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  1. This and...
    Rick Springfield's "Human Touch"
    Theme music to Tenchi Universe
    Green Day's "She's a Rebel"
    Evanescence's "Bring Me To Life" (admit it, we ALL have this one, along with Snow Patrol's "Run"
    Smile DK's "Future Girls"
    And Trevor Rabin's " Can't Look Away"

    and lots and lots of background music from different movies, tv and anime...I figure I have at least fifty to sixty songs average in a winamp playlist (and yes, I have a couple of playlists for specific characters...
  2. In May 2009, I blew off MMOs after a bad experience with Turbine customer service...and decided to kick the MMO habit..figuring I could put the time to better use, as in writing, and reading and catching up on current events and yeah a little thing called Pokemon diamond and pearl...

    One month later, I was well on my way to kicking a habit that is like cigarettes to me..but I was starting to feel a little mundane...

    Hubby sees the CoH trial...mentions it...and I comment on having wanted to play with that costume creator, but well...never could find a decent version of that program....what does he do..?

    He downloads said creator..

    Ten days later, we both buy accounts.....
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by the_fox_Rox View Post
    If they ever add little farmies that can go visit other peoples farms, oh the humanity...or Sims' facebook...<cringe> can in Farmville...

    To be precise, you can go to your neighbor's farm to spread fertilizer or feed their chickens...
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VexXxa View Post
    DC!! I founddddd your farm too!

    I had to laugh when I saw your picture, Vexx..I'm infamous for just having all my trees bordering the farm, and about 80 percent of the acreage being used to grow whatever makes the most money normally...

    Oh..and I let my critters run around loose...Free range chicken's the best, ya know..usually a few outside the henhouse...ditto with the cows, always a few hanging around the dairy barn...
  5. Hi, PuppehFeyFeyVexXxaGlomperTwipper (takes deep breath) TuxedoFuzzyTigerSheckyCyrseiBppFedor

    So nice to see some Shakespeare being performed here.

    Makes me want to go to Cambridge to see if I can find an used copy of my old Shakespeare textbook from College. (It had to weigh 20 pounds, but it had every last play and sonnet the man ever wrote...and pictures from a great many productions around the world...)
  6. (laughs at farmville references, even as she hides her farm under the rug...)
  7. Trying to do a tank again after having the class spoiled for me last year by someone telling me I was playing it wrong.

    I've deleted a couple of defenders for the same reason...only worse...was first talked into adding aid to a storm/energy defender just so the SG I was in could have a healer..then not allowed to put her of course, had to play her as a glorified blaster because I wasn't allowed to go up close...

    Then told, when I started a kin defender for giggles..that I was playing that wrong and that they were not glorified blasters, I was supposed to get close enough to die, I was also supposed to buff every few second going down the whole team list..I finally had to start asking myself what was the bloody point of defenders if they WERE NOT ALLOWED TO DEFEND???!!!??? About to delete the kin defender because of the know it all who convinced me that no, I could not use knockback on the defender or the repel power....then I find out, that's encouraged in the forum devoted to defenders....!

    Right now, I do have two active defenders, ironically. One is a healing type and the other has Archery/Rad. But I think I've just shown how easy it is to put people off certain types. All it takes is a know it all..or two.
  8. So sad to hear of this..on the anniversary of 9/11 only makes it sadder.

    May flights of angels sing thee to thy rest, good sir.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wassy View Post
    Well, who doesn't like ribbons? That and I thought it was fitting (blue ribbon, winning ribbon, ribbons supporting causes). It was better than what I was mulling over, anyway

    And thank you. I'm excited for the work ahead this upcoming academic year.

    Also not that I WOULD, but just the fact that I COULD make a motion before the board to fire everyone in the Financial Aid department if they ever screw with me again makes me giggle with maniacal laughter a couple times a day now.

    I don't remember if I said this before, but congratulations, Wassy..And if I had that much power, I would giggle maniacally as well.
  10. On the memory, thanks, CR...I'll try to get it next month- when the budget has recovered,lol! (even though it was a refurbished model, it still cost a pretty penny, as you can see from the link)

    As for the video a replacement card at the store along with the's an Nvidia Geforce 8400 GS with 518 megs of memory..
  11. Normally, what happens is that I get hubby's hand me down computer while he gets the new one...

    This time, he found a nice bargain in a reconditioned computer (It had been returned, hence it took a deep hit in price...). It had a 6050 Nvidia (or something like it) so upgraded that video card puppy...

    And now I can see in Ultra Mode without it being a slideshow nightmare! Put it through its paces on Oryo Ryou today...and wow, she's turned into Speedy Gonzales, it's like someone put a perma speed buff on her!

    Still died a few times. Now I have to work on getting my rhythm back (no comments from the peanut gallery...) as I am getting thrown off...what makes it so bad is I had just gotten the hang of the defender class...again.
  12. Two words for you guys today regarding my new computer...

    Dual. Core.


    And yes,that is my new baby Added an Nvidia 8400 SE video card
  13. Doing ok, just counting down the hours til:

    1. I get my new computer- for once *I* get the upgrade and if humanly possible, I am getting a dual person's reconditioned return is MY bargan bin find!

    2. Earl arrives in my neighborhood...Just wish it was Jason Lee as Earl, not the hurricane.....gonna have to beat his clock to get my new computer...and praying we are far enough inland that we won't get hurt...

    /me borrows a blender to make herself a mocha coffee with cream and whipped Kahula...
  14. /facepalms at Caemgen.

    Um, Caem, that's Wassy's artwork....I saw it on DA...
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
    Let's see....

    Will have to wait a few more levels...but...

    Detective Crimson Rice team up with Oryo Ryoko

    Crimson: You look a lot like my mom...
    Oryo Ryou (formerly Oryo Ryouko): I ain't your mom!

    Sorry, I had to say that
  16. Homages....

    Mystik Paladin recently had this conversation at the superhero school where he teaches in RP..

    Paladin : (transforming into Paladin from his civilian identity) Paladin, come forth!

    Student: *snickering, not realizing he can hear her..* 'Paladin, come forth'?

    Paladin: *calmly* Would you rather I say 'Shazam'?

    Which is when I (as the player) realized he is in that respect, an homage to Captain Marvel...although he uses a gem, and gets his powers from King Oberon and Queen Titania of the Fae instead of a pantheon of gods and an old wizard...

    In some ways, Paladin's also a bit of an unintended homage to Ralph Hinkley, aka The Greatest American Hero-again the gem he uses is where he gets most of his powers...and well, Paladin is a bit of a klutz...most likely to land in a bush or in the drink after a long flight...and Rick Springfield, but I have yet to get his hair right...
  17. Hmm. greatest fear..I can think of a few characters of mine..

    Oryo Ryou - seeing a loved one die or possibly die at the hands of others..

    Kami Megami - Losing her husband, Caleb Thornton..(they were married as teenagers..).

    Rhiannon Archer - Has a fear of enclosed or close spaces with no way out.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VexXxa View Post
    Gratz DC on the new artz! Oryo looks great!

    And don't let that "snarky" commenter ruin your joy!
    Oh, it's been fun trying to figure out who requested the commission...And I do have a short list of suspects.

    I haven't seen any real snark in here yet.( but a bucketload of silly comments, starting with the Batman reference...

    And yes, Ryou does look great. The uniform looks beautiful and the pose is dynamic-
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bayani View Post
    It doesn't take a Batman-level detective to figure out who did it.
    The butler? ( plays dumb, ducks and runs...)
  20. Hmm, that means whoever it is may frequent this forum, or the CoH group on DA...It is a tantalizing mystery...

    And I don't really get enough arts..last time, I had to check two or three pages back. Maybe I can keep this one alive?

    There's always, though. *Shrug*
  21. Nope. Maybe a secret admirer? At any rate, whoever he/she is isn't coming forward..and I've asked on DA even.

    I figure they don't want to be found out. So...whoever you are, thank you!
  22. Going to just post this new Oryo here....

    And yes, she was Oryo Ryouko, but just shortened her name because I wanted to.. Not to mention it just sounds better..

    This newest commission comes from xJoeDx at DeviantART...although I still don't know who comissioned JoeDx to start with...not that it matters now

    For JoeDx..his page is right here->

    By the way, this man needs comissions...! So commission him for your arts already!