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  1. MadGremlin

    The two six (RP)

    It had been a bad few months for Poison Sting. Since arriving in Paragon from the secret lab in South America he had been tried 11 times for ‘excessive use of force’ arresting criminals. Its not like he was stabbing J-walkers, these were gang members, evil magicians, and drugged up mutated freaks.

    Finally the judge had said enough is enough – the Sting was going to someplace where he could put his talents to good use.

    Judge Jacobs had said; “Assign him to the 2-6! Make him do some good for this city!”

    Sting didn’t know what the ‘2-6’ was. Some sort of work program in the Zig maybe? Something where stabbing people with poisonous spines was beneficial?

    A week later he was lead out of his prison cell. Three officers lead him to the tram, then rode with him through several stops and one transfer. The final stop was King Row. Sting recognized the Row – he had fought gangs here for a while, and sent many of them to the hospital and morgue.

    The officers lead him to the worst part of the armpit of Paragon. There was a decrepit building with two numbers on the front; a 2 and a 6. The door was no longer in place and it was obvious the various gangs had had their way with the building.

    One of the officers took off the handcuffs. “Ok, this is your new home. A hero named…” The officer looked at a piece of paper. “Mystical…no, Mystic Inferno will be in charge. You are to report to him, he is your new boss.”

    Another officer chimed in. “And before you get any bright ideas, we will be getting regular reports from him, and if you do not behave its back to the Zig! Got it?”

    For the first time Sting reacted to what the officers said. Suddenly huge spines sprung from his forearms. They dripped a acrid smelling poison. He turned and pointed one mere inches from the officer’s throat and in a gravely voice said; “Yeah, I got it, now get the #%$& out of here.” Then he sheathed the spine and smiled – as much as a chitin covered insect man can smile.

    The officer gulped and reached out a shaking hand with some papers. “Here, give these to Mystic Inferno.” Once Poison Sting took the papers, the three were quickly gone, happy to be rid of the crazed prisoner.

    “F&$%ing great.” Sting said to himself. “Well this is better than a lot of places I’ve lived lately so might as well give it a shot.” He dropped the paperwork on the ground and the breeze blew it out to mix with the rest of the refuse in Kings Row, while he walked up toward the broken doors.
  2. Well I guess the first step is to know what server you are on. Each one seems to have a core of roleplayers.

    The server I inhabit most of the time (Pinnacle) has some soviet/russian themed RP SG (CCCP?), and the RP Congress which is a mix of SGs that gets together specifically for RP.

    And yes, up until Hamidon raids and now arena combat were common, CoH was really a Co-op game, which did not appeal to those who wanted hard-core PvP.

    Hit up the forum for your server, or the SG forum and I am sure you will find some excellent RP. Or, hang here and join one of the RP threads, if that interests you. Lots of great RP going on here - Gal's Place, New Recruits, Paragon U, and of course the legendary Whitmoore Apartments (my favorite read).

    Good luck!
  3. Interesting...
    It would seem that the defender psychic secondary would be appropriate. I am not fully familiar with all of the powers in that line, but I believe there are several that sleep, immobilize, or stun.
  4. MadGremlin

    The New Empire

    Very nice read.

    Steele's guilt trip worked!
  5. MadGremlin

    The New Empire

    [ QUOTE ]
    lol, you caught that too huh? I don't think a blood waffle would taste ever good either

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And metal waffle is very hard on your teeth...
  6. MadGremlin

    The New Empire

    [ QUOTE ]
    I was intentionally trying to mislead. Did I fool anyone else?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh freaking yes, you did fool me, and I imagine I am not the only one. Well done. The mystery of who Metal Wolffe is will definitely have me pondering...

    Well done!
  7. MadGremlin

    Twined and Bound

    Agreed, excellent. Keep it coming!
  8. First off I assume by "natural" you mean a natural human. I know plenty of people who have used natural as an origin for an alien or dimensional traveler of some sort.

    I would also suggest you take another look at science. Science doesn't necessarily mean you experimented on yourself, it could mean that there was a scientific accident or someone else experimented on you. You may not even know how it works.
    And Tech doesn't mean a robot or high-tech armor. Nanites, subdermal implants, and a variety of other options exist for tech origins.

    Anyway, back to your choices. You want a natural blaster or defender from what I can see.

    Any blaster primaries could be created by natural sources, though they would be high tech enough to be considered science or tech origin. But certainly a normal human with a customized flame-thrower (fire primary) could be considered a natural hero.

    For a defender, the Psi attack secondary could be natural. It makes the leap in assuming that humans have untapped psionic potential, but it is certainly feasible.

    However, you have your paradigm to work with, so I think that your justification of the powers is the key.

    Kudos to you for thinking concept first!!!!
  9. Not quite sure what you are asking here. You don't like RP in the chat channel and you don't like RPing on a forum/bbs.

    You want to RP over TeamSpeak (or other voice com) or in real life?

    Just trying to help you clarify here. There is an unofficial RP server and several servers have their own RP groups/SGs.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Sgt Riley can balance a beer bottle on his nose after drinking the contents of many, many other beer bottles.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Do you realize the potential in that power?!? I've been trying to learn that for years!

    My main character's powers (Grav/Rad controller) come from magical control of luck and probability.
    Propel is not opening a portal and throwing something for him, it is just "happening" to have a box fall on an enemy, ore a car veer out of control, etc.
    His holds are actual stopping the signals from the brain to the body (what are the chances of that happening?).
    Buffs (accelerate metabolism) and debuffs (radiation infection, enervating field) are luck or unluck fields.

    It was hard to find a pair of power sets that fit the luck/unluck idea well. I started with Grav/Kinetics in beta and it probably would have made more sense but grav/rad works as well.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Then I met a puppy. Then the puppy got squished by Babbage.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ROTFL! That should be in your sig line!
  12. Your underlying issue is also mine - No way to really affect the game world. If I fail a mission/task does it matter? No.

    Clearing an area, defeating the big bad guy so that his minions don't spawn throughout the zone (at least until he is replaced...), etc.
  13. MadGremlin

    The New Empire

    Enjoying your story quite a bit!

    Keep it up.
  14. Nice opening.
    Please give us more!
  15. Mad Gremlin: He is a gremlin, but he wasn't always a gremlin, so he is a little annoyed about it.

    War Club: He uses a magical club of a warrior ancestor.

    Adamanteus: An AI housed in an almost indestructible shell of adamanteum.

    DarkHawke: Given a forced mutation by a medalion with a hawk-head symbol on it. Dark Melee is one of his power sets.
  16. Mad Gremlin got his start from M.A.G.I. having dropped in (literally) from a magical dimension. Since then he has worked for and consulted with magic shops (e.g. Tabitha Fabish), the police, and anyone else interested.

    My other characters range from living off family money or Paragon stipends to continuing their old (pre-hero) jobs or being a robot/AI who doesn't really need a place to sleep or food (upgrades and repairs are "arranged" with influence and city hall).