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  1. I could really see these spiked shoulderpads and gloves being used for a whole bunch of different spikey costumes that aren't even related to the theme of the costume set, so I'm very much looking for to them at least. Maybe not everything else but I'm always for new shoulder,chest,boots, and gloves items.
  2. As some have mentioned Omega here's my hope for it. Omega is different take on Alpha slot, only as you climb in rank you get to slot up to three or four enchancemnts in Omega that affect the powers that use those enhnacements. it'd be an interesting work around for the "Adding more actual Enhancment slots broke everything." Bug ..and would probably be extremely overpowering if we're not limited in what we can slot in it but damn if it wouldn't be a awesome "final" unlock for the current incarnate system... At least until they put in an ascension system. I want to be an all powerful "Well" unto myself dang it!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
    when you make drastic claims, you get held to a standard. coh is always getting "killed" by something yet is still around long after its supposed killers have floundered. it was tiresome then and is tiresome now.

    Similarly, source on the "nerfs" leading to jack leaving? He took a good portion of cryptic to work on the supposed marvel mmo, he didnt leave because of some pressure from a subset of the game's community. In fact, the old subscription charts have cov being the highest subscription point in coh's history, following issue 4 and in the middle of ed, so I will need to see some credible source on that claim.
    I do recall most of the "COH killer" posts here just as well as I recall the Elephant in the room's many supposed killers, and I have to agree it is pretty tiresome.

    As for a source? Don't have one. I just like to think that's what really happened. The amount of hate spewing from the forums during those days was insane, and it was all directed towards him, his vision, and his often qouted misunderstanding of his own game. Then he just oneday leaves for another project which was canceled( yes I know what it became!) while we got Posi and the game steadily improved one he took over.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    8 months = a full year?
    Cut me some slack, my memory was off for how long of a gap their was between COV launching and it getting it's 41-50 content. :P To be fair it WAS about 5 or so years ago.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post
    Issue 4-7 didn't have any content updates?


    City of Villains? Not a content update?
    That's not what I meant, there was a huge gap between issue 6 and issue 7 of roughly 8 months. While 4-6 were large sweeping nerfs which all lead to Statesman (the dev) leaving and Positron taking over.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post

    1) This game survived for a very long time without end game raids... as such, there are many of them around.
    It only survived that because it was the only thing in town genre wise for years. Issues 4-7 nearly killed this game. Both with their nerfs and the full year without any content updates. If another Superhero MMO had come about during that time this game would have died right then. It just so happens that the two Superhero MMO's that have come out ..well suck compaired to this one.
  7. I am very much looking forward to new incarnate abilites. My main is a Invul/SS tank and the incarnate powers have really helped me find way to "fix" every kink in his armor. I have the same goal for all my incarnated character. I take the powers that either improve or overpower that characters Pre- incarnate content role in teams or solo content.

    I should also mentiopn that I always find it odd that these type of threads bring out the anti-grind, anti-raid, anti-teaming , anti-endgame crowd...when that's usually the lifeblood of an MMO. I know I personally left this game for a number of years because we DIDNT have the things we are getting now while other more popular MMO's did.
  8. I'm pretty sure it's real, but even just firing bb's those two guns would do some serious SERIOUS damage.

    I can easily see someone buying this also having the money to customize it to wreck the hell out of everything in their sight.
  9. I'm all for this as I'd love to have electricity trailing behind my /Elec blaster on top of having the body/eyes electricty aura.
  10. Shameless bump! .. Well not really as I've though of another costume that could be included.

    Cheap costume! Like the Ben Cooper costumes of *some* of our youths!

    These would be awesome to have of the various established heroes and villains of the game. Just something fun to have if only as a toggle power drop from trick or treating.
  11. Whoa, I had actually given up on this thread recently, and here I find that they ARE fixing it? YAY!
  12. Matthew_Orlock

    Man of Steel

    Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
    Two thoughts I'd like to share here:

    First, on the "realism" of comics (or any kind of fiction, really): I think some people here, on both sides of the fight over whether this is an issue for Superman, are confusing "realism" and "believability." Something "realistic" closely resembles, well, reality. A very, very realistic superhero story would probably not be very interesting, since it would mostly involve the characters getting slain by accident, sitting through the criminal procedure process, or both. A "believable" story feels coherent within the context of its own setting. I would argue, for instance, that while The Incredibles is not a very realistic superhero story, in terms of either the characters' abilities (a guy who can create ice? "zero-point energy" gauntlets? Come on.) or their psychology (a marriage where the spouses have strongly differing needs and beliefs about how the children should be raised that hasn't ended in divorce yet? Come on.), but the characters and their deeds certainly make sense and act consistently, or surprise in a convincing way, within the context of their world. To take an even better-known example of "realism," I don't find the characters of Watchmen that realistic (one's a caricature of Ayn Rand-ism, another a caricature of supervillains, for instance), but Rohrschach and Ozymandias are still "believable" characters within the scope of their melodramatic world.

    With these ideas in mind, I believe Superman can be presented believably, even if he isn't necessarily realistic. Note, too, for those alluding to his portrayal in the animated Justice League in which he flings Darkseid through buildings and such, that believability can change based on the medium. What looks good in a cartoon, even a serious one, might look silly, and thus out of tone and not believable, in a live-action film. This may explain why we've seen a lot of Superman lifting things and not much fighting in his movies up to now.

    Second, about the appeal or lack of appeal of Superman: It saddens me to say this, as someone who loathes Batman and likes Superman, but I think society has moved past, or forgotten, a large part of what makes Superman interesting. Yes, he is an icon of heroism, but historically speaking, that hasn't been the core of his appeal for most of the character's existence.

    Rather, his appeal can be summed up in the tagline from the first Superman movie: "You will believe a man can fly." Superman's more-than-mortal powers are actually part of his draw. Think back to the days when Superman was first introduced, when there weren't many, if any, characters with superhuman powers out there. In the early days of Superman, part of the appeal is seeing his amazing powers in action, even if they make things "too easy" for him. To give another example, it's popular in geekdom these days to criticize '50's Superman stories for making him "too powerful" by having him tow planets on a giant chain, travel through time, or what have you. But for the readers of those stories, the very fact that the character had such powers was part of the interest. The way he used those powers to overcome obstacles was also important, but it was not the sole matter of importance, as it is in more modern superhero stories.

    Superman became a victim of his own success. Now, audiences in any medium are inured to heroes who can fly or have superstrength or use any number of previously "amazing" powers. We're left with Superman's amazing-ness being reduced to his moral power. That has a lot of appeal, but not as much as it did in these days when melodrama is viewed as infantile even (especially?) in superhero stories.

    That's all for now.
    As much as I hate to admit it, I do feel that Superman or at least my take on the character and heroics in general are out of date. Teenagers and young adults now want "heroes" that kill, or are violent. I saw this happen back in the Early 90's with the explosion in popularity of characters like Wolverine,Punisher,Ghost Rider, and Spawn.( I love those characters to..maybe not Spawn but the others? My favorite Marvel Anti-heroes.) Personally though Superman is and always will be my favorite because even with all his power he rarerly if ever would kill a sentiant being, and he never let his level of power get to his head. He always did the right thing, and always helped others when they needed it. From the woman having her purse snatched to bringing humanitarian aid to those that needed it.
  13. I posted this idea in the suggestion forum, but I might as well put it here also!

    Last year we were offered a rather nice halloween costume pack, and I'd like to see this idea elabroated on every year with perhaps new items or themes in different halloween packs to really flesh out our purchase options for the Halloween event.

    I'd love to see more classic Wolfman, frankenstein's monster, Mummies, Ghosts, Skeleton, and generic "monster" costume options added in different packs.

    Wolfman: costume options could include fur shoulders,fur backpieces,bulky fur hands and feet *None monsterous legs* along with more humanoid Wolfman head options outside of the Beast and monsterious heads.

    Frankenstein's Monster: Mis matched coloring on patchworked flesh,ragged clothing,rusty eletricity spewing Freakshow/steampunk like costume pieces for the head,shoulders,back,chest,waist,hands, and boots.

    Mummies? Body Wrappings and stylized large jewelry pieces for the shoulder,hands,chest,belt, and feet! Maybe a updated headdress as well? A shambling zombie/mummy version of the walk toggle power.

    Ghosts. Transparent bodyparts and costume options! Maybe a aura that gives us a transparent ghostly apperance on one of our outfits. Like the Aura usedin game already for Ghosts in Croatoa and from the Ghost ship.

    Skeleton: A full skeleton bodysuit would be great! We have so many stylized Bone costume options but no real actual skeletal system pieces. he classic Skeleton bodysuit would be a great addition to the game. As would actual three dimensional skeleton costume pieces.

    Monster: This could just be any real off the wall costume pieces. maybe things that look like they're from a 50's b movie like giant one eyed heads and three fingered hands. Moving eyeballs on shoulder,hands,feet,chest,and belt options!
  14. Matthew_Orlock

    Man of Steel

    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    You inadvertently hit it right there. Superman doesn't have a 'small element of the unbelievable'. The whole story is just silly. Superman is unbelievably good, unbelievably powerful, hell in 2012 he even has a unbelievable job in the Daily Planet.

    Superman has no grounding in real life IMO. There's not one part of that story that I think could happen. It doesn't stretch the suspension of disbelief, it breaks it. Both the comics and every movie that's been done. My kids will drag me to this next summer, but I don't have high hopes.

    Maybe I'm just different in how I view comic book Superheroes. I've never in my life sat down to read one while thinking "This better be realistic." I sat down to read them while hoping to see something completly insane and entertaining. Then again I don't have single disbelief bone in my body when it comes to my entertainment as I rarerly if ever watch a film,tv series,animation, or read a comic, novel, or play a video game without at least some small element of the fantastical involved.

    As such I don't need my superheroes to have a root in reality, in fact I find them a little boring if they do.
  15. Any other suggestions or ideas for Halloween themed costume pieces?
  16. Matthew_Orlock

    Man of Steel

    Originally Posted by Kinrad View Post
    I honestly expect very little from this film. Superman is one of those characters that is so ridiculously overpowered that he has never (IMHO) been 'believable' in the unbelievable world of comics.

    The only exception to that is "Red Son".
    This comment and many like it have always confused me when it comes to Superman, comic book characters, books, film, and entertainment mediums in general. All of these things at their core are meant to help us escape the mundane lives we live and comicbooks by their very nature are almost always the most fantastical of escapism.. So why critic them for being "unrealistic"? Every major or minor hero and villain in the comic book industry has at least a small element of the unbelivable ingrained withen them. All of them were created to make money, as well as make young men and women say "That's cool!"

    As for Superman's level of power? At first it was out of hand but now he's not even that powerful in the expansive universe he inhabits. He's just the best Earth has. His role now in the comics and in the "real world" isn't even about how powerful he is but who he is. In his world he is a symbol, a man that is meant to inspire humanity to better themselves and to strive for a better world. To an extent in the DC universe you can say he already accomplished this with the arrival of the heroic age he kickstarted, and we know he will have truley acomplished that goal far into DC's in universe future as they show the world he helped make Earth thousands of years from now. The same could be said that he is also this very same thing for those that read him growing up. He's a Symbol, and an ideal his fans my strive for and in doing so they make their small part ofthe world a better place. Nothing could be better.

    Saying all this I leave you with proof that this film "got it". They know that's who and what Superman is now.
  17. Matthew_Orlock

    Man of Steel

    Originally Posted by _Arda_ View Post
    It looks fantastic! And he clearly used [Afterburner] at the end of the clip

    Looks like he triple stacked it too! /kryptonianhax
  18. Matthew_Orlock

    Man of Steel

    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    That's gonna be the best episode of Deadliest Catch yet!
    Tha's what first popped into my head as well! lol
    It's funny though as I have a character with similar powers to Superman that ALSO did this exact same job while taking time away from the "life". And I noticed that it looks like he is indeed a one man crew on that crabbing boat. Most likely using his powers modestly to do everything himself.

    As for the rest of the trailer? If the movie itself has the same tone to it I have nothing to worry about. It's going to be incredible, just like the shot at the end.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
    And maybe a bonus Zombie Shamble Travel/Vanity power like so many zombie-like enemies in the game use?

    Or a mummy walk power?
    I really should have thought of that. Yes! I'd love for that to be included as a variation on the walk power.
  20. Up to us to raise it on the list then isn't it? :P
  21. I don't see why they couldn't keep the current option but add the more color tinable version. it wouldn't be the only costume piece int he game with different "skins" you can apply to it. Just like all of the spikes and bone pieces we were given when COV went live. They have a flat skin and a metallic skin.
  22. Well that still doesn' fix the issue. The costume pieces are great looking, but the fact they don't hold any color that weel makes them very hard to use with anything other then the set itself.

    If they can fix other costume piece issues why won't they fix this one?
  23. I'm sure it's been brough up before, but this costume set could really use a looking at as far as it's color palette is concerned. Most of the pieces all keep a underlining Silvery/chrome color to them when you try to color them anything but a shade of grey.
  24. Matthew_Orlock

    Cape Sleeves!

    I know I'd love to have a Spiderweb cape in the same style the OP mentioned instead of just underarm capes. I would still love to have underarm capes as well!
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    You had me at "mummy".

    Honestly, I'd buy the **** out of mummy or just Egyptian themed pieces in general.
    A Halloween themed Mummy set would be very popular. I could picture there being some pretty sweet cape like cloth items on various items maybe a loose bandages cape, or dropping wrapping aura.