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  1. Damn Elf, you don't have to attend, why call Kat out in her own thread when she's doing something nice for others?

    No I wasn't there and no I don't know what happened but that just ain't right
  2. Meowtch

    Smells like i16

    Originally Posted by darzer View Post
    the sad part is after reading this and logging off, ace went skipping around his house in the same little red dress annie had on leaving meowtch to sit there with this look of wtf on her face.


  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by silversword437 View Post
    My apologies to everyone here, as it appears I have been a complete idiot.

    If you dont mind me, I'll be off in the corner kicking myself for being such a complete moron.
    On Champion we don't let you off that easy, we prefer to do the kicking one at a time while the other makes sure you don't move around too much...after all, this is REDside we're talking about

    Have fun Silver, come back and visit us some time

  4. Meowtch

    Freeform Respecs

    So, any word from a dev if this could get in for Going Rogue, or soon after?

    Respecing can be soo tedious, I would absolutely love this change.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EN3MY View Post
    Seriously? lolwhy?
    dunno, but the neg rep I got I clicked it and it brought me to that post haha
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EN3MY View Post
    Oh my....! <3
    The best part is that I got a negative rep for it, lulz
  7. I'll run it with you too depending on the time/date -- work must allow =]
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EN3MY View Post
    Lol. Its because all the cool kids think that I am from/ in VORI.
    I saw you in red the other day and positive rep'd're in green again so someone did right
  9. Until the day they perma-ban me (lol) or simply kick my bum outta here

    CO sux
  10. Very nice work there Sir Silas, I thoroughly enjoyed the flow chart and support your cause to make less sucktastic kinners on Champion!!

    Anyone who cannot understand or do all/any part of what you are explaining should be not cut out for being kintastic

    I look forward to more flowcharts, guides with humor and general goodness from you woooooo! Bring on the thermal guide...I am sure that I will get some schooling on that one...

    Kat, totally hear you on the endurance for the blastie dude/dudette but damned if they ever stick the hell around as someone else mentioned...I guess I really just need to stop all the PuG'ng I seem to do!!! That is, however, seriously worth putting out there for those that just don't think about such things
  11. Meowtch

    New project....

    Looks great Darz! And, thank you for clarifying where it was, you see I needed the "easy" button
  12. Meowtch

    New project....

    Originally Posted by WittyLibrarian View Post
    Two things:
    1) I can't find the artwork link
    3) Where do I send the extortion money?
    Not that I'm at all happy it isn't working but I am glad that I'm not the only one!!!

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alpha_Zulu View Post
    Alpha-Zulu's Kinetics guide.
    I am still amazed every time I team with a kin and the ONLY toon that gets teh SBZ is the tank...or the peeps that say "no sb for me pls" and then you are in tell-hell if, omgudidurjob, you happen to go down the list and sb them...get over it dweebs stay outta range if ya don't want sb dammit
  14. Teach me the ways of the kin...cuz I'm awfulbadneedurexperteec

    Seriously though, delivered with humor, you are tehrockipations!

    Nice guide sir Silas!
  15. Meowtch

    Freeform Respecs

    I typically avoid doing any respecs after 47 unless I am so terribly unhappy with a build, specifically because of the task of going through a respec...this would be fantastic!
  16. That is awesome! Gratzehs to your team, I would dare to guess that many don't make it that long so it is certainly a nice accomplishment you folks have there
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by its_Si View Post

    P.S Ace..Im a vegetarian lol no bacon for me.

    He should know better, I don't eat meat either!
  18. Happy AM everyone

    Well, our team was really into the challenge, and I mean really into it refusing to break not one single rule!!

    So we did well the first two mishes and killed every single thing that crossed our paths -- then of course we all know the third mish sucks with the lag issue anyway, well do it on 2xp weekend at invinc and we all learned that when we do it normally, it is much MUCH better and we've taken that for granted lol.

    Our tank did an excellent job pulling just about every single group down to the bridge so that we had less lag in that area and then we all headed up top for the rest of it. Obviously waiting on pulls is slow going so it took some time but it went much better than I hear other team's experiences did in that mish.

    The rest went off without a hitch, even with having so many sk's and everyone was chatting while waiting for those pulls.

    The punky brewster he is, we couldn't use the only method I actually like, which is to rush his butt and we had to go the route of separating the healer. Once that was established and everyone learned where to stand/what to do, we took Rommie down. Did it three times fairly quickly considering most on the team were only 47 to 49 with 2 sk's left and one 50 who had to bail due to wifey aggro.

    Then it happened.

    Damn you CoH!!!!!!

    We had Rommie at about 1/4 or 1/3 of health for the very last time we needed to and we all hard crashed, logged immediately back in and the whole mish had reset.

    We gave it our best efforts but were all very much over that crap at 1am and most agreed, although there were some that had to agree to disagree, that it was time to say we had absolutely met & conquered this challenge and called it quits.

    All-in-all, no good drops other than about 5 rare salvage I could roll in AE & a couple of recipes like crap of the hunter so I cannot say that I enjoyed the drops, but I made about 25-30 mill and will now use that to quickly make about 200 mill off the black market with all these new 50's running around
  19. My husband is my hero!

    Okay I have the "quick reply" feature turned on and some of the options are nice but for those of you who were probably hating it for the reason I did, go to the upper left hand corner just below all of the options for "user cp" or "new posts"...okay...see where it has the string of places you had to go through to get here? Click on English!!!!

    It may still be a little icky but I prefer looking for my favorite forums in that format rather than the other!!!

    I don't go to other forums specifically because I hate the search by line until you are dizzy & your vision is blurred feel...I have to stare at a work puter all day I don't want to go on the internet to visit boards that make my eyes cross!!!

    Anyway, try it, if your problem was the same as mine, you will be much happier, yay!
  20. Hope everyone else does because I find it way too distracting, oh well Champs, see ya round BMT
  21. Happy Birthday Pingster!!

    Hope you had a truly wonderful day filled with friends, family, your special someone from far away places and as much fun as you could take
  22. Meowtch

    So Cobalt...

    I only see 3, so there...hrmph
  23. Been workin from 8am to at least 8:30pm nightly, not so sure I'll be here for this since I'm getting only a day off this week -- sorry I will probably have to miss it
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    While its kind of entertaining that some "professor" was playing CoH, the whole project of his was kind of dumb. Doesn't this apply to ALL of the internet?

    Lets look at xbox live. Play some game (halo, call of duty, w/e) kill your own team, and some spaz tells you to go kill yourself, that you are gay, etc.

    When people can't be seen IRL, they say what they want. No biggie.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Why ya gotta talk 'bout Spazz like that when he's a leavin??? huh??
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    Reporter just got back to me, and he encouraged I write a letter to the editor. I'll be fleshing one out and sending it in tomorrow. I'll post it here too.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I cannot wait to read your response, fair and reasonable it shall be I'm sure -- you go Pingster!!

    The article itself was pretty lopsided and a really unfair overall view of the MMO world...especially to those that have never been a part of it therefore not knowing anything at all about it to base their own opinion on...almost makes it like something the religious extremists would begin to push on banning when they have nothing left to battle.

    Perhaps I'm being a little over the top...but that article was just silly in the fact that it only represented like 10 to 15% MAX of the CoX population as if it were commonplace...bleh...

    So anyway, I stole this kid's lollipop the other day and threw it in a gutter...was surprised she cried, you know? Grow up kid, these here are important lessons now kiss off!