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  1. I'm coming back after a long break. One thing I loved about Virtue was the community. I enjoyed hanging out in Atlas chatting as much as running missions. To that end, I wanted to ask about a few things and see what's changed - thanks in advance for help and patience

    I want to roll a new toon to get back into the game, so:

    - Is Atlas still the hub for the Virtue community?
    - Do new toons still run sewer missions to level 6 and then run a mix of Mission Archetecht and other missions after that? Or has leveling changed?
    - If I roll in Prateoria am I locked out of visiting Atlas Park until I hit 20?
    - Has Prateoria changed the 1-20 game signifigantly?
    - I head that they boosted XP in the horrid early 20's (yay!) any other change that will make me happy happy?

    Thanks Virtue!

  2. I've asked this on the controller boards too, but bear with me

    I find myself really enjoying the heck out of running full 8 man teams. Since I switched servers I never have problems getting in to one.


    I love pretty much every defender primary. Which seems to offer the most benefit to a rolling 8 man team? I love Storm but it seems to have it's best tricks a little late in the set and I like to be useful before level 10. Rad is fun but anchors get killed fast in 8 mans. I have a fire/kin so I am not so interested in Kin, but maybe - not sure.


    TY for any ideas.
  3. Thanks again Local. I appreciate the advice and feedback.

    And, not to go off on a tangent, but:

    [ QUOTE ]
    On that Ice Tank, it is tough in low levels, especially before stamina. I hate playing tanks pre-stamina. But the nice thing about Ice is that at level 26...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    To me that is a flaw of game design. CoH does so many things right, it is my favorite MMO and I've played lots of them to max level. But one thing it does very wrong is that some on some classes they held back too many goodies until too late in the game. Every class should be fun from level 1 - and tanks (and some other sets) are just not 'fun' in groups until the 20s.

    I am not going to do MMO vs. CoH comparisons, but it is a flaw in CoH.

    But since CoH does so many other things so much better than other MMOs, I'll sit down and shut up now

    Thanks again.
  4. Thanks for the clarification on Mind, Local.

    One of my great frustrations with CoH is how dramatically some ATs change in the mid-game. So with Mind I see that it is OK in team control until level 26-32, then it gets quite strong. Whereas Earth is pretty strong in team control from level 8 or so and just gets stronger.

    We so frequently talk about how sets perfom post level 32 that we forget the absoluet PAIN of leveling late blooming classes for dozens of hours.

    The fun I have in CoH is almost 100% on large teams. If an AT is not fun by level 10 on large teams I just cannot bear to 'grind it out' until it gets better.

    I love my fire/kin but I would never go through the pre-Imps game with her again. My Ice tank sits unplayed at level 15 - it feels useless in the pre-level 20 game and solos at a glacial pace (see what I did there?)

    I just do not have enough free time to dedicate to ATs that get better after 20+ hours of play. It feels like work playing My ice tank or my Mind controller on 8 man teams and soloing is boring for me. I need an AT to be fun and useful out of the gate.

    Am I impatient or is that poor game design? Not sure
  5. Is there a way to activate the costume change emotes other than through the costume window? A macro or keybind?

  6. I'm confused on Mind. I have a level 20-ish Mind/Kin and she never felt like she could offer good control on 8 man teams. I had very strong single target holds but nothing like the other sets abilities to stun or lock the initial alpha.

    What am I doing wrong? I shelved her but I loved the Mind set. Do I need to push on?
  7. Is there a way to create different minions for a single map? Do I just assign multiple custom minions to the same villain group and then the map will randomly mix them in?

  8. Thanks again all - I am trying several, but I think AR is becoming my favorite. I like cones - I like the twitch action of circling the spawn to line them up - and I like the AoE. And I like the machine gun graphics - good times.

    I paired it with Energy just because Power Thrust has been my favorite power in CoH since 2004. Nothing feels more Super Hero than a punch that send them flying.

    Thanks again.
  9. I am one of those players who consistently posts 'what is this blaster like' questions. This guide is amazing. TYVM.

    Edit: One useful piece of data might be how the set plays early, middle, late game. For example, Archery may be a strong AoE set but not until late game - early and middle game it is more single target focused. Helps set expectation on people who start off fresh. IMHO.
  10. You guys rock - thank you. Lots to consider.

    I've enjoyed AR but aren't M30 and Buckshot both knock back, not knock down? Knock back seems to be a great way to make enemies quickly in a PUG
  11. I tried Fire and really liked it. The only thing keeping me from Fire is my two highest level toons are a fire/kin and a fire/fire tank, so I was hoping for something besides fire...

    But fire/* is dang fun.
  12. Fulmens, your mini-guide is freaking genius. Thank you!

    Jeremy: When does my damage get good? It takes me 3-4 hits just to kill an even-con. Do I need 3 dam SOs to feel uber?

    Thanks guys!
  13. I've been having a lot of fun trying various blasters in 8 man missions. I do not enjoy soloing much in CoH so I'll only play in large teams. Which seems to be best?

    I seem to like circling the spawn, blasting away. I would imagine a cone or AoE heavy set is best for teams that are minion crunching.

    I like the elec/elec I got to level 14 but her damage feels a little weak - I do like the Short Circuit/Ball Lightning combo. Maybe if I paired it with MM to get one more cone it'd be better?

    I also enjoy AR and it seems like eventually it'll be the cone king, but for now nobody seems thrilled with Buckshot knockback.

    Any ideas? I'd prefer something that is fun from level 10+.
  14. 1) How do you make a map spawn all bosses? Or all Lts?

    2) Is there an advantage from a pure XP / gameplay view to putting in clickable glowies?

  15. I have an idea for an Earth / TA controller, earth shaman type, simple bow and earth magic.

    Any inspirations for existing Native American themed heroes from comics or maybe some CoH ideas? All I found so far is X-Men Warpath and he does not exactly say Shaman to me

  16. My fire/kin will hit 50 in a week or two. Which set IOs should I look for first?

    I am currently Mr. Cheapo. All level 25 common IOs in my powers. I do just fine solo and in teams so I do not think I need to upgrade them to higher IOs. But I imagine I want to start looking at sets.

    Which set IOs first?

    Farm for cash, IO recipes, salvage? What is the best way?

    TYVM for advice.
  17. After leveling lord knows how many alts to level 12-15 with Sands of Mu I have become a freaking expert at getting 3 mobs into Shadow Maul

    Never thought about Death Shroud that way. Thanks!
  18. I've played CoH for years but I am just now getting some toons into the upper 40s. I am seeing what fighting is like in the 45+ world and it seems like an AoE fest.

    But I love my DM and MA scrappers!

    So how do single target scrappers fare post level 40 on teams?
  19. I got to level 41 through a lot of teaming and MA missions. Now I am level 41 with no contacts in Perigrine. How do I unlock them? Someone told me to run radio missions, but I ran 4 of them and still no contacts.

    Do I need to go back and finish old story arcs to get the introductions?
