leans heavily on Grave Knights for damage. They do a good job of it. The Lich is an oddity as his role is almost all debuff and control. They all have self-heal attacks at 32, and if you combine that with slotting for their to-hit debuffs and give them decent defense, it's actually fairly noticeable and their survivability goes up.
You've played Thugs. Damage, AoE damage, knockdown, and a suicidal tier 1 pet. They need the enforcers and you to give them defense, which is fine because the enforcers are great.
A bonus of Demons, Thugs and Necromancy is that their "panic button" power allows for Recharge Intensive Pets IOs, which lets you add in the unique IO pet auras for that. Plenty of people stick with these three because of that.
However Bots is still one of those most popular... And that's because they give you and themselves defense, and they heal themselves. Post-32 as you've said their AoE damage also goes up (As it does for most Primaries to be fair... but bots are ho-hum in damage before this so it's singled out here the most). Bots make it easiest to softcap defense as a primary, and they themselves are nice and tough. They also have a number of debuffs that are useful to you, and a team. Knockback is their biggest flaw (some people like it... these tend to be soloers. Bots lend themselves well to soloing)
Demons don't have the defense of Bots (or any defense). I'm sure that's very intentional, because "Defense is King" and that's probably the only thing stopping everyone from playing Demons. It's a harder road to softcap them, but they're very durable, still. Tier 1 lasts pretty well, but they still die off to a big AoE alpha until you have the defense to let them avoid that. All Demons have strong resistances to the most common damages, and the Ember Demon helps that out. The Ember Demon is a better healer than the Protector bots, and I'm fairly sure does more damage (especially once he gets fire ball, which actually, surprisingly, has the normal recharge time of 16 seconds). The Hellfire Gargoyle has knockdown attacks and a tiny AoE aura. All tier 1 and tier 2 pets have a cone breath attack of their element. Both ice (Demonling and Prince) do -Speed -Recharge. Both Hellfire (Fire/Toxic) do -RES. Both Fire (Demonling and Ember) are just fire, like fire is in any other set.... Don't think that ever has a debuff on it. The Demon Prince really shines in the set. He has controls, a hold strong enough to warrant slotting for it, and so much -rech that it's actually noticable, which is rare. He's basically a better Jack Frost. If you're on a team providing a lot of DEF I feel like Demons then bring the most to it, now.
You want to avoid Force Field and Thermal Radiation, obviously, if you don't want to be shielding/bubbling. You get used to it but it still feels like work. Pain is thermal-light, no shields in it, but you get less RES as a result.
Dark Miasma and Traps are almost definitely the most popular. They both do a bit of everything. These two have plenty of guides written for them.
Poison and Trick Arrow are the least popular. Neither is bad but other sets do what they do without their limitations. Poison is very single target. Trick Arrow has enough redraw to bother people in other ATs, but that isn't usually so much an issue as a MM because you aren't using attacks in a primary. Longish recharge times and no heal and entirely relying on controls/debuffs for mitigation are more the issue.
Storm Summoning is fairly hard to play but worth it once you learn its nuances. If you never do... Teams will absolutely hate you as many abilities can scatter mobs all over if used poorly. -
I want to enjoy /Poison. I kind of do... But it needs to be better. I'm just trying to think of ways to improve it. I feel like most people have given up on it, which I understand.
I have a Thugs/Poison character that is over four years old.... and in the low 40s. I came back to the game with GR and hit 35 with him and realized... Wow, Poison Trap sucks. It has the name of the power set in it and it sucks. That's a shame.
Not only that but of course we all know /Traps has a Poison Trap. A different one. Could they really come up with no other ideas?
Sure, everyone skips Black Hole, but Dark Miasma is awesome without it.
Instead of being a boring, stationary sleep/hold power no one ever uses, why not make Poison Trap feel unique, like Noxious Gas does?
My idea is called "Knockout Gas"... It's a toggle that you place on an ally, or pet. I figure this is doable, I don't think any other power currently has this function.
It's somewhere between 8-15 ft. radius, just like other aura toggles.
What is has is an irresistible, unmissable, unenhanceable chance for Sleep. Like Noxious Gas has with its Hold. Now that might sound boring, or pointless if the target has any AoE. But this is a unique sleep. Any enemy hit while under its effect will be struck with a critical hit, with all other damage modifiers applying, and will be knocked down. I think this would be a nice way for Poison to help add damage in large teams, while still being able to keep up with their work (Poison is very busy if you actually try to debuff a lot of enemies and have the recharge to keep spitting)
I also think that if the main debuffs stay single target, Envenom should have minor damage added to it and Weaken should have a moderate DoT added. -
I don't really recommend taking an attack, pain is fairly end heavy, especially with pets that are going to feel very squishy solo from the 20s until the late 30s and you're going to have to heal endlessly. But having said that -to hit is your best weapon on necromancy, so you might as well add it up.
Where are you going to get all the endurance you plan on using? You're talking already by level 30 running FOUR toggles (I'd hope you would get the regen aura, it's so much better than the corruptor version, very nice addition to a team), using 2 heals and an attack. That's... intense.
Since you want Leadership I'd recommend taking maneuvers, for sure. Your pets' (and your) survivability is based on your heals, and their -to hit. You can't ever debuff any of their ability to hurt you with your secondary, and you can only do a little RES buff. So you need to get hit as little as often. -to hit and DEF are what you should aim for. It's a toss up between assault and tactics... I'd probably go assault I guess, since Lich isn't a damager you want to push out as much as you can from the Grave Knights. If you want to put in -To Hit instead of Accuracy, though, that makes tactics more worth taking, to let you remove accuracies. I dunno, there is merit to adding all of them... especially with Fitness becoming inherent. It's more of a matter of whether you can afford the end cost of all of it.
Pain has a very selfish Rez, so if you take that you should also consider taking Vengeance, as you already would have 2 (or more...) leadership powers. You'll be very glad when someone dies (pretend you're sorry) between Vengeance and Conduit of Pain. -
Fly in my opinion is the worst travel power for pets... Because it's slow and a straight line, they follow behind you on the ground, getting attacked by everything.
The other travel powers are fast enough that they tend to just despawn/respawn at your new location; they can't keep up.
Bots/Traps is a good way to go since you want to tankermind, though. Between FFG and Protector Bot bubbles you really get a good start on softcapping defense. -
Quote:You can kill the lich yourself with traps... But otherwise yeah.I can just release one, and extract. Call it a sacrifice to the Dark Gods for a blessing of power.
It does make sense, otherwise they might as well just make it a summon (would be nice)... I almost wonder if that's why zombies are so squishy. -
Melt Armor is a good RES/DEF debuff... but it's not amazing, and it doesn't compare to debuff sets.
Forge is great, noticeable damage increase, lets you slot less for accuracy, but ... It doesn't compare fully to debuffing the hell of out enemies.
Heat Exhaustion isn't fair to single out for being single target, though. It's the kind of debuff you really only need to use on the big guys.
Now... Thermal is great for survival, and it is welcome to most teams (please don't take thermal if you can't stand shielding each ally twice every 4 minutes), but it isn't the best for pure destruction. -
Quote:It's not as useful if you can't slot it, but Howlight Twilight definitely shouldn't just be used as a rez. Yeah, it's useful as that, but I'd rather save the living than bring back the dead with it. With a big stun and recharge reduction it really is helpful... Not to mention it's a huge -regen, gives you a break on spamming Twilight Grasp for that.
Howlight Twilight, no matter how I slotted it, it killed my endurance. I had to pop a blue everytime. I had to weigh using it as a mez and saving it to revive a teammate. Soloing, I could use it at will. On a team I have to save it, giving me one less power in that situation.
I'll probably take it eventually, if only as a rez power. I'm not sure if I can spare the slots from anything. If it cost less endurance, this would be a no brainer for me. I don't like cost or the recharge. I really believe its a passible power. Never missed not having after respecing. -
Quote:You're /Dark without Hasten? I don't think I've ever seen that... Worth it just for Dark Servant. Also you don't seem to have Howling Twilight? Great panic button, have you tried it and disliked it?What is the duration for a Soul Extracted pet once it's summoned? If you're saying that one slotting it the Call to Arms defense aura IO is worth it, I may just consider it. I have enough global recharge to get it at just under 7 minutes for Soul Extraction to recharge.
Annnnyway... Plenty of MMs have Soul Extraction, Gang War and Hell on Earth just for the fact that they allow Recharge Intensive Pet IOs. It's definitely worth it to the extent that these primaries are partially picked just for that.
The power description doesn't have a duration time on it, it might be different for each pet, but it's always back up by the time my pet is gone... Unless it dies, but it's pretty durable. It follows all MM commands but doesn't work for bodyguard (that'd be amazing if it did) -
Quote:All pets die at some point; and they'd better die before the MM. It's most likely you'd always have the zombie version up (which is better than a zombie, thus worth taking still), but when the Lich does die... it's a great power to have.If your Grave Knights and Lich are dying, you're doing something wrong.
It doesn't have to be taken, but I'd definitely recommend it over Life Drain (for /dark especially) -
Quote:...Huh. Soul Extraction adds a solid pet (especially if the Lich dies). Why don't you recommend that?Powers to take:
Zombie Horde, Enchant Undead, Life Drain, Grave Knight, Lich, Dark Empowerment.
Twilight Grasp, Tar Patch, Darkest Night, Shadow Fall, Petrifying Gaze, Dark Servant
Hover, Fly
Assault, Tactics
(and the obvious Fitness powers)
I'll post my build when I have access to Mid's later.
Twilight Grasp is an amazing heal and should be slotted for recharge and accuracy (and only heal if you have those two high enough)... By level 22 Twilight Grasp will be up in under 4 seconds all the time. Some secondaries should consider taking Life Drain; Dark Miasma is definitely not one of those.
Also zombies suck. They die faster than most other pets. I'd recommend maneuvers over tactics to help keep them alive, combining it with shadow fall for the extra DEF they need, on top of (eventually) MM pet auras.
I want undead to be awesome but zombies suck bad enough to ruin the set for me. I like Grave Knights well enough (I feel like they should almost be the tier 1 pet though)... Lich is nice control but doesn't make up for it, especially now that the Demon Prince has controls in a set that does more damage and has more survivability.
But anyway... Since you've already reached 22, you should definitely go for at least 26, and I highly recommend 32. You can't really get a good feel for an MM primary until you have both pet upgrades. -
Quote:It's an interesting idea, but the first three attacks in a Corruptor set definitely don't correspond to the three MM attacks. The third Corr attack is either a Cone, (PB)AoE, or does extreme damage. Combining any of those with scourge, or even alone (because of higher Corr damage), easily outdamages MM attacks.After all the argument, "a Corruptor is going to have better stats" won't apply if you are playing a Corruptor. You have the exact same attacks as the petless Mastermind, and the same powers. (Not the same APP, but you could just choose only those that are in common) You would have Scourge, albeit with your three weakest attacks, and lower Endurance costs. But except for the slightly higher stats, it would be the same concept, and probably just as much of a challenge.
Also calling the third attack for a Corruptor one of the WEAKEST attacks is... Weird. Have you played Fire Blast, the most popular? The third attack is Fire Ball, a very solid AoE...
Why not at least do Dark/Dark versus Necro/Dark and have the Corr take the three exact, matching attacks (although Life Drain comes a lot later for a Corruptor so that complicates things)
As posted above, better secondary numbers alone are going to skew this so far in favor of the Corruptor to answer the question, but the inclusion of Scourge is something I think you're underplaying. To me this still says the only reason to play a Petless Mastermind is masochism. -
I came to post that I'd never had this happen... Then I logged DS/ MM and... Yep. It's happening.
They have mixed up names. I'm SURE it hasn't been happening long, because I watch my pets' health end bars pretty heavily to decide who needs changes in end redux or who needs custom orders because they get too much aggro.
I've noticed that with the level 32 upgrade the ice demonling burns through end (with no end redux slotted) while the other two don't, and it has made me undecided on whether to slot for it since the Prince is also performing -slow -rech. That pet is always the same name, same end problems.
It has the wrong name now. -
It's a pretty mild color aura added... It can be hard to miss, I guess. The second one is very obvious: the skulls glow, and it actually makes them look a hell of a lot better. They heads look alive, animated, instead of just bodies wearing skull masks.
I'd still like to know what the problem is with playing a Corruptor. None of the "Petless MM" fans are addressing that.
Is it really fun to have less damaging, less end efficient attacks? Less variety to them? No scourge? Gimped secondaries? The absolute only reason to play MM over Corruptor is the pets, unless you really have a thing for /poison (uh even as someone with a 40 something thugs/poison [can't bring myself to finish him] I can't imagine that, especially with no pets), or more recently whip attacks.
Masterminds sans pets suck! Terrible health, damage, completely lessened secondaries (especially noticable to me in /dark! Tiny radius on heal, weaker debuffs, longer pet recharge...). They're awesome with pets. I love MMs... but the only reason to play one without pets is because you're fooling yourself into the "challenge of it", when the real challenge should be mastering the AT, or going to Corruptor and mastering a petless style with all the variety of attacks in their primary.
... At least Fix_R has a team going for it so they aren't burdening anyone else, but the defenders of this are kidding themselves thinking that these petless MMs are going to solo their levels.
So what is the point? Will you guys seriously make Tankers with no toggles next? Why does only this come up? It's not the same as a kin never speed boosting. That's someone who takes a power and doesn't know how to use it (or doesn't care)... You're knowingly avoiding the best powers of an AT. You're the kin that doesn't even take speed boost or fulcrum shift.
What it ultimately comes down to is that a well played petless MM is absolutely never going to compare favorably to a well played Corruptor. Never. A Mastermind is pets. -
Why are you focusing so much on killing AVs when you've just started? MM is fairly complicated but if you learn it well it's also a fairly safe AT - Bodyguard mode combined with good mitigation makes a very tough character.
You should try other ATS at least up to the mid 20s, if not the 30s. I think perhaps with the feel of "oohh my pet does everything for me!" you're feeling more powerful on a low level MM than on other ATs. MMs are quite powerful, but pets end up becoming pretty squishy, needing high DEF to stay alive, and even so that is why tankerminding has gained such popularity.
You can't get a good feel for an AT when you only have two, three, four powers available. I do suggest trying others out, even if they don't appeal to you at first (never thought I'd like controller)
I'm not as sure about /Dark to start with. It's very powerful but for a new player, missing with the Twilight Grasp, with its neutered MM radius, while not having the tactical knowhow/situational awareness to handle a fight can be the end of you. Using an anchoring toggle can be frustrating when you don't know what enemy to put it on (this can obviously be learned, and guides give help on it)... I don't know, dark is a pretty complicated start as it does a bit of everything. Although you might reap the most from it in the end, and it does let you learn...
On second thought /dark might not be so bad just because it IS complicated. Sure you'll screw up sometimes, but especially in Praetoria currently teams are so fast and frequent you'll have plenty of tries to get it right (hopefully). I WAS going to suggest /Thermal as it's a bit easier, heals don't miss, it has shields for you to learn to be a "team player" with, it ends with decent debuffs.... -
Lieutenants aren't meant to be struggled against. That's my very point. A growing (not level 50 all slotted out with IOs) MM with no pets is significantly underpowered. What was your petless MM?
Quote:Hmm you haven't played Demons, have you? Tier 2 is definitely not just support.It's sounding like Demons fits the ranged pattern, with the Tier 3 doing the most damage. The Tier 2s are obviously defensive in nature, like Bots. But unlike Bots, the damage isn't all concentrated in the Tier 3, or in the Burn patches, it's a little more balanced, like Mercs. Only, they're better defended than Mercs, not concentrating so much on the stealth and control.
The Ember Demon is great support, but has Fire Blast, Fire Breath and Fire Ball, also. He's basically a limited Fire/Thermal corruptor without scourge. Single Target Heal, AoE Heal, Resists, no debuffs, a few fire blast attacks.
The other tier 2 demon, the Hellfire Gargoyle, does a lot of damage. He has an AoE fire aura, he has fire/toxic ranged nukes/cones, he has multiple knockdown melee attacks. He's basically a blapper with an aoe toggle.
The Demon Prince is very much an ice/ice dominator. He does very solid damage and has a couple of controls (Hold, PBAoE slow toggle, PBAoE sleep all his attacks are -slow, -rech). He's definitely not like the lich or oni where you aren't feeling much of his damage.
All of the tier 1 pets are pretty standard, except for their unusual damage types, and the toxic one has -res and the cold one has -slow, -rech on its attacks. They do a lot of damage, too. They're fairly squishy for a while(What tier 1 pet isn't until they have enough DEF), but not thugs level, and both the ice and toxic one have a habit of drawing aggro, but not like an arsonist. -
Quote:If "it's just a game" and "I want to roleplay, I don't care what you think" are the issues, then don't ask people? Obviously you do care which attacks are the most useful. You're picking MASTERMIND to become a LACKEY. Lackeys don't have minions, that is true... But they also don't have the option to have minions and choose to forgo them, either. By picking Mastermind that option is always there. You just didn't take it. What you are, instead of a lackey, is an ineffectual leader. Unless you plan to eventually have this character "RISE UP" or what have you, and take leadership.Wow. Such harsh replies. I think most of you forget that this is a game.
I am a role-player. The character concept that I came up with is roughly based off the cowardly sniveling villain who serves as a 'yes' man for a antagonist of repute. Ala Toad to his Magneto, or Wildside to his Stryfe.
All I asked was an honest comparison between the Mastermind attack powers. That was all. And I get internet abrasiveness. O_O
The rest of you probably suck at something called real life.
That is all.
Lackeys don't have to be weak. Even someone that is a coward, or finds cowardice appealing for their safety, attacks when backed into a corner. Cowardice is character weakness, not necessarily physical weakness, especially for a Chosen One (RI) or member of Powers Division (GR), which is what you're admitting to being by selecting MM, unless you're roleplaying AGAINST the game, which makes no sense.
I don't know who Wildside is, but I know Toad actually puts up a fight. Going ahead and not picking Corruptor instead is only limiting you. It's limiting your ability to make your character ever grow. All you're playing then is a sad, one dimensional sniveler for the career of your character. If limitations from every direction really sound like fun to you, and I understand some people are into masochism, enjoy. But you are less useful to everyone.
The rest of you probably suck at something called real life.
You're right. I don't hamper myself with needless constraints because I want to feel unique, special, challenged. Perhaps I will take your example, and try to use a computer without power. I'll talk to my family through smoke signals. I'll crawl to work. Whatever it takes to make things harder and less effective, that must be an improvement. Then I'll go into a public place to ask advice on how to be less effective, and when people tell me that's stupid, I'll insult them, too. This is fun. -
Quote:Are you saying you soloed anything, much less +8, from 1-50 with traps secondary, only? What, you used caltrops damage to kill enemies until acid mortar, then those two until seeker drones? I doubt it. Traps is a great secondary, especially for soloing. I recommended it or storm to actually manage to survive this ridiculous idea. An idea which another has pointed out MAKES NO SENSE WITHIN THE SO CALLED ROLEPLAYING CONCEPTYour so wrong, I solo +8 with traps only and I'm at defense cap.
Your so intent on telling someone how wrong they are your not even thinking. The best thing to do is not even post a comment. You don't like his / her idea no need to belittle the person. Just let it fall on deaf ears. You see a petless MM don't invite them to a team.. Quit the team if the TL invites one. But don't post misinformation. And especially no need to regurgitate your original post into a longer tirade.
I am most certainly not talking about level 50 and that's obvious. I'm talking about the way up there. Instead of going corruptor with traps, you're suggesting that because one can do it at 50, one might as well take the shining uniqueness of a class, chuck it out the window, and either a drag on a team or take forever to get there. If one solos the whole way... fine.
Especially for traps and storm, as I've said, if you won't take MM pets why would you take those? That makes the trap secondary worthless. -
And a more constructive reply:
If you're playing a higher level MM, when you lose your pets and you aren't on a team that is providing a lot of defense, your health starts to drop REALLY fast. (And when you're hit through the DEF, that happens still) If you're a useful support role, which is the point of MM secondaries, that means you're also putting your own team at risk.
If you're soloing... A solo MM with no pets has no chance fighting anything worth fighting. No chance. Your damage will be PATHETIC. You'll run out of end well before you kill a Boss, for sure. Most MMs can handle EBs just fine, a few can take AVs. You will struggle with Lieutenants.
If you want support secondaries with actual, powerful attacks in a primary while having limited damage mitigation (but more health), make a Corruptor. The MM attacks aren't even 1/4 as powerful as your pets will be. They're also a waste of end most of the time as you should be supporting.
If you have to go through with this, if you need to make a character that makes you feel "unique and special" and is less useful to a team, and yourself, take the attacks that focus on knockdown/knockback. Don't look at the heal in Necro as viable, it won't save you. Keeping an enemy off their feet, might. Also take Air Superiority. Take all/most of the Fighting Pool for more attacks and defense. Take combat jumping or hover for more defense and S/L res. Take Storm or Traps for secondary debuffs, damage and mitigation. If you don't want to summon THOSE pets, either... Well, wow.
This idea is terrible. Enjoy the hospital. -
Beside the negatives already listed, most secondaries for MMs have been lessened in some way, especially obvious in /dark.
Quote:Demons are way too big (especially tier 2) and are annoying, BUT I personally do highly suggest them.might I suggest Demon Summoning?
I really don't know why the developers had to make the two most survivable MM sets such a showoff, flashy eyesore.
They have -RES which will stack with tar patch.
They do a lot of damage, and varied damage (and you'll be debuffing all damage types), and a lot of AoE at 32.
Shadow Fall + Ember Shield = RES to all standard damage types, and DEF. Add in maneuvers for more DEF. Then pet aura uniques slotted into Hell on Earth... Yes, your pets become very survivable.
You have an AoE heal. Ember Demon (at 32) has an AoE pulsing heal (same strength as most PBAoE heals, 25 seconds between pulses). Your Dark servant has an AoE heal... You're debuffing tohit, you have resistances and defenses raised... Survival.
The Demon Prince has a ton of -recharge, the only thing except -DEF (none of that in DS sadly) /dark can't consistently debuff. He also has AOE slow, keeping enemies even more likely to stay inside of tar patch, unlike the other survivor pets, bots, which as has been stated, knock them out.
Stack holds with the demon prince, allowing you to hold things neither sets could on their own.
It seems like an obvious combo to me, especially for someone new to MMs (the arsonist in thugs is great but a pain in the *** to babysit)
Keep complaining about bots and maybe they'll change the knockback. Do you remember how Hand Clap used to be on the Bruiser? It was the same as the regular SS one... It had AoE knockback and would toss all the mobs out of tar patch. So no thugs/dark or thugs/poison (Noxious Gas) ever used Equip Thug (wasn't AoE then) on the Bruiser, because it ruined important powers. Terrible. -
Quote:Pets can't assist attack... They don't see the target of your target, no. The easiest way to deal with it if you don't want to bother with them is "goto aggressive" into the middle of the mob after you've jumped in and grabbed some aggro. MM pets do get a fair bit of aggro so they will die sometimes... Zombies much sooner. Since you DON'T want to babysit your pets, don't take zombies. They're less survivable. Take Demons or Bots. Since bots doesn't fit your theme, take Demons. The Ember Demon even gets an AoE pulsing heal at 32 (it goes off every 25 seconds, about equal strength to thermal's PBAoE heal). I am not sure if it would heal you... It has a 7 targets max, which I think intends to be the MM, but I am not sure what happens when the MM isn't in the area, haven't paid attention.
But will the Zombies/Demons attack what I (brute) am attacking or some random other mob? I want us all on one target I think (I might be wrong here)?
I'll give it a go then, Have to decide between Therm and FF, well atleast I won't worry about taking whip attacks lol.
Anyway... Bots and Demons at 32 both get a lot of AoE damage. While you focus on the big guy, they can take out all the small guys.
FF is boring but you want boring, and since you don't want the MM paid attention to, it will help keep him alive if anyone does attack him. Thermal is a bit more active, but can mostly be ignored, used for spot heals and shields/forge, debuffs on big guys. Thermal user's only defense is warmth, though. FF MMs are less squishy themselves