73 -
Quote:I literally LOL'd. I almost want this as my signature.Just the other day when I wasn't gripping my glass of milk strongly, gravity nerfed that glass of milk by slamming it into the floor and nerfed the integrity of the wholeness of the glass and nerfed the purity of the milk by introducing various detritus (that had been nerfing the cleanliness of said floors) into that milk. Time and bacteria then nerfed the pleasantness of the milk by souring it and it now nerfs the purity of the kitchen air with a nerfed smell. The shards of glass continue to nerf the water-tightness of the skin of the soles of my feet causing my blood to further nerf the floor of my kitchen and the carpeting throughout my home. I think I'm currently being nerfed by tetanus.
Here's my admittedly unasked-for assessment with solutions:
Keep the LOTG mules by all means, but one-slot them. Yes you get a whopping 10% regen bonus for each thing two-slotted, but geez-- you have two separate heals for that; if you can't mitigate damage with them then you're in over your head, whatever it is you're fighting. Put those extra slots to good use pretty much anywhere else. You said you die a lot, but also that your damage was low. High damage increases your survivability; extra recharge in a rez is solving the wrong problem.Ebon Eye and Dark Nova Bolt are not exactly high DMG powers, so I would leave them with the default slot and stick all those other slots in other places. Black Dwarf, for example, could use more +RES, and I'm betting you don't like to stay in Dwarf and attack because you're sucking wind most of the time; am I right? That's fixable. I had that same problem before I fixed it myself, in fact.
The slots in Shadow Blast would be put to much better use in Quasar. Yes, it is a crashing nuke, but so what? As Dechs will tell you, that's what Stygian Circle is for.
Oh, and another thing-- if you retreat to Dwarf, and I quote, "often" in order to deal with stuns, then that slot in Gravity Shield could probably use a different form of mitigation to better effect.
As for your playstyle-- are you running in concealed and firing off an Eclipse before the Mire? Do you TP in while in Dwarf, then soak the alpha while firing off a Dwarf Mire? If not, either of those will help you mire more.
Also, do you team a lot? I find teaming with control archetypes to be quite frustrating-- they immediately lock down everything before you can herd it, or they assume you're in trouble because you've gotten yourself surrounded on purpose and enemies are closing in. Don't even get me started about knockback. I've run off on teams to do my own thing because it was less frustrating. I wound up dying less because I could successfully fire off Eclipse and both Mires.
Anyway, I hope you found all that useful. If not, I hope someone else is able to provide you with helpful advice, because the Warshade is an awesome AT and you should have more fun playing one. -
I think we used to have a weekly UG run every Friday, but I haven't seen one in a while. That's mainly due to a combination of me doing RL things and having an internet connection that slows to a crawl if it so much as rains in a nearby county, though, so they could still be happening...
This build confuses me. Why would you take Maneuvers? Why would you slot Ebon Eye like that? Why would you two-slot Stygian Return and slot Stygian Circle primarily for Healing, but only 5-slot Eclipse?
I guess what I'm really asking is: what is your playstyle like?
Edit: I'm assuming your inherent Fitness powers are actually slotted in-game, because leaving them empty would just be a heapin' helpin' of WTF. Also, another questions-- what problems do you run into most while playing? -
I myself have come across truly cringe-worthy errors of spelling, grammar, and punctuation in the game. I wasn't looking for them; I just couldn't help but notice them. What they need to fix them, however, is an actual proofreader-- and that should be someone who won't misspell "Praetorian" right out of the gate.
I have but two requests. They may or may not be feasible, but they are already in the game.
- Suspenders as a belt option (like PDD Detectives get).
- The Fake Nemesis belt. I got a good look at a defeated FN yesterday and holy crap do I want that belt.
To each their own, of course, but if you're going triform, those two extra slots in Nova blasts will help early on.
Quote:I forgot to say "assuming you want a triformer," but I thought it was understood as I referred him to a triformer guide. Mea culpa, but human AoEs don't have the same oomph as Novas do, and especially not with the KG Form Empowerment. Slots are at a premium on all triformers, especially while leveling up.This isn't quite true, though. If using the Gleaming Bolt in your attack chain or obtaining essence boost or even Gleaming Blast, you could put slots there as well. You could also put a slot in Health for Numina +Health/Rec and Miracle +Rec.
But slotting Nova is also a wise way to go. I think it's more a matter of preference. -
Quote:Regarding respecs: You'll want to do one on leveling to 6 and picking Bright Nova, for the exact same reason in Dechs' MFing Warshade guide.Hmm... So here's what I've gotten so far: Play with my PB until 50, use some respecs to swap around some slots, IO the crap outta him with said IO sets from you all, and then rule the world? Does that uh, does that about cover it all? Haha.
No, I get what you're all saying. Respecs are no problem. I have plenty saved up, and I'll probably run the trials anyway. (For levels, badges, whatever) I have some influence I can throw around from another toon of mine. (He's just hoarding all the goodies) IOs... Well, can't say I've ever used any but I guess this would be a good start. Assuming I figure out which to use. (I also have some ATIOs lying around in my emails so... Maybe slot that set?) Everything here seems pretty cutthroat, all the info I mean. Just gotta start playing now and have some fun, eh?
1 final question, not that anyone has to, but... To see what I'd be heading for/setting a goal for, would someone mind creating a quick build for me on Mids and showing me what ALL THE INFO from this thread would look like in the end?
Thank you,
Polypro Ninja -
Quote:Okay, I don't know how you're interpreting "My first 50" with "years of experience," let alone, "years of experience, build perfectly, play perfectly, and nothing goes wrong," because that is decidedly NOT the experience I had leveling him, and I only learned how to use Mids shortly after making that post. I'm hardly a "numbers" guy myself, but the poster is making it sound like playing an elec/elec is a lot harder than it is. If one's idea of a good time is "don't ever faceplant while soloing, not even once," then that's just unreasonable. "Death" in this game is a trivial inconvenience anyway, so I have no problem running into melee range and immediately draining all the end out of everything in PBAoE range. Anything that survives a nuke is just food to nullify the crash (provided you have one small blue insp).And thank you for such a perfect example of "Everything is fine with Blasters if you have years of experience, build perfectly, play perfectly, and nothing goes wrong."
(see also, eight years of "Why do we even have Defenders/Tanks in this game?")
I would say that, yes, there are probably tips we can give Scarlet Shocker to make her elec/elec experience a better one. The point is not to yell UR DOIN IT WRONG. The point is that you have to be a damn good Blaster to do things that a mediocre Scrapper doesn't think twice about.
You have to have the mental flexibility to accept ATs and powersets as they are, with all their attendant limitations and weaknesses, and be able to switch between melee and ranged mindsets. If you can't do that, no amount of advice is going to be of use. Blasters will just suck for you.
Having said that, there's a guide to elec/elec blasters in the appropriate section of this very forum. Scarlet Shocker, have you taken a look at it? -
Yup. Every time the power goes out during a thunderstorm, or I need to reset the modem, I get new security prompts. Considering it is thunderstorm season where I live, and that the power just sometimes randomly goes out (hooray for small town infrastructure!), I find this very annoying.
Quote:Without reading all the posts in all the threads here are some thoughts
Blasters to me feel weak, in comparison to other ATs, in part because of their lack of overall defence and particularly mez protection.
However there seems to be a wide disparity across the different kinds of blasters. I've never played a fire blaster to any significant level, but my Ice/En blaster is pretty devastating even without Incarnate content whilst Scarlet Shocker is pretty poor and however many times I've tried to improve her, all Elec is pretty dire these days. End drain is reasonably meaningless, both in PVP and PVE and the damage that electric puts out is feeble. I've also had other blasters that Ive delted once they got to 50 because they lacked the fun that other ATs provide
There seems to be a point where Blasters change from being useful to just being painful to play - generally around lvl 18 +/- 5 and there are few other ATs that are obviously that gimped.
"...all Elec is pretty dire these days. End drain is reasonably meaningless, both in PVP and PVE and the damage that electric puts out is feeble."
Hahahahaha, NO. You're definitely doing something, by which I mean several things, wrong. My first 50 was all elec and when he entered PI, he was AoEing groups of red mobs. -
Quote:Ahh. I do a lot of teaming, so I find that's not as easy for me to accomplish. Being on Pinnacle means I can't exactly be too choosy about who I team with (but I WILL refuse to team with more than one Dom and/or Controller, especially if one of them is plant-based. I hate it when people decide I need rescuing because I'm surrounded. HELLO, I'm the MFing Warshade and I'm surrounded ON PURPOSE).Oh yeah, it's not that hard when the missions are set for x8 and you bunch 'em up with Grav Emanation.
Sorry, didn't mean to get all rantypants. I sent you a PM. Thanks again! -
Quote:Ahh, I hadn't realized the target caps were different. That said-- have you ever hit 16 targets with Detonation? I'm not sure I've hit 10.Range IO or no, the target caps are still different. Em caps at 10, Det at 16.
I'd gladly give your build a once over. PM or email it.
Thanks for your offer! I will give Mids another shot when I'm done downloading the update.
EDIT: Ugh. It wants me to pick slots in powers I have one-slotted thanks to the level 6 respec trick.
EDIT #2: Okay, never mind. I figured out how to make Mids do what I want it to do. -
If you can live without the proc, it'll hit way more targets than Detonation if you throw a Range IO in there. I'm curious about what you'd think of my build, but I'm a Mids' noob.
I can vouch for that. I was slaughtering Hellions in Perez on my 50+3 WS, as an experiment, and I got one.
The Buck Salinger fix amused me greatly. All this time I had been assuming he was a hapless screw-up, so therefore he would naturally summon hostiles.
Downloading the update now and am anticipating much fun!
Quote:I guess I'm just spoiled. I play an elec/elec/elec and I have a wide range of powers that make any non-boss mezzers irrelevant-- and I can lock down pretty much any boss with two hits. My typical attack chain for three even-level mobs (being a non-badging 50+3, I often run missions at 0x1 to speed through arcs) takes, with Aim and Build Up, exactly three attacks, one of which is the snipe as-is. I honestly wouldn't even notice more damage in snipe if I continued with that strategy.Tripling the damage would make a snipe a snipe. You take the time to aim at a vital spot, then "bang" dead target.
Using Aim or Build up with a triple damage snipe would be a waste. Triple damage means that it takes out a lieutenant (and/or a minion obviously) in one shot. With Aim and Build up it won't finish off a boss. The obvious intent would be to eliminate one problem mob before the spawn's alpha, from outside retaliation range. You could eliminate a mez using lieutenant before they could launch the alpha mez.
That said... if they triple snipe's damage but also make the increase consistent among ALL characters-- player or NPC-- then Crey's Folly, FF, and Peregrine are going to be outright hellish to navigate for anyone whose level fits the zones unless they remove the NPC snipers altogether.
They might revamp the power, but I'm not gonna hold my breath for triple damage. YMMV. -
So far, all the suggestions I'm seeing here amount to: make snipes do something other than, you know, snipe. Good luck with that. Oh, and tripling the damage so as not to "waste" Aim and Build Up? People would still use Aim and Build Up on such a power. I know I would.
Personally? I like snipes just fine the way they are, long activation times and all (also a datamine point). -
Quote:I hope that's not your only method of mitigating mezzers, because that power doesn't exist.You know, there are times when it's an incredibly bad idea to drop Dwarf Form so as to pull off a Stygian Eclipse move. I'm thinking mez heavy environments, where a single breakfree might not be "enough" to meet the need.
I find Stygian Circle to be of use after just about everything else is dead, not the middle of a fight. Eclipse is what you open with. If you need to circle in the middle of a fight, then either you've bitten off more than you can chew or you really should've made that Sapper your priority. Come to think of it, the only time I have a problem with mezzers is when they're accompanied by a Sapper. You can break mezzes if you have endurance, but if you can't break the mez, you can't pop a blue skittle. That's why you either mez the group first or take out the Sapper first.
There's also Clarion and/or teaming with an Empath, if it gets to be a problem (and the Emp will likely appreciate the opportunity to stop a painfully slow bout of soloing). -
I have to say-- I'm loving KG. I have it 5-slotted in Dark Nova Emanation with the 6th slot going to a range IO (hits more targets that way) instead of Damage/Endurance Reduction/Recharge. I never had Posi's Blast there before, mostly owing to procrastination, but there's no way it could be better-- and as of right now, that's without catalysts.
My Warshade's not exactly what you would call "purpled out" although I do have a couple purple sets in my build (so far). But I now have permanent Eclipse w/ overlap, and I do more damage as a nova, so I'm pretty happy with this set. The bonuses and the non-proc are very nice; it'll be interesting to see what it's like on my Peacebringer.