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((Whoa! Our thread was eaten!!! Anyone PM'd a moderator yet? If not we need to do so right away!!! Strange things are afoot at the 2-6))
Heh, you must be psychic!
I am flattered that you consider Pinnacle to be the second RP server, then cite the two groups I started as proof! My ego bloats...fills the cosmos...pops...ew...
Pinnacle is full of great roleplayers, which is why it was so easy to start these RP organizations. In fact, RP Congress is planning another huge SG Job Fair, the Summer blowout, on July 17. Stay tuned for more news. Also, stop by the www.rpcongress.com site for more info and to meet RPers on Pinnacle.
The CCCP can be found at www.cccpgroup.us.
Do Svedanya!
Red Saviour
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm slightly biased as Pinnacle is my home too (I just don't RP much in-game, and the RP Congress meets on my volleyball night).
Plus, what other server has had a Developer assisted RP event like the one a couple weeks ago on Pinnacle!!! -
I really should just create a document so I can cut and paste this response...(
I think it is Virtue that is the unofficial RP server.
Pinnacle seems to be a close second with groups such as the CCCP (RP SG) and the RP Congress (collection of SGs and RPers). Both have nice websites and forums. I am sure one of them will be along soon to provide a link.
Or look for a post by RedDjinni (should be on page 1 or 2 here). -
Well with a slight stretch of imagination you could certainly use Portal Corp, Hero Corp, or Fredom Corp.
Beyond that I would suggest the places with the original contacts in Atlas and Galaxy; DATA, SERAPH, GIFT, etc. They could certainly be a source for experimenting with hero creation.
Finally the enhancement stores could be backed by a company that creates heroes. For science and tech there are Deimos Innovations, Cooke's Electronics, Exarch Industries, and Orion Labs.
Good luck! -
Hello fellow Wisonsinite!
I have heard of some RP SGs on Infinity but I am mostly on Pinnacle. You might want to hit the server specific forums and ask there.
Pinnacle has a rather strong RP community both in an SG (the CCCP in specific) and a multi-SG group (RP Congress). -
Wait a tick.. the real Mercedes Lackey plays this game?
Gods, where does that woman find the time to play MMO's?
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah! Who knew!?!
BTW, the bit I caught of the RP event was VERY cool. Kudos for pulling this off!!!
If anyone got a demo of the first act I would love to see it! -
Very, very neat!
This should be very fun to watch, I am looking forward to it!!! -
Drusus was checking out his new room and getting settled when he remembered that it was a race day! He quickly ran toward the Circus Maximus, knowing he would never get in to see the opening race. That was ok though - the races were as much for the excitement of event as the actual races. Everyone from slaves to senators would be present.
Drusus ran most of the way to the Circus Maximus and then waited with the crowds as they shuffled in. -
By your leave, sir. Drusus bowed and headed off with Soria to get settled into his lodgings, still stunned at the turn of events.
Taking the contract once Drusus has signed it, the governor signed it as well before rolling it back up and tying it closed. My daughter will likely not be back until later this evening, after the races. I myself will be departing in not to long to take care of some business and then attend as well. If you have any personal matters that need to be dealt with before we depart, today would be a good day to start on them. You will of course have ample opportunity to deal with them over the next several days as well. If you require any accommodations until we sail East, the household staff has been instructed to prepare you a guest room if you request it.
Are there any questions you have of me before I must depart to attend to some other matters? Though Antonius Justus seemed very business like and ready to move on to the next matter, there was a distinct sincerity in his face as he asked the last question.
[/ QUOTE ]
A hundred questions flashed across Drusus mind, but he decided on only a choice few.
Lodging would be most appreciated. As for the food preparation; do you know what kind of accommodations there will be when we arrive? Or on shipboard? And I would like to get a start on planning so if I could get an idea of types of foods that you prefer He stopped, realizing he was getting a bit ahead of himself. Im sorry. Overly excited I guess. We can worry about that last bit later. -
Nice idea.
As I have often said; No description, no hero.
But don't trust that Leone' guy! He's a bit shifty... -
A household cook for a Governor? Ten thousand sestertii? Drusus was a little shocked he had expected a difficult time finding employment as most had slaves to do their cooking. This was so sudden and almost too good to be true!
I um Drusus didnt want to offend the man by having the contract viewed by a lawyer, but he didnt want to seem like a naïve simpleton by not doing so. He took the scroll, opened it, and started to read. It was not too lengthy, though there were bits of it that Drusus didnt fully understand, it was written in a clear and concise manner, unlike many legal documents. The key is it didnt make him a slave again it was a real work contract!
I think it looks like it is in order. This is a great honor Governor, when would you need me to start? He put the scroll down on the table and took a deep breath to steady his hand before signing the document. -
Drusus had finished up at the banquet watching all of the rich and famous of Rome eat, drink, and party.
When he was finally released from his duties, he looked again at the parchment note. Though he could not be sure, Drusus suspected that this was a radical group wishing to bring down the Roman way of life. The organization of witches that his mother had belonged to had foreseen the fall of Rome, and the long dark time to follow. There were two factions in this group; one that wanted to support the empire, delaying its fall as long as possible. Though the empire had its flaws, it provided order and stability for the people. The other faction wished to hurry the fall of the empire so that the dark time would come sooner and subsequently end sooner. Drusus guessed that this invitation was to join the later group something that neither he nor his late mother supported.
He avoided the location of the meeting he knew that there was no turning back once they made the offer it was join or die. He would definitely have to watch his back.
Drusus slept the night in the common room of an inn that had been arranged for him by when he was requested to work the banquet. He was awakened by a messenger.
Your presence has been requested at the home of Antoinus Justus. Said the messenger.
Huh? Me? What for? Drusus sleepily replied.
I most certainly do not know, but it is not wise to keep a man of such lofty station waiting. Sniffed the messenger. Though a slave, this messenger obviously thought that his position was one of supreme importance.
Yeah, yeah. You can inform him I will be there as soon as possible. Drusus waved a dismissing hand at the messenger and went to get some breakfast food. -
Nice opening.
Good bait to draw people in and well written.
More is good! -
Excuse me, my friend and I were wondering if you might assist us in selecting a few choice selections for our starters.
[/ QUOTE ]
Drusus worried for a moment as the daughter of the governor actually spoke to him. He had suffered through enough abuse in his slave days by the wives and daughters of important guests, he hoped this one was not one of those moments.
We have a fine selection tonight, but the best selection tonight are the snails and the mussels. Please let me know if you would like anything tested.
He didnt say too much, it was not his place to make small-talk to the guests, and especially not the daughter of a guest of the Emperor! That could easily make him lion food in the arena.
But still he couldnt help but watch the two women as they reviewed the fine food on the table. -
As the appetizers came out into the room, so did the food tasters. With poisoning being such a common practice in the empire, all food for such a banquet was tasted ahead of time, but the presence of food tasters was always a comforting sight to the distrusting souls. They could request a particular dish be tested in front of them to ensure their safety.
Drusus, being well-trusted by the staff was placed up front, though the Caesar naturally had his own, personal food taster. He really liked the snails, and was more than happy when asked to test one.
It was very obvious to him who was paranoid; either with good reason or just out of habit.
He noticed a woman he had seen at the market. She was with the guest of honor, Antonius Justus, and another woman who Drusus assumed was the much talked about daughter Lucilla. The daughter was as beautiful as rumored!
This woman that followed them the one who had a warriors stance was dressed far too nicely to be a slave. He wondered what relationship she had to Antonius Justus and his daughter. Concubine? Not likely, if he had brought a favored concubine he would treat her as a wife and she would walk with him, not behind him.
His thoughts were interrupted as a Senator he knew well, approached.
What is good today Drusus? Ovius Plautus was one of the few Senators who treated the help as if they were actually people. Drusus had saved a friend of Ovius Plautus from a poisoning a little over a year ago.
Senator, all of the food has been well prepared, but the snails seem particularly exceptional. It would be my pleasure to test any of the appetizers for you. Drusus bowed as he offered his services.
I know you boy, you just want some of that shellfish for yourself. Ovius Plautus grinned. Drusus tried to keep a straight face and business-like manner but it was difficult with the friendly Senator.
You know me too well, Senator.
Ovius Plautus proceeded to load his plate, but not after making sure that Drusus tested several of the appetizers for him.
You stay out of trouble now young man. -
Drusus arrived only a little late and was quickly roped into helping organize the slaves, workers, and entertainment. Despite his somewhat young age, he had done this many times and knew the routine well. In no time he had helped turn chaos into some semblance of order.
He could smell the food being cooked and wished that he had been hired to help cook that is what he was good at. He did take a few minutes to check out the food preparation, taking mental notes of what some of the experienced cooks were doing. There were many helping in the food preparation he didnt recognize. Not surprising considering the massive scale of this banquet. -
"I do not know. Break him out?" she smiles playfully as they head back out into the city.
"I have goods that I can sell for roman coin. I can also uuummm....perform if need be," she sighs, watching the slowly drifting crowds.
"I can not leave him..." she trailed off as she looked towards the sky.
"HHmmm...I must journey to the temple. Drusus, I wish to thank you for your help. I would be unfound if not for you," she replied, smiling warmly at him.
[/ QUOTE ]
I truly wish that I could help you release Bel from his imprisonment. Drusus said sadly. It was an honor and a pleasure to meet you Samen, but I am afraid that I have to hurry off so that I am not late.
The sun was getting the point that Drusus knew he would have to rush to get to where the celebration was to be. The slaves and other workers had to report and be organized well before any festivities began and guests arrived. But the man in charge of dinner was a friend; one he had saved a few times from being put to death by saving an important guest from a poisoning.
Though Rome is a large city, I do hope to see you again some time. With a bow, Drusus was off. -
Drusus had tried to leave the two alone to speak, but could feel the emotion of the moment.
By the end Drusus was absolutely stunned. He may not have been as bigoted as some roman citizens about foreigners, but this Bel was a true and honorable warrior. The kind rarely seen in this day and age. He really hadnt expected that from a barbarian.
I um, I dont know what to say. Despite the fact that he could not understand most of the conversation, it was like watching a dramatic play in another language; the meaning, if not the words, were perfectly clear. He almost shed a tear himself while watching the exchange.
If only I were a man of means, I might be able to help. He sighed and spoke to Bels back. Bel, I shall honor your request, but if I ever find myself in a position to aid you, I shall do so. You may not respect the word of a roman, but this Samnite swears to you. Drusus had never before made an oath on his mothers lineage of the Samnite people and felt a warm glow where Samen had touched him before. Few even remembered that there were separate tribes that were mostly mixed blood now. All were simply Romans anymore.
Ok, we must go. They walked back out, collecting their items from the guard. As he stashed his knives back in their hiding spots, Drusus turned to Samen; You came all this way to find him, what will you do now?
Drusus marveled at the ornate dagger that Samen stashed in her boot. -
Drusus made his way to the amphitheatre and approached one of the guards to the cages beneath.
Hello good sir, we are looking for gladiator named Bel, a northerner by birth I believe.
The guard looked them over, his leering eyes lingering a little too long on Samens form.
No visitors! We cant just let anyone waltz right into the slave pits. The owners dont like strangers coming in.
Drusus had to think quickly; the guard wanted a bribe and Drusus had little coin to spare. But he had an idea, and figured the guard would have little in the way of verifying the truth of it. He just had to be convincing
He stepped away from Samen and whispered to the guard. Listen, that Regional Governer who is in town; Antonius Justus Nerva. You know, the one the party is for tonight? Well, while he is in town, he is considering investing in some gladiators and he sent me over to check this one out. To make sure he has the fighting spirit. So I need to get in and take a look just for a few minutes. Drusus tried to put on a trustworthy look as the guard scowled. He figured the guard would have no way to verify the story, and by the time he could Antonius Justus should be long gone.
Then what is the girl for? He hooked a thumb at Samen.
Um, her? Ah she serves a couple purposes; she can speak the barbarian tongue of this Bel that Antonius Justus is considering investing in, and he is considering offering her up to the current owner to sweeten the deal. Drusus gave a grin and knowing wink to the guard.
How about you let me have a go at her first, then I let you in. The guard grinned an evil grin as he continued to look at Samen.
Drusus was stunned, that was something he had not anticipated and he wasnt sure how to respond. Thinking quickly again, he elaborated on his quickly expanding lie.
Oooh sorry. Antonius Justus promised a virgin slave to the owner. If I come back and that is no longer the case well Ill be the one being fed to the lions. You know I really dont want to report back to him that the guard at the West entrance in the late afternoon wouldnt let me in. Especially when he will be at that party with so many senators and the emperor. Drusus shook his head as if he felt sorry for what would happen to the guard.
The guard bought it and all of a sudden looked worried. Ok. Go on in. Down the stairs and second row on the left. I'll have to take your weapons first though."
Thank you. Drusus said as he handed over four knives he had concealed within his tunic. He motioned for Samen to do the same, and then follow him.
Drusu breathed a sigh of relief when he was out of sight of the guard.
Man, sometimes I even impress myself. He smiled as he walked between the cages. The smell was not pleasant but they finally arrived at a cage containing a large man with blond hair that Drusus recognized from his vision. -
Drusus felt some sort of comforting warmth wash over him. He did not know what it was but it made him feel very nice.
Eiries de Ereland He tried to copy what she had originally called her homeland, probably massacring the pronunciation in the process. His over-active imagination had him envisioning all of those things of legend that he had heard about the place. Sounds like a nice place.
Drusus looked at the sky; the sun was well past its zenith but he still figured he had enough time to run this errand to the amphitheatre with Samen.
Shall we go then? It is this way. We will go and find your kinsman Bel.
As they walked Drusus pointed out some of the more famous landmarks of the great city to Samen. -
She sighed deeply and gave Drusus a heartwarming smile. " You are correct, but other than you, kind sir, I know no one. You can help me converse with others, yes? It is obvious my Latin is broken."
[/ QUOTE ]
There was that smile again. Drusus wondered why he was such a sucker for it. He had cautiously resisted the advances of several noble women when he was a slave; that was a dangerous game to play. But this young lady was melting him with a smile. Maybe it was the 'damsel in distress' thing.
Your Latin is not broken, just a little rough around the edges. Im sorry I dont speak any northern languages, just a bit of Greek. Where are you from exactly?
He tried to speak a little more slowly so she could understand.
The Amphitheatrum Caesareum (coliseum) is not far from here.
((OOC: If the maps I found online are correct))
Do you wish to go there right away? If you tell me what you seek there I can try to explain it to the guards and trainers.
Drusus was not all that familiar with the details or protocol for seeing the gladiators and he shuddered at how close he had been to being literally thrown to the lions when he was put into slavery. -
She glanced around slightly neverous and then back at him, a shyness in her eyes. " I am seeking some..aaa...." she began, but stopped looking lost in thought.
~" By the gods! I can never remember anything. What was the word again?"~ she thought aloud in her native tongue, giving Drusus a sympathetic smile.
"Ah! I am seeking help. I am finding the house of war slaves?" she replied, quirking her eyebrow, praying she was able to articulate herself.
She played nervously with a silver bracelet around her wrist. It carried her clan symbol, a stag's head embossed on the trinity knot. She stared into Drusus' eyes, studying him almost.
"OH! Forgive me. I am Samen. Pleased to make your presence," she replied quickly as remembrance darted through her eyes.
She extended her hand out to clasp his in greeting.
[/ QUOTE ]
Drusus grinned at the young ladies difficulty with Latin. He didnt mean to make fun, it was just cute. He took her hand and kissed it. Lovely to meet you Samen.
((Note: I have NO idea if that was tradition at that time but I am going with it for now.))
The house of war slaves; you must mean the gladiators! Hmm, what could a lovely lady like yourself want with that place? Then he thought about how the noble women liked to visit some of the gladiators. But this young woman was not some roman noblewoman.
It is dangerous there, many dishonest men work that area. It is not safe for you to go there. They will know that you are not from here and seek to delude you.
Just before Drusus let go of Samens hand he had one of his visions. His eyes went blank for a moment. He saw a large, powerful man with blond curly hair, locked in a cage. Drusus could feel that the cage was something that the man hated.
Whoa, sorry about that. Drusus rubbed his eyes and thought to himself; That must be the man she seeks in the gladiator pits. I wonder if he is her husband?
The precognitive flashes he had left him a little disoriented at times.
If you need help finding the gladiator pens I can aid you. But I suppose you have no more reason to trust me than anyone else. I ask nothing in return; only that you dont come to any harm.
Drusus was unsure why he felt he needed to help; he just did. Was it the vision or just the look in this womans eyes? Or maybe she had put fairy dust on him or something? He didnt know, but he did know that he could not send this foreign woman into that pit of vipers without some help. -
"I am obvious, yes?" she replied as she straightened her cloak with a soft chuckle," Once again, forgive me, Master..."
[/ QUOTE ]
Master? You must have me mistaken with some of these nobles and merchants around here. Im Drusus, just Drusus. He made a point of the single name. He had worked hard to escape the life of a slave and had not taken parts of his former masters names like most freed slaves did.
She continued to beam at the stranger. Her smile warm as the rays of the sun, but calm as the light of the moon. It was a smile that moved men's hearts as easily as leaves caught in the wind. Her Uncle Oisin , the clan leader, would joke with her and tell her that she could be the head of his armies in battle as long as she came armed with that smile, no man would dare raise a weapon.
" I do hope you are in good health? I did not cause injury did I?" she asked as she noticed the dirt on his toga.
She leaned down slightly to dust away the grit clinging to the fabric when she froze, hand out, and stared sheepishly up at the man. She blushed brightly and stood again, embarrassed. She wasn't quite sure what was proper behavior in Rome. She shifted nervously.
[/ QUOTE ]
Um Im fine. Drusus was distracted by that face those eyes that smile Are you ok? He said as he started to brush himself off, not taking his eyes off of the womans face. He was snapped out of it when she reached toward him, and then noticed her embarrassment. Drusus blushed a little too, but then smiled trying to make her feel more comfortable. He knew that his slim, defined face and dark hair could never muster a smile like this woman.
What brings you to Rome? He said, still somewhat distracted by the raven-haired beauty.