545 -
Just going to do my three mains here...(gotta put a limit on these things, ya know
If there was a way to do this, I would love to get Diana Rigg from the sixties (back when she was in her prime) to play Mellissandria (aka Mellie Restal, co owner and CEO of TimeCraft Inc.)
For Oryo Ryou (and I had never thought of trying to cast her before..), I would have to say Keiko Kitagawa (who was in one of 'The Fast and the Furious' movies)
And for Mystik Paladin (who is a philantropist/retired rocker by day, hero by night..), I would have to cast Rick Springfield...(sorry Justin Timberlake, sometimes, you gotta go with the classics:P)
Hi, hope you don't mind if I take advantage of this.
Going to post links instead of screenies- and this would be of Oryo Ryou-
A little background, so you can understand the request-She was inspired by the character of Ryoko from Tenchi Muyo! (although she has long since pulled away from her roots..). I've always envisioned her with the Ryoko hair (long and spikey), but with pointed ears.
And yes, she does have the demon ears....
Also, while Rio (her nickname) wears two uniforms, the red and black is the one she is seen in most often. -
Quote:I feel your pain. The 'speed boost machine', aka 'buff me' every ten seconds was why I finally ditched my kin defender....that and the powerset wound up giving me headaches out of game as well.Instead of asking me for it every 20 seconds
I have other powers too! Im not a speed boost machine AHHHHHH!!!!
...just had to get that off my chest
As in people telling me how to play the toon..which was 'it's a buffbot, not a fighter, stay close to the fight, if you die, you're playing it right, and get rid of that knockback power, it's interfering with the tank'..
In the end, it was just easier to just hit the delete button...
Don't get me wrong, it's a great set, just too many people have an opinion as to how to play it, and they are ALL right and you are DOING IT WRONG!!! as far as they are concerned..... -
Ok, I'll bite...I'd love to see one or all of these toons make it in.
Oryo Ryou, lvl 50 fire/SR scrapper (can manifest a fire katana, use pyrokinetic blasts, and fly...)
Mellissandria, lvl 35 emp/psi defender (uses a hightech toolkit to heal ic.)
Mystic Paladin, lvl 35 broadsword scrapper
http://mellissandria.deviantart.com/gallery/26017662 -
I'm late, but have a happy birthday anyway.
Well, guess that's it for trying to solo the incarnation arc on beta, just to see if it could be done...
Now comes the fun part tomorrow..taking scads of notes so I can keep my toon's builds from getting borked as heck...although I had already started in a few cases by not using the fitness catagory... -
Grats! I know that will be a load off your mind!
That is adorable...
Was this a real life proposal as well as an ingame one? If so, that makes it even more adorable.... -
Thank you! This justifies my emp/psi defender taking super jump on top of Fly, hover and Recall Friend! (I will put it on next time she levels)
:sits on her roof beam, dangling her legs....
"I wanna go out and play..and be 10 years old again? Is that so bad?" -
This sounds like this could be...
(starts digging in screenshots...) -
Quote:Guys, I have to recommend this webcomic- It pokes fun at Lovecraft, anime and MIB type agencies all in one swoop...
/me sighs in resignation and crouches down in the line to wait for the 11/3/10 RP prompt...
Ice wings? next time make them out of feathers...
*refills her big ole' mug of coffee...adding cream and a few cinnamon drops. -
Well, I'm probably the opposite of the stereotypical male player who plays women...
And giving you my photobucket reference for Mystik Paladin...http://s138.photobucket.com/albums/q...dinreferences/
Just try hard not to laugh, ok? -
Quote:I would have hated to be the Customer Service person on that one.....and now I *have* to go read the Dresden Files...this channel is sounding interesting...On some server, at one point, I believe Jim Butcher actually had Harry Dresden, yeah, I think I remember hearing about someone reporting him and him having to prove he approved himself...
I do also have a toon-Kami Megami, who thought she was being funny when she gave herself that codename...as it turns out, she's a kami of technology.... -
*finally comes down off the ceiling as her personal Zero Grav generator runs out of juice...
"Morning...!" She grabs one of those big ole 7-11 mugs that probably hold a liter and starts to fix her coffee..."How goes it..?" -
(writer's note: Meet Arithon "Ari" Kerson- my one sole male character in this game)
He sat at the piano, humming.
It was a quiet day, no business meetings, no patrols, not even a class to teach at Paragon Juniors Supers Academy.
He picked out the notes on the keys, first the bare bones, the bare chords..
Arithon coaxed the notes into a melody, stopping here and there to write a notation on the notebook in front of him. Sometimes, he'd hum a few notes, then play them, then if it worked, write them down...
Outside the sun was shining, and the garden beyond the french doors was in full fall foliage, more leaves then flowers..
"And what of the love we never had, that we thought would never end?" had been written in a margin, near the melody itself.
Ari frowned. He wasn't sure of that lyric, but it refused to be evicted from his head. It was really annoying. He stuck a post it on that page with the note "Call Jimi..."
He went back to the melody. He really didn't need to write the notes-A friend had created a system for him that automatically notated the melody by sound. However, Ari Kerson clung stubbornly to his handwritten notes, as disorganized as they appeared to be. It was just the way he worked, and to him the disorganization was actually organized, just in his way.
By midafternoon, he was putting down the final notes to the melody, and played it all the way through a few times, changing a note here and there to make it flow better...and finally...it was done..
He let the final chord hum away just in time...as his cell phone started to buzz on his piano. (Ari tended to leave it on vibrate when he was composing.).
He picked it up.."Right, what's up? What happened ?" Arithon ran a hand through his shaggy dark brown hair..."how many kids were kidnapped? Right. Call Ryou, Connery, gonna need her help on this one.."
He stood, sighing a moment as he looked down on the piano, before he started for the bookcase, which slide aside, even as he turned his walk into a run..."Paladin, come forth!"
The Mystik Paladin was needed again...but Arithon's mistress waited patiently for him, in the notebook left carelessly on the piano..
(Yes, Arithon Kerson is a musician/songwriter at heart...even though he's a philanthropist these days...Music was his original chosen profession. As for the lyric snippet that appears in this story..I just snagged it off the top of my head. Most nonsensical thing I can think of.)
(I may expand on this in the future, maybe make it part of a story. Right now, though, I am tired and frazzled, and it's been One Of Those Days. Hope you understand.) -
Oh! The picture is sweet...(I took it for Oryo Ryou at first with the Firestarter hair, til I saw the name 'Mellissandria' next to it..)
And didn't really make a big thing of my birthday...so figured you guys forgot...so was tickled when I saw CR started one!
CR,that is a sweet picture...May I snag for my DA collection? (I know I could just do that, but I like to ask permission in case it was meant for a portfolio
Thanks for the birthday wishes, even if a day lateAccording to my hubby, I'm 26 and six months (he takes my real age and divides by 2).
Arrives back from birthday dinner long enough to send some balloons towards Stunrunner as she heads back to the upsidedown tea party...