345 -
om my bots/fields MM agaisnt an illusion/fields cotnrolelr in BB. he has his decoys, ive got my bots and we both have PFF on, after bout 5 mins he stated " OMG turn of the PFF you wimp". i wonder how some people level these days...
Big gratz to curing catz, (lol tht rhymes) who dinged 50 earlier, while fighting a group of invading malta. its been long and hard but you finally made it, and already started working on your PB
damg/acc is the only one on that list of any use to me, all the buff and mez ones r useless, the ehal end aint good cos i nvr need end red in my heals and never have, and the travel end costs is a waste IMO.
lousy dmg/range -
you do realize how long it would take to transfer 25 mil
i have a damage and range HO, anyone got a damage and Acc theylle trade for it, or anything for a regen scrapper
Revive is for people who don't let a small thing like death stand in their way!
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which is why i took it at the first chance and never intend to get rid of it
made a spines regen recently, i may have already got a regen to 50 but ive remembered one key point, i enjoyed playing lost sam so much, so another regen seems like a great thing for me. ill get lost kheld to 50 another time -
way to go man, behold the almighty raz, the man who can slam the shadow shards, the unchallenged PvE god
well theres ur problem, no scrappers or epics
Raziel, you ARE mental.
My blaster can help you start it, let me know the time.
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ill help ya start it too, ur gonna need 4 peeps for tht glowie mish tho, samurai doesnt get played much so i might eb able to stay in the TF till ya need me -
Lost Samurai will be there to join the pummeling group
If he wasn't healing then I'd be a bit irked as well, but if he was actually contributing by blasting instead of buffing, I'd tell you to shut your cakehole and let him play the game he wants to play it.
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He can, but he'll still be a bad player and as such not wlecome on any of my teams. A GOOD player would have known which of their powers were needed the most at any given time.
Am I not allowed to call a bad player a bad player anymore?
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Someone without certain powers does not make them a bad player, and saying in game that someone is a bad player because of the powers they have taken is wrong.
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other day i was teaming with a lvl 14 storm/energy defender, they had 3 energy pwoers, hover, fly, stealth, tp foe and recall friend. however their only storm pwoer was gale, basically they were a very weak blaster, tell me that aint a bad player, only thing they did right was the lvl 14 travel power.
in my opinion a bad toon is one whos playing the wrong AT for the job, if they want to cause damage use a blaster or scrapper, if they want to be the first into the battle an empath defender is not a valid choice, furthermore if you incist on using all the medicine pool,leadership and presence, maybe you should rethink your stalkers build
/end rant, borrowed from someones messages -
gratz on 50, and pfft ill have you know my epics make blasters look cautious. WS and PBs for the debt!!!
ill go was my suit ready for the security job, i think i can easily remova any potential threats in a quick possibly non lethal fashion, course after a few beers who knows, there is gonna be beer at the party right, and ICE CREAM!!!!1!!!eleven!11!!! GIVES US THE ICE CREAMZZZHGUFUYFAII
ill come as security, probly in my santa otufit, ha who says santa cant go to the beach to party/own any villains in a 200 foot radius.
just noticed this thread, i made an empath called lost defender a few days ago, before ieven new about thsi thread, strange....
sometimes its just hard to find a team, been trying to get teams all week and today i log on for about 10 mins and get loads of tells asking to join -
Grats Double! And hey, Kat/Regen FTW!
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cant argue with that, gratz double and good luck with the katana regen, it is the only choice!!!
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katana/regen! *mumble mumble* dark melee *mumble* their [censored]*mumble*
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katana FTW!!!, well /regen FTW at any rate -
Grats Double! And hey, Kat/Regen FTW!
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cant argue with that, gratz double and good luck with the katana regen, it is the only choice!!! -
gratz jum, srry i had to leave befor eyou dined yesterday, enjoy yet another alt
ill try and be there, lost samurai lvl 50 , damage dealer for hire, standard fee is one hami corpse
ill be there with lost samurai, might eb late cos iwanna be in the pciture.
nice to see you finally made it linx, enjoy your epics
where did u get tht case?, i must get one, its the kind of case the almighty deity would use if he had a computer
Lost Kheldian will be there, currently 31, cant wait to see, hopefully there will be lotsa peeps laggin up atlas