Important message from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention
True story! Might go something like this...
Champion Server-"Play like a Champion today!"
"True courage is not the brutal force of vulgar heroes, but in the firm resolve of virtue and reason." - Sir Alfred North Whitehead
It's a trip that you should post about this, I read it when going through the news the other day and the very first person to pop into my mind was you!
And to input my opinion on whether or not it was a good campaign, well I think it certainly grabbed people's attention and hopefully they read it through so it can't be just plain the same time, I wonder about all of the...ummm..."challenged" people in the world (and I don't mean bona fide mentally challenged persons -- I mean those who are common-sense challenged) that when they first saw it and maybe looked at it, took it seriously even for just a second!
And to input my opinion on whether or not it was a good campaign, well I think it certainly grabbed people's attention and hopefully they read it through so it can't be just plain the same time, I wonder about all of the...ummm..."challenged" people in the world (and I don't mean bona fide mentally challenged persons -- I mean those who are common-sense challenged) that when they first saw it and maybe looked at it, took it seriously even for just a second!


Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse
That's right! You all laughed at me, but now the CDC wants you to prepare!!!!
((so, good ad campaign? or just plain silly?))