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  1. [/color]<blockquote><font class="small">Antwort auf:[/color]<hr />
    Logitech G15 by any chance? It actually has 3x 18 macro buttons

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    Correct, ...more than enough macros to me ^^
  2. My PB is actually 37, human/dwarf (on Zukunft ^^)

    I use a 7-button mouse and a newer keybord with 18 macro-buttons, sometimes in a similar way like Maelwys does.
  3. [/color]<blockquote><font class="small">Antwort auf:[/color]<hr />
    On a similar note I was teaming with a 50ish WS the other day and after talking with him a while I realised he had slogged to 50 without ANY BINDS! He was a nice guy and i'm not ripping on him personally but he must have some perseverance to do that. I mean I cant believe it was even possible. Made me wonder if that was the reason so many ppl dump khelds so quickly. When I play my WS I can be flipping forms constantly depending on the situation.

    So in recap-
    Get to 50
    Read Plasma's excellent kheld guide (see above)
    Get your binds sorted asap, before you get forms
    get to 21 and decide if YOU like khelds

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    There are many ways to have fun with khelds...

    - using binds maybe helpfull with WS, no "must have"...and imo not needed as PB

    - its not on "this Form is better than the other.." , its the abillity to change forms on one char even if somebody decide to build his kheld with only one or two forms...
  4. ...mit 75 Jahren, spiel ich noch Cox...mit 75 Jahren, sprich lauter...ich versteh sonst nix *sing*

    Spaß beiseite, klarer Fall :

    Hami-Raid nun mit 75 Teilnehmern
  5. Nur weiter so ... :P

    Die besten Geschichten schreibt ja bekanntlich das Leben selbst, da kommt kein Film ran ^^

  6. [/color]<blockquote><font class="small">Antwort auf:[/color]<hr />
    Dwarfie can get some Defence - the Global +Resistance/Defence IO from the "Steadfast Protection" set

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    Well, 3 % Defence (all) is not the amount of Defence I was thinking about ^^

    As Dwarfie (f.e. when soloing)it'll surely take more time to finish the mob with his 3 Attacks but tripple slotted with damage (IO or SO) a yellow minion falls after one Attack chain.

    Not to forget about the Acting of Dwarfie and the sound when walking, funny

  7. [/color]<blockquote><font class="small">Antwort auf:[/color]<hr />
    when you put some defence slots in Dwarf

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    Slotting defence would be nice but Dwarf takes only resistence.

    ImhO I would suggest slotting damage too in dwarf powers ^^
  8. Solange es sogar Künstler gibt die sich zb "Karel Gott" (zb. Biene Maja Musik) nennen, könnte man Tech's Global auch als Anspielung auf einen Künstlernamen verstehen.

    Ich tendiere jedenfalls dazu den Global von der entspannteren Seite zu betrachten, ala "Ich würde mich zwar nicht so nennen wollen aber wenn er meint, no prob damit" .
  9. Account erfolgreich reaktiviert, herzlichen Dank an alle Beteiligten.

  10. [/color]<blockquote><font class="small">Antwort auf:[/color]<hr />
    man kann im offiziellen forum nur posten, wenn man einen aktiven account hat.

    ist der account abgelaufen, ist auch nichts mit posten

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    ...auch ne Methode Beschwerden im Keim zu ersticken

    Mein Haupt-Account is jedenfalls heute von NC gekündigt worden, wegen ELV - Probs.

    Komisch das der 2te unter gleichen Bedingungen noch geht...mal sehen wie lang *hmpf*