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  1. I'm away for a week and nobody posts anything!

    What's the target level for tomorrow?
  2. Taken as a whole, Book 4 and 5 aren't as bad as you've heard.

    I would do what MM says: read the first two books (I'd say the first three, actually!). They are some of the finest fantasy literature ever written.

    Once you've read these, my guess is you'll want to spend more time in Westeros/Essos, regardless of what happens in the books.
  3. Huge casting news from SDCC here.

    I'm liking the looks of the Reeds, Shireen, the Queen of Thorns, and definitely Thoros!

    Is it next season yet?!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Flux_ View Post
    Leave Mental alone!
    I'm Mental Giant and I endorse this message.

    Also: I still don't have the Coyote travel power.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JohnP_NA View Post
    Steam Sale - got Legend of Grimrock.
    I picked that up a while ago... good game, but damn hard!
  6. Opening Day didn't have much to interest me.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwilightPhoenix View Post
    But yeah, don't do the whole "You used to have to sub first" argument. I'm aware of it and I can probably type about 15 pages of counter-argument and I'd rather not. So moving on...
    I'd like to see the 15 pages.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    Also, you can't join this if you aren't even done with the last run
    LOL, when did we start that rule!
  9. What does napalm in the morning smell like?

    That's right.

  10. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you:


    I played around with the Water Blast colors... it can get pretty nasty.
  11. Meh?

    All new power sets are reason to rejoice in my book!
  12. Water Blast.

    You should read the Isos thread to stay informed!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    Go read the beta boards.......

    Gah... and the Super Rare actually sounds good this time!
  14. Is there another outfit locked behind the Super Pack this time?
  15. Mental_Giant


    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    Also, prolly the most unhelpful thread title ever.
    Kids these days...
  16. Oddly, Varys and whoever is with him are going to do all they can to keep Cersei alive until she's destroyed any faith anyone had left in the crown, and only let her hang herself when Aegon is ready to take the throne (which I don't think will happen, but that seems to be his plan).

    Of course, leaving Cersei around could backfire badly. I'll be impressed if Varys lives to the end of the series.
  17. I'm pretty sure the dripping slimy aura has already been used for, ahem... lunar cycle purposes. This will just take it to the next level.

    John, that's actually a reasonable use of "red water".

    I was thinking it could be used in a straight forward way to simulate a Blood Mage type character.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JohnP_NA View Post
    I wonder if "Eau de Toilette" is available.
    I LOLed for real.
  19. I didn't even know that... about Chuck Berry.

    Once again, Voo trumps everyone for sheer nastiness!

    I doubt many people will really go scatological with the Water Blast powers, but you never know...