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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BoneBaby View Post
    Did you check for R. Kelly ?
    That's just nasty.

    I do wonder if they locked the color palette for Water Blast. They had to have known this would go south and quickly (no pun intended).
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Flux_ View Post
    ***Also. MG the fact that you checked if those names were available saddens me. That Voo has had such an impact on you over the years....Why, I remember all those years ago when that fresh faced kid first wandered into iso's. Full of youthful optimism and innocence. Ready with a smile and a List™ and now look what has happened...
    I blame Voodoo.
  3. I reserved the perfect name for a Water Blaster.

    FYI, Watersports is still available, but Golden Showers is not...
  4. Water Blast launches on Tuesday. Going to roll one for the next run.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Flux_ View Post
    Meh. The details are pretty underwhelming. Starts up at around 8:00 pm eastern. Try to show up a little early the first night so you can get an invite to the SG. There's a little more info in the first post of this thread if you are so inclined.
    Yeah, there used to be a cool list, but nobody does that anymore.
  6. That guy was just really stupid. Less than a minute of research would have invalidated his thesis, such as it was.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
    Lot's O' Red Herrings in there.
    I'm beginning to think most of Dance was a Red Herring...

    1. After Q's death, what play to the Martells have?
    2. Griff/Connington: is there really enough support for them to make a run at the Throne? Having Varys on your side is great, but this supposed that people (and by people of course I mean the nobility) really want another Dragon on the Iron Throne.
    3. The Iron Bank guy might actually amount to something. He has a vested interest in sticking with Stannis, unless he turns out to be a bad investment, and then they might back someone else to get their money.
    4. I think the Militarized Chuch will matter down the line, just not sure when.
    5. Qyburn made his monster, but we haven't seen Strong Robert do anything yet...
  8. I have a staff/energy who's only lvl 11. I'll be bringing her.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    That's the least subtle way you've suggested I quit the game for good
    That wasn't my intention, but perhaps it is time, Voo.
  10. Yeah, as cool as the idea of RL Mecha is, unless there's some ridiculous tech advance, existing vehicles are just too practical and reliable to be replaced.
  11. Maybe it's just time to pack it in...

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    As for the dust, how did Viking land again and avoid this problem?
    Two words:

    Engineering, b*****s!

    From the Viking 1 Wiki page:

    The landing rockets used an 18 nozzle design to spread the hydrogen and nitrogen exhaust over a large area. NASA calculated that this approach would mean that the surface would not be heated by more than one degree Celsius, and that it would move no more than 1mm of surface material. Since most of Viking's experiments focused on the surface material a more straightforward design would not have served.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Well the Vikings didn't go splot now did they?
    No, but they were designed in the day when money was virtually no object. I seem to recall that ONE of the Viking landers would be one billion in inflation adjusted dollars.

    The entire cost of Pathfinder/Sojourner was $266 million.

    I'm sure the Curiosity is cost effective, but it's nice to see NASA doing something semi-big, even if it is non-manned exploration.
  14. Has anyone tried out these new Amplifiers?
  15. I thought the Official Word™ was that the Five Year Gap had been scrapped. He was going to use it to get all the players to Mereen, but he realized he needed to recap everything that happened in between, so he decided to skip it.

    I don't see it coming back now.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JetFlash View Post
    Curiosity is too big (about the size of a compact car) for the balloon method to work.

    That explains it... I did not realize that thing was so HUGE!

    I hope they land this one... it would suck to lose such a big rover.
  17. So this is the new rover? For the old ones I thought we just put them in big balloon and dropped them, then deflated the balloon and rolled away. I wonder why we couldn't do it that way again.
  18. Mental_Giant

    Taken 2 trailer

    The only appropriate title is

    Taken 2: Electric Boogaloo

  19. So what, new Blue run starts next week?
  20. Blame Voodoo. We had six for the run last night, and we finished off Voo's GW arc.

    I won't be here next week, either, but a bunch of people are hitting 50 already.