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  1. Meowtch


    Welcome back!
  2. I can only echo the sentiments above, sorry to hear news about the baby, that is terrible.
  3. Meowtch

    FYI - Break

    Gratzehs on the vows and that sounds like a super duper honeymoon, enjoy and be safe in your travels!
  4. Surely this is no big deal...I remember when everyone would drool/fight over new players to get them in their SGs in order to use/abuse them while the noobs made their SGs some funds...somehow we all survived that...

    I didn't leave Champion for a year to come back (thank you EG) only to end up leaving again, in fact, I have no intention of ever leaving and cannot freakin' wait to see a bunch of old faces coming back -- I've already seen at least 5 people return recently, how much does that rock?!?!

    I may take a few of my Freedom toons and move them to the VIP server since I don't have much room left on Champion to port them here but that is about it.

    Anyone that decides to head out certainly has the right to do so, and heck, may find a whole new world of other people they really enjoy playing with -- if so, good for harm done others have said, we all pretty much have a set group of people we team up with anyway
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
    **Stretch** I teamed for the first time in forever with SuperJimmy the other night.
    Ditto, AND AF...yay!

    Oh and apparently my hubby is more than comfortable with his necropostism

  6. Meowtch

    What the hell?!

    Originally Posted by KayMoonpetal View Post
    HOPEFULLY my own 1-man SG base is still there. Aside from catching up on the forums for regular times etc., anything else I should "know" about all the changes? I have literally done NOTHING to prepare for a return, I don't even remember playing Going Rouge........
    Wowza, WB Kay! Loads of info on the boards but mostly I'd read the patch notes for the updates and various changes to get an idea since the boards have sooooo and wayyyy too much info!

    Let me know if there is anything I can help with -- most people are obsessed with incarnate stuffs right now, that may be the first thing you want to take a look at
  7. Meowtch

    So lost...

    Welcome back to the boards, AF!!!!!

    I will be happy to help you with anything at all that you need in game, just let me know -- just ask Jimmeh, I am more than willing to do what I can!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
    And so it begins.

    I bet we'll have a pretty good influx of old players that will at least take a look when its FtP. I can't wait.
    Ditto...the good, the bad, the ugly, heck I don't care but should be very interesting to say the least

    I swear I saw Super Jimmy the other day in game but I could be crazy...we were in Croa...

    Anyway, free-to-play should be a ton of fun for returning players!
  9. Meowtch

    All Tank Trial

    I had a lot of fun, my tankie had her alpha slot unlocked but nothing slotted yet and she was just fine...I forgot twice to move when the big red lettering came up as I was in full tankie-lock mode but I survived...popped off my self heal and kept going...fantastic fun and whatta team!
  10. Meowtch

    All Tank Trial

    It goes without saying that I will be there to support the hubby...the reason for my post is to say that I really like your avatar Big_Soto, creepy and adorable at the same time...
  11. I totally forgot how much fun I used to have on TT, I will now have to wipe the dust off of Guarded for each Champion TT...for sure I need more TFs completed on her sooooooo...

    Gave her a good respec'n too, prior to TT, and she handled Posi 1 & 2 just fine...with like, what, 1 attack?

    Thanks to the tankies that came along on my Posi TFs, much appreciated and had tankie good fun!
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silas View Post
    This. While Acemace is a Tanker and thus suffers from many of the cognitive difficulties that getting hit in the head repeatedly entails, he's right about Fire/Darks.

    They've got pretty much all their key powers by level 10, have enough offensive power to satisfy most and enough debuffy/self-healy goodness to satisfy the rest. You could of course go any primary with /Dark and be good to go, Fire is just arguably the best.

    Tar Patch + double Scourging Rain of Fire = mmmmm hold on daddies gonna need a minute.
    Acey tanks on whatever the hell he is playing, and if he cannot effectively tank with it he makes me play something that will support him tanking on whatever it is soo....yeah...Sir Silas is correct about hubby's tankie hit in the head goodness...

    ...wait what?

    Anyway, D, there isn't a person in the game that can say they can't get by on those powersets so srsly, mebbeh that is a good starting point :-)
  13. Hi Turg!

    Thanks for having us as part of the league!

    Wish I could have stayed longer for the PD part of the event but my puter doth protest and I eventually had to restart the bad way (doh!) -- hope you and the rest of the horde had a great night!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dinah Might View Post
    ((so, good ad campaign? or just plain silly?))
    It's a trip that you should post about this, I read it when going through the news the other day and the very first person to pop into my mind was you!

    And to input my opinion on whether or not it was a good campaign, well I think it certainly grabbed people's attention and hopefully they read it through so it can't be just plain the same time, I wonder about all of the...ummm..."challenged" people in the world (and I don't mean bona fide mentally challenged persons -- I mean those who are common-sense challenged) that when they first saw it and maybe looked at it, took it seriously even for just a second!
  15. OMGosh Umann, I haven't seen David Dun's name in forever, he was such a sweet guy! Actually, there are a few BOSS'rs of old out there that I'd love to see round these parts again...

    Also I would totally love if my "game mentor" ever came back...he was the nicest guy and he/his friends basically saved me from myself...when I think back to playing with those guys on Meow, it is a trip how much they carried me...I can't 100% remember his global, I think it was @SynergyPrime

    Also, Neo...can't remember his global either but not the Neo that a ton of people knew, the Neo that peeps on the boards new many many moons he's finished school and is a lawyer by now...another really sweet guy.

    OH and also there was a group of totally rockin' guys that I had created and leveled my rad/rad with...again, bad memory for globals but they were another group of peeps that were so much fun...all from CO and super nice guys!
  16. Meowtch

    The Return...

    Originally Posted by Lucifus_Mephisto View Post
    - HUGE shoutout to the EarthGuard. Those guys spun me up on the new game stuff and have been nothing but supportive of my return. If any one thing drew me back to this game, it was the friends I made along the way before I had to leave.
    I know exactly what you mean, Mephie...the only reason I came back to Champion from Freedom is because of EG. EG has some of the most wonderful people I've ever met in game and it was an added bonus that I was already long time friends with many of them...seeing so many people return makes me very happy!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Cajun View Post
    Well Meow...I think it just depends on the situation really. Im glad it works out for some, but it royally ends up sucking for others. As for my personal opinion...

    Mindripper...I hope everything works out well. If not get a lawyer...get a good lawyer...then spend the money and get the best damn lawyer you can.
    True, but I hate to see everyone putting marriage down for someone that hasn't experienced it yet...Acey and I were fortunate enough to be married when we were already 30+...I KNOW I'd be divorced if I had married in my 20s...thank god for Acey!

    And Cajun, you had one truly wonderful thing come out of your experience, a beautiful little girl!
  18. Meowtch


    Originally Posted by Juzam_Djinn View Post
    I thought it was good with Ironman (1) being much better.
    Ironman 1 had a WOW factor that this one didn't but I still very much enjoyed it...OH and Ironman 1 also had great tunes!
  19. Good anyone else distracted by the fact that MB looks like he's wearing not only eyeliner but...LIPSTICK too???
  20. Meowtch

    Badgers,, first the infamous Voodoo Girl and now the one and only the same thread even...whoa...
  21. Awww Myrmy, it's not like that for everyone!

    Congratulations on the vows MindRipper!
  22. Best of luck UC, I certainly hope that your pursuits lead you to where you want and need to be in life!
  23. Glad to hear you are both actively engaged in self improvement RL stuff, good luck with school and the job hunt!